Dorner Manifesto

"When the enemy cannot kill the message, the enemy seeks to kill the messenger."

Was Due Process served in this story?

Should law enforcement be allowed to kill without first exhausting all attempts to arrest first?

Should law enforcement be allowed to shoot to kill without first identifying their target?

Should law enforcement be allowed to terminate officers for exposing crimes in a law enforcement department?

When the Law becomes Un-Constitutional, and Law Enforcement and the Courts System become the Criminals should the Citizens become duty bound to stop Governmental Tyranny as mentioned in the US Bill of Rights?

Should a Citizen have a Right to Self Defense even against Law Enforcement who are unlawfully trying to Murder you?

The original Manifesto version was short, and did not contain anything about gun control, nor assault weapons, nor about celebrities. has what is claimed to be an original short version stored on a .pdf file. A Google search for Chris Dorner Manifesto yields many links to the manifesto. The supposed original version was 11 pages.

At the bottom of this page is the claimed original short version .pdf file. And .rtf files part 1 and part 2 make up the forged long version.

The Chris Dorner story. What really happened? Is this a story how our heros in law enforcement saved us all from a man gone berserk? Or is this a story how law enforcement murdered a man for exposing corrupt activities going on within the legal system?

Did Chris Dorner actually go on a vengeful cop killing spree for revenge, or was Chris Dorner framed for murder by someone to have him killed then he responds in self defense?

Chris Dorner was a war vet and former Police officer in LA, Calif who was wrongfully terminated for revealing truths and corruptions within the LAPD. He aquired some enemies in the process of doing this which led to his murder by those in the Law enforcement.

A Theory he was framed for murder to justify law enforcement hunting him and killing him without due process. It is known within ranks of law enforcement to be sure you kill your enemy dead so that person cannot talk in his defense.

Alot is revealed in this story as allegedly told by a former officer from his actual experiences. From police officers arresting Innocent citizens, police brutality, police taking payoffs from drug dealers, police hacking into online financial accounts, views of law enforcement toward citizens, etc...

We recommend reading both the original short version of the Dorner manifesto, and then the long forged version to get first hand knowledge of how this event started came to light, and see how someone or some entity was altering the facts.

Then read the other sources involving Dorners termination from the department from the links given on opposite column.

Some highlights of Chris Dorner Facebook Manifesto:

["I have exhausted all available means at obtaining my name back. I have attempted all legal court efforts within appeals at the Superior Courts and California Appellate courts. This is my last resort. The LAPD has suppressed the truth and it has now lead to deadly consequences. The LAPD’s actions have cost me my law enforcement career that began on 2/7/05 and ended on 1/2/09. They cost me my Naval career which started on 4/02 and ends on 2/13. I had a TS/SCI clearance(Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information clearance) up until shortly after my termination with LAPD. This is the highest clearance a service member can attain other than a Yankee White TS/SCI which is only granted for those working with and around the President/Vice President of the United States. I lost my position as a Commanding Officer of a Naval Security Forces reserve unit at NAS Fallon because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with my mother and sister because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with close friends because of the LAPD. In essence, I’ve lost everything because the LAPD took my name and new I was INNOCENT!!! Capt Phil Tingirides, Justin Eisenberg, Martella, Randy Quan, and Sgt. Anderson all new I was innocent but decided to terminate me so they could continue Ofcr. Teresa Evans career. I know about the meeting between all of you where Evans attorney, Rico, confessed that she kicked Christopher Gettler (excessive force). Your day has come.

Luckily I don’t have to live everyday like most of you. Concerned if the misconduct you were apart of is going to be discovered. Looking over your shoulder, scurrying at every phone call from internal affairs or from the Captains office wondering if that is the day PSB comes after you for the suspects you struck when they were cuffed months/years ago or that $500 you pocketed from the narcotics dealer, or when the other guys on your watch beat a transient nearly to death and you never reported the UOF to the supervisor. No, I don’t have that concern, I stood up for what was right but unfortunately have dealt with the reprocussions of doing the right thing and now losing my name and everything I ever stood for. You fuckers knew Evans was guilty of kicking (excessive force) Gettler and you did nothing but get rid of what you saw as the problem, the whistleblower.

Look what you did to Sgt. Gavin (now lieutenant) when he exposed the truth of your lying, racism, and PSB cover-ups to frame and convict an innocent man.

