
The European Union

Satan's Counterfeit Kingdom




William Walker in his book The Isles of the Sea  informs us that "A Circle of Twelve Stars on a blue background is the symbol of the twelve tribes of Israel". It is the emblem seen by John the Revelator in Rev 12:1 and by Joseph, son of Jacob (Israel) in Genesis 37: 9-11

" And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a women cloth with the sun, and the moon under her feet, AND UPON HER HEAD A CROWN OF TWELVE STARS".

 This "women" in this vision is none other than the Kingdom of God- the twelve tribes of Israel.

William Walker continues to inform us that things in heaven have there likeness upon the earth. The women with the crown (or circle)  of twelve stars over her head is clearly a symbol of Israel.

The twelve stars on a blue background (representing the heavens) was the symbol of the Kingdom of Israel- the Kingdom of Heaven, and the National Kingdom of God on Earth. However we find that this emblem has been  appropriated by Satan's  counterfeit Kingdom in the Flag of the European Federation. And it is also used in Roman Catholic churches all over the world depicting Mary in the same manner.

In this image we see Mary stood on a crescent moon on the globe of the world with the 12 stars around her head  The crescent moon is the symbol of the unknown influences Mary here as been linked to Astarte & Isis the Phoenician and Egyptian Goddess of fertility.

It is to be noted that Satan from the beginning of creation has been the master counterfeiter and deceiver. The appropriation of Israel's emblem for both his counterfeit and apostate Political Kingdom and church is self evident. 


An Ensign to the Nations

The American Flag with the 13 stars of the first 13 states (add the History of the Flag)  


The Flag of Utah an Ensign to the Nations

This Banner to the Nations represents with its Stars, Strips and colour the order of the Priesthood as it does other things pertaining to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The 12 Stars represent the 12 tribes of Israel, also the 12 apostles.  The Centre star represents Jesus Christ.

The  Blue and white strips represent the Priesthood and Righteousness.

You will notice that the circle of stars is has been adopted, misrepresented, even usurped  by the European Union the Counterfeit Kingdom.