Gov't Pimps

Marriage = Prostitution and Slavery

Government is the Pimp, and Master

Marriage means different things to people.  How you view marriage may not be the same view from your partner.  This difference can be a direct cause of marital conflicts.  Religions, Cultures, Government, Law, etc. have defined marriage in their obscured terms removing the definition of marriage from between the two marriage partners.  If a man and woman gets married the terms should be between those two people and no one else.  If the force of the terms of marriage is not between the two partners then the partners are actually marrying the State, or the Religion, or the Law, etc. rather than committing themselves to each other.  The State becomes the Pimp, and Master over the married couple.  In the case of this Legal Force of Law,  marriage is nothing but, Slavery and Prostitution.  

Marriage evolved from, and is a form of Slavery, and Prostitution.  A Woman was captured from foreign tribes and sold as a bride, or sold into Prostitution.  Current 20th century laws have reversed the role making the Man a Slave to his Wife....

Since the confusion, and unknown terms of marriage apply, the rules and conditions of the marriage should be explained and understood by both parties before the marriage.  The couple should be the author of the marriage.  This prenuptial agreement should be standard to all marriages to prevent corruption by the States interference.

If two people Marry for love it is best they do not Marry under contract of the State.  Rather Marry under your own terms, and exclude the authority of Government, Law, etc...  Why do you need a Master, or a Pimp to tell you how to love, and live your own life with a person you love?  If your marriage is purely for profit, business, financial, and  any reason other than love then a Marriage by the State would be best to secure your interests.  But any marriage based solely on Love must exclude all outside influences, and force of Gov't, Law, etc....   And the Married party must have this Right to exclude any outside forces.  Otherwise, it is best not to marry, and just live together under your own terms else yopu are nothing but a slave, and prostitute to the State.  Because as with most of today's problems it is caused by the self interest and corruption of law, government, and religions which overpowers the two individuals substituting their freedom and liberties with an overbearing Master over the two slaves..

Marriage is slavery

    Modern marriage evolved from a historical ritual designed to indenture slaves to masters, though most people have forgotten its history. However, many of the behaviors and rituals central to this history can still be discerned in modern marriage. ...

    As symbolized on shields and other illustrations that place the knight in the ritual attitude of commendation, kneeling before his lady with his hands folded between hers, homage signified male service, not domination or subordination of the lady, and it signified fidelity, constancy in that service.”   Like the description given by Kelly, men continue to go down on one knee and are quick to demonstrate humility by claiming the wedding is “her day”, betraying the origin and conception of marriage as more feudalistic in its structure than Christian. ... she tended to be the dominant power-holder in relation to the man. In the latter case the wife as more powerful figure is merely obeying -if she is obeying anything at all- her responsibilities as a kindly overlord to her husband. ...

    The Medieval model of service to a feudal lord was transferred wholesale into relationships as “love service” of men toward ladies. Such service is the hallmark of romantic love and is characterized by men’s deference to a woman who is viewed as a moral superior. During this period women were often referred to by men as domnia (dominant rank), midons (my lord), and later dame (honored authority) which terms each draw their root from the Latin dominus meaning “master,” or “owner,” particularly of slaves. ...


How Marriage Today Is Slavery For Men

    In “On The Subjugation of Women”, John Stewart Mill compared the institution of marriage to the institution of slavery. Mill argued that wives were like slaves because the laws at that time made them subject to the whims of their husbands. According to Mill, the laws at the time forced women to obey. In fact, Mill argued that women were worse off than slaves because women weren’t even free from their servitude even when they went to bed at night.

    One hundred and forty years have passed since Mill wrote his essay, and many things have changed in this country around marriage laws. Most of these changes have been indisputably positive. If the pendulum was too far to the “men’s” side during Mill’s time, many of these laws have moved the pendulum towards the middle, where it should be. However, while it is politically incorrect to say so, I would argue that the the pendulum has swung over to the “woman’s” side so much so that the institution of marriage today is a form of slavery for men.

    Today, marriage is perilous for a man. Between 40 and 50 percent of marriages end in divorce....Women bring the divorce around 70% of the time, and that number jumps to 90% when the woman is college-educated. ...The problem is that divorce laws today overwhelmingly favor women, which is significant if so many marriages end in divorce.... A man in the United States, therefore, is submitting to a form of slavery when choosing to get married. His wife has enormous legal power to make her husband into a wage slave, sperm bank, walking atm, retirement fund and general whipping boy simply by filing for a divorce. This is especially so if they have children together.

Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ancient Mesopotamia

    Arranged marriages were the norm, in which the couple had often never met, and there were even bridal auctions where women were sold to the highest bidder, but human relationships in ancient Mesopotamia were just as complex and layered as those today and part of that complexity was the emotion of love....

    The Business of Marriage:  Contrasted with romantic love and a couple sharing their lives together, however, is the `business side’ of marriage and sex. Herodotus reports that every woman, at least once in her lifetime, had to sit outside the temple of Ishtar (Inanna) and agree to have sex with whatever stranger chose her. This custom was thought to ensure the fertility and continued prosperity of the community. As a woman’s virginity was considered requisite for a marriage, it would seem unlikely that unmarried women would have taken part in this and yet Herodotus states that `every woman’ was required to.  The practice of sacred prostitution, as Herodotus describes it, has been challenged by many modern-day scholars but his description of the bride auction has not. Herodotus writes:  [Once a year in each village the young women eligible to marry were collected all together in one place; while the men stood around them in a circle. Then a herald called up the young women one by one and offered them for sale. He began with the most beautiful. When she was sold for a high price, he offered for sale the one who ranked next in beauty. All of them were then sold to be wives. The richest of the Babylonians who wished to wed bid against each other for the loveliest young women, while the commoners, who were not concerned about beauty, received the uglier women along with monetary compensation…All who liked might come, even from distant villages, and bid for the women. This was the best of all their customs but it has now fallen into disuse (Histories I: 196).]

    [In the language of the Sumerians, the word for `love’ was a compound verb that, in its literal sense, meant `to measure the earth,’ that is, `to mark off land’. Among both the Sumerians and the Babylonians (and very likely among the Assyrians as well) marriage was fundamentally a business arrangement designed to assure and perpetuate an orderly society. Though there was an inevitable emotional component to marriage, its prime intent in the eyes of the state was not companionship but procreation; not personal happiness in the present but communal continuity for the future (275-276).]

    This was, no doubt, the `official’ view of marriage and there is no evidence to suggest that a man and woman decided to simply get married on their own (although there is evidence of a couple living together without marrying).  Bertman writes, “Every marriage began with a legal contract. Indeed, as Mesopotamian law stated, if a man should marry without having first drawn up and executed a marriage contract, the woman he `marries’ would not be his wife…

13 Facts on the History of Marriage


    It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage, which does not exist in some countries, is marriage without religious content carried out by a government institution in accordance with the marriage laws of the jurisdiction, and recognised as creating the rights and obligations intrinsic to matrimony. Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting via a wedding ceremony. The act of marriage usually creates normative or legal obligations between the individuals involved, and any offspring they may produce....

    Since the late twentieth century, major social changes in Western countries have led to changes in the demographics of marriage, with the age of first marriage increasing, fewer people marrying, and more couples choosing to cohabit rather than marry. For example, the number of marriages in Europe decreased by 30% from 1975 to 2005....

    The word "marriage" derives from Middle English mariage, which first appears in 1250–1300 CE. ... The related word "matrimony" derives from the Old French word matremoine, which appears around 1300 CE and ultimately derives from Latin mātrimōnium, ...

    The customs of bride price and dowry, that exist in parts of the world, can lead to buying and selling people into marriage.... In some societies, ranging from Central Asia to the Caucasus to Africa, the custom of bride kidnapping still exists, in which a woman is captured by a man and his friends. Sometimes this covers an elopement, but sometimes it depends on sexual violence. In previous times, raptio was a larger-scale version of this, with groups of women captured by groups of men, sometimes in war; the most famous example is The Rape of the Sabine Women, which provided the first citizens of Rome with their wives....

    A dowry is "a process whereby parental property is distributed to a daughter at her marriage (i.e. inter vivos) rather than at the holder's death (mortis causa)… A dowry establishes some variety of conjugal fund, the nature of which may vary widely. This fund ensures her support (or endowment) in widowhood and eventually goes to provide for her sons and daughters."...Direct Dowry contrasts with bridewealth, which is paid by the groom or his family to the bride's parents, and with indirect dowry (or dower), which is property given to the bride herself by the groom at the time of marriage and which remains under her ownership and control. ...

    In the Jewish tradition, the rabbis in ancient times insisted on the marriage couple entering into a prenuptial agreement, called a ketubah. Besides other things, the ketubah provided for an amount to be paid by the husband in the event of a divorce or his estate in the event of his death. This amount was a replacement of the biblical dower or bride price, which was payable at the time of the marriage by the groom to the father of the bride....

    Bridewealth:  It is also known as brideprice although this has fallen in disfavor as it implies the purchase of the bride. Bridewealth is the amount of money or property or wealth paid by the groom or his family to the parents of a woman upon the marriage of their daughter to the groom...

    Marriage law:  A marriage bestows rights and obligations on the married parties ...Giving a husband/wife or his/her family control over a spouse's sexual services, labor, and property., Giving a husband/wife responsibility for a spouse's debts. ...

    "Theoretically, women ... [were] defined as the property of their husbands ....Traditional marriage imposed an obligation of the wife to be sexually available for her husband and an obligation of the husband to provide material/financial support for the wife. ... Mary Wollstonecraft, in the 18th century, described marriage as "legal prostitution".  Emma Goldman wrote in 1910: "To the moralist prostitution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock". Bertrand Russell in his book Marriage and Morals wrote that:"Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution." Angela Carter in Nights at the Circus wrote: "What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many?"...

ND to consider new trafficking law, more funding for enforcement

    ...."It takes a tremendous amount of work to gain the trust, to make these victims understand they aren't going to be prosecuted, and make them so they trust law enforcement," he said.

    ...In addition to immunity for minors, the law would allow women charged with prostitution to assert an "affirmative defense" if they are victims of trafficking. Victims also could seek to vacate convictions of prostitution and some other non-violent offenses that resulted from being trafficked. The law also allows victims to take civil action against traffickers. 

    "We want these victims to understand that they are victims and they can get out of this and there is help for them," Klemin said....

        New law

    Stenehjem also plans to support a law that will be introduced by the North Dakota Uniform Law Commission that decriminalizes prostitution for minors, often referred to as a Safe Harbor law.

The proposal, more comprehensive than North Dakota's current human trafficking laws, addresses criminal penalties, provides more protections for victims and promotes public awareness.

    Rep. Larry Klemin, R-Bismarck, a member of the state's uniform law commission, said a major goal of the law is to make victims aware that they should not be considered criminals.

    In addition to immunity for minors, the law would allow women charged with prostitution to assert an "affirmative defense" if they are victims of trafficking. Victims also could seek to vacate convictions of prostitution and some other non-violent offenses that resulted from being trafficked. The law also allows victims to take civil action against traffickers.

    "We want these victims to understand that they are victims and they can get out of this and there is help for them," Klemin said.

        Other key components of the law include:

    • Increasing penalties for some circumstances, such as recruiting a victim from a domestic violence shelter, runaway youth home or similar facility.

    • Requiring traffickers to pay restitution to victims for expenses such as attorney fees and compensation for the income owed to the victim for labor or sexual activity.

    • Rest stops and hospitals will be required to display public awareness signs advertising the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline.

    • Business entities that knowingly engage in human trafficking can be held liable.

        Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the only proposal put forth so far for victim services would allocate $500,000 to a pilot project in four counties, three in the Oil Patch and one in Fargo.  But Gov. Jack Dalrymple says he is committed to addressing human trafficking in western North Dakota and last month outlined a budget plan that calls for spending $90 million in new money next biennium on law enforcement to fight human trafficking and other crimes.

...Funding for training will come out of $20 million Dalrymple proposes in grants to law enforcement agencies in oil-impacted counties, an increase of nearly $3.5 million over this biennium.

...The governor's budget proposal also includes more funding to support behavioral health services, as well as $500,000 more for domestic violence programs, investments that could also support human trafficking victims


Comment:  In North Dakota a woman can abuse and falsely accuse her husband or boyfriend, and the Law claims "she" is the "Victim".   A woman in North Dakota can also become a Prostitute and the Law will claim "she" is the "Victim".  In both cases "she" will receive immunity from prosecution, and she will also receive free financial assistance, and other incentives to reward her for her crimes.

Is Prostitution really Domestic Violence?  Is a Wife a Prostitute?  Is a Husband a Pimp?  Is "Everything" really Domestic Violence?  Are domestic abusers also rapists?  Why is Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Prostitution all grouped together by Law & Govt?  This mass grouping distorts the already falsified data.  To the casual observer domestic violence would appear worse than what actual DV facts reveal.

Willow Domestic Violence Center helps bring awareness to sex trafficking in Kansas

Sex Trafficking, one of the world's largest illegal trades is growing and happening right here in our backyard....Throughout the year the Willow Domestic Violence Center helps these victims on their journey out of the sex trade industry, with the hopes of helping these individuals start a new life.

Phoenix home helps domestic violence and sex trafficking survivors transform their lives

Moma's House is a "home" for young, single women recovering from domestic violence or sex trafficking situations. "I didn't want it to be a shelter.


Government b da pimp:

Government think yo wife b a ho.  Government always lookin to git yo money.  So dey wanna git in da sex trafficking business.  Da government, and da bitches think yo should pay fo dat pussy.  Yo bitch wanna b a ho so dey got domestic violence laws dat make you pay fo dat pussy.  The Government b da pimp.  da cops is da Thugs.  Yo wife is da ho.  Yo b da John.  Domestic Violence is when yo ho call da thugs to makes yo pay da pimp.  Den da pimp pay da ho her share, and da pimp pay da thugs and da others in the domestic violence cartel.  Den da cartel try to git yo bitch a new John so dey can make mo money.

    Note from these and other domestic violence reports  grouping together domestic violence with sexual assaults, and prostitution.  Why is the family unit being categorized with rape and prostitutes?

    Notice how government instills a false impression referencing women as the "VIctim" in Prostitution, and Domestic Violence incidents while omitting males as victims.  And implying that males are the perpetrators, pimps, and "johns." in DV, and prostitution.   

The 2014 Minnesota Femicide Report!femicide-report/ctod

    ...We pledge to remember the women, children, family members, and friends who die each year from domestic violence and the women and children who die while being used in prostitution and sex trafficking.

    ...all domestic assault crimes and all prostitution crimes targeting perpetrators, pimps, and "johns.".

    ..the murders of women and children of color, women and children living in poverty, rural women and children, lesbian/bisexual/transgender women, and women and children used in prostitution and sex trafficking may be underreported in our listing as they may go unreported in mainstream media.

    ...The Femicide Report is compiled from news accounts and information provided by law enforcement agencies, county attorneys, court administrators, battered women's programs, and family members and friends of murder victims.

Prostitution classified as Domestic Violence? 

Yo wife b a ho.  Yo is  da John.  Government b da pimp.  Cops b da Thugs.

