
MAPS Professorial Lecture Series, UTS, 3 May 2024

Which graphs have unique shortest paths?  pdf

AAC Seminar Stevens NJ, 22 April 2024

A new type of pumping lemma for multiple context free languages  pdf

Oberseminar, FMI Stuttgart, 20 March 2024

Some properties of multiple context-free languages

Geometry and topology seminar University of Geneva 12 March 2024

Some properties of multiple context-free languages

Manchester Semigroups Seminar 1 March 2024

A new pumping-type lemma for multiple context free languages

Heriot-Watt Maximals Seminar Feb 21 2024

Graphs and groups with unique geodesics  

North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar Newcastle University (UK) Feb 14 2024

How hard is it to know if there is an epimorphism from one group to another?

GAGTA 2024, CIRM Luminy France, Feb 2024

When is a Cayley graph geodetic?  

Oxford Mathematical Institute Geometric Group Theory seminar, 31 Jan 2024 1:30pm

How hard is it to know if there is an epimorphism from one group to another?

Complexity Day, CUNY, New York, Dec 8 2023

When is a Cayley graph geodetic? recording

AustMS conference, Algebra and Combinatorics special session, UQ Brisbane Dec 2023

On the complexity of epimorphism testing with virtually abelian targets

AAC 2023 Monash Nov 24 2023

Finite groups with geodetic Cayley graphs

Australasian Logic Colloquium UQ Brisbane Nov 7 2023

On the complexity of epimorphism testing with virtually abelian targets 

ICMAT Group Theory Seminar, Madrid, May 18 2023

The search for a k-geodetic group 

Barcelona Group Theory Weekend 5 May 2023

Multiple context free languages 

Oberseminar, FMI Stuttgart, 12 April 2023

The search for a k-geodetic group 

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) Seminar in Algebra (online)  22 March 2023

Solving equations in groups  

UNSW Pure Mathematics Seminar, 7 March 2023

Is F automatic? 

Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting UNSW, 8 Dec 2022

k-geodetic groups  

6th Australian Algebra Conference University of the Sunshine Coast, 30 Nov 2022 

Multiple context free languages (research talk) 

6th Australian Algebra Conference University of the Sunshine Coast, 29 Nov 2022 

Avoiding permutations, stack sorting and k-pop (public lecture) 

AMS-EMS-SMF 2022 congress Special Session on Group Theory, Algorithms and Applications, University of Grenoble, France July 20, 2022 

Some new results about groups presented by finite convergent length reducing rewriting systems 

Straight-Line Programs, Word Equations and their Interplay ICALP 2022 Satellite Workshop, July 4, 2022, Paris 

SLPs in the proof that isomorphism testing for plain groups is in Sigma_3^P  

Permutation Patterns 22 Valparaiso University, Indiana, USA 22 June 2002 (online) 


Groups, Analysis, Geometry Seminar, UTS, 12 May 2022

Plain groups, rewriting systems and complexity 

New York group theory seminar CUNY Graduate Center, 18 February 2022 4pm NY time (online)

On groups presented by inverse-closed finite convergent length-reducing rewriting systems  video

Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting Special session in Algebra 8-11 December 2021 (hybrid)

Equations in hyperbolic groups  

Australian Algebra Conference UWA (online)  17 November 2021 (online)

The isomorphism problem for plain groups is in Σ_3^P 

Algorithmic problems in algebra and logic (Adian seminar) Moscow (online) November 9 2021

Plain groups and rewriting systems 

Automata Theory and Applications: Games, Learning and Structures NUS Singapore (online) September 2021

Detecting plainness in NP 

Workshop on Computation Group Theory Oberwolfach Germany (online) August 2021

Rewriting systems and what kinds of groups they present 

UTS Mathematics Colloquium  (online) 13 July 2021

Rewriting systems, algorithms and a 35 year old conjecture  

Geometric Group Theory in East Asia  (online) 11 June 2021

Deciding plainness in PSPACE   

Sydney Mathematical Research Institute 8 April 2021

Which groups have polynomial geodesic growth?  

Groups-Semigroups-Topology seminar Univ of Nebraska Lincoln (online) 9am Sydney time, 16 Feb 2021 

Some new kinds of automatic groups  

Australian Algebra Conference Univ of Melbourne , 18-20 January 2021 (online)

A virtually 2-step nilpotent group with polynomial geodesic growth

International Conference in Mathematics and Applications Bangkok, Thailand Dec 18-20 2020 (Plenary; online)

Which groups have polynomial geodesic growth?