From 2/05 to 1/09 I saw some of the most vile things humans can inflict on others as a police officer in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in the streets of LA. It was in the confounds of LAPD police stations and shops (cruisers). The enemy combatants in LA are not the citizens and suspects, it’s the police officers.

Those of you who “go along to get along” have no backbone and destroy the foundation of courage. You are the enablers of those who are guilty of misconduct. You are just as guilty as those who break the code of ethics and oath you swore.

Citizens/non-combatants, do not render medical aid to downed officers/enemy combatants. They would not do the same for you. They will let you bleed out just so they can brag to other officers that they had a 187 caper the other day and can’t wait to accrue the overtime in future court subpoenas. As they always say, “that’s the paramedics job…not mine”. Let the balance of loss of life take place. Sometimes a reset needs to occur.

It is endless the amount of times per week officers arrest an individual, label him a suspect-arrestee-defendant and then before arraignment or trial realize that he is innocent based on evidence. You know what they say when they realize an innocent man just had his life turned upside down?. “I guess he should have stayed at home that day he was discovered walking down the street and matching the suspects description. Oh well, he appeared to be a dirtbag anyways”. Meanwhile the falsely accused is left to pick up his life, get a new, family, friends, and sense of self worth.

Don’t honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, they just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly don’t value yours or your family members lives? I’ve heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATV’s, Waverunners, RV’s and new clothes for their kids. Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue. They take photos of your loved ones recently deceased bodies with their cellphones and play a game of who has the most graphic dead body of the night with officers from other divisions. This isn’t just the 20 something year old officers, this is the 50 year old officers with significant time on the job as well who participate.

How do you know when a police officer is lying??? When he begins his sentence with, “based on my experience and training”.

As a young police officer I found that the violent suspects on the street are not the only people you have to watch. It is the officer who was hired on to the department (pre-2000) before polygraphs were standard for all new hires and an substantial vetting in a backround investigation.

As you get older,you will see the evidence that your parent was a tyrant who loss their ethos and instead followed the path of moral corruptness. They conspired to hide and suppress the truth of misconduct on others behalf’s.

I’m not an aspiring rapper, I’m not a gang member, I’m not a dope dealer, I don’t have multiple babies momma’s. I am an American by choice, I am a son, I am a brother, I am a military service member, I am a man who has lost complete faith in the system, when the system betrayed, slandered, and libeled me. I lived a good life and though not a religious man I always stuck to my own personal code of ethics, ethos and always stuck to my shoreline and true North. I didn’t need the US Navy to instill Honor, Courage, and Commitment in me but I thank them for re-enforcing it. It’s in my DNA."]

There are two versions of the manifesto.

The following link explains why, and has links to the manifesto.

After reading the long and short versions it is clear that someone was altering the original content. Some possibilities are: 1) someone had forged the original facebook manifesto to frame Dorner for murder, and make law enforcement think Dorner was out to kill certain people in the LAPD to justify killing Dorner, 2) Dorner never wrote either Manifesto, and he was being used to take the heat for someone wanting to get the word out about corruption in Law, 3) someone with a grudge against Dorner was framing him to have him killed, 4) Or Dorner may have planned this but, his original manifesto was changed by someone for some other reason. 5) Or several other possible reasons.

Fact is we do not know for sure if Chris Dorner wrote all, part of, or none of the manifesto.

We also do not have proof that Dorner killed Ms Quan and her fiancee. Only allegations by the LAPD.

There is clear proof of alot of legal misconduct by LAPD, and the entire legal process.

* * *

* Video in parking lot where Ms Quan and Fiance were killed does not show Chris Dorner. It shows another. Video was confiscated by law enforcement. Where is the video now? Why isnt it available for public review?

* Why was Chris Dorner Facebook page immediately shut down?

* Who, and why was the Manifesto forged, and altered after the facebook page was shut down.

* Chris Dorner had stated on his facebook page he was innocent, and police were framing him with murder, and were out to kill him.

* Why was Theresa Evans the first person to finger Chris Dorner as the possible suspect in the Quan killing? Chris Dorner never gave any prior threats to going after Ms.Quan, or Fiance. Furthermore, when Dorner was on the run he had only attacked Law Enforcement, and no citizen was harmed. Doesn't make sense or fit Dorner's behavior to harm Ms Quan or Fiancee.