Sex trafficker receives 92-month prison sentence

Auburn Police arrested Cyprian for domestic violence at the Days Inn in May, after he allegedly grabbed, punched, pushed and shook his alleged prostitute. ...An Auburn man who used threats and violence to control two sex trafficking victims was sentenced to 92 months in prison today, nearly a year after he was arrested by Bellevue Police,...John "Lucky" Cyprian Jr., had been largely in control of the woman's life for about a year, taking on the role of her pimp in April 2013...He also allegedly beat the woman at least once a week, controlled what and when she ate and forced her to work 24/7, napping between johns, the affidavit states.


Cop manufactures a false crime against a man so the cop can have affair with his wife while he's in jail.

Charlotte deputy arrested in love-triangle crime

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office has fired and arrested one of its own deputies.... on a felony charge of official misconduct and a misdemeanor count of perjury not in an official proceeding.

Information that Ireland gave the Fort Myers Police Department led to the arrest of the man whose wife Ireland had been having an affair with while the man was in an Alabama federal prison on a drug charge.

The husband was in Lee County Jail for 10 days on a charge of intent to deliver methamphetamine because of Ireland's tip. The charge was dropped the day after he was released from Lee County Jail.

During his arrest, the man "consistently denied having any knowledge of the drugs in his vehicle," an arrest report said.

Ireland said he got the tip from a confidential informant named "Sparkles" — but the investigation showed that "Sparkles" never existed.  The arrest report says the woman broke off the affair with Ireland, who is listed as married on an arrest report, because her husband was being released from prison.

About week and a half after the man was released, he was arrested by Fort Myers police in a parking lot for having narcotics in his pickup.

Ireland tipped off the Fort Myers Police Department that a truck would be transporting narcotics into the city limits. He gave a vehicle description knew where it would be down to the parking spot.

During the arrest, two undercover detectives noticed Ireland driving a black Mercedes. The detectives told investigators Ireland was "circling around the stop and laughing in what was described as a child-like manner."

Police sergeant called to hotel over concern PC meeting domestic violence victim

 A police sergeant told how he was called to a hotel over concerns that an off-duty Staffordshire police officer was meeting a victim of domestic violence he had helped earlier that day.  Pc Adam Rushton, aged 37, had assisted in temporarily rehousing the young mother there whilst on uniformed duty with another colleague. But he returned in his casual clothes that evening and went straight up to her room, a jury heard.  He was noticed by the manager who was so alarmed he contacted the police. ...Acting sergeant Roger Poole told Birmingham Crown Court that when he knocked on the first-floor bedroom door, a woman answered.  He asked to speak to Pc Rushton who came to the door clothed but without his shoes, and sergeant and he went downstairs to talk.  Sgt Poole said he asked the officer why he was there. "He explained [the woman] was a victim of domestic violence and that he had put her up in the hotel

Domestic Violence woman taken to a hotel by a Cop is raped by same Cop

Alleged rape victim says San Jose Cop barged into hotel room

SAN JOSE -- The woman who prosecutors contend was raped by an on-duty San Jose police officer last year testified Tuesday that she was drifting off to sleep in a room on the third floor of the Marriott Hotel on Saratoga Avenue when she heard a knock at the door.

    It was the same police officer who'd driven her to the hotel at her request, after responding to a call from her daughter that she and her husband were arguing. The officer, Geoffrey Graves, barged in, she said tearfully on the second day of the officer's preliminary hearing, undid his gun belt, dropped it on a table and shoved her onto the bed.

Man arrested after catching wife in bed with police officer

    ...Takavingofa told police that officer Denhere attacked him with an iron bar after he found the officer in bed with his wife.  Takavingofa said that when he came home, the door was locked. He heard voices coming from the house, but when he knocked, no one answered. He proceeded to crawl into the house through an open window. That is when he found his wife in bed with the officer.  The man said that the officer hit him with an iron bar before arresting him and forcing his wife to make a false report of domestic violence.  Takavingofa was jailed and is awaiting trial.

Philadelphia Homicide Detective Indicted by Grand Jury in Murder Case Involving Lover

A Philadelphia Police homicide detective hid his girlfriend and helped her cover up her ex-husband's murder then lied to his colleagues about evidence in the investigation, the city's district attorney says.

Cop arrested after he took photos of wife with police chief

But when her husband showed up and started taking pictures of the two, she wasn't too scared to jump in his truck, wrestle away his camera and snatch out the memory card, which she then destroyed, according to court records.  Cindy Griggs told McMinn County Deputy Josh Hyde that her husband, Jeff Griggs, bit her fingers as she grabbed for the memory card.  That was the basis for charging Jeff Griggs, a forensic technician in the Criminal Investigation Division of the Cleveland Police Department, with domestic violence

Police Chief has extramarital affairs with married women has a husband arrested on false Domestic Violence

After Perth Amboy police chief makes calls, rumored girlfriend's husband is arrested

In 2013, Ruiz intervened in a domestic violence call on behalf of a subordinate with whom he had a rumored extramarital affair....Ruiz's intervention in the 2013 domestic-violence call resulted in the woman's husband being arrested and slapped with a restraining order. The responding officers initially did not find the need to make an arrest and the Municipal Court judge who issued the restraining order can be heard on a recording of a phone call with police expressing doubt about the need...."It's the same thing with the domestic-violence call. Everybody and his brother (on the force) knew there was a relationship going on between the chief and this woman. You're taught in the police academy that this is what you're supposed to stay away from."...

Cop sends husband away after domestic violence call so cop can coerce the wife for sex

Hartshorne police officer arrested

A Hartshorne police officer was charged Wednesday with sexual misconduct and accepting a bribe after authorities say he received a sexual favor from a woman in exchange for not arresting her on a probation violation....The charges stem from a domestic violence call ...Kirkland talked to both parties and the husband voluntarily left the scene....Kirkland then took the woman to his Hartshorne patrol car.  “(The woman) advised that while talking with Kirkland, they spoke about her infidelity and about specific individuals with whom she’d had affairs,...The woman had allegedly been drinking that night and Kirkland mentioned to her she could be facing a probation violation stemming from her prior felony convictions,...“Kirkland asked if she wanted him to check the residence to make sure it was secure,” the investigator wrote. “(The woman) advised that she told Kirkland she would appreciate that. Once inside the residence, Kirkland checked the residence and then asked (the woman) if the bedroom he was in was her bedroom.”  The woman said Kirkland then started undressing himself and a sexual act occurred.   “(The woman) advised (to authorities) she was facing more than 300 years of prison, and that she knew Kirkland wanted (sexual favors) in exchange for not reporting her probation violation,”

Suit alleges NYPD cop raped, took naked pictures of woman

        A scheming, Lamborghini-driving NYPD cop raped a woman he met on a domestic-violence call, then threatened to expose sexy photos he secretly took if she reported him, according to a Brooklyn federal court complaint.  The alleged victim claims Officer Harold Avalos targeted her after he came to her Queens home in September 2012 to respond to a dispute with her then-common-law husband,

Detective Constable charged with misconduct in public office

This relates to an allegation that DC Michael McMillan made persistent contact with victims of crime for his own sexual purposes, during his time as a Detective Constable with the Family Crime Investigation Unit.

In North Dakota Women are called victims in domestic violence and also they are called victims in Prostitution.

ND to consider new trafficking law, more funding for enforcement

This Law will legalize prostitution for women under a cover that women are victims....

Domestic Violence Policies:

Recruit Women into Prostitution,

& Prostitutes are Domestic Violence "Victims"

according to current DV Laws and Policies

 Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence A Primer for Judges

Vol. 52 No. 1

    “Your Honor,” he said, pointing to Kika, “this woman was a prostitute.” When the judge inquired if this was true, Kika acknowledged that she had three convictions for prostitution. The court immediately turned over to Arnie, later revealed to be her batterer and a regular prostitution buyer, custody of their two little girls....

    The criminal court judge chastised Kenya as she stood beside her defense attorney at arraignment. “You have 24 prostitution convictions. You’re a beautiful young woman. Can’t you see that your bad choices are ruining your life!” Little did the judge know that the attorney representing Kenya was hired by the pimp who had brutally enslaved her. Kenya did what the attorney directed, pled guilty, and walked out of the courtroom, back into the clutches of her trafficker....

    The simplest and one of the most prevalent connections between domestic violence and human trafficking is when they completely overlap, as they did in Kika’s and Chantal’s cases. Especially in cases of sex trafficking, traffickers and intimate-partner abusers are often one and the same. In fact, sex trafficking is often an extreme form of intimate-partner violence in which traffickers are pimps and batterers rolled into one....

    When Chantal took the stand in the disposition phase of the neglect case against her, the judge could barely conceal her contempt. “You left your little boy with a neighbor while you walked the streets,” she opined witheringly. “That’s inexcusable.” She barely glanced at the little boy’s father, John Sr., who stood in the courtroom across from Chantal, glaring menacingly at her. The judge never learned that John Sr. was a brutal pimp who went by the name “Obsession” and that he had battered Chantal and trafficked her into prostitution.

    Every day trafficking victims, many of whom are simultaneously victims of domestic violence, appear in courtrooms throughout the United States. Rarely are they identified as victims of domestic violence and even less frequently are they recognized by judges and court personnel as the victims of sex or labor trafficking that they are.

    What is the connection between human trafficking and domestic violence? Are there telltale signs that the litigant in your courtroom is a victim or perpetrator of human trafficking and domestic violence? What can be done to accurately identify cases of human trafficking, especially when they dovetail with cases of domestic violence? How can you help protect victims and hold their abusers accountable? This article will explore these questions.

Traffickers or Batterers?

    The simplest and one of the most prevalent connections between domestic violence and human trafficking is when they completely overlap, as they did in Kika’s and Chantal’s cases. Especially in cases of sex trafficking, traffickers and intimate-partner abusers are often one and the same. In fact, sex trafficking is often an extreme form of intimate-partner violence in which traffickers are pimps and batterers rolled into one. All over the world pimps, a subset of traffickers, have learned that the best way to recruit vulnerable women and girls into prostitution is through love and romance. Often these traffickers are part of organized rings that train young men in the time-honored tactics of successful pimping. Their techniques of manipulation and control are especially effective with girls and young women who have grown up in conditions of poverty, who have lacked supportive fathers in their lives, and/or who have survived abuse at the hands of a family or community member. Already traumatized, these girls and women are often susceptible to revictimization.

Domestic Violence As Entry into or Exit from Trafficking:

    Human-trafficking experts often talk about push and pull forces: conditions that propel or lure vulnerable people into situations of prostitution or forced labor. Domestic violence often serves as a push or pull force. People at risk, usually women and girls, often fall under the control of traffickers while attempting to escape intimate-partner abuse. Conversely, they frequently inadvertently become ensnared in abusive intimate-partner relationships trying to escape sex or labor trafficking. Usually lacking economic resources and family support, victims are easy marks for intimate-partner predators. Desperate to leave intolerable conditions, they fail to see that the person offering refuge and protection is himself an abuser.

According to the Corrupt Legal System: 

Woman = Victim, Child = Victim, Prostitute = Victim, and anything & everything is Domestic Violence.

Who then is the Victim, and how does a corrupt legal system determine the outcome when an incident involves Two Women, One is a daughter the other is a Mother, and one is also a Prostitute?

Interesting thing to note is how these women are given such leniency, no punishment, and no criminal record of domestic violence which strips away Constitutional Rights, and hinders employment, etc....

Barron settles domestic violence case against daughter

    While still facing felony prostitution charges in Massachusetts, Salem resident Lori Barron's domestic violence case against her daughter came to a close.

The case against her daughter Maquela Barron was dismissed Aug. 6 because both mother and daughter agreed to essentially stay away from each other.

According to the agreement, the two are forbidden from enter each others' homes, violate each others' privacy, harass each other, abuse each other, or damage each others' property.

The two are neighbors on Riversedge Drive.

The agreement comes a few months after Lori Barron argued she was abused by her daughter.

On June 25, Barron said in court documents, her daughter entered her home through the garage using a garage door opener.

She argued she has been verbally abused by her daughter and another family member.

"They follow and chase acquaintances, friends, family, and home repair people with their cars," Barron wrote.

However, Maquela Barron - through her attorney - argued Lori Barron failed to prove she was abused or harmed.

Prostitution, and Rape are being mis-labeled as Domestic Violence in order for the desperate DV Industry to distort and hype the truth about real domestic violence.  The DV industry and Law Enforcement thrive by false reporting and false data. The Laws are made and enforced to make women "Victims" of DV, Prostitution, and Rape.  When reviewing DV data & statistics consider the fact that a traditional family member dispute is being compared to Prostitutes and Pimps and Johns and Rape crimes.  Acquaintance type crimes are most likely to be high when it involves those in illegal activities.  This would dramatically distort data about the traditional family.  When you include  LGBTQ and HIV-affected people of color which make up over 50 percent of all intimate-partner violence cases then domestic violence data about the normal traditional family becomes further demonized.

Prostitution and domestic violence:

85%  of  women  in  prostitution  report  physical  abuse in  the family

(Home Office, Paying the Price, 2004.

Domestic Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in the United States

University of Rhode Island

    There are no statistics (or even estimates) of the number of women and children in prostitution or that have been trafficked in the U.S.

From a study of Prostitutes:

Thomas Lamboy and Lukasz Skorzewski of the NYPD sexually assaulted nursing student, lawsuit says

    A nursing student says in a new federal lawsuit that two NYPD officers assigned to investigate her 2013 rape complaint took her barhopping and got her drunk, and one of them sexually assaulted her in a hotel room.

The woman, who identified herself as a 25-year-old originally from Seattle, said in the lawsuit that Lt. Thomas Lamboy and Det. Lukasz Skorzewski visited her hometown to investigate the complaint, bought her shots of whiskey during a 10-hour pub crawl, and flirted with her, using lines like, "You're my favorite victim."

She stayed in Skorzewski's hotel room, the suit said, and the next morning the detective crawled into bed with her and spent about 30 minutes trying to touch her inappropriately, warning her afterward to keep quiet or it would hurt her credibility in the rape case.  "It can't leave this room," the suit says he told her.....

FBI sting recovers teen prostitute in Kitsap

Kitsap Sun

Another pimp arrested in the sting after driving a woman to the South Kitsap motel had an active domestic violence no-contact order preventing him from contacting the woman.

Prohibition of prostitution prevents combating sex trafficking

To better protect women in American society, one clear act we can take is to legalize prostitution and pull back the “tough on crime” reins when it comes to sex trafficking....

And no, legalizing prostitution is not necessarily only about protecting prostitutes from their pimps and johns, but from the police as well....

Brown noted examples from Tuscon, Arizona, San Antonio, Texas, Brevard County, Florida, Fresno, California and on and on — just in the past few months — of where police officers paid, pimped and sexually assaulted sex workers.

For example, in Forth Worth, Texas, police officer Ryan Candu was fired over allegations that he paid for sex while on duty. Brown noted that his lawyer argued this was unfair since other officers in the department did the same thing, but weren’t investigated or disciplined for it. When Brown extended her search to last year, she found a dozen more examples, including police chiefs and crimes involving underage girls.

The Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police conduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims in 2010.

Sexual misconduct only trails excessive force as the most common incident at 9.3 percent. Of the 618 officers involved in sexual misconduct, 354 had complaints that involved forcible, nonconsensual sexual activity and of those, 51 percent involved minors....

Cops are Pimps in sex trafficking....

At Least 2 Chicago Police Officers Under FBI Investigation For Running Child Prostitution Ring

 At least two officers from the Chicago Police Department are now under investigation by the FBI after they were implicated as the operators of a sex trafficking ring that held children, as young as 14, captive.