AustMS Annual Meeting UNE (Virtual) 6-8 Dec 2020: Special session on Algebra

What is a C-Cayley position-faithful linear-time computable group?  recording

Australian Geometric Topology Webinar (online) 25 Nov 2020

Rewriting systems, plain groups, and geodetic graphs

Pure Mathematics Seminar University of Queensland 4 Nov 2020

k-pop and 2-avoidance

University of Adelaide Colloquium, 12 October 2020

Equations in groups

University of Adelaide Geometry Seminar, 9 October 2020

Rewriting systems and geodetic graphs

Western Sydney University Abend Seminars, 17 Sept 2020 (Virtual via Zoom)

Some new kinds of automatic groups

Symmetry in Newcastle  4 Sept 2020 (Virtual via Zoom) 

Rewriting systems and geodetic graphs

Permutation Patterns 2020 Valparaiso University, Indiana, USA June/July 2020 (Virtual Workshop)

2-avoidance slides

University of Geneva Groups and Geometry Seminar June 2020 (Virtual via Zoom)

Co-word problems and geodesic growth in finitely generated groups

Heriot Watt MAXIMALS Seminar Nov 2019

Avoiding permutations and  sorting with stacks 

St Andrews Pure Mathematics Seminar Nov 2019

A new kind of automatic group 

Newcastle University UK, Nov 2019

A new kind of automatic group

Newcastle University UK EDI event, Nov 2019

Avoiding permutations, stack sorting and k-pop

Mahidol University Bangkok Thailand, Sept 2019

Avoiding permutations and sorting with stacks

5th biannual international group theory conference ITB Bandung, Indonesia  Jul 2019

Solving equations in groups

CARMA Colloquium Newcastle May 2019

Sorting permutations with stacks

Algorithmic Problems in Group Theory Dagstuhl, Germany Mar 2019


HW Maximals Seminar Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Feb 2019

Graph automatic groups

Asia-Australia Algebra Conference Western Sydney University, Parramatta, Australia Jan 2019

Equations in hyperbolic groups

 UTS Maths Teaching Seminar Dec 2018

What is Discrete Mathematics 37181?

Equations in one-relator groups and semigroups ICMS Edinburgh, Scotland Sept 2018

Describing solutions to equations over groups in terms of formal languages in PSPACE 

GAGTA Seoul Korea Jul 2018

The structure and complexity of solutions to equations over groups

Oberwolfach, Germany 4 Jun 2018

Is F automatic?

LATA 2018 Bar-Ilan near Tel Aviv, Israel, 10 Apr 2018

Permutations sorted by a finite and an infinite stack in series

Discrete Structures and Algorithms Seminar, Univ of Melbourne, 8 Mar 2018

Pattern avoiding permutations and stack sorting

Algebra Special Session, Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Macquarie 14 Dec 2017

Permutations sorted by a finite and an infinite stack in series

Group actions seminar, University of Sydney, 23 August 2017

The structure of solutions to equations in free and virtually free groups

CQSI Seminar, UTS, 9 August 2017

The structure of solutions to equations in free and virtually free groups

ICALP 2017 Warsaw Poland 13 July 2017

Solutions of twisted word equations, EDT0L languages, and context-free groups

CATS2017 Sydney 1 July 2017

Solving equations in groups

Groups in Galway 19 May 2017

Solving equations in virtually free groups

Statistics/Algebra Seminar, University of Glasgow 12 May 2017

Probabilistic and statistical aspects of geometric group theory

Workshop on Groups, Generalisations and Applications, St Andrews Scotland May 4 2017

Solving twisted word equations in PSPACE

University of Technology Sydney Feb 1 2017

Random walks on groups

Victorian Algebra Conference LaTrobe Nov 22 2016 

Solving twisted equations

MAPS Research Seminar Series, Newcastle, Oct 28 2016

Equations in groups

Workshop on the Thompson Groups,  University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Aug 15 2016

Using random walks to detect amenability in finitely generated groups

Computation in geometric and combinatorial group theory, ICMS Edinburgh, Jul 12 2016

