Debug Script - waw


Here is a script codmoddd1234 shared with me a while ago, and I modified. He told me to share it some time ago, and I have been meaning to modify it more, but I never seem to and I keep putting it in posts, so here it is for anyone that wants to use it. If I ever update it more I'll just update it here then.


It will count:

- All Ents

- Script models

- Easy fx

- Script origins

- Script brush models

- Vehicles

- Triggers

- All nodes

- New Zombies

Keeping my ents under 900 - 920 with 24 zombies alive, has prevented me from experiencing g-spawn anymore. Once all ents reaches 1024. Due to gibbing, that could happen around 950 or sooner depending on what is being spawned in your map and if all the zombies get hit with an explosive simultaneously.

Instructions are in the script. Don't give me credit for using this and do whatever you want with it. Don't forget to remove it before releasing your map, or adding a var that turns it off for when not testing.