On Player Connect/Spawn

On Player Connect and Spawned has changed from WAW in BO3

It now uses a function in another script and calls the function passed when the player connects or spawns depending which you chose

  • WAW method:
  • WAW method:
  thread onPlayerConnect(); 
    level waittill("connecting", player);
    player thread onPlayerSpawned();  
  //do this 
  • BO3 method:
//put this up top of script #using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;  function init() 
 callback::on_connect( &on_player_connect );
 callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned ); 
function on_player_connect() 
 //do stuff each time a player connects 
function on_player_spawned() 
 //do stuff stuff each time player spawns 