Solving equations in free groups; random walks and amenability

Universal Structures in Mathematics and Computing LaTrobe Jun 28 2016

Pattern languages and equations in free groups

Tufts geometric group theory conference, Boston, USA,  Jun 21 2016

Random walks and amenability

Hunter School of the Performing Arts, Newcastle, May 27 2016

Percolation on infinite graphs

EECS Seminar, EF122, Newcastle, May 11 2016

Finding all solutions to word equations in NSPACE(nlogn)

Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Mar 22 2016

Using random walks to detect amenability in finitely generated groups

Equations and formal languages in algebra conference, Les Diablerets, Switzerland Mar 2016

Languages and groups (minicourse 2 lectures)

CARMA summer research scholar seminar, Jan 13 2016

What is a group?

Algebra/Geometry/Topology Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Dec 9 2015

Random walks and amenability

Victorian Algebra Conference, UWS Parramatta, Dec 1 2015

Random walks and amenability

Geometric and probabilistic methods in group theory and dynamical systems, Texas A&M, Nov 11 2015

Using random walks to detect amenability in finitely generated groups

AustMS annual meeting, Groups and Monoids Special Session, Flinders U, Sept 30 2015

Using random walks to detect amenability in finitely presented groups

GAGTA9 CIRM, Marseille, France, Sept 14 2015

Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages

Universität Stuttgart, Germany, Sept 11 2015

Solving equations in free groups 

Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Sept 1 2015

Solving equations in free groups

Pure Mathematics Seminar, The University of Queensland, Aug 18 2015

Finding all solutions to an equation in a free group in NSPACE(nlog n)

Geometry Seminar, Tohuko University, Japan, Jul 14 2015

Solving equations in free groups

Informal Seminar, Tohuko University, Japan, Jul 14 2015

Random walks, amenability and cogrowth

ICALP 2015 (International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming) Kyoto, Japan, Jul 9 2015

Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages

Workshop on Mathematics and Computation, Newcastle, Jun 20 2015

Computational problems in infinite groups

University of Western Sydney Colloquium, May 27 2015

Solving word equations - more details  

Groups and Combinatorics Seminar, UWA, May 22 2015

Solving equations in free groups -- more details 

School of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, UWA, May 21 2015

Solving equations in free groups 

University of Western Sydney Colloquium, May 13 2015

Solving word equations

Undergraduate Maths Talks, Newcastle, Apr 28 2015

Solving equations in free groups

General Algebra/Lie Algebra/Graph Theory Seminar, LaTrobe, Mar 23 2015

Solving equations in free groups and free monoids with constraints - more details

School of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, LaTrobe, Mar 20 2015

Solving word equations

Victorian Algebra Conference, Monash, Oct 2-3 2014

Equations in free groups and free monoids

GTA Seminar, U Sydney, Sept 24 2014

The complexity of solutions to equations in free groups

Universität Stuttgart, Germany, June 19 2014

Pattern avoiding permutations and sorting with stacks

Workshop on the Extended Family of R. Thompson's Groups, St Andrews, Scotland, May 26 2014

Computing cogrowth and amenability in groups

Algebra-Geometry Seminar, Newcastle University, UK, May 22 2014

Computing cogrowth and amenability in groups

CIRCA Seminar, University of St Andrews, Scotland, May 21 2014

An algebraic generating function for permutations generated by a stack of depth 2 and infinite stack in series

CARMA Seminar, University of Newcastle (AU), May 14 2014

An algebraic generating function for permutations generated by a stack of depth 2 and infinite stack in series

Université de Neuchâtel, Mar 6 2014

Cogrowth of finitely generated groups

Groups acting on rooted trees and around conference IHP Paris, Feb 2014

Random walks on trivial words in groups

37ACCMCC UWA Perth Dec 9 2013

Counter-graph automatic groups

Victorian Algebra Conference, U Melbourne, Nov 28 2013

A Metropolis Markov Chain algorithm to sample trivial words and compute cogrowth in finitely generated groups; or - F is not amenable 

CARMA Seminar, University of Newcastle, Nov 21 2013

A Metropolis Markov Chain algorithm to sample trivial words and compute cogrowth in finitely generated groups; or - F is not amenable

