Visitors To Our Lab

Our Group is very privileged to host a number of collaborators and colleagues. Thank you for your visits!

Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall

Prof. Marshall is a Nanyang Visiting Professor and we are very privileged to showcase our lipidomics platform. How would Helicobacter look like in our LCMS?

Associate Professor Sebastien Gagneux.

Head of Department and Head of TB research unit, Swiss TPH

Head of Clinical Research Unit, Group Leader of Clinical TB Research, Swiss TPH

16-19th January 2018. Sponsored by SIDI Short Term Fellowship

Professor Ruedi Aebersold.

Head of Department of Biology, ETHZ (

13th December 2017

Associate Professor Pascal Maeser.

Head of Parasite Chemotherapy Unit, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

20-22 November 2017. Sponsored by SIDI Short Term Fellowship