For Book Clubs and Reading Groups

Calling all Book Clubs and Reading Groups

Would you like to use one of my books for your group?

Contact me at for information on how you can get the book at a bulk rate. With a little advance notice, I can get the books to you at a discount. Please use “Book Club Request” as the subject line.

If your members would like the books signed, I can provide that service at no additional charge. If they already have copies of the book, I'll be happy to send signed bookplates for them to add to their books.

Does your group host author visits? I’ll be glad to chat with your members either in person or online through Skype, Facetime, FaceBook Messenger or Periscope if our schedules permit. With the magic of technology, distance doesn’t matter!

Please note: We’ll stand a better chance of coordinating our schedules if you give me a month or two of lead time. I look forward to meeting you and your group members.

Discussion questions for Death in the Daylilies: Download here.