L04: What is Development?

Meanings of development have varied drastically over time. In 19th century power was considered in hands of those countries who has control over sea and coal mines. In early 20th century there was no concept of democracy. In England, who was the world power at that time, there was aristocratic system. Transition of power took place from England to USA in WW-I and WW-II and with this transition the meaning of development also changes that suits USA. In this transition of development wealth became the sole criteria of development.

When oil economies became world leaders on the basis of GNP per capita i.e. Qatar, then the meaning of development again changed. In new definition of economic development the income distribution also had a role to incorporate the inequality factor in country. Some Scandinavian countries overtook the USA in GNP per capita and at the same time also had nice income distribution. The definition of development also changed this time so that USA again come on top in whole world. Then the incorporation of infrastructure is done in development as USA has huge infrastructure due to its size. So, criteria were redefined all the time to make USA a top country.

After the WW-II Turkey and Japan were on wrong side as these economies were badly damaged by the war. Now they have to decide the models of development for their countries. The leader of Japan said that they lost the war due to lack of technology so they start sending lot of students to Europe and America to study engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on. On the other hand Turkey assumed that they’re culturally backward so Ataturk passed the law that everyone must wear pant and shirt while women had to wear skirts like western people. At that time Turkey had ministry of belly dancing and ministry for music. They translates lot of English novels into Turkish. As a result of adopted policies the Japan overtook the USA in GDP per capita while Turkey still far behind.

Model used of development is very important as it sets the agenda so, choosing right path is crucial.

Link of the Lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54Gse4F1PC0