

57. M. Elder, A. Piggott, F. Stober, A. Thumm, A. Weiß

Finite groups with geodetic Cayley graphs


56. M. Elder, G. Gardam, A. Piggott, D. Spriano and K, Townsend

Graphs and groups with unique geodesics



55. M . Elder, A. Piggott and K. Townsend

On k-geodetic graphs and groups 

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 33(6), p.1169 - 1182, 2023


54.  M . Elder and A. Piggott

On groups presented by inverse-closed finite convergent length-reducing rewriting systems

Journal of Algebra 627 pp.106-131, 2023 


53. A. Bishop, M. Elder,

A virtually 2-step nilpotent group with polynomial geodesic growth

Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 32:2, pp. 21-28, 2022

arxiv: 2007.06834 

52. D. Berdinsky, M. Elder and J. Taback

On the geometry of Cayley automatic groups

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 32:3, pp.383-409, 2022


51.  H. Dietrich, M. Elder, A. Piggott, Y. Qiao, A. Weiß

The isomorphism problem for plain groups is in Σ_3^P  

39th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2022) 26:1-26:14 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) v.219, 2022


50.  M . Elder and A. Piggott

Rewriting systems, plain groups, and geodetic graphs

Theoretical Computer Science 903 pp.134-144, 2022


49. D. Berdinsky, M. Elder and P. Kruengthomya

Cayley polynomial-time computable groups

Information and Computation 288, 2022, 15 pages


48.  L. Ciobanu, M. Elder,

The complexity of solution sets to equations in hyperbolic groups

Israel Journal of Mathematics  245, 869–920 2021

arxiv: 2001.09591 

47. D. Berdinsky, M. Elder and J. Taback

Being Cayley automatic is closed under taking wreath product with virtually cyclic groups

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society  104(3), pp.464-47, 2021


46. M. Elder, Y. K. Goh,

k-pop stack sortable permutations and 2-avoidance

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28:1 Article Number P1.54, 2021 

arxiv: 1911.03104

45. V. Diekert, M. Elder, 

Solutions to twisted word equations and equations in virtually free groups

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 30 (4) (2020) pp.731–819

arxiv: 1701.03297 

44. L. Ciobanu, M. Elder, 

Solutions sets to systems of equations in hyperbolic groups are EDT0L in PSPACE

46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2019) Vol 132 pp.110:1-110:15

arxiv: 1902.07349 

43.  A. Bishop, M. Elder,

Bounded automata groups are co-ET0L

Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Springer International Publishing, pp. 82-94, 2019

arxiv: 1811.10157 

42. M. Elder, C. Rogers, 

On a theorem of Avez 

Journal of Group Theory 22(3) 2019 (published online 20 Jan 2019)

arxiv: 1605.04065 

41. M. Elder, C. Rogers,

Sub-dominant cogrowth behaviour and the viability of determining amenability numerically 

Experimental Mathematics 28(1) 2019 (published online 22 Aug 2017)


40. L. Ciobanu, M. Elder, M. Ferov,  

Applications of L systems to group theory 

International Journal of Algebra and Computation  28:2, 2018, 309-329


39. M. Elder, Y. K. Goh, 

Permutations sorted by a finite and an infinite stack in series

LATA 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 10792, April 2018


38. M. Elder, G. Willis, 

Totally disconnected groups from Baumslag-Solitar groups

Infinite group theory from the past to the future, World Scientific, 2018, 51-79


37. V. Diekert, M Elder,

Solutions of twisted word equations, EDT0L languages, and context-free groups

Automata, Languages, and Programming, 44nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2017, Warsaw, Poland, July 10-14, 2017, Proceedings, 2017


36. L. Ciobanu, V. Diekert, M. Elder,

Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 26:5, 2016, 843-886 


35. T. Brough, L. Ciobanu, M. Elder, G. Zetzsche,

Permutations of context-free, ET0L and indexed languages

Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 17:3, 2016, 167–178


34. M. Elder, J. Taback,

Thompson’s group F is 1-counter graph automatic

Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 2016


33. B. Burton, M. Elder, A. Kalka, S. Tillmann,

2-manifold recognition is in logspace

Journal of Computational Geometry 7(1) 70–85, 2016


32. M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer, E. J. Janse van Rensburg, 

Random sampling of trivial words in finitely presented groups

Experimental Mathematics 24(4) 391–409, 2015


31. L. Ciobanu, V. Diekert, M. Elder,

Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages 

Automata, Languages, and Programming, 42nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2015, Kyoto, Japan, July 6-10, 2015, Proceedings, Part II, 134–145, 2015


30. J. Burillo, M. Elder, 

Metric properties of Baumslag-Solitar groups

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 25(5) 799–811, 2015


29. M. Elder, G. Lee, A. Rechnitzer,

Permutations generated by a depth 2 stack and an infinite stack in series are algebraic

Includes sequence A245233, P0015

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2015) Issue 2 article P2.16


28. C. Banks, M. Elder, G. Willis,

Simple groups of automorphisms of trees determined by their action on finite subtrees

Journal of Group Theory 18 (2015), 235–261


27. N. Davis, M. Elder, L. Reeves,

Non-contracting groups generated by (3,2)-automata

Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 17 (2014) Number 1 pages 20–32


26. M. Elder, J. Taback,

C-graph automatic groups.

