No Trigger Script

No Triggers Needed, Hintstring icons, and EE Hint Images and Messages


You can add images under your hintstring, ee hint images, and messages, to tell a story, or to give clues for the next step in your ee.

This script can replace the need for a trigger and an ent. The script can be used directly on an ent or struct without a trigger. It can also be used with the trigger, since a trigger is an ent.


Well, it reduces the amount of interactive ents in your map at a given time, hopefully helping prevent g-spawn.

This script requires a little menu editing, instructions in script, because I chose that for the hintstring instead of a hud, and you can't do your typical sethintstring this way either. (And you can't use the &"strings" either) I set it up so it already says press & hold "your use button", and you just tell it the rest. I made an adjustable argument if you have jump or crouch to see the hint, that can be used to adjust the z.


- Use less ents if desired

- images under hintstring

- ee hint images

- ee hints under images

This can be used on wall weapons, doors, ees, and any place you want to trigger an event... to help get you in under the limits or just to add hints or a story line to your map. If you want any help trying to modify it to meet your needs, or incorporate it in some way, just hit me up.


- Add mc_mod folder to your mods/mapname/maps folder

- Edit your, copy/paste code below (please read and see example if needed)

- Add #include maps\mc_mod\_mc_NoTriggers; to the top of any gsc you want to use this in

- Add one of the two available functions where ever you want to use it, or replace your waittill triggers like in the example included in the dl.

- If using images, add material,name for each material you converted (see examples for sizing), to your mod.csv

- Add iwi's for materials to your mods/mapname/images folder

- Build mod with checkbox on new script and new images

/* ##################### by: M.A.K.E C E N T S #####################  Place the following at the top of the gsc you want to use functions from this in it #include maps\mc_mod\_mc_NoTriggers;  in your script use one of the following two functions:  player = trigger NTwaittill(<hint>,<icon>,<message>,<messagehint>,<offsetter>);//replaces trigger waittill("trigger", player);   <hint> - hint for trigger   <icon> - (optional) The icon/material to put under the hintstring   <message> - (optional) The material for the image that pops up   <messagehint> - (optional) The hint under the image   <offsetter> - (optional) The ammount to offset the z axis if necessary    player ShowMessage(<message>,<messagehint>,<onetime>,<timer>);//add to show a message to the player at any time   <message> - The material for the image that pops up   <messagehint> - The hint under the image   <onetime> - (optional) The hint under the image   <timer> - (optional) How long to keep the hint up  In for your map find competitivemodescores and add this to that menuDef:  itemDef  {   name "hintstring"   rect   100 70 40 40 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER   textscale  TEXTSIZE_SMALL   textstyle  ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED   textfont  UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE   textalign  ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER   forecolor  1 1 1 1   exp text  ("Press & hold " + KeyBinding("+activate") + dvarString("hintstring"))   visible when  (dvarString("hintstring") != "The power must be activated first" && dvarString("hintstring") != "");   decoration  }  itemDef  {   name   "gunicon"   rect   50 90 100 40 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER   forecolor  1 1 1 .8   ownerdraw  CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_BACKGROUND   exp material dvarString("gunicon");   visible when  (dvarString("gunicon") != "")   decoration  }  itemDef  {   name   "mcmessage"   // rect   (WEAPINFO_X +122) (WEAPINFO_Y +5) 24 24   rect   0 220 96 96 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP   forecolor  1 1 1 .8   ownerdraw  CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_BACKGROUND   exp material dvarString(mcmessage);   visible when ( dvarstring(mcmessage) != "");   decoration  }  itemDef  {   name "mchintstring"   rect   0 335 96 96 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP   textscale  .25   textstyle  ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED   textfont  UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE   textalign  ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT   forecolor  1 1 1 1   exp text  dvarString("mchintstring")   visible when  (dvarString("mchintstring") != "");   decoration  }   ############################################################################### */