A department spokesman told NBC, the officers have been moved to desk duty, but they are still on the job. Both officers have been with the department for over 20 years, and it was suggested in some reports that there may be other police involved as well.

False Report of DV by Wife gets rid of husband by Restraining order, then offers sex and money to cop investigating her false claim of domestic violence

Woman convicted of offering sex, cash bribes to cop

    A woman has been convicted of offering sexual favors and a $700 bribe to an NYPD officer investigating a report of domestic violence at her Woodside home, while an order of protection taken out by her husband was still in effect, the Queens district attorney announced Tuesday.

    Luander Stephans, 32, of 86th Avenue in Woodside, who was arrested Oct. 16, 2014, was convicted of third-degree bribery and falsely reporting an incident, according to the district attorney's office.

    After the officer rebuffed Stephans offer of sex and money to drop the charges against her in the 2014 incident, Stephans accused the officer of sexually abusing her in a darkened room inside the precinct house. Those accusations resulted in a lengthy NYPD investigation, which determined the defendant's charges to be unfounded.

Stephans, who faces up to seven years in prison, is scheduled to be sentenced in Queens Supreme Court on Nov. 23.

Judge goes after a woman he placed on probation for domestic violence

Jackson County judge admits misconduct; Judicial Tenure Commission recommends 30-day suspension

     In a handwritten letter on court stationery last Christmas season, Jackson County District Judge R. Darryl Mazur asked a woman he had placed on probation for domestic violence if she was interested in a romantic relationship....

During the same period, Mazur tried to interfere in another judge's case in order to help his former neighbor, who had gotten into criminal trouble....

In the special court he leads for domestic violence offenders, he asks people to be accountable for their choices. "I have to be accountable to mine," he said, and called his behavior "indefensible."

"I will never make mistakes like that again."

Mazur — who is married and was, and remains, separated from his wife — responded with the handwritten note.

Victoria Police put predatory officers in charge of investigations involving vulnerable women

The Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission inquiry into predatory behaviour by Victoria Police found officers preyed on vulnerable victims of crime, particularly victims of family violence, and misused the power and trust placed in them....The small minority of officers, the report stated, misused their authority to "devastating effect" by commencing or attempting to commence an intimate personal or sexual relationship with victims of violence victims were the most common victims of predatory police officers...It examined complaints ranging from sexually inappropriate comments or relationships, through to stalking and assault....a male officer who allegedly sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman who had been arrested under the Mental Health Act....

The second woman, a victim of family violence, complained that the officer had made inappropriate, flirtatious comments to her before making unsolicited attempts to contact her via Facebook....Professional Standards Command investigators discovered another complaint made against the officer several years earlier where he had been accused of forming yet another inappropriate relationship with a family violence victim...Another case IBAC examined concerned a male officer who allegedly sexually assaulted a female victim of family violence whom he had met on-duty.

A number of female police officers came forward during the internal investigation to state they too had been subjected to sexual harassment and assault by the officer. ...Some were vulnerable women with mental health issues or family violence victims. ...

    One-third of the alleged offenders were subject to two or more separate allegations.

    Officers from rural locations are over-represented as alleged perpetrators of predatory behaviour.

    Alleged predators commonly misused police databases to gain personal details of victims.

    Perpetrators had on average 13 years of service at the time a complaint was made.

    A number of these officers were still employed by Victoria Police at the time the IBAC report was drafted....

Police prey on victims of domestic violence

Your wife the Prostitute:  A Victim of Domestic Violence.  

Husband the Pimp, John, and Rapist:  Male Abuser of Domestic Violence.

The Intersection of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking

The vast majority of human trafficking victims experience multiple forms of abuse, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. This fact sheet helps justice system stakeholders understand the overlap between intimate partner violence and human trafficking, and offers advice for jurisdictions interested in planning or enhancing a court-based response.

    This product was supported by grant number SJI-14-P-159 awarded by the State Justice Institute. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this product are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State Justice Institute.

Most domestic violence stems from adultery

The majority of domestic violence stems from adultery. Adultery is considered a family matter but to what extent? Adultery involves scheming outsiders who drive you to break down - these are the homewreckers....

Your wife the prostitute. You da John.  Gov't is a Pimp.

North Dakota rings in New Year with few new laws

The so-called "john law" is one of several measures passed by North Dakota lawmakers in 2015 that are aimed at combating the increase in prostitution in the state. The laws hike the penalties for sex traffickers and provide funding for services for victims coerced into the sex trade.

Most of the more than 530 laws approved by the 2015 Legislature took effect in July or August. However, all or part of a few take effect Jan. 1.


BISMARCK, ND – More than a million dollars in grants is available for organizations and entities  providing  services  relating  to  human  trafficking, announced  Attorney  General Wayne  Stenehjem.  The  $1.25  million  in  grant  funds  was  authorized  by  the  2015 legislature as part of a comprehensive package of bills to address human trafficking in North Dakota. 

 A Spokane police officer hooked up with a woman he met on a domestic violence call

    A Spokane police officer admits he had a sexual encounter with a woman he met while responding to a call of domestic violence, newly released records show. The officer, Chris Conrath, now faces a 30-day suspension.   The case comes at a tough time for the department, which has already been rocked by allegations of sexual harassment by its former chief and by rapes charges against one officer accused of assaulting a fellow cop. ...

    The two kissed before they parted ways that night, and the woman told Conrath that she’s staying at a hotel in the Spokane Valley. Conrath met her there when he got off work around 3 or 4 am. ...

    “‘The ‘knight in shining armor’ presented to a crime victim looking for just such an illusion provides a susceptibility for an officer to take advantage of a victim’s emotional weakness and purport to fill that gap and that role. Additionally, police officers, by virtue of their position and authority, have access to databases … not available or known to a victim, which can be used to accentuate or perpetuate the ‘knight in shining armor’ image for personal gain.” ...

Portland police officer quietly resigned after having sex on duty multiple times with woman he'd met on call

A 16-year Portland police veteran was allowed to quietly resign last year after he met a woman on a police call, had sex with her on and off duty and then lied about his behavior.

The officer was found to have lied to emergency dispatchers about his whereabouts, claiming he was taking a statement when he actually had driven to the woman's hotel room for sex in 2014, according to bureau reports made public for the first time.

George R. Holloway Jr., 54, resigned Jan. 6, 2015, according to bureau and state records, months before a police review panel unanimously recommended that he be fired....

Cop kills married woman, shoots self

They were having extramarital affair.  A Delhi police sub-inspector shot a married woman before killing himself with his service revolver in south-west Delhi’s Dwarka area on Sunday morning. The duo was having an illicit relationship, source said.  Vijendra Bishnoi, 30, allegedly had an extramarital affair with Nikita Chauhan, 27,...

According to police, when they met, they allegedly had a heated argument after which Bishnoi gunned down the woman and soon after he shot himself.  “At the time of the incident, Bishnoi who was carrying his service revolver shot Nikita thrice. Few seconds later, he shot himself twice,” a senior police officer said. ...He was an accused in a domestic violence case, registered on the basis of a complaint filed by his wife in Haryana, the official said.  According to sources, he was involved in a relationship with Nikita for three years.

Wife files domestic violence charges against husband so she can fuck Cop at motel.  Husband finds out wife is adultery and reports it to police.  The police in return files charges against the husband. ...

Husband of woman in Conrath case arrested

Police Officer Chris Conrath met the woman at a motel a few days after the domestic violence call and admitted to having sexual relations with her. The woman's husband found out and reported it to police. Officer Conrath was suspended for 30 days. The husband wasn't arrested the night Conrath met the woman, but he was arrested for unrelated, new charges over this weekend.

Ohio cop accused of trying to rape woman escaping abusive boyfriend

Earlier this month a Chillcothe, Ohio woman escaped a domestic violence situation and ran to police officers seeking help. Instead of finding help, however, the woman said one of the officers sexually assaulted her, ...

NYPD Cop, Whose Job was to Bust Prostitutes, Exposed as a Pimp in Massive Sex Trafficking Ring

Fired from the department last month after failing a drug test, a former NYPD officer was arrested Tuesday for running a prostitution ring. Although he had been on the force for 11 years, the cop allegedly began pimping out prostitutes immediately after his shift ended at the NYPD.

Responding to ads for escorts, the undercover cop contacted one of Cornejo’s hookers while she was sitting in his bugged car. Unaware of the listening device in his vehicle, Cornejo openly discussed running a stable of prostitutes and avoiding suspicion from the police. While under surveillance, Cornejo allegedly transported at least 11 hookers to various motels from Long Island to New Jersey immediately following his shift at the NYPD.

Off-duty hotel room visit costs Portland cop his job

Moments after resigning as a Portland police officer Friday, Jeromie L. Palaoro pleaded guilty to first-degree official misconduct after a woman said he responded to her domestic assault complaint and then visited her hotel room and coerced her into unwanted sexual contact.

Bradenton police officer resigns after domestic violence victim complains about 'weird' behavior

BRADENTON -- A former Bradenton police officer resigned after records indicate he asked the victim out instead of filing a violation of a domestic no-contact order, which delayed the protective order.... officer Cordario Pruitt, 28, went to a woman's home to investigate a domestic violence no-contact order. He took the report and is accused of returning the following week to ask her out on a date....

Cop arrests husband on bogus domestic violence charge so the cop can go fuck the man's wife....

OPD officer faces suspension and more

    “Cultivating and maintaining a personal romantic relationship with a married woman, who at the time was still in constant contact with her estranged husband, was scheduled to attend marriage counseling, and who was still allowing her husband to spend evenings at the martial home, compounding this with the fact that you were also married, has called into question your judgment.”

   Graham pointed to an allegation of a domestic violence and that Diesso showed up at the couple’s home in uniform and was driving an OPD marked vehicle, which was “improper, irresponsible, and falls well short of what I expect out of our police officers,” the report notes.

When contacted by the Star-Banner, Diesso declined to comment.

   According to OPD officials, in June 2015 the Marion County Sheriff’s Office was called to a domestic disturbance at a residence in the county. A deputy investigated the allegation and determined he had enough for an arrest. The deputy later returned to the home and arrested the woman’s husband for domestic battery.

   Diesso was at the home at the time, in his OPD uniform. Though at the time no one knew who he was, the accused man took a picture of Diesso and the deputy. The man’s lawyer recognized Diesso. Family members also recognized Diesso through the woman’s Facebook page.

   The woman later met with prosecutors and the charges against her estranged husband were dropped.

   During their investigation, police were told about Diesso spending the night at the woman’s residence and neighbors seeing an OPD vehicle at the home.

The relationship between the officer and the woman began in June 2015 and continued into July 2015, officials said.

Prostitutes are treated as domestic violence "victims", OR domestic violence victims are prostitutes...

Huntington prostitution sting nets eight arrests

      When arrested for prostitution offenses, offenders are offered treatment through the Women's Empowerment and Addiction Recovery and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion programs, according to Ciccarelli.  LEAD is a pre-booking diversion program that allows officers to redirect low-level offenders to treatment services instead of jail and prosecution.  Although none of the women arrested face felony charges, women arrested for felony prostitution have the option to participate in WEAR, which was added as a branch of the Cabell County Drug Court in November.  The program is designed specifically for women who are involved in prostitution to support a drug habit and follows the same one-year model as drug court.  WEAR offers domestic violence counseling, family planning courses and trauma treatment.

Ex-deputy accused of having sex during response to domestic call

An Orangeburg County Sheriff’s deputy has been charged with misconduct for having a sexual encounter with a woman while he was responding to a domestic call....Dereck Johnson, 35, has been charged with a felony count of misconduct in office. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.  The woman claimed she was coerced into having sex during the encounter while she was alone in the house with the deputy while another deputy waited outside with her husband....the deputy told the woman that she and her boyfriend were going to jail if she did not perform a sex act on him.  “She pleaded with him, 'Please don’t do this, my daughter is in the house,'" Bamberg said.  The deputy then allegedly asked the woman for her daughter’s location.  “He peeped in a door of a bedroom where her minor daughter was sleeping,” Bamberg said.  After doing that, the deputy allegedly grabbed the woman, began to put her arm behind her back and grabbed his handcuffs, Bamberg said.  He claims the deputy once again threatened to throw her and her boyfriend in jail if she didn’t perform the act.  That’s when the deputy allegedly pulled her to a back bedroom, becoming more physically aggressive as the woman continued pleading, “Please don’t do this!” Bamberg said.  Afterward, the two deputies left the scene without making any arrests, Bamberg added.  The boyfriend entered the residence and the woman told him what happened.  Her boyfriend urged her to call 911 and she did.

Police Officer Raped Domestic Violence Victim Who Called 911 For Help

    The rape charge stems from a domestic dispute that occurred on September 22, 2013. Graves was among the officers who responded to the 911 call. When he arrived, Graves and other officers claimed that while the arguing couple had been drinking, no actual crime had occurred.

    But the victim, a hotel maid, advised the officers that she would be staying at a local hotel for the night, while things cooled down, on the officers’ advice.

    Then, at approximately 2:32 a.m., Graves, drove the victim to the hotel.

    After the victim fell asleep, Graves was back at the hotel room, knocking on the door only 15 minutes after he had dropped her off. When she answered the door, Graves forced his way in, grabbed the victim, pushed her down and raped her.

    “We take enormous pride in the quality of our law enforcement officers in this County,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a prepared statement....

Pueblo police officer accused of sexually assaulting victim in domestic violence call

A 16-year Pueblo police officer was arrested Friday on suspicion of sexually assaulting the victim in a Thursday morning domestic violence case.

Cpl. Benjamin Candelaria, 48, responded to a disturbance Thursday just before 1 a.m., according to the Pueblo Police Department. He arrested the man involved in the disturbance on suspicion of assault/domestic violence and violation of a protection order, then finalized the paperwork with the woman involved....Police reviewed Candelaria's body-camera footage, which he turned off for 15 minutes while he was with the woman, according to the affidavit. The available footage shows him speaking with the woman about how many sexual partners they had been with, and at one point, he appears to be pointing the camera away from himself "to conceal his actions,"...During an interview with police, Candelaria initially denied any contact with the woman, but then he admitted to touching her and said "he knew he was wrong,"

Your wife the Prostitute, Government be da Pimp, You are a John...

'Human trafficking happens everywhere:' S.C., Aiken County working to further address issue

    Aiken County's lead domestic violence center is working with other agencies to address the rising rate of human trafficking, mimicking efforts made by the South Carolina Attorney General's Office.

“Many people do not realize that human trafficking happens everywhere, even here in Aiken,” said Susan Selden, executive director with the Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons in Aiken County. “The problem has increased to the point that the Cumbee Center is working with other agency’s to create a task force here in the area. Our goal is to make the community more aware of the problem.”

Selden said the Cumbee Center has already had several victims of human trafficking visit the shelter....

    “We are taking in human trafficking victims here, and we barely have room for them, along with domestic violence victims,” she said. “Victims of human trafficking need separate shelters from domestic violence victims, because the dynamics can be quite different.”

$2.5M Deal Proposed for Milwaukee Woman Raped by Cop

Iema Lemons sued the city, the police chief and Ladmarald Cates, a former officer who is now serving a 24-year federal prison term for violently raping her after she called to report vandalism to her home, the 2013 complaint states.

