October 2014

Post date: Sep 28, 2014 8:22:44 PM


Rockin' the Wagon Wheel - Jamie Marshall

Stripes - Peter Jones and Anna Lockwood

Come On and Dance - Metelnick/Biggs

Bosa Nova - Phil Dennington

Fireball - Peg Rechka

Blood on the Dance Floor - Denise Brault


13MWZ - Wild Bill McKechnie or Sherry McClure....not sure which! (video - not the song I use but shows the dance well) (video to the song I use)

Drunk on a Plane - Albro/Lyndy

Bottle Your Crazy Up - Randy Pelletier

The Little Things - Jo Thompson Szymanski

Cheap Talk - Gaye Teather

Fireball - Kate Sala

Rio - Diana Lowery

At the Country Bone:

Bottle Your Crazy Up - Randy Pelletier

Driving In My Car - Ann Kristin-Sandberg

Cheap Talk - Gaye Teather

Mix It With Rum - Cindy McMichael

Sunshine and Whiskey - Wendy Mager