rishantini's Story

Stress Epilepsy

Life is a pathway to achieving goals and is definitely something that we all look forward to. Well, I was one of the people who had so many dreams and goals to achieve, but struggles were real as I was one of the victims of epilepsy which I was diagnosed with 7 years ago.

Taking a flashback 7 years ago I, Rishantini Devadas was 20 years old, pursuing my bachelor's in law in Brickfields Asia College. Life was great as a law student; I really enjoyed my student dream and ambition course. Everything in life that you choose has pros and cons, yes! You are right. Law is a very stressful and bulky course subject, no matter how much you love this, you will need to be able to manage and handle the stress. I took it as a challenge and studied day and night without blinking my eyes, no rest so I could be the best student and fly out of Malaysia for a Degree Transfer Programme. Exams were over and all went well.

Moving forward, the next day at home while I was cooking in the kitchen for my parents, I had just collapsed and had my first epilepsy attack. My mum just walked in to check if everything was ready and she found me on the ground unconscious and the food was still on the stove boiling. She panicked and off the stove quickly and seek medical assistance from my sister as she is a Doctor (Medical Officer). I received some first aid and I got conscious after 15-20 minutes, remembered that I vomited right after I woke up. The experience was terrible, I had terrible body ache and headache, could not walk after all 0% of energy.

After gaining some rest, we visited the hospital the next day. I visited SJMC (Subang Jaya), I was not attended for the whole day in Emergency had bad service. I was tired and scared that I was going to get another attack as it was almost 8 pm as I was waiting from 11 am. My sibling rushed me to Sunway Medical Center Emergency and got me admitted immediately. After being admitted I had two seizure attacks in the hospital while I was admitted. I cried myself, for going through this at this age. I also question myself, Is this genetic epilepsy? How can I complete my studies and proceed with my career? I was afraid. This is because my mum has a history of epilepsy.

In addition, the reports were all taken, the neurologist diagnosed and confirmed my epilepsy is a peculiar one, I was crushed and broke down by the doctor’s explanation. The medicine given was a total threat to me, I always felt sleepy, I could not study, I was feeling dizzy, lost focus and etc. I changed several medicines to fight against this disease. I decided to be strong and motivate myself. I start exercising, I can’t get tired, mentally stress or I will collapse. I continued my studies; I was determined to fly overseas to pursue my law and I did.

During my studies overseas, I had multiple attacks, my housemates, managed and helped me out as I have storied them regarding my situation and I have to thank them throughout. I have succeeded in my journey throughout and I am back and I still do have seizure episodes until this day, I do not know when is this going to end. I have even lost my friends because I have epilepsy, they are afraid to hang out with me anymore. Nobody wants the responsibility to help, everybody wants a perfect lifestyle. It hurts sometimes, but I hope it is for the best. I have gone through so many obstacles in these 7 years, I can’t believe that I did it and have gone through it, I have put on so much weight, it messes with my hormones and now I lost weight because of my recent medicines Topamac 100mg. Thank you, God, for everything!

Everything happens for a reason; I hope it is for the best reason ever.

By Rishantini a/p Devadas

March 2021