Although Cates was the subject of multiple complaints regarding his on- and off-duty behavior, prior to July 16, 2010, the date of Lemons’ rape, he was not removed from the force and remained in daily contact with the public while performing his duties....

Legal loophole lets undercover officers have sex with prostitutes, group alleges

A group of current and former workers in the Alaska sex trade are asking lawmakers for more protection — protection from police.

The group says right now, current laws allow police officers to engage in sex with prostitutes while building a case against them.

State statutes ban police officers from having sex with anyone in their custody, but there’s nothing that prohibits them from doing so as part of an undercover operation. It’s a matter left to individual police departments to investigate as misconduct....

Alaska’s sex trade, 25 percent of them said that they had had been a victim of police sexual assault,” ...

Puzder's ex-wife rejects claims of domestic violence

The ex-wife of labor secretary nominee Andrew Puzder sent senators a letter earlier this month disavowing a three-decade old claim she made that he had abused her during their marriage.

Lisa Fierstein said that she falsely made the charge during their divorce due to her anger over their break-up, and also to gain leverage in the legal proceedings.

Prosecutor arrested in domestic violence case

A prominent El Paso County prosecutor was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of assault and family violence, according to court records....

Govt Pimp

P.G. County officer indicted for allegedly alerting prostitutes to police activity

"Officer Diaz, on multiple occasions, would warn a prostitute in areas where the task force was conducting operations, allowing her to avoid arrest," Prince George's County officials wrote in their announcement. "It was also discovered that on at least two occasions, Officer Diaz solicited a prostitute for sex while on duty."

Govt Pimp

Police conduct during Jindabyne callout under review

    The woman who called police testified in court that she was having an affair with one of the two senior constables called to her house on August 5, the discovery of which led her partner to push her and grab her keys and phone. ...That on-duty, uniformed officer also took her to his house after she called for help, the woman told the court, rather than the police station as she requested. ...She told the court one of the officers told her they were going to his house because "you need to go somewhere safe for the night".  "I wanted to go to the police station," she said.  "[The senior constable] said you can't go to the police station, I'll just take you to mine and then I can take you to the police station in the morning."  ...

Gov't Pimp Cop vs. Street Pimp

Investigation of former vice detective could lead to new

    FBI's political corruption team had been investigating a former Las Vegas Metropolitan Police vice detective by the name of Chris Baughman.  Baughman is suspected of having romantic relationships with several women who became witnesses in the cases against those pimps....Fleming was accused of beating and terrorizing prostitutes who worked for him, and in 2012 he was sentenced to life in prison. One of the witnesses who testified against him was Baughman, a Metro detective at the time who led a special team that targeted pimps....

    Baughman had been having sexual relationships with prostitutes.  "Baughman is crooked," Fleming asserted back then.  Fleming accused the prosecutor of the case, Deputy D.A. Liz Mercer of coaching the witnesses. ...Sharpe's appeal contains evidence which could end up helping Fleming.  There are a series of 140 text messages that was exchanged between Detective Baughman and a prostitute named Alisha Grundy.  She was the primary witness who testified against Sharpe. ...

    "My understanding was that I was set up; that this guy was sleeping with my girls that were involved in accusing me," Izadi said.

Govt Pimp:

Prosecutors: Former Chattanooga officer concealed evidence to have relationship with alleged victim

A former Chattanooga police officer concealed exonerating evidence against a man facing rape charges to preserve a relationship he was having with the alleged victim,...

Karl Fields, 44, faces one count of tampering with evidence and one count of official misconduct in Hamilton County Criminal Court as a result of his work in a rape and kidnapping case from May 2014. ...Fields hoped to hide evidence that Works and the woman had had a prior sexual relationship ... The same day officers responded to the woman's rape allegations, they found Works asleep in his room at the Red Roof Inn on Shallowford Road with 34 grams of meth, 4 grams of marijuana, a pair of brass knuckles and a blow torch...

Govt pimp

Full findings from misconduct hearing of PC Christopher Lintern

    6. The following facts are agreed:

(i) X was the victim of domestic violence committed by her ex-partner B, who was convicted of a criminal offence as a result;

(ii) PC Lintern was the officer in the case in respect of that investigation. He entered into an intimate sexual relationship with X within six weeks of the investigation concluding;

Officer sacked for escort business and meeting prostitutes

Kamuli police boss arrested over rape of domestic violence

    Police in Kamuli District are holding the Officer in Charge of Butansi Police Post over abuse of office after he allegedly raped a domestic violence complainant.  Inspector of Police David Edward Osiiya is alleged to have sexually assaulted the woman who had gone to report a domestic violence case against her husband ...

Domestic violence victim launches complaint of sexual harassment against Northland detective

A victim of domestic violence has launched a formal complaint against a Northland detective for allegedly molesting her after he arrested her abusive partner....

Your wife the prostitute helps pay the government pimps.  Pimps paying their thugs...

$825K approved for ND human trafficking victims

    North Dakota legislators found a way to provide $825,000 for human trafficking victim services, allowing programs established two years ago to continue.... The programs, established with $1.25 million by the 2015 Legislature, served 79 human trafficking victims last year, including 26 minors.

A conference committee of House and Senate members amended the bill to add up to $700,000 in law enforcement funds that had not been spent from 2015-17 oil impact grants. The bill, which is Senate Bill 2203, also includes $125,000 from the general fund, for a total of $825,000.

Ex-cop who ran high-end escort service gets light sentence

    A retired NYPD officer who ​pled guilty to running a high-end escort service...

Rizzi honed his business acumen while masterminding and running a multimillionaire-dollar prostitution ring where johns shelled out as much as $20,000 for a night with a different kind of hot dish. He pleaded guilty last October....

Govt Pimp

Former Johnson Co. deputy pleads guilty to sexual assault

"This man raped me," Shanna said.  During the second week of September 2016, Shanna says, two Johnson County deputies showed up at her home for a domestic dispute. Shanna says she was arguing with her boyfriend and a neighbor, when someone called police.  She says Deputy Robert Retford offered to take her away from the situation. She says she got into his patrol car and they drove away. She told investigators that while they werAfter that happened, she says Retford took her to a hotel in Clarksville.e in the car, he put his hands in her pants and made her touch him over his pants....Retford assaulted her with either a flashlight or his police baton. Then, Shanna says, the deputy raped her and urinated on her.  "After that he made me drink his urine," Shanna said."He told me to enjoy being covered in his ****, that's what he said."...

Help Wanted: 

Women Prostitutes

in North Dakota -

Great Pay, and total Immunity from Prosecution. 

    In fact, Law Enforcement will report you as a "victim" of this crime.  Law enforcement will arrest the John and the Pimp.  If there is no male to blame just Lie , and falsely accuse some male you dont like.  The Courts will even force the Pimp, or the falsely accused to pay you more money for your services and fees.   Want to become a Prostitute and earn alot of money?  Come to North Dakota where you will be treated as a "Victim" as a Prostitute, and receive immunity from prosecution, and receive more money and more free services.  Plus, you can abuse, and falsely accuse any man anytime and you will also be considered a "Victim" of domestic violence and receive even more free money, and more immunity. 

Laws are turning your wife into a Prostitute:

Laws, DV Industry, Law Enforcement Abuse of alleged Domestic Abuse  

Notice the laws bundle Domestic Violence with Prostitution and Rape.  The Law is calling Women the victims in each of these then providing services for them in the same housing and services facilities.  Many women are vulnerable, and are coerced into prostitution by other women in these facilities who are prostitutes, or by cops acting as a pimp or for a pimp, or other predators acting as concerned DV workers.  Note how Law Enforcement encourage women to get the Law involved even if a Lie.  Cops then turn the so-called victim into Prostitutes under their protection.  Some cops run criminal enterprises either themsevles, or take bribes to cover for others.  Officers set them up in hotels then have sex with them as well. Articles are written almost daily about cops sexual misconducts.  Too many to list here but, I submit a few as examples:

    An Associated Press investigation into sexual misconduct by law enforcement officers in the U.S. identified some 1,000 in six years who lost their licenses for sexual assault or other sex offenses or misconduct, including possession of child pornography, voyeurism and sex on duty. The findings are based on an analysis of state records for an administrative process called decertification, but the AP found that policies regarding decertification vary widely from state to state. Forty-one states provided information, three did not, and six states and the District of Columbia said they did not decertify officers for misconduct.

    Here is a summary of state actions from 2009 through 2014, including AP's tally of sex-related decertifications. The numbers do not reflect the full scope of the problem because not all incidents get reported; some states, for example, reported no officers removed for sexual misdeeds, even though the AP identified cases in court records or news reports.

Police prey on victims of domestic violence

Victorian police officers have been sexually preying on victims of domestic violence in a dramatic widening of the sexual harassment scandal facing the force....

The abuse of victims of crime involves a small number of police officers attempting to form sexual or social relationships with victims of domestic violence who the officers have met while investigating the victim's abuse....

"It's going to be a sad day for the police force," a source said. "Some of the issues discovered are even worse than what was found in the ADF."  

No charges for Bridgeport cop accused of sex assault

Fairfield police did not file sex assault charges against a Bridgeport police sergeant after investigating the allegations by a local woman who said she felt pressured to have sex to avoid arrest....

Feola responded to a motor vehicle accident the woman was involved in on Aug. 25, 2013.

The woman, who told authorities that she is a recovering alcoholic, said she told Feola that she had been arrested twice before for driving under the influence and feared that if she was charged again, she might go to jail.

“You’re lucky you got me,” the woman quoted the Bridgeport officer as replying.

The Fairfield police report indicates the woman told investigators she performed a sex act on Feola in a car that night, and later had intercourse with him on a rug in her apartment. She told Detective Kerry A. Dalling that although she was intoxicated, she was awake and aware of what was going on, and that Feola did not use force or the threat of force.

The Law says your wife is whore.  According to the Law she is a "victim" of domestic violence and rape, and she is a victim because she is a prostitute.  So the Law grants her immunity to do and say anything she wants, even fuck the cops who show up and arrest the man over false accusations she makes to get him in jail while she is free to fuck anyone she wants.:

Hertfordshire PC Simon Salway slept with domestic violence victims

Simon Salway was convicted of six charges of misconduct in a public office in relation to six different women.

    A police officer trained to help victims of domestic violence has been found guilty of pursuing vulnerable women who he met through work for sex.  PC Simon Salway, 39, from North Hertfordshire, targeted the women after they had contacted the police for help.  One had a relationship with the married officer and eventually had a baby by him, Luton Crown Court heard.  Salway was convicted of six charges of misconduct in a public office in relation to five different women.  He was acquitted of a seventh misconduct charge involving another woman.

    Salway was granted conditional bail and will be sentenced in the new year. Judge Richard Foster said it was "inevitable" that he would be sent to prison.  During the trial, the jury heard the officer, who was based at Hatfield Police Station, had "wilfully abused" his position over a sustained period of time.  Some of the women were the victims of domestic violence at the hands of abusive partners. Salway won their trust and flirted with them before sending them sexual texts and messages, the court heard.

    Prosecutor Gregory Perrins said: "He was opportunistic and saw every encounter with a young vulnerable woman as an opportunity for sex."  The court heard that Salway kissed one woman who was being threatened by her partner, after arranging to meet her in a lay-by while he was on duty.  He had sex with another vulnerable woman in her living room, the jury was told. She later discovered he was married and ended the relationship, before she realised she was pregnant by him. She gave birth to their child in May 2008.  Salway persuaded another woman to perform a sex act on him before he went back to work.  He was arrested in March 2014 and admitted he had fathered a child by one of the women, but denied all of the charges.

No more jail for madam behind espresso-stand prostitution

Hendrix agreed not to push for jail time because Panico helped make the case against a corrupt police officer, Superior Court Judge Thomas Wynne was told.Former Snohomish County Sheriff's Sgt. Darrell O'Neill's “abuse of public trust” demanded action and the case against him was weaker without Panico's promised testimony, Hendrix said.“Her cooperation helped secure a felony conviction for former Sgt. O'Neill,” Hendrix said.O'Neill was accused of providing Panico with information about police investigations into her coffee stands and turning a blind eye to the prostitution operation. Investigators were told that Panico engaged in sex with O'Neill in exchange for his help.The longtime police officer pleaded guilty in October to felony conspiracy to commit money laundering and two counts of misdemeanor official misconduct. He faces up to a year in jail when he's sentenced later this week. He resigned from the sheriff's office shortly after his 2013 arrest....

Investigators dug deep into Panico's finances. She had deposited more than $2 million in her bank accounts over three years.

Lenny Harper tells Jersey Care enquiry corrupt police were not charged

Police officers sold prescription drugs to prostitutes for sex and put pornographic films on computers bought with police budgets, but were not charged, it has been claimed.

Former police chief Lenny Harper told the Jersey Care inquiry he submitted files against officers in 2007, but the attorney general did not charge them.

He said one officer pointed a gun at another's head but was not sacked.

The States of Jersey Police declined to comment on the claims.

Lenny Harper, who was appointed deputy chief officer of the force in 2003, told the inquiry there were approaching a dozen suspects who had been arrested and files were presented to the Law Officers Department but they were not charged by the attorney general.

He said the police took possession of computers senior members of the IT Department "had bought on the police budgets with pornographic films on the computers and no charges were ever brought against them".

He told the inquiry he could also remember at least four cases in which officers who had been suspended by the States of Jersey Police (SOJP) were reinstated by the States of Jersey.

He said he did not recall making a complaint himself to the attorney generals officer about the alleged failure to charge corrupt officers because it was the job of the head of operations to oversee daily police work, though he said lawyers working in the attorney general's office were approached by other police officers.

Mr Harper, who led a two-year long police investigation starting in 2006 into historic child abuse in Jersey, also gave evidence about "a culture emerging in Jersey of systematic child abuse" which was "far worse" than a single paedophile ring.

He said: "Children were in effect being loaned out to people taken on yachting trips" and there were allegations of abuse taking place outside of territorial waters which were not dealt with properly by the police.

Hong Kong police inspector guilty of misconduct for blackmailing prostitute into free sex

A police inspector has been found guilty of misconduct after abusing his position by refusing to pay a prostitute.

Chu Chi-ho, 44, of the force’s Yau Tsim District, refused to pay the 25-year-old mainland Chinese woman after procuring sexual services from her on May 28 last year.

The married man refused to cough up the HKD200 he owed, identifying himself as a police officer and threatening to arrest the woman for breach of her two-way travel permit.

Statistics found in investigation of cops' sex misconduct

State records examined involve state and local police, sheriff's officials, prison guards and school resource officers. No federal officers are included. The U.S. Justice Department defines sexual assault as any type of sexual contact that occurs without explicit consent, including intercourse, sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling and attempted rape.

—990, the total number of officers who lost their law enforcement licenses because of sexual assault or other sex-related allegations.

—549, the subset of officers who were decertified on allegations of rape, child molestation and other acts meeting the DOJ definition of sexual assault.

—441, the subset of officers who lost their licenses for other sex crimes or sex-related misconduct, such as possessing child pornography (a federal crime); sexting; propositioning people in exchange for ignoring violations of the law.

—310, the number of officers with victims younger than 18. These include school resource officers or those working in police youth programs.

—154, the number of officers whose victims were jail or prison inmates. (Cases include forced sex and allegedly consensual sex among inmates and guards, though even that is prohibited and in some states illegal.)

