November 2022
November 1 beginner class
Undivided! - Jeanne Chamas
Chillionaire - Steve Cavanaugh
Plus quick reviews of:
Poco Loco - Steve Dessert
Bullfrog on a Log - Cef Decaney
Hot Jam - Lacey Key
November 3 intermediate class
Dancing To Nirvana - Fiona Murray and Roy Hadisubroto (no step sheet or video out yet)
Them Boots - Anna Szymanski & Jo Thompson Szymanski
Chillionaire - Steve Cavanaugh
Did a lightning lesson on Now or Never - Kathy Hunyadi
November 10 intermediate class
Keep Young - Maggie Gallagher
Groovy Love - Whitehouse/Trepat/Dahlgren
Bosa Nova - Phil Dennington
November 15 beginner class
Disco - Cindi Talbot
Little Charleston - Frank Trace
Reviews of Chillionaire, Bullfrog on a Log, Undivided!
November 17 intermediate class
Champagne Promise - Tina Argyle
Toes - Rachel McEnaney
Wintergreen - Maggie Gallagher
November 22 beginner class
Mama Don't Dance - Doug and Jackie Miranda
Then we walked through and danced:
Barstools, AB Wild Hearts, Little Cupid, Cut a Rug, Back on Texas Time, Flip a Quarter, Go Country, Little Bit Later On, Ghost Train (to Zorba), Poco Loco/Day of the Dead, Undivided, Chillionaire, Little Charleston (to Mr. Pinstripe Suit), Senorita AB/Senorita La La La, Good to Go/We're Good to Go, LMN Saloon/After Five Stomp, Crank it Up
November 26 dance
Project - Donna Manning
November 29 beginner class
Better When I'm Dancin' - AB - Pat Margarita
Project - Donna Manning