Growing Soul Collectors

Growing Soul Collectors

Download v1.4.1 (1.3 to 1.3.1 find player.cost and replace it with player.score)

MakeCents v1.4 Updated 12-20-16 Prefabs - in multiple folders (each folder is a different system with different kvps) grow_soul_complete - everything you need with gun reward grow_soul_complete_door - everything you need with door reward grow_soul_complete_ending - everything you need with end game reward grow_soul - just one of the soul collectors grow_soul_door - just the door reward grow_soul_ending - just the end game reward grow_soul_with_clip - jus one of the soul collectors with a clip grow_soul_door_rotate - door that rotates, script_string controls angle To make this work you can use one of the complete prefabs, stamp once, and then chose the soul collector with a clip or without and delete the other. Next copy the soul collector you kept around where you want them and place the reward where you want it - end game trigger, door, or gun structs Then in the script there are notes at the top. This goes in your main function in your mapname.gsc grow_soul::init( ); This goes in your mapname.gsc with the other using's #using scripts\zm\growing_soulbox; This goes in your zone file: scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/growing_soulbox.gsc fx,zombie/fx_ritual_pap_energy_trail 1.3.1 fixes end game score 1.4 adds more prefabs, rotating door, updates normal door, edits endgame text To make multiple systems work, do the same you did for the first system, but select from another folder. In these other folders each item has a different kvp. You can add more if you like, I provided 3 systems.