—44, the number of states that have a process for revoking an officer's license for misconduct, known as decertification.

—7, the number of states and the District of Columbia that said they do not decertify officers.

—3, the number of states that provided no information to the AP.

A look at some recent cases of sex crimes involving police officers across the U.S.

Below are 10 cases from across the U.S. that reflect how such crimes can occur, and the devastation they leave behind. Most of the officers have been convicted and are serving time. Some await trial. ...

Portland police officer quietly resigned after having sex on duty multiple times with woman he'd met on call

A 16-year Portland police veteran was allowed to quietly resign last year after he met a woman on a police call, had sex with her on and off duty and then lied about his behavior.

The officer was found to have lied to emergency dispatchers about his whereabouts, claiming he was taking a statement when he actually had driven to the woman's hotel room for sex in 2014, according to bureau reports made public for the first time.

George R. Holloway Jr., 54, resigned Jan. 6, 2015, according to bureau and state records, months before a police review panel unanimously recommended that he be fired....

NYPD Cop, Whose Job was to Bust Prostitutes, Exposed as a Pimp in Massive Sex Trafficking Ring

Fired from the department last month after failing a drug test, a former NYPD officer was arrested Tuesday for running a prostitution ring. Although he had been on the force for 11 years, the cop allegedly began pimping out prostitutes immediately after his shift ended at the NYPD.

Responding to ads for escorts, the undercover cop contacted one of Cornejo’s hookers while she was sitting in his bugged car. Unaware of the listening device in his vehicle, Cornejo openly discussed running a stable of prostitutes and avoiding suspicion from the police. While under surveillance, Cornejo allegedly transported at least 11 hookers to various motels from Long Island to New Jersey immediately following his shift at the NYPD.

Ma'am I need to see your panties and bra for proper registration.....Ma'am I have to ask you to pull over to a remote location to watch video pornography of your crime.... Ma'am you violated ordinance sexteen of State Law.  You can either be fucked here or in jail, which do you prefer?.......

Oklahoma ex-patrolman to be arraigned for traffic-stop sexual assaults

...The federal lawsuit claimed Roberts pulled the woman over and began asking her a series of sexual questions. He later drove her to a remote location while forcing her to watch a pornographic video on a cell phone.

He then raped her, discarded a condom and used bottled water purchased along the way to clean himself, the suit said.

The next day, the woman reported the incident to Oklahoma Highway Patrol, which investigated. They went to the scene of the reported assault and a condom was recovered, the suit said.

According to the OHP, investigators discovered Roberts had turned his dashboard camera off during six traffic stops, including the one listed in the federal lawsuit.

Former OHP Trooper Eric William Roberts, 43, of Bristow, faces 11 criminal counts in connection with alleged sexual assaults and other purported inappropriate behavior against three women from June to July in 2014.

Off-duty hotel room visit costs Portland cop his job

Moments after resigning as a Portland police officer Friday, Jeromie L. Palaoro pleaded guilty to first-degree official misconduct after a woman said he responded to her domestic assault complaint and then visited her hotel room and coerced her into unwanted sexual contact.

Springfield Police Officer indicted on several counts for Alleged Misconduct

A now former officer with the Springfield Police Department has been indicted by a Sangamon County Grand Jury for alleged misconduct with a 17-year-old female student.  45-year-old Rodney A. Groth ...after an investigation by the Illinois State Police.  Groth was the school resource officer at Lanphier High School. The incidents of misconduct were reported to have happened between January and December in 2015.

Report: Pa. police officer had sex while on duty, former chief wiped phone

SUNBURY, Pa. — An affair between a city police officer and a married woman — which allegedly involved sex while the officer was on duty, sometimes in his patrol car — is detailed in a scathing investigative report on police misconduct internal cover-up; the admitted sexual affair between Officer Scott Hause and Jessica Troup; a rushed, botched internal investigation; and allegations of an internal coverup by the former police chief. ...a complaint made by Paul Troup, whose wife, Jessica Troup, said she was meeting with Hause during his work hours for sex, sometimes in the officer’s patrol car. ...The report was critical of former Police Chief Brad Hare, who confiscated Hause’s cell phone and wiped its data before it could be examined for sexually explicit photos and video that Troup claims Hause sent her. Hause later stated that he “sanitized” it because it contained confidential police information. The report called that and other actions by Hare “highly questionable” in light of the investigation....

Married Policeman Has Sexual Relationship With Domestic Violence Victim

A married police officer from Aylesbury has been given a 6 month suspended sentence for having a sexual relationship with a domestic violence victim.

Police Officer Raped Domestic Violence Victim Who Called 911 For Help

    The rape charge stems from a domestic dispute that occurred on September 22, 2013. Graves was among the officers who responded to the 911 call. When he arrived, Graves and other officers claimed that while the arguing couple had been drinking, no actual crime had occurred.

    But the victim, a hotel maid, advised the officers that she would be staying at a local hotel for the night, while things cooled down, on the officers’ advice.

    Then, at approximately 2:32 a.m., Graves, drove the victim to the hotel.

    After the victim fell asleep, Graves was back at the hotel room, knocking on the door only 15 minutes after he had dropped her off. When she answered the door, Graves forced his way in, grabbed the victim, pushed her down and raped her.

    “We take enormous pride in the quality of our law enforcement officers in this County,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a prepared statement....

Victims Were Kids for One-Third of U.S. Police Officers Who Lost Badges for Sexual Misconduct

    Nearly 1,000 U.S. police officers lost their badges over sexual misconduct between 2009 and 2014, according to a new analysis from the Associated Press—which calls this number "unquestionably an undercount." And around one-third of these incidents involved children or teenagers under 18-years-old, the news agency found....

    Guilty parties in the analysis included state and local police, sherriff's deputies, prison guards, and school cops, but not federal law-enforcement agents. "Because of gaps in the information provided by the states, it was impossible to discern any other distinct patterns, other than a propensity for officers to use the power of their badge to prey on the vulnerable," ...

    some 9,000 U.S. police officers were decertified between 2009 to 2014, And because there's no national tracking system, bad cops can still wind up getting hired in other states....

Cop wants to frisk your wife...

Officer tried to frame man so his wife would leave her husband for him

A police officer who had a close friendship with a married woman tried to make her split with her husband by attempting to frame him,...PC Anthony Gillard struck up a relationship with the victim, ..."All of the searches and actions were primarily by this officer, firstly not for proper policing purposes and further to that they were for personal purposes." ...He used the force computer to track down Mr H and performed several checks ...The panel was told none of the searches were legitimate.  It ruled the actions of PC Gillard were outside of his extant policing duties and amounted to gross misconduct, and he was dismissed without notice.

Hundreds of police officers 'getting away with sexual abuse of crime victims'

...more than a third (39 per cent) of the allegations involved victims of domestic abuse.

Arrested suspects and people with drug or alcohol problems were also thought to be among those allegedly exploited.

Report: PBSO deputy charged in rape ‘checked’ on woman after call

Palm Beach County, Florida: A deputy was charged with two counts of sexual battery against domestic violence victim when he allegedly went to check-up on her.

Jason Bryon Nebergall, 38, told the woman involved in the disturbance he’d come back later to check on her.  When he returned, he forced himself on her. Nebergall, a nine-year veteran with the sheriff’s office, is facing two counts of sexual battery as a result....

A lab report released in October confirmed DNA found on the woman’s buttocks was Nebergall’s, the report said.

The cop, responding to a call of domestic violence, said to Mrs. Smith, "Why did you throw the iron at your husband?"

"Because he called me a nymphomaniac!"

"Is that," asked the officer, "a good reason to hit him?"

"Sure was," she answered.

"He called me that right in front of the mailman, the milkman, the plumber, and the cable guy."

A 50-state look at officer decertification for sex incidents

(newest articles at bottom)


Government thinks your wife is a Whore, and you are a John.  Government has made itself a Pimp.

The Slave Auction works the same way forcing John Slave to pay his Masta Ho simply because she gave her John some puss in their relationship.

USA is a Pimp Gubmint, and Pimp Law...

Notice the laws bundle Domestic Violence with Prostitution and Rape.  The Law is calling Women the victims in each of these cases.  Note how Law Enforcement encourage women to get the Law involved even if a Lie. 

These women really do become victims but, by their own government using the women as Government Prostitutes.

Women are paid financially to act as confidential police informants, aka. family snitches, or if you will the jailhouse snitch.

As women are used to make any petty, frivalous, and even false reports against their family causes the falsely accused family member to become wrongfully convicted with a criminal record so he loses his Bill of Rights.  This in turn empowers and grows government weakening the citizenry (especially the male).  In addition it empowers feminism in turn creating more unequal, and unconstitutional laws and policies.

Police misconduct also results as some Cops then turn the so-called women victim into Prostitutes under their protection.  Officers set them up in hotels then have sex with them as well.

Articles are written daily about cops sexual misconducts.  Too many for me to list here.  The following articles are just a few samples:

    According to Government Domestic Violence is Prostitution:  Government is the Pimp.  Your wife is the Prostitute who receives payments and benefits by prostituting herself to her pimp and her John.  You are the John who must pay the govt pimp, and your wife the prostitute regardless if you have, or have no sex with your wife the prostitute...



    1  A person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

    1.1  A person who misuses their talents or behaves unworthily for personal or financial gain:

            ‘careerist political prostitutes’

Origin:  Mid 16th century (as a verb): from Latin prostitut- exposed publicly, offered for sale,


prostituted; prostituting

    1 :  to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money

    2 :  to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes :

According to Gov't Domestic Violence is Sex Trafficking...which allows the USA Government to legally possess you and your wife turning her into their Prostitute, and you into a John.


Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment or some other benefit.

Roman Government was a Pimp State run prostitution enterprise, regulated, and taxed.

Rome would enslave the Native Europeans with men sent to dangerous labor, and their women turned into sex slaves...

Prostitution in ancient Rome

USA Government, and its Law Enforcement Thugs are Pimps.  Your wife is their Ho, and you are the John.

Procuring (prostitution)  -  Pimp

Govt Pimps want more money ...

Human trafficking workers make case to ND Legislature for funds

Senate Appropriations Committee members heard from several program leaders in favor of Senate Bill 2203, which would provide $1 million to the North Dakota Attorney General's Office for grants to organizations dedicated to dealing with human trafficking victims.  One-time legislation passed in 2015 for $1.25 million for programs related to human trafficking victims programs, training and services. ...A total of 79 victims of human trafficking were assisted by the North Dakota Human Trafficking Task Force last year ..."I think they will continue to go up," Sambor said of the number of victims over time. "This isn't something we're going to solve in the next two years."...

Prohibition of prostitution prevents combating sex trafficking

To better protect women in American society, one clear act we can take is to legalize prostitution and pull back the “tough on crime” reins when it comes to sex trafficking....

And no, legalizing prostitution is not necessarily only about protecting prostitutes from their pimps and johns, but from the police as well....

Brown noted examples from Tuscon, Arizona, San Antonio, Texas, Brevard County, Florida, Fresno, California and on and on — just in the past few months — of where police officers paid, pimped and sexually assaulted sex workers.

For example, in Forth Worth, Texas, police officer Ryan Candu was fired over allegations that he paid for sex while on duty. Brown noted that his lawyer argued this was unfair since other officers in the department did the same thing, but weren’t investigated or disciplined for it. When Brown extended her search to last year, she found a dozen more examples, including police chiefs and crimes involving underage girls.

The Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police conduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims in 2010.

Sexual misconduct only trails excessive force as the most common incident at 9.3 percent. Of the 618 officers involved in sexual misconduct, 354 had complaints that involved forcible, nonconsensual sexual activity and of those, 51 percent involved minors....

Cop manufactures a false crime against a man so the cop can have affair with his wife while he's in jail.

Charlotte deputy arrested in love-triangle crime

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office has fired and arrested one of its own deputies.... on a felony charge of official misconduct and a misdemeanor count of perjury not in an official proceeding.

Information that Ireland gave the Fort Myers Police Department led to the arrest of the man whose wife Ireland had been having an affair with while the man was in an Alabama federal prison on a drug charge.

The husband was in Lee County Jail for 10 days on a charge of intent to deliver methamphetamine because of Ireland's tip. The charge was dropped the day after he was released from Lee County Jail.

During his arrest, the man "consistently denied having any knowledge of the drugs in his vehicle," an arrest report said.

Ireland said he got the tip from a confidential informant named "Sparkles" — but the investigation showed that "Sparkles" never existed.  The arrest report says the woman broke off the affair with Ireland, who is listed as married on an arrest report, because her husband was being released from prison.

About week and a half after the man was released, he was arrested by Fort Myers police in a parking lot for having narcotics in his pickup.

Ireland tipped off the Fort Myers Police Department that a truck would be transporting narcotics into the city limits. He gave a vehicle description knew where it would be down to the parking spot.

During the arrest, two undercover detectives noticed Ireland driving a black Mercedes. The detectives told investigators Ireland was "circling around the stop and laughing in what was described as a child-like manner."

Police sergeant called to hotel over concern PC meeting domestic violence victim

 A police sergeant told how he was called to a hotel over concerns that an off-duty Staffordshire police officer was meeting a victim of domestic violence he had helped earlier that day.  Pc Adam Rushton, aged 37, had assisted in temporarily rehousing the young mother there whilst on uniformed duty with another colleague. But he returned in his casual clothes that evening and went straight up to her room, a jury heard.  He was noticed by the manager who was so alarmed he contacted the police. ...Acting sergeant Roger Poole told Birmingham Crown Court that when he knocked on the first-floor bedroom door, a woman answered.  He asked to speak to Pc Rushton who came to the door clothed but without his shoes, and sergeant and he went downstairs to talk.  Sgt Poole said he asked the officer why he was there. "He explained [the woman] was a victim of domestic violence and that he had put her up in the hotel

Domestic Violence woman taken to a hotel by a Cop is raped by same Cop

Alleged rape victim says San Jose Cop barged into hotel room

SAN JOSE -- The woman who prosecutors contend was raped by an on-duty San Jose police officer last year testified Tuesday that she was drifting off to sleep in a room on the third floor of the Marriott Hotel on Saratoga Avenue when she heard a knock at the door.

    It was the same police officer who'd driven her to the hotel at her request, after responding to a call from her daughter that she and her husband were arguing. The officer, Geoffrey Graves, barged in, she said tearfully on the second day of the officer's preliminary hearing, undid his gun belt, dropped it on a table and shoved her onto the bed.

Man arrested after catching wife in bed with police officer

    ...Takavingofa told police that officer Denhere attacked him with an iron bar after he found the officer in bed with his wife.  Takavingofa said that when he came home, the door was locked. He heard voices coming from the house, but when he knocked, no one answered. He proceeded to crawl into the house through an open window. That is when he found his wife in bed with the officer.  The man said that the officer hit him with an iron bar before arresting him and forcing his wife to make a false report of domestic violence.  Takavingofa was jailed and is awaiting trial.

Philadelphia Homicide Detective Indicted by Grand Jury in Murder Case Involving Lover

A Philadelphia Police homicide detective hid his girlfriend and helped her cover up her ex-husband's murder then lied to his colleagues about evidence in the investigation, the city's district attorney says.