University of Western Sydney Colloquium, Nov 4 2013

Computing with infinite groups -- cogrowth; and logspace normal forms

AustMS annual meeting, Algebra Special Session, U Sydney, Oct 1 2013

Extending the concept of an automatic group

AustMS annual meeting, Group Actions Special Session, U Sydney, Sept 30 2013

The cogrowth series for BS(n,n) is D-finite

CARMA Retreat, Aug 17 2013

k-closures of groups acting on trees

CARMA Mathematical Taster Seminar, Aug 8 2013

Equations in free groups

Université de Neuchâtel, Jul 9 2013

Extending the concept of an automatic group

University of Wollongong Colloquium, June 14 2013

Extending the concept of an automatic group

GAGTA 2013 City University of New York, May 2013

C-graph automatic groups

CARMA Seminar, University of Newcastle, May 16 2013

C-graph automatic groups

Monash Discrete Maths seminar, Apr 29 2013

Thompson's group F

Group theory international webinar, (Online) Mar 14 2013

Some results about growth and cogrowth for finitely generated groups

EMCR Symmetry workshop, Newcastle Dec 7 2012

Computing symmetry

Victorian Algebra Conference, RMIT Nov 30 2012

What is a totally disconnected locally compact group?

Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of Queensland, Nov 7 2012

Embedding Baumslag-Solitar groups into totally disconnected locally compact groups

Computer Science Colloquium, Hofstra University, Oct 10 2012

What is a self-similar group?

New York Group Theory Seminar, Oct 5 2012

Embedding Baumslag-Solitar groups into totally disconnected locally compact groups

AustMS annual meeting, group actions session, University of Ballarat, Sept 26 2012

Embedding Baumslag-Solitar groups into totally disconnected locally compact groups

CARMA Seminar, University of Newcastle, Sept 20 2012

Totally disconnected locally compact groups from Baumslag-Solitar groups

Undergraduate talks in mathematics, University of Newcastle, Sept 11 2012

Computing in logspace

GAGTA2012 Düsseldorff, Germany, Aug 2 2012

New examples of totally disconnected groups

Algebra and Analysis Seminar, University of St Andrews, Scotland, Jul 25 2012

Self-similar groups and their Schreier graphs

CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle, Jun 14 2012

What is a self-similar group?

School of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, University of Adelaide, Apr 20 2012

What is a self-similar group?

Differential Geometry Seminar, University of Adelaide, Apr 20 2012

New examples of totally disconnected, locally compact groups

IMIA seminar, University of Wollongong, Mar 21 2012

Finding short words in the first Grigorchuk group

AMSI workshop on 'Connecting finite and infinite mathematics through symmetry', University of Wollongong, Feb 1-3 2012

New examples of totally disconnected groups

SAMS-AMS Joint meeting, Special session on combinatorial and computational group theory, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Dec 1 2011

New examples of totally disconnected groups

Algebra-Geometry-Topology seminar, The University of Melbourne, Nov 22 2011

New examples of totally disconnected, locally compact groups coming from geometric group theory

AustMS annual meeting, algebra and number theory session, University of Wollongong, Sept 28 2011

New results about Baumslag-Solitar groups

CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle, Aug 18 2011

Stack sorting and pattern-avoiding permutations

GTA Seminar, University of Newcastle, May 31 2011

Computing in infinite groups in logspace

CARMA Seminar, University of Newcastle, Mar 24 2011

Finding short words in the Grigorchuk group

Infinite groups seminar, University of Sydney, Nov 22 2010

What is ... a sofic group? 

CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle, Nov 18 2010

Random subgroups of Thompson's group F

Victorian algebra conference, Monash, Nov 4-5 2010

Closure properties of logspace computable groups

AustMS annual meeting, Special session on algebra and number theory, UQ, Sept 2010

Logspace computable groups

Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology Seminar, UQ, Mar 23 2010

Generating functions and context-free grammars

Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology Seminar, UQ, Jan 19 2010

Computing geodesics in BS(1,p) in linear time

Victorian Algebra Conference, University of Melbourne, Nov 5-6 2009

What is ... a sofic group?

