The Heart Of The Lab

Core Team

Nanyang Assistant Professor Xue Li GUAN

Principal Investigator


Twitter: @XLGuan

Miss Ying Yee POH

Research Assistant


Miss Megan Li Xian LEE

PhD Student (NPGS)


Mr Jeric KWAN

Research Assistant


Miss Dorothy CHANG

Research Assistant


Mr Ryan SOH

URECA Student

CNYang Scholars Program

Miss Amanda CHAN

Attachment Student

CNYang Scholars Program

Mr Ming Wei CHEN

URECA Student

LKCMedicine M2

Mr Xuan Ming ZHUO

Poly Intern/ FYP Student

(Singapore Poly)

Miss Ashley KOH

Temp. Research Assistant

Collaborators / Visiting Researchers

Dr. Hong Kiat NG


Chambers Lab, LKCMedicine

Mr. Yushu CHEN

PhD Student

Chng Lab, NUS

Mr. Zun Siong LOW

PhD Student

Tan and Wahli Labs, LKCMedicine

Lab Alumni



Tony YAP. Pre-University Intern. Furthering studies in Dundee University (Medicine).

Marco LIZWAN. SBS Year 4. FYP. Furthering studies in DUKE-NUS (MD).

Ashley KOH. SBS Year 4. FYP

Yunhui CHEW. Singapore Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern, Temp Research Assistant. Furthering studies in NUS (Life Sciences)


Deborah SEOW. Scientific Officer.

Bryah QUAH. LKCMedicine M4. Scholarly Project

Ooiean TENG. Postdoc

Bryan's farewell. With our young but capable Yunhui in the background


Julianne LEE. SBS Year 4. FYP

Candice ANG. LKCMedicine M4. Scholarly Project

Pandiyan P/S. LKCMedicine M2. URECA

Clarence SEE. LKCMedicine M2. URECA

An Sen TAN. LKCMedicine M2. URECA

Zafiran ZAIN. Royal College of Surgeon, Ireland M1. Summer Intern

Jing Xue WONG. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

John OEI. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

Julianne's and Megan's Convocation with the entire team (except Ooiean who is on maternity leave)


Ying Jie TOH. LKCMedicine M4. Scholarly Project

Reudi CHAN. LKCMedicine M2. URECA.

Cheyenne CHONG. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

Sarah PHUA. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

Ying Yee POH. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

Xue Ling THAM. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Year 3. FYP/ Intern

Farewell dinner for the Ngee Ann Interns

Swiss TPH

Sarah KERBER, MSc. Scientific Assistant

Fabian HIA, MSc. Masters Student

Michael WEBER, MSc. Masters Student

Lukas TANNER, PhD. Postdoc

Peter CRICK, PhD. Postdoc

We welcome highly motivated individuals at all levels to join our group to expand our lipid universe. To inquire, please email Assistant Professor Xue Li Guan.