Cop arrested after he took photos of wife with police chief

But when her husband showed up and started taking pictures of the two, she wasn't too scared to jump in his truck, wrestle away his camera and snatch out the memory card, which she then destroyed, according to court records.  Cindy Griggs told McMinn County Deputy Josh Hyde that her husband, Jeff Griggs, bit her fingers as she grabbed for the memory card.  That was the basis for charging Jeff Griggs, a forensic technician in the Criminal Investigation Division of the Cleveland Police Department, with domestic violence

Police Chief has extramarital affairs with married women has a husband arrested on false Domestic Violence

After Perth Amboy police chief makes calls, rumored girlfriend's husband is arrested

In 2013, Ruiz intervened in a domestic violence call on behalf of a subordinate with whom he had a rumored extramarital affair....Ruiz's intervention in the 2013 domestic-violence call resulted in the woman's husband being arrested and slapped with a restraining order. The responding officers initially did not find the need to make an arrest and the Municipal Court judge who issued the restraining order can be heard on a recording of a phone call with police expressing doubt about the need...."It's the same thing with the domestic-violence call. Everybody and his brother (on the force) knew there was a relationship going on between the chief and this woman. You're taught in the police academy that this is what you're supposed to stay away from."...


Cop sends husband away after domestic violence call so cop can coerce the wife for sex

Hartshorne police officer arrested

A Hartshorne police officer was charged Wednesday with sexual misconduct and accepting a bribe after authorities say he received a sexual favor from a woman in exchange for not arresting her on a probation violation....The charges stem from a domestic violence call ...Kirkland talked to both parties and the husband voluntarily left the scene....Kirkland then took the woman to his Hartshorne patrol car.  “(The woman) advised that while talking with Kirkland, they spoke about her infidelity and about specific individuals with whom she’d had affairs,...The woman had allegedly been drinking that night and Kirkland mentioned to her she could be facing a probation violation stemming from her prior felony convictions,...“Kirkland asked if she wanted him to check the residence to make sure it was secure,” the investigator wrote. “(The woman) advised that she told Kirkland she would appreciate that. Once inside the residence, Kirkland checked the residence and then asked (the woman) if the bedroom he was in was her bedroom.”  The woman said Kirkland then started undressing himself and a sexual act occurred.   “(The woman) advised (to authorities) she was facing more than 300 years of prison, and that she knew Kirkland wanted (sexual favors) in exchange for not reporting her probation violation,”

Suit alleges NYPD cop raped, took naked pictures of woman

        A scheming, Lamborghini-driving NYPD cop raped a woman he met on a domestic-violence call, then threatened to expose sexy photos he secretly took if she reported him, according to a Brooklyn federal court complaint.  The alleged victim claims Officer Harold Avalos targeted her after he came to her Queens home in September 2012 to respond to a dispute with her then-common-law husband,

In North Dakota Women are called victims in domestic violence and also they are called victims in Prostitution.

ND to consider new trafficking law, more funding for enforcement

Lawsuit: Former Faribault Police Officer Traded Sex with Informant for Money, Drugs

 Robert Vogelsberg repeatedly used his authority to coerce a woman, who was under his control as a confidential informant, to have sex with him in exchange for money, drugs and favors. Former Faribault Police Chief Daniel Collins is also named in the lawsuit ... S.H. received a phone call from Vogelsberg asking to meet. She met with him in what she understood to be his undercover police vehicle, a Chevrolet Tahoe. The suit claims he unzipped his pants and told S.H. that if she became a CI and had sex with him, her case would “disappear.” S.H. said she felt pressured by him and agreed. Soon after her charges were dismissed. ....From June 2010 through June 2011, S.H. would regularly meet with Vogelsberg and they would end up having sex, the lawsuit states. During that time period, Vogelsburg used his position of authority to coerce S.H. into having sex with him about 40 times, the lawsuit claims.

Detective Constable charged with misconduct in public office

This relates to an allegation that DC Michael McMillan made persistent contact with victims of crime for his own sexual purposes, during his time as a Detective Constable with the Family Crime Investigation Unit.

Thomas Lamboy and Lukasz Skorzewski of the NYPD sexually assaulted nursing student, lawsuit says

    A nursing student says in a new federal lawsuit that two NYPD officers assigned to investigate her 2013 rape complaint took her barhopping and got her drunk, and one of them sexually assaulted her in a hotel room.

The woman, who identified herself as a 25-year-old originally from Seattle, said in the lawsuit that Lt. Thomas Lamboy and Det. Lukasz Skorzewski visited her hometown to investigate the complaint, bought her shots of whiskey during a 10-hour pub crawl, and flirted with her, using lines like, "You're my favorite victim."

She stayed in Skorzewski's hotel room, the suit said, and the next morning the detective crawled into bed with her and spent about 30 minutes trying to touch her inappropriately, warning her afterward to keep quiet or it would hurt her credibility in the rape case.  "It can't leave this room," the suit says he told her.....

Cuff em and stuff em for sex.  Woman offers cop sex to frame a man, or cop coerces woman fro sex in exchange to frame a man:

Colorado Springs attorney wants case dismissed because of police officer's sexual relationship with witness

On Sept. 28, Nelson's attorney, Shimon Kohn, filed a motion to dismiss charges against his client after an investigation revealed that the lead detective, Colorado Springs police Detective Paul Patton had sex with the victim. Kohn claims Patton and deputy district attorney Kimberly Maher engaged in "outrageous conduct" and impeded the defense's ability gather to evidence and interview the victim in preparation for the trial.....

Patton, 39, is accused of attempting to influence a public servant, first-degree official misconduct and false reporting to authorities.

"Had the improper relationship between alleged victim and lead detective not been discovered and felony charges levied against the detective, the entire process before this court would have been a sham,"

Cops are Pimps in sex trafficking....

At Least 2 Chicago Police Officers Under FBI Investigation For Running Child Prostitution Ring

 At least two officers from the Chicago Police Department are now under investigation by the FBI after they were implicated as the operators of a sex trafficking ring that held children, as young as 14, captive.

A department spokesman told NBC, the officers have been moved to desk duty, but they are still on the job. Both officers have been with the department for over 20 years, and it was suggested in some reports that there may be other police involved as well.


Former Fresno attorney, church leader sentenced for molesting children

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A former Fresno estate planning attorney is headed to prison for sex crimes against multiple children.  Steven Matlak pleaded guilty to seven felonies last month as part of a plea deal, admitting to crimes against girls as young as five years old....

A bad cop sexually assaulted me. Qualified immunity protected him and his boss.

A sheriff’s deputy sexually assaults a motorist. He is charged and convicted, but the doctrine of qualified immunity shields him from civil liability.... 


Ex-White Ribbon ambassador convicted of raping wife

A former anti-domestic violence campaigner found guilty of multiple rapes against his wife can now be unmasked as Ballarat's Jon Seccull....


Jeffrey Lynn Thomas, Somerset Pennsylvania’s Tough-on-Crime Republican District Attorney, Is Charged With Rape

Somerset County DA Jeffrey Lynn Thomas, 36, allegedly attacked the unidentified woman...  the woman knew Thomas in a professional capacity and that she had for years rebuffed his persistent sexual advances....She replied that he was not welcome there, and to please stay away. Soon after, Thomas walked into the woman’s home with an armload of beer cans and handed her one, according to cops.  The woman asked Thomas to leave, but he reportedly refused and became “agitated.” After she slapped him, Thomas hit her in the face and gave her a nosebleed...After the woman told Thomas again to leave, he pulled down her top, undressed himself, and raped her... “During the assault, Thomas grabbed her by the neck making it hard to breath [sic],”...  The woman’s child was home during the attack... Thomas’ alleged victim told investigators that she and Thomas had smoked marijuana together prior to the attack, but the complaint did not specify whether this meant the night in question or some other time in the past. Recreational marijuana remains illegal in Pennsylvania....


‘Code of Silence’ Reveals How Courts Systems Protect Federal Judges Accused of Sexual Misconduct

A federal judge sexually assaulted his top assistant inside a U.S. courthouse and she’d run crying from his chambers....After a years-long legal fight, U.S. District Judge Samuel Bristow Kent became the first jurist in the nation’s history to be impeached for sex crimes—against McBroom and another woman—and eventually went to prison....  federal judges and other coverups nationwide. My book, Code of Silence...  

Former Sheriff Convicted of Sexually Abusing Kids and Young Men, Now Faces Federal Charges

Jack Strain, who served as St. Tammany Parish sheriff for two decades, was charged with eight counts of sex crimes in 2019 against juvenile boys. He was found guilty on November 8 after the jury heard from five victims, whom Strain abused when they were children. Strain did not testify.  "You hurt me in so many ways," one accuser said. "You are a monster and a predator."  Another victim called Strain a coward. According to AP, one of the victim's counselors testified that he had developed PTSD and night terrors, while another victim said the abuse led to a substance abuse problem.

Strain is also facing federal charges from an inmate work-release contract, which is tied to his sex crimes case. A co-defendant who pleaded guilty in that case accused Strain of abusing him as a child before going on to work for the former sheriff in adulthood, and being pressured into assisting him with the contract. Strain pleaded not guilty to the federal charges....Strain was charged with four counts of aggravated rape, two counts of aggravated incest, and one count each of sexual battery and indecent behavior with a juvenile. He will be sentenced on January 18....

A Boston lawyer accused of rape by as many as a dozen women has avoided conviction since 1996. Now, prosecutors are trying a different tack.

Over the years, as many as a dozen women have come forward to allege Gary Zerola raped them in nearly indistinguishable assaults dating back to 1996, court records show.

Despite the numerous accusations, the 50-year-old with a law office on Beacon Hill has rarely faced criminal charges, much less a conviction....“similar other conduct by Zerola spanning the last 25 years reinforces the appropriateness” of the strategy.  Zerola, who in 2001 was named a “most-eligible bachelor” by People magazine...


Judge: Prince Andrew can't halt lawsuit with domicile claim

Virginia Giuffre says she was abused by the prince on multiple occasions in 2001 while she was being sexually abused by financier Jeffrey Epstein. The prince’s attorney, Andrew Brettler, has called the lawsuit “baseless.”... In October, the prince's lawyers attacked the lawsuit on multiple grounds, saying Giuffre had made false claims against Andrew because he “never sexually abused or assaulted" her.  "Giuffre has initiated this baseless lawsuit against Prince Andrew to achieve another payday at his expense and at the expense of those closest to him. Epstein’s abuse of Giuffre does not justify her public campaign against Prince Andrew,” the written arguments said.


Prince Andrew is stripped of military titles as sexual abuse case proceeds - The Boston Globe

LONDON — Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, has been forced to relinquish his military titles and royal charities, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, a stinging rebuke by the British royal family a day after a federal judge in New York allowed a sexual abuse case against him to go ahead.  The palace said that Andrew, 61, who has been accused by Virginia Giuffre of raping her while she was a teenager, would also no longer use the title “His Royal Highness,” a prized symbol of his status as a senior member of the royal family. In a terse statement, the palace said that Prince Andrew would “continue not to undertake any public duties” and that he “is defending this case as a private citizen.”  Andrew, who is also known as the Duke of York, has denied Giuffre’s allegations, which date from a period in which he was friendly with the financier and convicted sex predator Jeffrey Epstein. The duke’s lawyers tried to get her lawsuit dismissed, but the judge, Lewis A. Kaplan, ruled against him on Wednesday....

Mass. trial court to pay $425,000 to social worker who says she was pressured into sex with judge

The state trial court has agreed to pay $425,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former court worker who says she was groomed, sexually harassed, and pressured for oral sex by the former presiding judge of the Eastern Hampshire District Court in Belchertown.

Tammy Cagle, a clinical social worker who now lives out of state, alleged that Judge Thomas Estes used his position of authority to lure her into performing sex acts in his chambers when she was assigned to the Pittsfield Drug Court, where Estes sat one day a week....


Probate court judge suspended for groping employee resigns in letter to governor

Judge Paul Sushchyk resigned as an associate justice of the Probate and Family Court on Monday after he was suspended last week in a ruling by the state’s highest court that found he groped an employee during a 2019 judicial conference and lied about it....

Former Boston police union head Patrick Rose pleads guilty to abuse charges, sentenced to 13 years in prison

Patrick M. Rose Sr., a longtime Boston police officer and former president of the patrolmen’s union, pleaded guilty to molesting six children over several decades. He was sentenced to serve at least 10 years in prison, capping a case that exposed deep institutional failings within the city’s Police Department, which has a history of protecting officers accused of misconduct.  Rose, 67, was arrested in 2020 and charged with 33 counts of sexual abuse of six children ranging in age from 7 to 16. In April 2021, the Globe reported that Rose was allowed to keep his badge for 20 years after top police officials determined he more than likely sexually abused a child in 1995....


Trump makes closing pitch for Nebraska candidate accused of groping

NEBRASKA CITY, Neb. — Former president Donald Trump on Sunday made a closing pitch for a Republican gubernatorial candidate who has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women, stepping deeper into a primary that has divided Republicans in this staunchly conservative state.  Trump appeared at a rally in Greenwood with Charles Herbster, a businessman who has advised the former president on agricultural policy and has donated to his campaigns. The visit came after a recent Nebraska Examiner report in which eight women, including a state senator speaking on the record, accused Herbster of touching them inappropriately. Last week, another one of the eight women alleged on the record that Herbster had groped her. He has denied the accusations....

Former Bragg soldier on sex offender list for sending inappropriate messages to minor

FORT BRAGG — A former Fort Bragg soldier is now on North Carolina’s sex offender registry after being convicted at court-martial of sending inappropriate text messages toa 13-year-old girl, according to court files.  Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jonathan Kyle Cunningham, 41, of Hope Mills, was listed on the Sex Offender Registry on April 1... 

Ex-Philly homicide detective found guilty of sexually assaulting witnesses

Philip Nordo, a former Philly homicide detective, was found guilty Wednesday, June 1, of rape, sexual assault and other offenses for his conduct with witnesses and suspects involved in his investigations. The case against the cop has led prosecutors to review 62 homicide convictions which Nordo had been involved in investigating...

Former Philadelphia homicide detective Philip Nordo was found guilty on Wednesday of rape, sexual assault, corruption and other offenses for his conduct with witnesses and suspects involved in his investigations....

Former Coeur d'Alene School District teacher convicted of lewd conduct

 A former teacher is in jail awaiting sentencing for sexually abusing two children.

A jury convicted 64-year-old Ronald D. Stone last week of two counts of lewd conduct with a minor under the age of 16...  Two victims testified at trial to abuse that occurred between 1992 and 2006.  The victims were between the ages of 3 and 15 years old when Stone abused them.  Following the jury’s unanimous guilty verdict, First District Judge Cynthia Meyer granted a motion to take Stone into custody pending sentencing on Sept. 15.


NC candidate drops out after accusation he harassed domestic violence victim

Last week, a woman came forward with screenshots from 2015 showing public defender Jason Minnicozzi asking her on a date after watching her break down in a North Carolina courtroom as she described the abuse she endured from an ex-boyfriend.  The woman rejected Minnicozzi’s advances. But he contacted her again last week.  “Well, he just sent me a friend request and it turns out the low-life is now running for NC Senate,” she wrote on Facebook. “After realizing his mistake, he immediately blocked me. Smart guy!”...  The woman wrote back asking if Minnicozzi always picks up women at domestic violence trials...  