This sure wreaks of a police cover-up & frame-up of murder by a police officer from within a law enforcement agency. Either to have Chris Dorner killed as the main motive, or to frame Dorner for the killing of Ms Quan and fiancee.

There are two versions of the manifesto.

The following link explains why, and has links to the manifesto.

Or Google search Chris Dorner Manifesto.

At the bottom of this page is the claimed original short version .pdf file, and .rtf file part 1. Part 2 appears to be the forged part.

The Manhunt for Christopher Dorner

-LA Times 5 part series

..."In Dorner’s wallet, along with a fake police badge, an LAPD business card had survived the cabin fire. On it, he had written the names of two of the police captains who oversaw his Board of Rights. Their addresses were included, and the names of their wives."

Yeah Right everything including a live man burns to a crisp but, this wallet is perfectly preserved?

Chris Dorner case: Final Report

Contains the official account of what transpired from start to finish. Official account does not necessarily guarantee accuracy, or truth. It is only what those in official positions hope the public will believe.

-or download from bottom of this page:

EXCLUSIVE: The Chris Dorner Enigma – What Really Happened and Why

Chris Dorner Chronologic Order

The Christopher Dorner manhunt Timeline

Other related sources:

File Leak proves LAPD Lies and cover-ups

Comments and Summary on:

**** How did LAPD prove the kicks did not occur? Their word against the appellant? Appellants testimony matches Mr. Gettlers. Were Mr.Gettler and Appellant allowed an opportunity to invent this story, if not then you have matching testimony that the kicks did occur.

While at the same time you have matching testimonies from others that state they did not "see" the kicks happen but, their statements does not state that the kicks did not happen, rather only they did not see it happen. So what proof other than not seeing something happen or not was presented that can prove the kicks did not happen, and what proof that appellant made a false statement?

In order to prove that appellant made false statements and a false complaint, the LAPD needed to prove that Sergeant Evans did not kick Gettler. How is supplying witnesses that say they did not "see" it happen more proof than the appelants side that supply a witness that say it "did happen"?

The trial court specifically stated that it had independently reviewed the administrative record and, based on that review, it was "uncertain" whether Evans had kicked Gettler. Uncertain is not proof that it did, or did not happen. Therefore, the trial court admits it did not, or it did happen.

The Board’s findings relied on physical evidence and the testimony of several eyewitnesses who testified that they did not see Sergeant Evans kick Gettler. Sergeant Hernandez and the two DoubleTree employees who witnessed the incident, Adrid and Perez, did not see any kicks.

Adrid testified that he saw Gettler and appellant fall into the bushes, which were about four feet high, although in an earlier interview, he had said he did not see appellant tackle Gettler. This is not a credible wtiness.

Ashlye Perez testifed She did not remember exactly what happened; Perez went back into the hotel, so she did not see the officers handcuff Gettler; She noticed that Gettler had a cut on his face.

Sergeant Hernandez testified that appellant was wearing a dress uniform with a tie that was messed up, so he told appellant to fix his tie while he held the suspect for him. It was subsequently established that appellant was not wearing a dress uniform or a tie, based on testimony and a photo.

None of these witnesses are credible to prove that the kicks did not happen.

But, since officers are frequent Liars, and frequently falsify reports, misrepresent facts, and invent falsehoods. Therefore, it is not reliable nor credible to rely solely on the reports, nor officers testimonies either way.

Legal Documents

Comments on:


Many inconsistenecies but, a few I hi-lited are:

* (p7) "Adrid did not recall if Evans was in the bushes during the struggle; however, he was sure that no officer kicked Gettler at all during the entire incident."

- If Adrid did not recall if Evans was in the bushes then how can he be certain that no officer kicked Gettler?

* (p7) "Adrid estimated he was approximately 15 feet away from the altercation and his view was clear and unobstructed".

- I doubt that. Because 15 feet is only 5 to 6 steps away. And Mr Dorner was escorting Mr Gettler away from the other people. And the bushes were a good 4 feet in height which is low chest height for an average tall person. This bush height alone is an obstruction. And for a 6 foot tall man that only gives 2 feet from eyeball to top of bushes. Now if Mr Gettler is lying on ground there is no way you can see "clear and unobstructed" unless the bushes were very thin and transparent. I do not have a picture of the bushes to determine foliage and branch density. It seems hard to believe you can see through the bushes whats lying on the ground.

