May 2019
May 2 intermediate class
Habibi - Gary O'Reilly
Texas - Max Perry
May 4 dance
Pants on Fire - Lisa M Johns -Grose=
Keep It Simple - Maggie Gallagher
May 7 beginner class
Pants on Fire - Lisa M Johns -Grose
Cut A Rug - Jo Thompson
DISCO - Cindi Talbot
May 9 intermediate class
Keep It Simple - Maggie Gallagher
Hideaway Cha - Joanne Brady, Jamie Marshall and Jo Thompson Szymanski
with reviews of Habibi - Gary O'Reilly and Texas - Max Perry
May 14 beginner class
New - Begin to Swing - Larry Bass
Reviewed - DISCO - Cindi Talbot; plus reviews/lightning lessons of Ride Em' Cowboy - Kathy Gurdjian (no tags or restarts to the remix of Save of Horse), Sweet But Psycho - Bobby Houle, K is for Kicks - Christopher Gonzalez, and a few more
After class, the "puppies" did the Cotton Eyed Joe and Mambo No. 5!
May 16 intermediate class
The Wanderer - Dominic Femino
Begin to Swing - Larry Bass
reviews of Hideaway Cha - Joanne Brady, Jamie Marshall and Jo Thompson Szymanski; Habibi - Gary O'Reilly; and Texas - Max Perry
May 21 beginner class
Pants on Fire - Lisa M Johns -Grose
Gotta Move - Julie Talbot & Helen Ng
Reviewed Sweet But Psycho - Bobby Houle and Begin to Swing - Larry Bass
May 23 intermediate class - all review, no new teach
May 28 beginner class
Mamma Maria - Frank Trace
Ghost Train - Kathy Hunyadi
May 30 intermediate class
Just a Burning Man - Dan Albro
Desperate Man - Stephen Pistoia