A Domestic Violence Victim, Allegedly Raped by Her Detective: Woman Files Suit Against MCSO

A woman whose accusations of sexual assault prompted the arrest of a Maricopa County Sheriff's Office detective in October has filed a lawsuit, alleging the agency knew he'd committed similar crimes.  Marnie Bryan filed the lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court on July 20, naming Detective Gary Kaplan and Sheriff Paul Penzone as defendants. She accuses Kaplan of "raping" her and claims that Penzone failed to supervise its staff or hold employees like Kaplan accountable. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) officials had known about Kaplan's "proclivity to befriend and sexually assault victims of crimes,"...

70 girls sexually assaulted in juvenile camps by probation employees, lawsuits allege

At least 70 girls incarcerated in Los Angeles County juvenile camps and detention facilities were sexually assaulted by probation and detention officers, with the abuse spanning more than three decades, according to newly expanded litigation filed Thursday.

The allegations follow a similar lawsuit filed in March in which 20 women said they were sexually assaulted over the course of a dozen years at Camp Joseph Scott, Los Angeles County’s all-girls juvenile detention facility. ... “The Los Angeles County juvenile probation system has been infested with a culture of child sexual abuse for decades,” ...

A 2010 investigation by The Times found that at least 11 L.A. County juvenile probation officers have been convicted of crimes or disciplined for inappropriate conduct involving current or former probationers, including several cases of molesting or beating youths in their care. There were 102 allegations of officer misconduct involving youths at the county’s juvenile halls camps from 2007 through 2010....


US prison warden charged with sexually abusing 2 more women

WASHINGTON (AP) — The former warden of a California women’s prison, who is already facing federal charges alleging he sexually abused inmates and forced them to pose nude for him, was charged Tuesday with sexually abusing two other female prisoners, the Justice Department said.

Ray Garcia, 55, was the warden at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California. An Associated Press investigation revealed a culture of abuse and cover-ups that had persisted for years at the prison, a women-only facility called the “rape club” by many who know it....

Ex-Kansas City Cop Charged With Sexually Assaulting Two Women On ‘Multiple Occasions'

A former Kansas cop has been indicted for sexually assaulting and violating the civil rights of two women for several years while a police officer.  Retired Kansas City Police Detective Roger Golubski has been charged with using his position of authority to sexually assault two Black women on “multiple occasions” for years....

The federal charges come after years of accusations that Golubski exploited and terrorized the city’s Black community, sexually assaulted women and fabricated evidence throughout his 35-year career, KCUR reports. He retired from the Kansas City Police force in 2010....


New indictment accuses ex-KCK detective Roger Golubski of protecting sex traffickers

Former Kansas City, Kansas, detective Roger Golubski has been accused of raping women, coercing witnesses and protecting drug dealers. In September 2022, he was charged with six federal counts that accuse him of sexual assault and kidnapping. Former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective Roger Golubski has been indicted on additional federal charges that accuse him of protecting three men who engaged in sex trafficking in the 1990s at an apartment complex....The girls were held “in a condition of involuntary sexual servitude,” federal prosecutors said.  Golubski, then a detective who worked at KCKPD from 1975 to 2010, provided “protection from law enforcement investigation and intervention into the criminal offenses, including sex trafficking,” at the complex, according to the indictment. Prosecutors also allege the then-cop forcibly raped a teenager at the apartments....

Ex-officer jailed for starting sexual relationships with domestic violence victims

A former police officer has been jailed for 34 months after pursuing sexual relationships with domestic violence victims.  Rhett Wilson, from Tidworth, met vulnerable women while working as an officer for West Mercia Police in Shropshire.  He also shared sexually explicit images sent by one woman with his friends and boasted about his sexual activities to them. One of his victims told how she could no longer have trust in the police and was scared to go outside for fear of running into Wilson.  Wilson came into contact with the three women after they had reported domestic violence allegations to the police....

SAPD: Fired officer accused of sexual assault told alleged victim she was being ‘dramatic’

A San Antonio police officer has been fired months after he was accused of sexually assaulting a woman inside an apartment twice last year.  Officer Adrian Salazar, a two-year veteran of SAPD, received the indefinite suspension in October....KSAT Investigates confirmed late Friday that no criminal charges wil be filed against Salazar....

CNY deputy accused of kissing woman, trying to break into house as he handled her domestic violence case

Syracuse, N.Y. — An Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office deputy has been accused of twice kissing and lifting the skirt of a woman who reported a domestic incident that he was investigating, according to court papers.  He’s also accused of later trying to force his way into her home, according to court documents.  Deputy Brian Lynch, 37, was charged Thursday with fourth-degree criminal mischief and official misconduct...

San Diego Police officer stages suicide, shoots gun in home, solicits sex workers — but was never disciplined

A San Diego Police officer staged his suicide with fake blood, shot a gun off in his home while his girlfriend was present and solicited sex during his work shifts, including at a murder scene.  Officer Cesar Alcantara initially denied any wrongdoing, according to an Internal Affairs report made public this year. Then, a search of his home uncovered bullet fragments, a hole in the floorboards and a bottle labeled “stage blood.” And text messages provided to police showed him talking with sex workers while on duty....

Two Midlands police officers found guilty over liaisons with abuse victims

Officers had sexual relationships with women after attending their homes in response to domestic violence reports. Two West Midlands police officers who had inappropriate sexual relationships with domestic abuse survivors have been found guilty of misconduct in public office. PC Anthony Ritchie, 46, and former officer Steven Walters, 55, were each found guilty of two counts of misconduct in public office at Birmingham crown court, with one count involving the same victim of domestic abuse.  Ritchie began an inappropriate sexual relationship with the woman in 2014 after he responded to a reported domestic violence incident...

Appeals court: Liability lawsuit against district for South St. Paul teacher’s alleged sex abuse can go forward

alleged sexual abuse by former elementary school teacher Aric Babbitt,...who was accused of sexually abusing multiple students in 2016. He and his husband were found dead in a murder-suicide in Washington that year.  Doe’s lawsuit claims that Babbitt had groomed her for multiple years and continued to sexually assault her, even when she wasn’t a student in the district any longer......

Police officer 'kissed and groped domestic abuse victim' – court   

    A POLICE officer allegedly kissed and groped a vulnerable domestic abuse victim and ‘groomed’ others, a jury has been told.

Preston Crown Court heard how PC Ihsan Ali, who worked as an immediate response officer in Blackburn and Burnley until his arrest and subsequent suspension last year, is accused of misconduct in public office in relation to four women.

The jury was told how 40-year-old Ali initially went to the homes of his four alleged female victims to legitimately investigate complaints they had made about being the victims of crime.

But in each case Ali, who lives in Bacup, allegedly gave the complainants his personal mobile phone number and began sending them inappropriate texts with the intention of developing ‘emotional or sexual relationships’.

Prosecuting, Sarah Johnston said Ali sent his alleged victims photographs of himself in a swimming pools, told one he wanted to be her bodyguard and told another he was looking for a new wife and she would make a good one.

Ms Johnston said: “It is through his role as a police constable that he came into contact with each of these four women. The particular circumstances of each of them being the victim of crime is what he used to initiate and further justify communication with them. He then takes advantage of their vulnerability to pursue emotional and sexual relationships with them.

“The public expects and deserves to have trust and confidence in their police officers and when police officers abuse their position for a sexual purpose, particularly in respect of vulnerable people, such behaviour does represent a fundamental betrayal of the public and the values for which the police service stands.”...

LOL.  Men if you dont allow your wife or girlfriend to date, and fuck other men while she is devoted to you then you are abusing her, and she is a "Victim" of DV because she is a gov't prostitute.

 Woman claims she's a DV "Victim" because she is a whore.  Commit Adultery, and cheat on your partner then claim he is an abuser if he speaks against your whoredom.  Govt Pimp to the rescue makes DV Laws to protect their Prostitutes...

Vicky Zugah practiced prostitution – Counsellor Lutterodt

     Actress, Vicky Zugah’s decision to date several men resulting in the conception of two children out of wedlock is nothing but an act of prostitution, Counsellor George Lutterodt has stated.

Vicky Zugah has been making headlines after opening up on her experience with abusive boyfriends. According to her, for the past four years, all three men she had dated abused her physically on countless occasions, bruising her face in the process....

    “If Vicky Zugah, as beautiful as she is, could go into dating which leads to sexual intercourse that is not dating. She has gone beyond dating and practicing sexual intercourse while she is not married. Then she is practicing prostitution. If a man who has not paid your bride price impregnates you, we say he has made a fool out of you,” ...


Yo wife da ho will lie for you if you are a govt pimp...

More details emerge on arrest of MPD officer

    A Montgomery police officer was arrested Sunday after being accused of threatening a man and a woman with a gun in Pike Road, and new details portray the incident as a domestic situation rather than a random act of aggression.  MPD Sgt. James Stewart is accused of stopping a car with a man and woman inside, pointing a gun at and threatening to shoot the man, smashing his gun against a car window and ripping the car's door handle off while off duty.

    Montgomery County Sheriff's Office arrested Stewart on Sept. 17 after the man, whose name was redacted from court documents, filed a complaint against Stewart. The complaint was initially a domestic violence complaint that also alleges Stewart "grabbed (the woman) by the throat" and "threw her against the front fender of the car," but MCSO Capt. George Beaudry said the investigation found no evidence of domestic violence.

    Beaudry also said the woman involved in the situation was Stewart's wife.

"We went to the (woman who the man) alleged was assaulted and she did not believe she was assaulted, and there was no physical evidence to make us believe she was assaulted," Beadry said. "He alleged physical violence that Stewart physically assaulted a woman. We didn’t find any evidence of that."

Stewart was charged with menacing, a misdemeanor, and was released the same day he was arrested after paying a $500 bond.

Stewart has been with MPD since 2008 and is on leave from MPD "pending the resolution of this matter," according to the Department of Public Safety.


Police worker 'too busy having sex with crime victim' to respond to 999 call

     A PCSO was too busy having sex with a domestic violence victim to repsond to a 999 call.

A judge heard how Michael Billingham accessed police computer files to find information about the woman the day after her partner was threatening to attack her.  He later contacted her through Facebook and the victim described having sex with the 30-year-old while he was on duty dozens of times, as he left his police radio on.

The pair were having sex at her home on the morning of November 1, 2013, when officers received a 999 call which was graded as immediate but he did not respond when a radio operator asked for urgent assistance....


A Female Domestic Abuse Victim Was Trafficked To The UK And Then Unlawfully Imprisoned, Lawyers Say

    She worked in cafés, met her violent ex-partner, and had two children with him....

he has “scars everywhere” from his assaults. “I have been stabbed by him, I have been bitten by him, I have been raped by him so many times.”  Shortly before the end of the relationship, in 2014, she was convicted and sentenced of eight counts of dishonestly making false statements, and two counts of owning a dangerous dog.... The sentencing judge said her actions were partly due to her abusive partner, commenting: “Domestic violence is always a high concern and I do take account of the domestic violence in mitigating the penalty in this case.”... A later judge, ruling on Katy’s right to remain in the country, would go further and state that “such abuse, without a shadow of a doubt, permeated the appellant’s thinking and functioning processes in the United Kingdom over a number of years”....


Cop arrests man on domestic violence charge, then allegedly makes out with his ex-girlfriend

    A NYC police officer isaccused of conducting a romantic relationship with the ex-girlfriend of a man he arrested, as reported by NY Daily News

Trafficked: Domestic Violence, Exploitation in Marriage, and the Foreign-Bride Industry

Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 51, No. 2, p. 443, 2011

    At any given time, upwards of 12.3 million people are exploited as modern day slaves through the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world: human trafficking. Veiled behind the widely celebrated and sanctified institution of marriage and behind protections of liberty and privacy, one segment of the human trafficking industry continues to be overlooked, tolerated, and often excluded from criminalization: the trafficking of foreign brides. ... foreign bride industry constitutes human trafficking under international law and calls for both immediate legal reforms and the ultimate criminalization and prosecution of foreign bride trafficking. ...

Gubmint Pimp Shoots John to take Johns Ho...

Former Riverside County sheriff's deputy charged with love triangle murder

    Riverside County sheriff's deputy Oscar Rodriguez told investigators that Luis Morin Jr. resisted arrest when he served Morin an outstanding felony warrant. At first, the fatal police shooting of Luis Morin Jr. appeared to be a tragic, but not unusual, occurrence.  Riverside County sheriff's deputy Oscar Rodriguez told investigators that Morin resisted arrest while being served a warrant for outstanding felony charges. During a struggle, Rodriguez fired a shot into Morin's torso as Morin's mother watched, aghast. Morin, 39, died outside his Coachella home.  Officials ruled the shooting was justified and cleared Rodriguez of any wrongdoing. But a lawsuit filed by Morin's family unearthed a twisted love triangle involving Rodriguez, Morin and the mother of two of Morin's kids that called the shooting into question.  On Friday, prosecutors announced that Rodriguez, 36, had been arrested and charged with murder and the use of a firearm causing death. His ex-girlfriend, Diana Perez, 39, was also taken into custody and charged with accessory to murder....


Sex traffickers target poor communities in India. This group aims to stop them

    The Global Slavery Index for 2016 says more than 18 million people in India live in slavery, such as forced labor or marriage, although it does not specify how many women and girls are coerced into the sex trade in particular. Worldwide, the tally of modern-day slaves is about 40 million, according to the index, which means nearly half are in India.  Sex traffickers target poor communities, because they can lure girls into their service by offering to pay families’ debts, finding the girls jobs and making other promises. ...

Complaints against police investigating rape and domestic abuse soars

    The number of complaints received by the police watchdog over officers’ handling of sexual assault and domestic violence cases has soared in the past five years, new figures reveal.  Officers have been accused of abusing their powers for sexual gain, falsifying evidence and committing perjury in cases that campaigners say show forces are failing the most vulnerable victims in society....

Texas Sen. Carlos Uresti, Accused of Groping, Convicted in Federal Fraud Trial

    The Democratic state senator, accused of “grooming” nearly $900,000 out of a grieving mother and former client, was found guilty on 11 federal charges.

L.A. County sheriff's deputy under criminal investigation for alleged sexual misconduct with woman seeking aid

A woman says she wanted help from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department for protection from her ex-husband, but she says a sheriff's deputy instead pursued her for sex.

The mother of three said she walked into the Santa Clarita Valley sheriff's station desperate for protection from her ex-husband.

The deputy wrote down his personal phone number and told the woman to call him the next time her ex-husband showed up at her house, she said. Soon, she and the deputy began a correspondence. She alleges that he repeatedly sent her lewd messages and pressured her to have sex under the pretense that he would provide law enforcement assistance.  The deputy, Josh Clark, was suspended from duty and is now under criminal investigation tied to the woman's claim of sexual battery. Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators presented findings to prosecutors in September, officials confirmed. The District Attorney's office is considering whether to file charges,...

    Clark was the only deputy working in the Santa Clarita Valley station's front office when the woman walked in on Dec. 12, 2016, to file a report about her ex-husband's repeated violations of a restraining order, she claimed. Clark, unlike other deputies who'd heard the woman's story, listened to her and told her to call him personally, promising he could respond more quickly than if she were to call the station directly, she said in the lawsuit.

The same day, the woman sent Clark a text message saying that her ex-husband visited her house. Late that night, Clark sent her messages asking her about her personal life and her interest in sex, according to the woman.

