Custom Screens - waw

This is an easy way I put together to make a map have custom music and menu screens, Main, Find Game, Coop Lobby, pause, and objective.





objectives screen custom_top_bar and custom_bottom_bar


1. Download _mc_custom_screens.rar

2. Navigate to _mc_custom_screens\mods\ folder

3. Rename nazi_zombie_mapname folder to your nazi_zombie_mapname

Note: Rename your root\raw\ui\ file to root\raw\ui\

4. Copy everything, except for the text files, in _mc_custom_screens\ folder and paste it into your root folder

5. Navigate to your root\mods\nazi_zombie_mapname\ui\ folder

6. Open with notepad ++ or sublime

7. Find this: map nazi_zombie_mapname and change it to map yourmapname, save and close

8. Open AssMan

9. Open root\source_data\CustomZombieMenu.gdt

10. Convert all the images

11. Close AssMan

12. Open the _mc_custom_screens\mod.csv text file

13. Copy everything to your maps mod.csv

14. Compile your map

15. Select all the new stuff in images, sound, and ui, and Build your mod

Not for use with the UGX mod or script placers where you already added menus