October 2022

October 1 Bedford dance

Sugar Sugar - Doug Miranda (to Little Red Riding Hood by the Cartoons)

Go Country - Lisa M. Johns-Grose

Flip a Quarter - Janet Kearney

Train Wreck - Niels Poulsen

October 4 beginner class

Senorita AB - Julie Snailham

and Ghost Train - Kathy Hunyadi (to Ghost Train and Zorba)

Plus reviews of

Go Country - Lisa M. Johns-Grose

Flip a Quarter - Janet Kearney

October 6 intermediate class

Free to Run - Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto

October 11 beginner class - review night

Cut A Rug - Jo Thompson Szymanski and Rita Thompson

Go Country - Lisa M. Johns-Grose

Flip a Quarter - Janet Kearney

The Locomotion - Jo Thompson Szymanski and Rita Thompson

Cucaracha - Hank and Mary Dahl

Lil' Wanderer - Forty Arroyo

Back on Texas Time - Gail Dawson

Little Bit Later On - Severine Fillion

October 13 intermediate class - review night

Senorita La-La-La - Julia Wetzel

Been There Done That - Metzger, Lieberman, Dominguez

Train Wreck - Niels Poulsen

Storm and Stone - Maddison Glover

'Til You Can't - Gary O'Reilly

Inner Light - Becca Fulford and Addison Albro

Don't Overthink It - Chris Jacques

October 18 beginner class

Senorita AB - Julie Snailham

Bullfrog on a Log - Cef Decaney (floor split for Them Boots)

Hot Jam - Lacey Key (floor split for Moses Roses Toeses)

October 20 intermediate class

Them Boots - Anna Szymanski and Jo Thompson Szymanski

Moses Roses Toeses - Amy Glass

October 25 beginner class and Halloween party

Teach: Poco Loco - Steve Dessert (to Day of the Dead)


Bullfrog on a Log - Cef Decaney (floor split for Them Boots) (to Werewolves of London)

Hot Jam - Lacey Key (floor split for Moses Roses Toeses) ( to If You're Going Through Hell)

Just danced:

Cucaracha - Hank and Mary Dahl (to Dance With the Devil)

Go Country - Lisa M. Johns-Grose (to Ghostbuster remix 2020)

Ghost Train - Kathy Hunyadi (to Ghost Train and Zorba)

Cupid Shuffle - to Monster Mash

October 27 intermediate class
Day of the Dead - Dan Albro

Dancin' Feet - Susan and Harry Brooks (to Ghostbusters)

Wonderland Waltz - Rob Fowler