roc shen's Story

how do I overcome all my epilepsy Journey? did I give up? no. did I lose hope? no. how did I feel. did I cry when I have all the feeling of epilepsy though? yes I did felt sad. I felt disappointed when I have fits again. I am struggling a lot. did I succeed? yes!! did I fail? no. did I sinusitis? no. this is how I overcome it.

my role model is all with me. they are all forever with me and they are all taking care of me. no matter what happens, you are always with me.

for those who have epilepsy, don't give up on yourself okay!!! you guys can do it. saya Seorang pesakit epilepsy. tak pernah lose hope. So korang semua pun buat yg terbaik tau. kalau orang cakap apa apa pun, buat diam je.

saya dah masuk zon merah zon kuning berapa Kali dah. korang semua pun jangan lose hope okay 👍😁👍👍

even kalau epilepsy patient tak boleh drive, we can just sit grab to work or we can just do something we love. we can find a job that suits us and suits yourself. like singing, dancing, playing piano.

korang boleh je pergi kerja semua Tu. you guys can do it. korang kalau kena buli, just ignore them and don't care on what they are trying to say. they are just trying to say something bad to you. this is their thoughts on what their trying to do.

you guys are also fighting with epilepsy. epilepsy bukan sahaja epilepsy. epilepsy boleh sahaja buat kerja. bukan tak boleh buat kerja pun. raise yourself up. you guys can do it. 🎊 don't forget to like comment share and subscribe!!! yayy 😉😁👍👍💯🔥🔥

不要放棄自己,也不要感到難過。 只要有信心

不在乎別人怎麼說。 不要在意別人想對你做什麼。 你不僅是癲癇症。 你可以和他們打架。 不要認為你無能為力。 你可以。 但是,你需要嘗試


don't give up!!

jangan putus asa!!

Again remember don't give up on yourself. you have your parents with you. you have your body guards with you. you need to take care of yourself and try to be independent. don't judge the book with its cover.

By Roc Shen Goh

January 2023