Social Science Theories can Only be Understood in Historical Context

It is very much unknown that social science theories can only be studied and understood within the historical context. If we want to understand the Say’s Law then we have to understand who was Say, why did he said what he had said, what was the historical problems that he was facing and how did he tried to solve those problems. Similarly if we want to understand the Keynesian economics then we have to look at the history like what was happening before and during Great Depression, what was the puzzle that was posed by Great Depression.

Social science is an attempt to understand our experiences and what is going in world around us. We make theories to understand why is one country is having inflation, why is there unemployment, what should we do for monetary policy or fiscal policy.

Very strange thing happened in the West was a battle fought between Christianity and Science. In that battle science won and religion lost. As a result science became the religion of the West. They say that only knowledge is scientific knowledge and there is no other kind of knowledge. Actually most of the things, that we have experience in our daily life, like corruption, altruism, generosity, lies, integrity, and similarly other human feelings cannot be handled by science because these have to do with human emotions, feelings, personalities and characters while science is completely incapable of dealing with this. On the other hand science deals with the things that have repeated patterns in nature, have some laws like moon revolve around earth and it cannot choose the other path. Anyone who has the possibility of choice is impossible to be predicted by science. Free will is the thing that science cannot handle. Because science says that if any pattern always happened in the past then in future the result will be the same as that in past. Social science is not subject to laws because human beings are free for example look at what happened at the time of prophet Muhammad SAW that most ignorant people of the planet became leader of the world for 1,000 years. There is no such precedent in history before or after this event. So, we need to learn that what was happened at that time.

Today sad thing is that the West is teaching us about Rostow’s model in which Rostow looked at the three hundred years of progress of England. He proposed that every nation must follow the same three hundred year path as it was done by England in order to get develop. It is so idiotic. Now Muslims are studying Rostow’s three hundred year model but don’t give attention to 30 years of their own history in which they became ruler of half of the world out of nothing. It is because Muslims are too impressed by the West. Science and religion had fight in West but no such event is happened in history of Islam. Science is about the nature of the world while religion is about human beings. Because the West has started to believe in science so people there don’t have any concept that it means to be human being as graduates’ of top West universities bring such policies to all over the world like Africa, Asia and Latin America that causes huge massacre. The ambassador of USA, medal is all bright, was asked America’s policies have led to death of half a million children in Iraq so do you think that it is worth it? She answered that it is worth it. So she was willing to murder half a million children by US policies for sake of money because it was worth it in term of money.

For West, science is religion and according to them study of human beings must also be the science. They started teaching us Keynesian economics and other theories as the universal laws using mathematical formulas and these formulas can be applied in whole world and it is also invariant because science is like this. These Western theories are obviously wrong. Same theory cannot be used to study economics in Pakistan as it can in England, France etc. but everything has to be studied within their own historical context. Social science cannot be science but it is just a wrong name because when we study human beings we have to be particular to human beings, societies, cultures, regions etc. Same is true for economics as the economic possibilities for Pakistan today are very different as it were some decades ago. In order to study economics we have to take into account the historical context and it is something that nobody is currently doing.