Mathematics Colloquia Series, LaTrobe University, Nov 3 2009

Computing in infinite groups

PhD Journal Club, UQ, Oct-Nov 2009

Introductory lectures on geometric group theory (series of talks given together with Stephan Tillmann)

AustMS Conference, Special Session on Geometry and Topology, University of South Australia, Sept 29, 2009

Geodesic growth and cogrowth for groups

Maths Teaching Seminar, UQ, May 13 2009

Matlab in 1051 - making it real, integrated, relevant

Stevens/ACC Webinar, Online, Apr 6 2009 (3pm NJ time)

Some geodesic problems

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UQ Mar 31 2009

Geodesics in the first Grigorchuk group

Computer Science Colloquium, Hofstra University, Mar 18 2009

Pattern avoiding permutations and sorting with stacks 

Geometric and asymptotic group theory with applications, Stevens Inst of Tech, Mar 9 2009

Counting elements and geodesics in groups

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UQ, Oct 7 2008

Stallings' group has a quadratic Dehn function

Victorian Algebra Conference, RMIT, Oct 3 2008

Stallings' group has a quadratic Dehn function

Algebra-Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Melbourne, Aug 26 2008

Amenability and percolation for infinite graphs

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UQ, July 29 2008

Amenability and percolation 

School of Physical Sciences Colloquium, UQ, May 16 2008

Rapid transit in groups - finding your way around BS(1,p)

Geometry/Topology Seminar, University of Melbourne, Mar 20 2008

Geodesic growth

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UQ, Mar 11 2008

Geodesics in groups - describing, counting and computing them

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UQ, Mar 4 2008

Pattern avoiding permutations and sorting with stacks

Fields Workshop in Asymptotic Group Theory and Cryptography, Carleton University, Ottawa, Dec 15 2007

Stallings' group has a quadratic Dehn function

New York Group Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, Nov 16 2007

Stallings' group has a quadratic Dehn function

Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, Oct 4 2007

¿Cuales un grupo automatico?

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Sept 3 2007

Counting tree pairs and random subgroups

Geometry and Topology Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Jul 23 2007

Thompson's group F

Stevens Inst Tech, ACC Seminar, May 3 2007

Generating functions and asymptotic subgroups of Thompson's group 

Colloquium Rutgers University, Mar 28 2007

Asymptotic subgroups of groups

Groups 007 CIRM, Marseille, France, Mar 1 2007

Asymptotic properties of subgroups of Thompson's group F

Cornell University, Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminar, Feb 6 2007

Asymptotic properties of subgroups of Thompson's group F

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Discrete Math Seminar, Nov 21 2006

Asymptotic density and Thompson's group F

Math dept seminar, Bowdoin College, Maine, Nov 8 2006

G-automata and word problems for groups

Math student seminar, Bowdoin College, Maine, Nov 8 2006

Stack sorting

New York Group Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, Oct 20 2006

Automata you can count on

Stevens Inst of Tech, Computer Science Seminar, Oct 10 2006

Stack sorting and permutation patterns

Ohio State University, Geometric Group Theory Seminar, Oct 4 2006

D-finiteness and group growth

Tufts University, GGT@Tufts Seminar, Sept 26 2006

D-finiteness and group growth

University of Wollongong, HSC Maths Day, Jul 3 2006

The binomial theorem, permutations and combinations

Stat-Mech Seminar, University of Melbourne, May 18 2006

Permutations generated by stack in series

Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, Mar 6 2006

Pattern-avoiding permutations

University of Wollongong, Colloquium, Mar 2 2006

An introduction to pattern-avoiding permuations

Manifolds in Melbourne, Jan 2006

Zimin words, Schreier graphs, dead ends, and Grigorchuk's group

University of Sydney, Algebra seminar, Sept 2 2005

Looking for short words in the first Grigorchuk group

Groups St Andrews, Scotland, Aug 4 2005

Limit groups and games you can play with Cayley graphs

Barcelona Conference on Geometric Group Theory, CRM, Spain, Jul 1 2005

Zimin words, Schreier graphs, and Grigorchuk's group

Asymptotic and Probabilistic Methods in Geometric Group Theory, Geneva, Jun 23 2005

Languages of geodesics in groups

CRM, Barcelona, Seminari de Geometria del Problema de la Paraula, Jun 17 2005

Geodesics in the first Grigorchuk group

University of St Andrews, CIRCA Seminar, May 18 2005

Words in the Grigorchuk group

University of Washington, Combinatorics Seminar, Apr 20 2005

Formal languages and patttern avoiding permutations

New York Group Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, Apr 1 2005

Formal languages and some problems in combinatorics

Pattern Avoiding Permutations 05, Gainsville, Florida, Mar 2005

Pattern avoiding permutations are context-sensitive

Combinatorics Seminar, University of Melbourne, Feb 10 2005

New ideas for restricted permutations

Fields Institute Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, Toronto, Canada, Dec 15 2004

