COVID-19 and Epilepsy

COVID-19 Vaccines and Epilepsy


Is it safe for people with epilepsy to get the COVID-19 vaccines?

The following statement was provided by the International Bureau for Epilepsy and the International League Against Epilepsy.

Vaccines against COVID-19 are currently being approved and becoming available.

There is currently no evidence to suggest that having epilepsy is specifically associated with a higher risk of side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine. For people with epilepsy, the risk of COVID-19 infection and potential complications far outweighs the risk of side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine. As with other vaccines however, a fever can develop after a COVID-19 vaccination. This could lower the seizure threshold in some people. Antipyretics (e.g. paracetamol/acetaminophen) taken regularly for 48 hours after the vaccination (or for the duration of fever) will minimize this risk.

Before you receive a COVID-19 vaccine, make sure to let your vaccination provider know that you have epilepsy, as well as any other important medical information, such as:

  • Allergies, especially an allergy to any ingredient in the vaccine

  • Allergic reactions to prior vaccines (e.g. flu vaccine)

  • Current or recent fever or infection

  • All medications you are taking, especially medications that suppress the immune system (e.g. immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive medicines) or anticoagulants.

  • If you are pregnant or nursing, or plan to become pregnant

As with any vaccine, you should not receive the COVID-19 vaccine if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

You should not receive a second dose if you had an allergic reaction to the first dose.

If you already received the COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to continue adhering to the SOP provided and to keep on wearing your face mask, washing your hands with soap or hand sanitizer, and maintaining 1-metre physical distancing.

The current vaccines reduce your risk of getting sick from COVID-19 by up to 90%, depending on the vaccine, but vaccinated people may still be able to spread COVID-19 to others without knowing they are carrying it. (ILAE March 2021)

To read the statement above in other languages (Chinese, Spanish etc), Click Here.

For more information about the COVID-19 Vaccine in Malaysia, Click Here.

There are multiple ways to register for your vaccine in Malaysia. You can find them here.

If you do have other health conditions you should speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have.

Vaksin COVID-19 dan Epilepsi

(Bahasa Malaysia)

Adakah selamat bagi penghidap epilepsi untuk mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19?

Pernyataan berikut adalah Pernyataan Bersama “International Bureau for Epilepsy” dan “International League Against Epilepsy” mengenai vaksin COVID-19 dan individu yang memiliki epilepsi.

Vaksin terhadap COVID-19 kini telah diluluskan dan sudah tersedia.

Pada masa ini, tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa penghidap epilepsi (penyakit sawan) mengalami kesan sampingan vaksin COVID-19 pada risiko yang lebih tinggi. Bagi orang yang menghidap epilepsi (penyakit sawan), risiko jangkitan COVID-19 dan komplikasi adalah jauh melebihi risiko kesan sampingan serius daripada vaksin COVID-19. Seperti vaksin lain, penerima vaksin COVID-19 mungkin akan mendapat demam setelah divaksinasi. Demam berpotensi untuk menyebabkan sesetengah pesakit epilepsi lebih cenderung untuk diserang sawan. Ubat demam seperti parasetamol/asetaminofen yang diambil secara berkala selama 48 jam setelah vaksinasi (atau selama mengalami demam), akan mengurangkan risiko ini.

Sebelum anda menerima vaksin COVID-19, pastikan untuk memberitahu petugas kesihatan vaksinasi bahawa anda menghidap epilepsi, serta maklumkan semua maklumat perubatan penting yang lain, seperti:

  • Alahan yang dihadapi sebelum ini terhadap sebarang vaksin, ubat atau makanan, terutamanya alahan terhadap sebarang bahan di dalam vaksin.

  • Mengalami reaksi alahan sebelum ini terhadap sebarang vaksin (contoh vaksin selesema).

  • Berasa tidak sihat dan demam, (jangkitan semasa atau baru selepas).

  • Semua ubat yang anda ambil, terutamanya ubat yang mempengaruhi sistem imun (seperti ubat imunomodulator atau imunosupresif), atau anti-koagulan (ubat untuk menghalang pembekuan darah).

  • Sekiranya anda hamil atau menyusu, atau merancang untuk hamil.

Seperti mana-mana vaksin, anda tidak boleh menerima vaksin COVID-19 jika anda mempunyai alahan kepada sebarang bahan di dalam vaksin ini.

Anda tidak boleh menerima dos kedua jika anda mengalami reaksi alahan atau masalah pernafasan berikutan pemberian dos pertama vaksin COVID-19.

Sekiranya anda sudah mendapat vaksin COVID-19, anda masih perlu mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan dan adalah penting untuk terus memakai pelitup muka, membasuh tangan dengan sabun atau gunakan pembersih tangan, dan menjaga penjarakan fizikal 1 meter.

Vaksin yang ada boleh mengurangkan risiko anda jatuh sakit daripada jangkitan COVID-19 hingga 90% (bergantung kepada jenis vaksin), tetapi penerima vaksin masih boleh menyebarkan jangkitan COVID-19 kepada orang lain tanpa menyedari mereka adalah pembawa virus tidak bergejala. (ILAE March 2021)

Untuk membaca pernyataan di atas dalam bahasa lain (Mandarin, Sepanyol dll), Klik Di Sini.

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai vaksin COVID-19 di Malaysia, Klik Di Sini.

Untuk melihat panduan mendaftar untuk vaksinasi COVID-19 di Malaysia, Klik Di Sini.

Jika anda mempunyai masalah kesihatan yang lain, anda digalakkan untuk mendapatkan kepastian selanjutnya dari doktor atau doktor pakar di klinik atau hospital berdekatan.

COVID-19 & Epilepsy (Update) - February 2022

Updates on COVID-19 Vaccines, Boosters, and People with Epilepsy

Dr. Fong Si Lei (Executive Committee Member of PEM, Neurologist, University of Malaya Medical Centre) talks about the COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, and other questions regarding people with epilepsy, seizures, and COVID-19 infections.


Soal Jawab Vaksin COVID-19 dan Epilepsi - Julai 2021

Soal Jawab bersama Dr. Sherrini Ahmad, Presiden Persatuan Epilepsi Malaysia.

Presiden Persatuan Epilepsi Malaysia, Dr. Sherrini Ahmad, menjawab soalan-soalan lazim yang sering diutarakan mengenai epilepsi dan vaksin COVID-19 di Malaysia.

Produced by: Persatuan Epilepsi Malaysia, Epilepsy UM

Epilepsy Expert Forum COVID-19 Vaccines Q&A - 18 March 2021

Question: Can we take the vaccine and are there any side effects?

*Question asked during the 1st Epilepsy Patient and Caregiver Symposium held in Conjunction with Malaysian Epilepsy Congress, on the 18th March 2021.

Listen to answers from Professor Raymond Azman Ali (Professor in Neurology UITM & Chairman of Epilepsy Council), Professor Lim Kheng Seang (Professor in Neurology, UM), and Dr. Sherrini Bazir Ahmad (Consultant Neurologist SJMC, President of Persatuan Epilepsi Malaysia).

Produced by: Secretariat of 1st Malaysian Epilepsy Congress

Epilepsy & COVID-19: What You Need To Know

Professor Dr. Lim Kheng Seang (Honorary Advisor of PEM, Consultant Neurologist UM) talks about some concerns of epileptic patients during this COVID-19 season, such as can COVID-19 cause seizures, or can seizures get worse or more frequent if someone with epilepsy is infected with COVID-19?

(Multilingual Content - English, Bahasa, Mandarin)

Produced by: Epilepsy UM

COVID-19 & Epilepsy Information Resources