Obstecles to Development

The greatest obstacle to human development today is the illusion of foreign expertise. Today it’s thought that if we want to solve our problems then we’ve to call in foreign expert and it came in us due to lack of confidence because of centuries of defeat. We’ve lost the confidence that we can diagnose our own problems. After the defeat to Russia, US has made Washington Consensus and start making policies for whole world. In 2002, World Bank published a book which evaluate the Washington Consensus policies and reach to conclusion that it has failed very badly in producing development. Now they have come with New Washington Consensus which have about 20 policies but thing is that these will also announced to be failed after another 10 years of period. Today if we sit down together and analyze what are the top 100 problems facing by all the countries that we need to solve then we’ll come to conclusion that no one problem is addressed in those 20 policies.

Social science is the study of human experiences as Europeans analyzed their historical experience and came to one result and one definition of development. But actually it’s known to everyone that European individual experience cannot be generalized to all of the world. This generalization of European experience again came from the illusion of Western superiority that they are most advanced civilization on the planet and whenever other countries will grow up they will be like us so their theories are applicable to whole world. This Euro-centric view is absolutely false and full of falsehood. Difference civilization pursue and have pursued in the past very difference development trajectories. We cannot achieve growth and development like Europeans did because we cannot colonize the world to extract their resources, loot and exploit for own development like they did. So whatever the path will be choose will entirely different from all prior implemented and experienced paths. The idea and state of mind of developing nations that they are helpless and wholly depends on Western experts is a psychological phenomenon. It was true in the era of colonialism when there was no political and economic freedom but now the situation has changed. Now the greatest obstacle to growth is the soft power where developed countries give huge sum of loan to developing countries and forces them to apply their own policies which are only in benefits of already developed nations. Global Financial Crisis revealed to the whole world how the modern economic theory is bankrupt. Economist didn’t foresee it coming and after the event they didn’t have any idea about why it happened and what is solution are.
