New and Radical Epistemology

If we want to understand social science then we have to understand human beings, societies, behavior of people, changes among people over time and region, culture. We, human beings, are very equipped with the skills that are needed to understand these things. We have skills in pattern recognition, understand very complicated emotions, understand very deep and sophisticated stories etc. This is what we need to understand history, economics and other social sciences. But the enemies of truth have brainwashed us into thinking if we want to understand history then we have to understand math, complicated calculus, huge differential equations, comparative statistics, total derivatives but we are not well equipped to understand these things. It has created a defeatist mentality among us. We need to have confidence to understand as well as to do innovation economic theories. A survey was conducted few years back in which they took math test of students of various countries and then ask them what they think about how well they have performed. American students answered that they performed fantastic but their performance was worse than all of other groups while opposite was true for Japanese. So, level of confidence and level of skill don’t necessarily match with one another.

Today ignorance is prevailing as knowledge and unbelievably wrong theories are given respect in whole world.