
Arsenal will drop your weapons after you die and give you and the other players 60 seconds to pick them back up or swap out their guns. This does nothing on single player.

v1.1 - fixed damamge overide glitch and solo revive glitch

v1.2 - fixed crash game after spawning back in after weapons time out


Download Arsenal.rar

Extract the files

Put the _prefabs folder in your root\map_source folder


In Radiant insert the arsenal prefab from root_map_source\_prefabs\Arsenol\ (Not the others, just, it will have everything you need.)

Put the prefab beneath your map, out of your map playable area.

Compile your map


Put the _mc_arsenal.gsc in your root\mods\nazi_zombie_mapname\maps\ folder

Open your _zombiemode.gsc

Find this function:

player_damage_override( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime ) { 

Change it to this:

player_damage_override( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, modelIndex, psOffsetTime ) {  self.down1 = [];  self.down2 = [];  weapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries();  self.down1[0] = weapons[0];  self.down1[1] = self GetWeaponAmmoClip( weapons[0] );  self.down1[2] = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( weapons[0] );  if(weapons.size>1){   self.down2[0] = weapons[1];   self.down2[1] = self GetWeaponAmmoClip( weapons[1] );   self.down2[2] = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( weapons[1] );  } 

Open your nazi_zombie_mapname.gsc and find the following:


and put maps\_mc_arsenal::init(); under it like this:

    maps\_zombiemode::main();     maps\_mc_arsenal::init(); 

Check the maps/_mc_arsenal.gsc in your mod builder and build your mod.



You can edit the time you have by changing:

    level.arsenalWaitTime = 60; 

If you only want to give them one gun back you can change the following from 2 to 1:

numberOfGuns = 2; 

I will be updating this script. I just posted the first working copy for now. Please inform me of any bugs so i can fix those as I smooth out the code. This was inspired by my Weapon Trader script, so I just copied and pasted a large chunk.