Do Theories Reflect Power?

One very important concept is the philosophical concept of Power and Knowledge. Idea is that the powerful people propagate knowledge in order to further their interest. For example the idea that capitalism is very good system but in reality in it leads to concentration of wealth only in few hands. It is result of such pro-capitalist theories that only 0.1% of the population of US has more wealth than bottom 90% of population. Over the past 30 years the share to top 0.1% has been increasing because Keynesian economics is rejected in 1980’s when the Reagan-Thatcher revolution came, from that moment on the free market philosophy has become more and more powerful and dominant. Now to understand this we have to study history. Economics as a science do not talk about economic events that took place in Argentina, Chile, Russia etc. and how did the miracle economies of East Asia transformed from rural agricultural economies like Pakistan to top industrial economies. We don’t know about history of these events because history is not a part of science while economics is scientific subject.

Knowledge is what that is in according to the interest of power. It is true that powerful people have a lot of influence in spreading theories but it is only the only thing that matters as there are many other things. Contrary to this relation of power and knowledge it is also true that truth is also very powerful weapon. Just one dose of truth can overcome years of propaganda. Truth is very powerful but it is not prevailing today. Today false is prevailing everywhere.