* (p10) "Nixon recalled Evans standing over Gettlers back and asking for Gettlers arm". but on (p9) it states "Ashley did not see Evans kick Gettler in the face, body, or chest, and did not see Evans ever get close enough to Gettler to kick him."

- One witness says Evans is standing over Gettler and the other witness says Evans is not even close enough to Gettler.

* One officer says Dorner wrote up the report himself, and another says only a part was written by Dorner , and the rest was written by Evans.

* Is it possible that Evans may have kicked Gettler unknowingly? Perhaps it wasnt a deliberate kick, maybe since she was standing over Gettler it may have appeared to Dorner in his position that he saw Evans' foot strike Gettler during this struggle, whether intentional or unintentional? And so Dorner in his thinking saw a kick that might have been unintentional, none the less, it was still a kick. So we all assume a kick must be deliberate to call it a kick. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck,.... In this case LAPD could have listed it accidental kick by Evans, and acknowledged Mr Dorner rather than calling Dorner a Liar, and accusing him of false statements which there is no proof of (which is defamation of character), and later firing him for. Alot of times it is just mis-communication, and a simple mis-understanding.

* To the reader of police reports one must keep in mind that police reports are not completely accurate. The officer that writes them up is a human with flaws of understandings, memory, and personal experiences that may deviate from truth and facts. Any person who has had an arrest, and read their police report can witness the fact that truth of what really happened is most often not presented in the police reports. The police reports often give a different story, or an altered story from complete facts.

Also consider law enforcement are trained for conflicts in a public setting. To make force look justified to an observer law enforcement use a technique called 'creating a witness'. As the officer is using force the officer says "stop resisting", and other similar phrases to make it look to the public that the person was resisting, and that is why the officer appeared to be using force. The objective is to plant the seed of justification into the publics mind to make them think one thing that may be totally opposite of reality to later question that person as a witness. In other words law enforcement tell the people what to say and think.

This case is clear proof of how officers and witness testimonies never seem to agree with the facts. My opinion of this report is the writer of this report is trying to "create a witness" if you will with the facts. Giving a one sided view (the LAPD side) of what happened. It is not neutral.

Wikipedia lists other references.

Christopher Dorner shootings and manhunt

LAPD suspect Chris Dorner's chilling package to CNN Part 1

LAPD suspect Chris Dorner's chilling package to CNN Part 2

Challenge coin

A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion (usually military), bearing an organization’s insignia or emblem and carried by the organization’s members. ...The Roman Empire rewarded soldiers by presenting them with coins to recognize their achievements.

Dorner: Manifesto for Murder

2014 Free Streaming


Inspired by actual events, Dorner: Manifesto for Murder, chronicles the wild chase for rogue ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner. Inspired by actual events, Dorner: Manifesto for Murder, takes you through the twists and turns of one of the most talked about manhunts in US history -- the pursuit of ex-cop Christopher Dorner.

Learn the story of this who seemed to travel at will around Los Angeles, even after a $1,000,000 bounty was placed on his head. See how one man -- a psychopathic killer to some, an innocent victim trying to clear his name to others -- took California on a ride that fascinated the entire country.

The dramatic events of February 2013 are explored, and conspiracy theories are both proposed and exposed.

Starring Jay Jee as Chris Dorner, Melissa Ricci, and Adrian Bustamante, you'll discover what happens when one man holds an entire city hostage, and that city decides to fight back.

You'll be presented with the story of a hero, of desperate pursuits for easy money, a media gone wild, and a massive police cover-up.

Finally, you'll meet the true vigilante whose justice rained down ....

Rate: 5.2/10 total 74834 votes

Release Date: 2014-04-25 n/A

Genre: Action

Runtime: 94 min

Watch The Trailer For The Really Low-Budget Thriller 'Dorner: Manifesto For Murder'

It's finally happening: the cinematic, Rambo-esque story of ex-LAPD cop Christopher Dorner is being turned into a really, really, really low-budget thriller.

Dorner: Manifesto for Murder

COMING SOON to Theaters & Vimeo On Demand

EPIC POLICE FAIL: You won’t believe L.A. cops are getting away with this mistake

In pursuit of a dangerous black male killer, Los Angeles Police Department officers mistook two Latina woman for the suspect and fired one hundred shots.

