July - August 2012

Post date: Jul 3, 2012 1:30:59 AM


Come Back As A Country Song - Eddie Huffman

Ain't No Smoke - Cheryl Sjolund

Pick A Bale - unknown

Crossover - Scott Lanius (video)

Let's Chill - Vivienne Scott

Fallsview Rock - Janet Wilson

This & That - Gary Lafferty

Yankee Turnabout (also called Cajun Skip) - Pat Griffiths ...note: round these parts, we don't do the 1/4 turns in the last part. I hope to make a video that will show how we do it.

Stealing the Best - Rose Multari

Earthquake (also called Kickin' the Blues) - Frank M. Beal

Country As Can Be - Suzanne Wilson

Outlaw - Suzanne Wilson


Islands in the Stream - Karen Jones

Without Fire - Karl-Harry Winson

Half Past Nothin' - Neville Fitzgerald and Julie Harris

Take U Home - Junior Wilis

A Little Liar, Liar - Forty Arroyo

At Smokie's on Aug. 25:

Chatahoochie - Jimmy Serena

Smoke A Little Smoke - Bayley Brown

Love's Gonna Make It - Dan Albro