Journal of Algebra 413 (2014) Issue 1 pages 289–319


25. M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer, E. J. Janse van Rensburg, T. Wong,

The cogrowth series for BS(N,N) is D-finite

Includes sequences A002894 -- A229652

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 24 (2014) Issue 2 pages 171–187


24. M. Elder, G. Elston, G. Ostheimer,

On groups that have normal forms computable in logspace

Journal of Algebra 381 (2013) Issue 1 pages 260–281


23. M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer, T. Wong,

On the cogrowth of Thompson's group F

Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 4 (2012) Issue 2 pages 301–320

Includes sequence A246877


22. M. Bridson, J. Burillo, M. Elder, Z. Sunic,

On groups whose geodesic growth is polynomial

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 (2012) Number 5


21. M. Elder,

A linear time algorithm to compute geodesics in solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups

Illinois Journal of Mathematics 54 (2010) Number 1 pages 109–128


20. M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer,

Some geodesic problems in groups

Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 2 (2010) Issue 2 pages 223–229


19. M. Elder, E. Fusy, A. Rechnitzer,

Counting elements and geodesics in Thompson's group F

Journal of Algebra 324 (2010) Issue 1 pages 102-121

Includes sequences A156945 and A156946


18. S. Cleary, M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer, J. Taback,

Random subgroups of Thompson's group F

Groups, Geometry, Dynamics 4 (2010) Issue 1 pages 91-126

Includes sequence A111713


17. W. Dison, M. Elder, T. Riley, R. Young,

The Dehn function of Stallings' group.

Geometric and Functional Analysis 19 (2009) Number 2 pages 406-422


16. M. Elder, M. Kambites, G. Ostheimer,

On groups and counter automata

International Journal of Algebra and Computation 18 (2008) Number 8 pages 1345 - 1364


15. M. Elder, 

G-automata, counter languages and the Chomsky hierarchy

Proceedings of Groups St Andrews 2005, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 339 (2007)


14. M. Elder,

Permutations generated by a stack of depth 2 and an infinite stack in series

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 13 (2006) Issue 1 article R68

Includes sequence A245233, P0015


13. S. Cleary, M. Elder, J. Taback,

Cone types and geodesic languages for lamplighter groups and Thompson's group F

Journal of Algebra 303 (2006) Issue 2 pages 476-500


12. M.H. Albert, M. Elder, A. Rechnitzer, P. Westcott, M. Zabrocki,

On the Stanley-Wilf limit of 4231-avoiding permutations and a conjecture of Arratia

Advances in Applied Mathematics 36(2) Special Issue on Pattern Avoiding Permutations (2006) pages 96-105

Includes sequence A061552


11. M. Elder,

Regular languages and the falsification by fellow traveler property

Algebraic and Geometric Topology Vol 5 (2005), paper no. 8, pages 129-134


10. M. Elder,

A context-free and a 1-counter geodesic language for a Baumslag-Solitar group

Theoretical Computer Science Vol 339, Issues 2-3 (2005) 344--371


9. M. Elder, S. Hermiller,

Minimal almost convexity

Journal of Group Theory Vol 8, No 2 (2005) 239--266 


8. M. Elder, J. McCammond,

CAT(0) is an algorithmic property

Geometriae Dedicata Vol 107, No 1 (2004) 25--46


7. M. Elder,

Lδ groups are almost convex and have sub-cubic Dehn function

Algebraic and Geometric Topology Vol 4 (2004) 23--29


6. M. Elder,

A non-Hopfian almost convex group

Journal of Algebra Vol 271, No 1 (2004) 11--21


5. M. Elder,

The loop shortening property and almost convexity

Geometriae Dedicata Vol 102 No 1 (2003) 1--18


4. M. Elder, J. McCammond, J. Meier,

Combinatorial conditions that imply word-hyperbolicity for 3-manifolds

Topology Vol 42, Issue 6, (2003) 1241--1259


3. M. Elder,

Patterns theory and geodesic automatic structure

International Journal of Algebra and Computation Vol 13, No 2 (2003) 203--230


2. M. Elder, J. McCammond,

Curvature testing in 3-dimensional metric polyhedral complexes

Experimental Mathematics Vol 11, No 1 (2002) 143--158


1. M. Elder,

Finiteness and the falsification by fellow traveler property

Geometriae Dedicata Vol 95 (2002) 103--113.



1. M. Elder, J. McCammond, 



survey articles 

3. M. Elder,

Is F automatic?

Oberwolfach Reports, June 2018


2. M. Elder,

A short introduction to self-similar groups

AustMS Gazette Vol 39, No 3 (2012). Reprinted in Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter, Vol 3, No 1 (2013)


1. M. Elder, V. Vatter

Problems and Conjectures presented at the Third International Conference on Permutation Patterns, University of Florida, March 7-11, 2005



2. M. Elder,

Automaticity, almost convexity and falsification by fellow traveler properties of some finitely presented groups

PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2000

PDF (1752k)   

(ranked as one of the most unusual thesis titles in Australia over a 20 year period by

1. M. Elder,

Coxeter groups and the Moussong Complex

MSc Thesis, The University of Melbourne, 1996. 

PDF (345k)

books edited

1. J. Burillo, S. Cleary, M. Elder, J. Taback and E. Ventura (eds) Geometric methods in group theoryContemporary Mathematics 372, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2005

see also

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