Then, Torrance Officer Brian McGee thought he saw the suspect’s vehicle and rammed into it at full speed, nearly killing the innocent driver, David Perdue, a white man. McGee also fired three shots at Perdue.

But L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has decided not to press charges against McGee, since his error was “a reasonable mistake.”

It Takes a Manifesto to Thwart LAPD Message from Christopher ... OC Weekly (blog)

Of course, the police (who want us to believe this) have failed to release the video footage that would show they were right about it being Chris Dorner ...

Judge dismisses carjacked ranger's claims against Los Angeles ... The Republic

... the cities of Los Angeles and Riverside by a camp ranger who felt he deserved reward money for helping locate fugitive ex-cop Christopher Dorner.

No. 8 of 2013: Facebook posts lead to officer suspension

...Raemonica Carney made controversial statements that appeared favorable toward Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles Police Department officer

...Carney claimed her posts did not support Dorner's actions, but instead called into question the tactics of the Los Angeles Police Department.

“Being anxious and afraid does not justify attempting to execute a man on his way to go surfing.” -Washington Post

(- ... three people police in Southern California mistakenly fired upon during last Ferbuary's manhunt for cop killer (and former cop) Christopher Dorner.)

“Being anxious and afraid does not justify attempting to execute a man on his way to go surfing.”

Except apparently it does, at least if you work in law enforcement. The quote is from the lawyer for David Perdue, one of three people police in Southern California mistakenly fired upon during last Ferbuary’s manhunt for cop killer (and former cop) Christopher Dorner.

This week, the office of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced that it won’t be filing charges against Brian McGee, the Torrance officer who rammed Perdue’s truck, then opened fire on him. The DA found that McGee made a “reasonable mistake,” even though Perdue is white and Dorner was black, and Perdue’s truck wasn’t the same color as that reported to have been driven by Dorner.

Part of the reason why McGee’s actions were deemed reasonable is that just blocks away, seven LAPD cops had just fired 100 bullets at a truck driven by Margie Carranza and her mother, Emma Hernandez, thinking they were Dorner. The two women were delivering newspapers. McGee apparently believed Perdue was Dorner, fleeing from that shooting. The seven LAPD cops shot up not only the women’s truck, they also sent bullets flying all over the neighborhood, hitting “cars, trees, roofs and garage doors.” They too have been cleared of any wrongdoing. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck described that incident as “a tragic misinterpretation” by police officers dealing with “incredible tension.”

It’s certainly understandable how police on heightened alert for a suspected cop killer might be a bit nervier than usual. That doesn’t excuse unleashing swarms of bullets at innocent people. To contrast, consider a drug suspect who wakes up to a midnight drug raid. Maybe the police have made a mistake, and this particular suspect is innocent, in which case he’d have no reason to suspect the home invaders might be cops. Maybe the suspect is actually a drug dealer, but mistakes the raiding cops for a rival dealer. The latter is of course less sympathetic. But in both cases, the suspects have every reason to be anxious and afraid. And in both cases, it would be understandable why they might want to defend themselves. In both cases, the decision to do so would be an honest mistake. Both of these scenarios have happened, numerous times. And in both scenarios, the suspects are almost always charged with one or more felonies, whether or not police subsequently find any significant quantity of drugs. If they kill a cop during the raid, they’re going to be charged with murder.

Or consider a hypothetical that’s a bit more on-point: When the D.C. snipers were still at large several years ago, the police and press told the pubic to be on the lookout for a white van. Let’s say you get off work, and return to your home in Virginia. You’re a concealed carry permit holder. You pull into your driveway and notice a white van parked out front. There’s a white man sitting in the driver’s seat. (Remember, the prevailing theory at the time was that the sniper was a white loner.) Your family is in the house. You ask the man to identify himself. You can’t see, but he’s a repair man. He’s filling out paperwork, so he doesn’t see you. He has his radio turned up, so he doesn’t hear you. You open fire.

You too had good reason to be anxious and afraid. You too were relying on bad information, and made a mistake about the identity of the driver. Do you think you’d get the same consideration the DA’s office has shown to the cops in Torrance and Los Angeles?

