
For the moment, I just provide a short list of the courses which I have developed. These are currently available for use by any teacher who would like to adopt an Islamic approach to teaching conventional economics subjects:

    1. Experimental Economics (2012) Course highlights the failures of conventional game theory to understand real human behavior in games, and shows how Islamic concepts provide useful insights.

    2. Advanced Microeconomics I (2017): This course starts by using the Hill & Myatt Anti-Textbook to familiarize the student with conventional economic theories, and explain their failings. Then it proceed to construct alternatives which reject the optimization and equilibrium paradigm which traps and constrains conventional economics.

    3. Advanced Microeconomics II (2018): Currently ongoing course based on Holt & Davis text on Experimental Economics, it examines conventional micro within an experimental framework. By being subjects in experiments and by running experiments themselves students learn the vast differences and contradictions between economic theories and real world markets. Course provides students with deep intuition about real world economics which is not available by studying formulas as in conventional courses.

    4. Capitalist Economics (an Islamic Approach): This course treats economic theory within its historical and cultural context. The course covers Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation: Historical and Political Origins of Our Times, and relevant theoretical materials.

    5. Mini-Course on Macro-Economics: A sequence of 8 lectures on Macroeconomics covering major macroeconomic concepts in historical context, focusing on the controversies between Keynes and the Chicago School, as well as the role of Money, Money creation, and an Islamic version of the Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform.

    6. Introduction to Statistics: An Islamic Approach: