Good Ideas are Suppressed

Every human being has the potential to become best of creation. Through the process of education we must see that how we can achieve this potential which is buried within us. Human beings are infinitely precious if they achieve their potential just like seed has a potential to become enormous tree. But if it doesn’t achieve that potential then it’s useless. If seed achieve its potential it would be no longer be there but will have transformed itself into something bigger than itself which is enormous so similar is the case with human beings if they know how much potential they have. Every human being is born with potential but not everyone realizes that potential.

History is the conquest song of victors so people who are dominating deliberately spread bad theories because these theories helps those who are empower at cost of those who are not in power. Fama, who are the person most responsible for GFC because he formulated the theory that stock markets are efficient and can never mislead the people, got the Nobel Prize but no East Asian economists, who performed the economic miracle, have got the Nobel Prize. It’s because West doesn’t want to follow the models those actually works but are interested in models which don’t work as it’s in their interest of developed countries. So good ideas are suppressed in this process of getting power and exploitation of developing countries by the developed.