

For the duration of the timeline's playRange,

make a targeter nose follow the position of a target node

by moving the hip bone of a figure

example: make a hand node follow a moving ball

Also see this script which is similar but pins the position of the target node


May 17th 2019 - Release


The zip package is found at the bottom of this page

unzip it in your daz content folder,

typically :

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library

once installed, it will appear in your content library, under

My Library / Scripts / mcasual

Starting with Windows 7 if you right click on the downloaded zip file

and select the [Extract All ....] pop-up menu item

you simply browse up to your Daz Studio Content Folder

and the files will fall in the proper folder


select the target node, for example a moving ball

then, without losing your target selection, select the targeter node

the targeter must be somehow parented to a figure,

since it's the hip bone that will cause the targeter to follow the target

so, for example, a hand node or a or a sword parented to a hand or a null node at the point of a sword,

parented to a sword that is parented to a hand

Set the TimeLine playRange to the appropriate range, example, frames 0 to 30 for a 30-frames dance loop.

Run the script

If your selection is valid the name of your selection and the hip node will be displayed

There is an option to use the root node of the figure instead of the hip bone, to solve the task at hand

Click on the "Do it" button and a fraction of a second later the job is done !