Of course, police are authorized to use lethal force. The rest of us aren’t, unless we believe ourselves or others to be in imminent danger of grave bodily harm. (That’s a generalization; the specific legal standard varies by state.) But the police also have the benefit of training. To borrow from my former Cato Institute colleague Tim Lynch, there’s a good argument that they should be held to a higher standard. And there’s a good argument that they should be held to the same standard. It’s hard to think of a convincing argument that they should be held to a lower one.

A mindset that kicks in among police officers when a cop gets killed, particularly if the killer remains at large. Doors come down. Suspects get beaten, sometimes severely. Sometimes, it’s the wrong suspect. As Perdue’s attorney Christopher Driscoll put it in an interview, “”When an officer is injured, or goes down, or is threatened, the team mentality really steps up. You have that concern that individual citizens’ rights are going to get trampled when the officers are attempting to get justice for their brothers.” It’s a mindset that’s endorsed in the popular culture. We’ve all seen TV cop dramas where, when a fellow cop is shot or killed, his colleagues get in a couple of extra kicks when arresting a suspect. There’s a little more physicality in the interrogation room.

Again, this sentiment is perfectly human, and it’s entirely understandable. But it’s also dangerous, and it can’t be encouraged. The lesson from the DA’s decisions in Los Angeles—as well as the failure to administer any significant professional punishment—is that when a cop goes down, we suspend the Bill of Rights until the killer is apprehended. Perhaps if David Perdue, Margie Carranza, or Emma Hernandez had been killed in one of these incidents, the DA may have acted differently. Certainly there would be more public pressure for an indictment. But it shouldn’t need to come to that.

Dorner: Manifesto for Murder (2014)

Coming Soon In theaters April 25.

94 min - Action | Thriller - 25 April 2014 (USA)

Not yet released

Inspired by actual events, Dorner: Manifesto for Murder, chronicles the wild chase for rogue ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.


Tim Pipher


Tim Pipher


Jay Jee, Melissa Ricci, Adrian Bustamante

The LAPD Doth Protest—And Shoot—Too Much - Bearing Arms

...It has been nearly 15 years since I carried a badge. In that time, I’ve been disheartened to watch police philosophy devolve in far too many places from one of service, sacrifice and selflessness to self-absorption and isolation from the public officers serve and represent. Officers who once understood and accepted the risk inherent in their chosen occupations, men and women who took seriously the responsibility of being under arms, now hold no principle so dear as finishing each shift unscratched, and have no qualms about doing everything and anything—or nothing—to see that happens. Worse, their supervisors and leaders not only allow, they abet this deadly conceit.

...PJ Media contributor and LAPD Officer Jack Dunphy recently wrote of the aftermath of one of the bizarre incidents related to the February, 2013 Christopher Dorner murders and manhunt: the shooting of two innocent and entirely unthreatening Hispanic women delivering newspapers in Torrance, CA by eight LAPD officers who unleashed a fusillade of 103 rounds of handgun and shotgun fire at their pickup truck. Not only did they wound both women—who miraculously lived and quickly won a $4.3 million dollar settlement—they managed to shoot up seven nearby homes and nine cars.

...The occasion is the recent release of the official LAPD report on the shooting, and the obvious unwillingness of the LAPD to hold anyone accountable for the near-murders—but for the officer’s abysmal marksmanship—of two innocent women.....

Dorner report: Police failed to communicate during manhunt

A SWAT team enters a home in Big Bear during the search for Christopher Dorner. Law enforcement agencies swarmed the mountain community after ...

NEW Report On Manhunt For ACCUSSED Cop Killer Chris Dorner ...

NEW Report On Manhunt For ACCUSSED Cop Killer Chris Dorner Shows Police OUT OF CONTROL. Submitted by portos on Mon, 05/05/2014 - 15:37.

Dorner manhunt chaos: Report shows heroism and shortcomings of police response

A new report investigating the 2013 manhunt for former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner tells the story of heroism and exemplary police work under ...

CNN Interviews Chris Dorner's Friend Mentioned In - Download Video, HD

Watch And Download CNN Interviews Chris Dorner's Friend Mentioned In We do respect DMCA ,if your copyrighted material has been listed on this ...

Chris Dorner Triggers An Avalanche Of Support On T - Download Video, HD

Watch And Download Chris Dorner Triggers An Avalanche Of Support On T We do respect DMCA ,if your copyrighted material has been listed on this ...

