Do Theories Reflect Power?

Once it is understood that theories are not true or false, as it is not the way to understand any theory, then there is a question whether theories reflect power. Karl Marx said that people believe in theories which are in their interest. For example big landlords will be against the land reforms and they will not say it is in their personal interest but they will say that for the nation it is land form is not good as small landlords inefficient. But on the contrary small landlords will be in favor of land form and will say that it will be beneficial for the country but will not say it will benefit me. So this how people believe and support theories.

Theories which come to dominate often reflect power. Those who are powerful have a theory about the world and this theory gets to be believed. For example, new classical is the theory that is very favorable to wealthy class but theory itself is propagated as neutral and scientific theory. Very often theory do reflect power but not always. It is often the case that large number of people are fooled in doing things which are against their self-interest. This creates an opportunity for us in the sense that if we explain something to someone which is in their interest then they are more likely to believe you. For instance if these things are explained in any US university, since this system is of great benefit to USA, so it would be very difficult to explain why their theories are wrong because those theories are very helpful for them to dominate the world. But in developing country such theories are used to oppress people of these countries so here people will be more eager to listen the possibility that these theories might be wrong and other theories that can help might be true. It shows that people respond to their interest. In a way the world works the very small number of very wealthy people have spread theories that are in their favor but against he interest of majority.
