



mcjTransExpress was created to transfer expression animations from Genesis 1 to Genmesis 2,3,4

but it should also let you transfer between any Genesis figures




December January 10th 2018 - Release V1




The zip package is found at the bottom of this page

unzip it in your daz content folder,

typically :

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library

once installed, it will appear in your content library, under

The Daz Script will be found in My Library / Scripts / mcasual

Starting with Windows 7 if you right click on the downloaded zip file

and select the [Extract All ....] pop-up menu item

you simply browse up to your Daz Studio Content Folder

and the files will fall in the proper folder




Select the source figure followed by

the destination figure before running this script

This script will work for Genesis figures but most probably not older generations.

Pressing the 'Transfer' button will copy all active morph keys for the head of the figures.

For the 'Offset' field, a negative value, ex: -30 will make the destination figure's

motion occur 30 frames before the source figure.