Communal Box (Share Box Weapons)


This will make the box weapon take-able for all players, not just the person that hit the box.All changes will be in your _zombiemode_weapons.gsc, treasure_chest_think() function.I have provided two options, the few steps necessary for this, or at the bottom of the page you can select and replace the entire function.


Locate the treasure_chest_think() function.

Replace the following:

  self setvisibletoplayer( user ); 


  self setvisibletoplayer( user );   self thread GiveMeASecond(); //gives the player who hit the box time to take weapon  

Replace the following:

   if( grabber == user || grabber == level ) 


   if( is_player_valid(grabber) || grabber == level ) 

Replace the following:

    if( grabber == user && is_player_valid( user ) && user GetCurrentWeapon() != "mine_bouncing_betty" )   


    user = grabber;     if( is_player_valid( user ) && user GetCurrentWeapon() != "mine_bouncing_betty" ) 

Then add the following function after the treasure_chest_think() function function

GiveMeASecond(){  wait(3); //gives the buyer 3 seconds to chose to take it  self SetVisibleToAll(); } 

or, if it is easier for you, just replace your whole treasure_chest_think() function with this:

treasure_chest_think() {   cost = 950;  if( IsDefined( level.zombie_treasure_chest_cost ) )  {   cost = level.zombie_treasure_chest_cost;  }  else  {   cost = self.zombie_cost;  }   self set_hint_string( self, "default_treasure_chest_" + cost );  self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );   //self thread decide_hide_show_chest_hint( "move_imminent" );   // waittill someuses uses this  user = undefined;  while( 1 )  {   self waittill( "trigger", user );     if( user in_revive_trigger() )   {    wait( 0.1 );    continue;   }    // make sure the user is a player, and that they can afford it   if( is_player_valid( user ) && user.score >= cost )   {    user maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );     break;    }   else if ( user.score < cost )   {    user thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();    continue;    }    wait 0.05;   }   // trigger_use->script_brushmodel lid->script_origin in radiant  lid = getent(, "targetname" );   weapon_spawn_org = getent(, "targetname" );    //open the lid  lid thread treasure_chest_lid_open();   // SRS 9/3/2008: added to help other functions know if we timed out on grabbing the item  self.timedOut = false;   // mario kart style weapon spawning  weapon_spawn_org thread treasure_chest_weapon_spawn( self, user );    // the glowfx   weapon_spawn_org thread treasure_chest_glowfx();    // take away usability until model is done randomizing  self disable_trigger();    weapon_spawn_org waittill( "randomization_done" );    if (flag("moving_chest_now"))  {   user thread treasure_chest_move_vo();   self treasure_chest_move(lid);   }  else  {   // Let the player grab the weapon and re-enable the box //   self.grab_weapon_hint = true;   self.chest_user = user;   self sethintstring( &"ZOMBIE_TRADE_WEAPONS" );    self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );    self setvisibletoplayer( user );   self thread GiveMeASecond();     // Limit its visibility to the player who bought the box   self enable_trigger();    self thread treasure_chest_timeout();    // make sure the guy that spent the money gets the item   // SRS 9/3/2008: ...or item goes back into the box if we time out   while( 1 )   {    self waittill( "trigger", grabber );      if( is_player_valid(grabber) || grabber == level )    {      user = grabber;     if( is_player_valid( user ) && user GetCurrentWeapon() != "mine_bouncing_betty" )     {      bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type magic_accept",       user.playername, user.score, level.round_number, cost, weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string, self.origin );      self notify( "user_grabbed_weapon" );      user thread treasure_chest_give_weapon( weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string );      break;      }     else if( grabber == level )     {      // it timed out      self.timedOut = true;      bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type magic_reject",       user.playername, user.score, level.round_number, cost, weapon_spawn_org.weapon_string, self.origin );      break;     }    }     wait 0.05;    }    self.grab_weapon_hint = false;   self.chest_user = undefined;    weapon_spawn_org notify( "weapon_grabbed" );    //increase counter of amount of time weapon grabbed.   if(level.script != "nazi_zombie_prototype")   {   level.chest_accessed += 1;        // PI_CHANGE_BEGIN    // JMA - we only update counters when it's available    if( isDefined(level.DLC3.useChestPulls) && level.DLC3.useChestPulls )    {     level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun += 1;    }        if( isDefined(level.DLC3.useChestPulls) && level.DLC3.useChestPulls )    {         level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun += 1;    }    // PI_CHANGE_END   }    self disable_trigger();    // spend cash here...   // give weapon here...   lid thread treasure_chest_lid_close( self.timedOut );    //Chris_P   //magic box dissapears and moves to a new spot after a predetermined number of uses    wait 3;   self enable_trigger();   self setvisibletoall();  }   flag_clear("moving_chest_now");  self thread treasure_chest_think(); } GiveMeASecond(){  wait(3);  self SetVisibleToAll(); }