No charges for LAPD officers in mistaken Dorner shooting; memo details how things went wrong

No charges: Los Angeles police officers who shot at two women delivering newspapers after mistaking them for murderous ex-cop Christopher Dorner will not be prosecuted. The county district attorney’s office found the actions were not criminal, though “the barrage of gunfire was tremendous, and troubling.” The city earlier paid the women $4.2 million and bought them a new pickup.

No Charges for Cops Who ‘Accidentally’ Fired 107 Bullets at an Innocent Mom and Daughter

Although the cops ambushed the unarmed women without warning and fired over 100 bullets without provocation, the district attorney justified the case of mistaken identity due to the fact that the officers involved were afraid and incompetent....

After firing 107 bullets at the innocent women, the LAPD cops ordered them out of the vehicle and immediately realized their mistake. Instead of a 33-year-old black man, two Hispanic women exited the pickup truck and demanded to know, “Why did you shoot at us?”

Instead of rendering first aid or even apologizing for the act of attempted murder, the officers called for paramedics while refusing to offer any explanation for the ambush. Awakened by the gunfire, residents emerged from their homes to find their vehicles, houses, and front doors riddled with bullets. With five bullet holes in the entryway to his house, one neighbor asked, “How do you mistake two Hispanic women, one who is 71, for a large black male?”...

Although LAPD Chief Charlie Beck announced during the manhunt that officials would re-examine Dorner’s allegations of police misconduct, nearly three years have passed without any results. Instead, Sgt. Teresa Evans filed a lawsuit against the LAPD last year alleging racial discrimination against her. Evans is white.

Miscellaneous Articles & Links:

Christopher Dorner rampage one year later: ‘Reign of terror’ or overblown?

Chris Dorner Songs:

"Lose Yourself" by EMinem

Download from bottom of this page (.mp3)

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs,

But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down,

The whole crowd goes so loud

He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out

He's choking how, everybody's joking now

The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah!

Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity

Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked

He's so mad, but he won't give up that

Easy, no

He won't have it, he knows his whole back's to these ropes

It don't matter, he's dope

He knows that but he's broke

He's so stagnant, he knows

When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's

Back to the lab again, yo

This whole rhapsody

He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him


You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo

(You better)

The soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping

This world is mine for the taking

Make me king, as we move toward a new world order

A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortem

It only grows harder, only grows hotter

He blows us all over these hoes is all on him

Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter

Lonely roads, God only knows

He's grown farther from home, he's no father

He goes home and barely knows his own daughter

But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water

His hoes don't want him no more, he's cold product

They moved on to the next schmoe who flows

He nose dove and sold nada

So the soap opera is told and unfolds

I suppose it's old partner but the beat goes on

Da da dum da dum da da


No more games, I'ma change what you call rage

Tear this motherfucking roof off like two dogs caged

I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed

I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage

But I kept rhyming and stepped right into the next cypher

Best believe somebody's paying the pied piper

All the pain inside amplified by the fact

That I can't get by with my 9 to 5

And I can't provide the right type of life for my family

Cause man, these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers

And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life

And these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder

Trying to feed and water my seed, plus

Teeter totter caught up between being a father and a prima donna

Baby mama drama's screaming on and

Too much for me to wanna

Stay in one spot, another day of monotony

Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail

I've got to formulate a plot or I end up in jail or shot

Success is my only motherfucking option, failure's not

Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go

I cannot grow old in Salem's lot

So here I go it's my shot.

Feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity that I got


You can do anything you set your mind to, man

* * *

Killer Mike - Pressure ft. Ice Cube In memory Of Christopher Dorner.mp3

Download from bottom of this page (.mp3)



by Killer Mike

Who are you?

You don't know?

Don't tell me negro

That's nothin

What were you before the white man named you a negro

What was your name?

It could'nthave been smith or jones or bush or powell

That wasn't your name

They don't have those kind of names where you and I came from

No what was your name?

And why don't you now know what your name was then

Where was your history?

How did a man wipe out your history?

