Assistant Professor Dr. Xue Li GUAN

Principal Investigator, Nanyang Assistant Professor

I obtained my PhD from the National University of Singapore, and pursued my postdoctoral research under a RTD project, LipidX: Systems Biology of Biomembranes. As one of the few first generation lipidomics and systems biology scientists, I have contributed to the emerging new field through development of novel tools for systems-scale analyses of lipids in many biological systems which are extremely powerful tools in biomedical and clinical research. In 2011, I joined the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) as a Group Leader to translate my research from model organisms to medically relevant systems. My research group in Swiss TPH studied the role of lipids in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis (TB), Buruli ulcers and Trypanosomiasis. I also served as the vice-coordinator of a RTD project, TbX, which works on the Systems Biology of multidrug-resistant TB in the field.

In 2015, I relocated back home to join Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, a new medical school joint between Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological University, as an Assistant Professor of Infection and Immunity. With my longstanding interest in lipids, I aim to push the technological limits for systems biology research in lipid metabolism in the context of human health and diseases, with the major foci on the intersection between metabolism and infection, and antimicrobial resistance.

I believe in equal opportunities and the importance of providing mentorship, a philosophy I had learnt during my times in Switzerland. By providing an open platform within the laboratory where everyone is regarded as a researcher, I hope to create an environment which allow individuals to grow and develop into the next generation scientists in lipid and systems health research.


Elite Nanyang Assistant Professorship

Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione

18th Annual Molecular Biology of the Cell Paper of the Year

EMBO Short-Term Fellowship

President Graduate Fellowship

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Scholarship

Research Fundings:

Ministry of Education Tier 2: 2018-2021

Nanyang Assistant Professorship Award: 2017- 2021

Ministry of Education Tier 1: 2015-2017

NTU Startup Grant: 2015-2016 (TbX): 2014-2015

SNSF Ambizione Award: 2011-2015

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