Some Crucial Questions

The system that we are currently living in is not like tree that is grown up from the seed and it is not natural. It is designed to achieve certain ends by certain people and it has also been subject to some historical accidents. So, partly it is conscious design and partly it is based on historical events. Today the poor countries receive $60 billion in foreign aid and pay $600 billion in interest payments on debt which had been already paid many times but interest payments keep on going. 1trillion dollars are transferred from poor to rich countries in term of transfer payments by multinationals. The theory is that rich countries should help the poor countries to develop but actually poor countries are developing the rich countries. But economics book does not say anything about it. So, the current system is not natural and it is actually a battle. The fact is that we are living under colonialism. In twentieth century colonialism was carried out by the means of wars and takeovers but after WWII the colonialism is carried out by entirely different way. But the mechanism is the same as money is being extracted from the poor countries and taken by the richer ones. Now the game has changed a lot and it is no longer countries against countries. In USA 99% of the population is victim of top elite and it no longer US against any other country like Russia but it is now 99% of bottom population against top 1% within the same country.

Since the beginning of time this world has been a battle place and same is going on today also. There is battle against evil and good and evil always used false theories.

Macroeconomics began after the Great Depression so in order to understand macroeconomics we have to understand what Great Depression was. Banking sector was collapsed in USA and it resulted in massive unemployment, 25%, for many years. This was a mystery to the economists. Ben Bernanke said that understanding the Great Depression is the holy grail of macroeconomics which means it big problem to search out the causes of Great Depression.