How did the man what did the man do to make you as dumb, as you are right now

Mutha fuckas I just bought some new chuckas

The old ones bloodied up from stompin out those suckas

Big bang killa

Big black gorilla

King kong on yo monkey ass niggas

Step and fetch fucky ass flunky ass niggas

Dick in the booty for them nasty ass niggas

I don't fear no man

Not bush not clinton not osama

Ask your uncle thom how he choose NASA over Obama

You could have a million dollers and a white collar

Liberation costs more then a damn doller

It costs what christ gave

King gave

X gave

A billion dollars don't make u an ex-slave

Nigga with an attitude since fifth grade

I never behave

Rather be a dead man then a live slave

We can say what we like

Put the pressure on em

Ice Cube n Killer Mike

Put the pressure on em

I can do what I want

Put the pressure on em

But god dammit I'm a I'm gone

Put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Cause pressure was fine

Pressure was ours

I'm here to deprogram you don't forget what they made your grand grand momma do

What they made your great grand daddy do

Without a dollar or a penny or a thank you

The same mutha fuckas wanna gank you

Cause they hate you and the pussy that you came through

Can anybody tell me that it ain't true?

That these mutha fuckas ain't out to hurt you

They'll lock you up, beat you up and work you

Put your life on a thirty year curfue

Lil cell lil window for you to look through

Even gotta little chair where they can cook you

Nigga please I'm a be in the breeze

Eat em up with my plan like the japanese

Now I'm overs seas

And I'm trappin these

Thank god I didn't have to cock n squeeze

We can say what we like

Put the pressure on em

Ice Cube n Killer Mike

Put the pressure on em

I can do what I want

Put the pressure on em

But god dammit I'm a I'm gone

Put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Cause pressure was fine

Pressure was ours

Black colla bitches stop bull shitin

And u funky black preachers with your pool kids

Our kings had dreams and a big vision

All you give us is goverment and religion

Are you a freedom fighter or a school pigeon

Is you down for your people in the big mission

Or you a dirty nigga workin for fuckin a clinton

Or a dirty nigga workin for fuckin a bush

Another message for the politition

Better get the police off our ass quickly

If another old lady die in this city

Swear to god we will burn down the fuckin city

Big schemes

Big dreams

Yea I'm with it for

Twenty years for dealin dope is just a fuckin joke

And so what you the man with that white man

Probation got your ass to a white man

We can say what we like

Put the pressure on em

Ice Cube n Killer Mike

Put the pressure on em

I can do what I want

Put the pressure on em

But god dammit I'm a I'm gone

Put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Cause pressure was fine

Pressure was ours

God damnit the way dogs that ran part runnin rabbit

These pigs goin ham samich

In new york killed a young brother

In atlata killed a grand mother

And politions say save the planet

Fuck that save us damnit

From the black pigs helpin kill sunday

I hope it's five degrees hotter for your ass in hell

Place straight bastard blessed in crash

Hope jesus come back he murder your ass

So you burn in hell till you burn white ash

To the one that say sorry tell em kiss our ass

We don't need em motha fucka you can keep it for yourself

I push you nothin but pain and bad health

I hope luck run away from you and wealth

No honour in life no honour in death

You a juddist to us nigga kill yourself

We can say what we like

Put the pressure on em

Ice Cube n Killer Mike

Put the pressure on em

I can do what I want

Put the pressure on em

But god dammit I'm a I'm gone

Put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Put the pressure on em

Homie put the pressure on em

Cause pressure was fine

Pressure was ours

No negro leaders have fought for civil rights

They paid for civil rights

They have begged the white man for civil rights

They have begged the white man for freedom

And anytime you beg another man to set you free

You will never be free

Freedom is something you have to do for yourselves

And until the american negro let's the white man know

That we are really really ready and willing to pay the price that is destin for freedom

Our people will always be walking around and second class citizens or what you call twentith century slaves

What price are you talking about sir?

The price of freedom is death

Links for the photos used on this page:

Christopher Dorner shootings and manhunt

Feb1, 2013 - Feb 13, 2013

Timeline in manhunt for ex-L.A. cop turned fugitive

Chris Dorner Original Manifesto .pdf

Comments on:


Christopher Gettler Says Dorner Told Truth

CHRISTOPHER DORNER American freedom Warrior or Cop killer

Real American Hero: Christopher Dorner

Los Angeles police reopen case that led to fugitive ex-cop's firing

Alleged cop-killer details threats to LAPD and why he was driven to violence -

RIP Christopher Dorner

Eminem - Lose Yourself (Tribute to Chris Dorner) lyrics