Member Information

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Membership Policy


NAfME Member: Individual has paid dues to be a member of NAfME/MMEA/District 3. NAfME members are the voting members of District 3.

Institutional Member: A school has paid the Institutional Membership fee to MMEA in order to participate in MMEA sponsored Festivals. No individual voting rights are associated with Institutional Membership.

To join or renew

Membership Requirements for Participation in D3 Festivals

District 3 will not prevent students from participating in festivals based on the NAfME Membership status of their teacher(s). If a teacher is not a member, their school must pay an MMEA Institutional membership (or payment of the $100 fee per festival) is sufficient for all schools to participate in our Festivals.

ALL hosts and managers for District 3 events MUST be members in good standing of NAfME through the date of the event and a minimum of one week prior to the event. (MMEA policy)

Payment of Dues for New Teachers

District 3 will cover one half of the NAfME dues for any first year music teacher at a District 3 school who wants to join NAfME.

A "first year teacher" is someone in their very first year of paid teaching. (The first year in Maine or first year in District 3 only qualify if it's also the first year anywhere!)

MMEA will cover the other half for those who had been student members of NAfME.

Contact the District 3 Chair for details.

Voting Rights

Only NAfME members may speak at District 3 meetings. Exceptions may be made by majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Only NAfME members may vote at District 3 meetings.

Only NAfME members may vote in any District 3 election.

Only NAfME members may hold elected offices in District 3.

A person who is not a paid member of an organization has no rightful expectation of having a voice in decisions made by that organization.

Membership Status

A Membership Secretary will be appointed by the District Chair to keep track of membership status

Teachers will sign in with the Membership Secretary, or his/her designee, at meetings and present their current NAfME membership card to demonstrate their status as voting members of the organization.

Mail ballots will only be sent to NAfME members.

Since there is often a time delay that interferes with the accuracy of membership lists sent from NAfME, members are responsible for keeping their status up to date with the District Membership Secretary.