Pattern avoiding permutations are context-sensitive

Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Montreal, Canada, Dec 12 2004

Geodesic languages for the lamplighter groups and other wreath products

University of Washington, Algebra Seminar, Oct 19 2004

A context-free and a counter geodesic language for Baumslag-Solitar groups

Albany Group Theory Conference, Rensselaerville, New York, Oct 9 2004

Having a counter full language of geodesics is not invariant under change of generating set

University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Algebra Seminar, May 20 2004

Regular, context-free and counter geodesic languages for groups

University of Glasgow Algebra Seminar, May 5 2004

Formal languages of geodesics in groups

Edinburgh & Heriot-Watt Algebra Seminar, May 4 2004

Regular, context-free and counter languages of geodesics in groups

Conference on Geometric Group Theory, Bedlewo, Poland, Apr 18-24 2004

Geodesic languages for the lamplighter groups

Binghamton University, Geometry/Topology Seminar, Binghamton, New York, Apr 1 2004

Regular, context-free and counter languages of geodesics

Cornell University, Topology & Geometric Group Theory Seminar, Ithaca, New York, Mar 30 2004

Regular, context-free and counter languages of geodesics

AMS Sectional Meeting, Special session on probabilistic and asymptotic aspects of group theory, Athens, Ohio, Mar 26 2004

A context-free language of geodesic normal forms for Baumslag-Solitar groups

University of St Andrews, CIRCA seminar, Mar 10,24 2004

Formal language classes; Regular, context-free and counter languages of geodesics for the Lamplighter groups

Albany Group Theory Conference, Rensselaerville, New York, Oct 19, 2003

A context-free language of geodesics for Baumslag-Solitar groups

Brandeis University, Topology Seminar, Waltham, Massachusetts, Sept 24, 2003

Patterns theory for some Cayley graphs of groups

Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Lubbock, Texas, Mar20, 2003

Regular geodesic languages in CAT(0) groups

New York Group Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, Feb 2003

Combinatorial conditions that imply word-hyperbolicity for 3-manifolds

Columbia University Geometric Topology Seminar, New York, Feb 14 2003 (current page)

Minimal almost convexity and Baumslag-Solitar groups

Wasatch Topology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 26 2002

The loop shortening property and almost convexity

University of Melbourne, Geometry/Topology seminar, Melbourne, Australia, May 20 2002

A new class of word-hyperbolic 3-manifolds

AMS National Meeting, Special Session on Computational Topology, San Diego, California, Jan 8 2002

A special case of the weak hyperbolization conjecture

Albany Group Theory Conference, Rensselaerville, New York, Oct 13 2001

The loop shortening property for groups

Finitely Presented Groups: Questions and Algorithms, Trento, Italy, Jul 24 2001

Patterns theory and geodesic automatic structure

Workshop on Geometric Group Theory, Montreal, Canada, Jul 2001

Finiteness and the falsification by fellow traveler property

York University Algebra Seminar, Toronto, Canada, Apr 16 2001

Curvature testing in metric polyhedral complexes and lunar exploration

Groups-semigroups-topology seminar, University of Nebrska Lincoln, Mar 2001

Patterns theory and automatic groups

Rice University, Houston, Texas, Jan 29 2001

Curvature testing in metric polyhedral complexes and lunar exploration

Albany Group Theory Conference, Rensselaerville, New York, Oct 14 2000

Finiteness properties and almost convexity

Texas A&M University, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, College Station, Texas, Oct 2 2000

Geodesics and patterns in groups

Computational and Geometric Aspects of Groups and Semigroups Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 19 2000

Finiteness properties for almost convex groups

Conference on Computational and Geometric Group Theory, Sydney, Australia, Nov 1999

Patterns theory and automatic groups

AustMS/AMS Joint meeting, Melbourne Jul 12-16 1999

A non-Hopfian almost convex group

This page is a record of all the research talks (plus others) I have given since near the end of my PhD, when I started keeping a record