Over the next several days, Clark told the woman he'd looked up her address and planned to visit her, she said. She resisted the advances, but he eventually showed up at her residence, where he kissed her and pressed her hand against his genitals, she claimed. He persisted in sending sexually explicit images and messages, she said....

IRS agent indicted on charges of rape and strangulation of summer intern

An IRS agent accused of sexually assaulting a college student at gunpoint last summer was indicted Wednesday on a variety of charges, including rape and strangulation, according to the Suffolk district attorney’s office.

James R. Clarke, a special agent in the IRS’s criminal investigations office in Boston, was indicted by a Suffolk County grand jury on charges of aggravated rape, indecent assault and battery, strangulation, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, according to Jake Wark, a spokesman for Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley.

California courts paid at least $500,000 to resolve sex harassment suits against judges and employees

    California's court system paid more than $500,000 over seven years to resolve sexual harassment complaints against judges and staff...

Rep. Herrell's former political adviser on the run in sex slavery, domestic violence case

Benjamin Sparks, a former political adviser to New Mexico state Rep. Yvette Herrell, is on the run from law enforcement after being accused of domestic violence and sexual enslavement of his former fiancee, a Las Vegas newspaper reported Thursday....

Kentucky Cop Was Supposed To Take Rape Victim Home – Instead, He Took Her To A Hotel And Raped Her

A Bullitt County, Kentucky police officer is being investigated after a rape victim says he took her to a hotel and raped her when the officer was supposed to be protecting her.

Officer John Nissen is under investigation for rape and was indicted for theft by deception, tampering with a witness and official misconduct, reported WLKY News...

Why is Clarence Thomas still on the Supreme Court?

    Thomas remains on the court, unchallenged, unprotested, with all we know now about sexual harassment and other accusations against him. He wields enormous power over every woman in America. Why are so few of us worked up?

Mayer and Abramson’s reporting detailed stories of three other women who said they too endured harassment by Thomas. Four women had been willing to testify to the committee, but the committee never asked. “Strange Justice” also reported on four others who said they knew of Thomas’s penchant for bizarre sexual talk. These revelations caused a stir, but Thomas, and the rest of us, soon moved on.

Then in February, in New York magazine, Abramson detailed three more women’s allegations against Thomas. ...


I-Team: Will nonprofit steer domestic violence, human trafficking victims into more trouble?

    The WCPO I-Team has been investigating claims that human traffickers are trying to snatch people in Tri-State shopping areas. The accusations come from a local nonprofit that says it has a team of former gang members rescuing trafficking and domestic violence victims in the Tri-State. Those claims have also sparked an investigation by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office....

#COPSTOO : Compilation of Cops arrested for rape, Spring 2018

Former Monterey Park officer sentenced to nearly 8 years in prison for sexually assaulting women in traffic stops

    A former Monterey Park police officer convicted of sexually assaulting three women during traffic stops was sentenced Tuesday to nearly eight years in prison and required to register as a sex offender....

Cop received oral from man's wife, then arrests him

Retired sheriff's lieutenant denies tipping off massage parlor to raids in exchange for sex

A retired Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department lieutenant has pleaded not guilty to charges of tipping off a West Hollywood massage parlor about potential raids “in exchange for sexual favors or other gifts,” according to a criminal complaint made public Friday.

Chisago County sheriff resigns amid investigation into 'bizarre' scheme

Investigators say Rick Duncan admitted writing anonymous, threatening letters to coerce a female employee.  Rick Duncan had already announced his campaign for a third term as Chisago County sheriff when he resigned unexpectedly last month, citing medical issues.

But his decision to quit came only a day after he admitted to investigators that he had hatched a bizarre scheme involving him and a female sheriff’s office employee, according to documents released Friday by the Chisago County Attorney’s Office.

Duncan admitted that he wrote threatening letters last fall under the name “Control Freak” directing the employee to go with him to a training in Bemidji and stay overnight at a hotel together or risk harm to their families, the documents say. He directed the woman to refrain from telling her husband or reporting the matter to law enforcement or anyone else at Chisago County...

Armed Cops Forced Domestic-Violence Victims to Make Naked ‘Catfight’ Sex Videos, Lawsuit Claims

    Horry County Police Officer Troy Allen Large said in a March 2016 deposition. “That’s my dark secret.”...  Large was indicted in September 2016 by a Horry County Grand Jury on 11 counts of misconduct in office and criminal sexual conduct in the third degree for allegedly committing sexual battery against multiple victims and engaging in inappropriate relationships with victims of crimes he was actively investigating.  Large, a former sex-crimes investigator, is accused of using his “position of power to form inappropriate relationships with female victims of violent crime” and then either sexually assaulting them or coercing them into participating in video-recorded, nude catfights, according to a new motion filed last week in U.S. District Court in South Carolina....

     Large was, once again, assigned to investigate the case. Instead, Large “engaged in a pattern of sexual abuse and coercive behavior,” according to the court documents.

Between January 2015 and December 2015, Large assaulted Rachel more than 50 times, her motion claims. During that same time period, he began coercing her into participating in a “nude, sexual fetish ‘catfight’ video with another female victim of domestic abuse” inside the home of another law enforcement officer in Asheville, North Carolina, her lawsuit claims. ...

Top cop faces claims he 'fondled and tried to kiss domestic violence victim'

    A police chief inspector stroked and fondled a domestic violence victim before "snogging her" and groping her breast, a misconduct hearing was told today.  Aneurin Audas made the alleged "unwanted and inappropriate" sexual advance towards a woman after she'd reported her violent ex-boyfriend was harassing her again, it was claimed....

Police chief inspector denies claims he groped domestic violence victim

Liverpool Echo

A police chief inspector accused of sexually groping a domestic violence victim today said there was "absolutely no truth whatsoever" in the claims ...

VI police officer charged with rape on St. Thomas

Virgin Islands Daily News

Woodley's arrest came after the V.I. Police domestic violence unit received a report from a woman who said Woodley sexually assaulted her at her ...

While in ICE custody, thousands of migrants reported sexual abuse

As migrant children wait in U.S. immigration detention centers to reunite with their families, public records reveal that in the past decade, thousands of people have reported sexual abuse while in a similar type of immigration custody. ...

Border Patrol agent accused of killing 4 held on $2.5m bond

    A US Border Patrol supervisor was jailed Sunday on $2.5 million bond in Texas, accused in the killing of at least four women and of injuring a fifth who managed to escape....

‘‘consider this to be a serial killer.’’ ...Alaniz said the dead are believed to have been prostitutes and that one was a transgender woman....

Cleveland police officer pleads no contest in prostitution case

     Cleveland police officer pleaded no contest Wednesday to reduced charges that accused him of soliciting a prostitute....

NYPD cops arrested over alleged role in prostitution and gambling ring

    A crew of unscrupulous cops was thrown behind bars Wednesday for protecting a prostitution and gambling ring — where the officers, in some cases, received sex and massages for their invaluable assistance, authorities said.  Three sergeants, two detectives and two police officers were arrested and stripped of their guns and shields after they were taken in for questioning by the NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau.  Two other detectives were not criminally charged, but were placed on modified duty and forced to turn in their weapons and badges. They are expected to face departmental charges.  More than a dozen other cops are being investigated and could face internal charges later....

Brothels, Gambling and an Ex-Detective Mastermind: Officials Detail N.Y. Police Scandal

    In all, three sergeants, two detectives and two officers with the New York Police Department have been charged in the prostitution enterprise.  It was a sweeping and complex criminal enterprise: brothels in Brooklyn, where 15-minute sexual encounters added up to more than $2 million in profits in a 13-month period, and nail salons in Queens, where managers, runners and agents placed bets in an old-school numbers racket.  And the mastermind was a retired New York City police detective who recruited at least seven police officers acting as foot soldiers, according to court documents charging the group on Thursday.  The accusations amount to one of the largest scandals to hit the New York Police Department in recent years, a throwback to corruption dating to the 1950s, when a Brooklyn bookmaker enlisted officers as muscle for his $20-million-a-year operation....

Hooker allegedly stole off-duty cop’s car while he got cash to pay her

A prostitute allegedly stole an off-duty NYPD cop’s car — with his gun on the front seat — after he left her sitting in the vehicle while stopping at an ATM in Brooklyn early Tuesday morning, police sources told The Post.  Police arrested the hooker and recovered the car Wednesday — but the gun is still missing, sources said....

Police officers in the US were charged with more than 400 rapes over a 9-year period

    charged...  Yet experts say those statistics are, by no means, comprehensive. Data on sexual assaults by police are almost nonexistent, they say.  "It's just not available at all,"...

"There are no comprehensive statistics available on problems with police integrity," the report says, and no government entity collects data on police who are arrested.

It adds, "Police sexual misconduct and cases of police sexual violence are often referred to as hidden offenses, and studies on police sexual misconduct are usually based on small samples or derived from officer surveys that are threatened by a reluctance to reveal these cases."...

    One of the greatest impediments to understanding the scope of police sexual assault is the victims' reluctance to report the crime.  "Who do you call when your rapist or offender is a police officer? ...

"The system is rigged to protect police officers from outside accountability," Blanks said. "The worst cops are going to get the most protection."...  One statistic from Stinson indicates that for every sexual assault that makes the news, there are almost always more victims... About half of the victims are children... 

Border Patrol agent Juan David Ortiz: Inside killing of prostitutes

    A U.S. Border Patrol supervisor charged in the killings of four women knew the victims and targeted them...  veteran, husband, father of two and Border Patrol supervisor, to allegedly go on the deadly rampage, meticulously killing woman after woman, police say, with a .40-caliber semi-automatic pistol police believed to be his Border Patrol-issued service weapon?

West Van officer sent nude photos to victim of domestic violence

A West Vancouver police officer has been fired after an investigation found he committed 25 acts of police misconduct, including sending nude photos of himself and inappropriate texts to victims of domestic violence and harassment....

Officer who forced handcuffed woman he was taking home from hospital into sex gets 90 days

A Colorado police officer who forced a handcuffed woman he was supposed to be taking home from the hospital to have sex with him was sentenced to just 90 days in jail followed by four years on probation after admitting the sexual assault. His victim was left with PTSD.  Curtis Lee Arganbright, 41, stopped his Westminster police patrol car during the ride home, ordered the woman out of the vehicle, and forced her to have sex on the front while she was still cuffed, 9News reported, citing an affidavit.  He then made her perform oral sex on him before driving her home, warning her “she better not tell anyone about this,” and handed her his business card telling his victim to “call me sometime,"...

Was This ‘Creepy’ Los Angeles Sex-Crimes Cop a Serial Predator?

A California woman says her warnings about Det. Neil Kimball went unheeded before he was accused of a raping a 14-year-old.  A veteran Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department detective was charged last week with tying up and raping a 14-year-old girl whose case he was investigating. The arrest of Neil Kimball, a seasoned sex-crimes investigator, sent shockwaves through the law-enforcement community—especially when it was revealed that he had already been accused of sexual misconduct years earlier....

High-Ranking Military Commander Busted in FBI Child Sex Trafficking Sting

    The undercover sex bust unfolded Tuesday night at a Cobb County hotel at which Lt. Col. Willie Newson, 47, was arrested. According to authorities, Newson thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl at the hotel. He was actually meeting undercover agents pretending to be a child.

Georgia Department of Defense spokeswoman Desiree Bamba told that Newson is on the command staff of Maj. Gen. Jesse T. Simmons Jr., who is the commander of the Georgia Air National Guard. Newson also was formerly the commander of the 165th Communication Flight of the 165th Airlift Wing, according to the official....

Shadow State: Why Didn’t NYC cops bust Allison Mack’s sex ring?– they were busy running brothels

    New York cops are busy. Very busy.  It turns out that NYC cops were running their own street prostitutes in Brooklyn and Queens while Allison ‘Pimp’ Mack was running her own high class sex slaves from Brooklyn’s swank St. George Tower.  NYPD cops busted in major gambling and prostitution probe...

90 state lawmakers accused of sexual misconduct since 2017

    Since the start of 2017, The Associated Press has tallied at least 90 state lawmakers who have faced public allegations or repercussions over sexual misconduct claims....

Senior police officer ‘had sex with female officer and domestic violence victim’ while on duty

    The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said: “The officer is said to have met with a woman he knew to be a former victim of domestic violence in late 2014 and early 2016 for sex while he was on duty....  “He is also alleged to have met with a police sergeant on at least one occasion the following year to engage in sexual activity while both officers were on duty.”...CI Leet was married with four children at the time and Sgt Porter had a husband and daughter....

Former deputy kissed, fondled inmate at processing center

Indianapolis Star

Jose Quinones, 58, faces initial charges of sexual misconduct and official misconduct, after security cameras captured him fondling and kissing a ...


Wall police dispatcher acquitted after chief's secretary admits affair with Pagans' president

Asbury Park Press

Curcio, 49, of Brick, would have faced 20 years in prison with a mandatory, 10-year period of parole ineligibility if he had been convicted of the charges against him, which included several counts of official misconduct, computer theft, stalking and wrongful impersonation, Bertucio said....

Wilmington Police Officer Charged With Rape, Extortion, And Official Misconduct

First State Update

The Wilmington Police Department announced today, that after a thorough four-month investigation, a suspended officer has been arrested. Corporal ...

Police: Suspended Wilmington officer charged with raping woman while on duty - FOX 29 News Philadelphia

Wilmington police officer allegedly blackmailed, raped woman in patrol car -

Wilmington police officer charged with rape - The News Journal


Polk County corrections officer resigns after being accused of sexual misconduct, dishonesty

Statesman Journal

There are no official misconduct charges filed against Jackson at this time, according to Polk County District Attorney Aaron Felton. To move forward ...

Delaware police officer, 35, charged with second-degree rape after telling wanted woman he ...

Daily Mail

Oliver now faces a number of charges including second-degree rape, extortion, and official misconduct. He was also issued a $66,000 cash-only bond ...

Former Clark Co. deputy sentenced for sexual misconduct with inmate

 A Clark County corrections deputy accused of sexual misconduct with an inmate has pleaded guilty, and has been sentenced to nearly 3 1/2 years in prison.  The sheriff's office says Christopher North was on duty when the assault happened in July 2017 inside the Clark County jail.  Court records say North locked a female inmate in a private space in the jail, where he instructed her to change, then entered the room and masturbated on her....

Clallam County deputy disciplined for inappropriate texts with alleged victim of domestic violence

A Clallam County Sheriff’s Office deputy who admitted he sought sex with an alleged domestic violence victim through text messages on his work cellphone was suspended in January for 30 days without pay....

Police officer took wine to domestic violence victim's home

    A police officer went to a domestic violence victim's home armed with a bottle of wine and told another witness he fancied her.  Avon and Somerset police officer Jason Vernon has been found guilty of gross misconduct, after he abused his position and made inappropriate advances to two vulnerable women.  PC Jason Vernon visited one of the women – known only as “witness A” – who had previously suffered domestic abuse, at 10.30pm with a bottle of wine after lying to his sergeant at Trinity Road police station in Bristol that he was going to collect CCTV footage at a nightclub....

Columbus police vice officer charged with holding women against their will in exchange for sexual favors

    Columbus vice squad Officer Andrew Mitchell. The longtime police officer forced women to have sex with him under threat of an arrest, pressured others to help cover up crimes, and lied to federal investigators when he said he’d never had sex with prostitutes, according to charges unveiled Monday, March 11, 2019.


City cop 'told domestic violence victim to unbutton a dress', court told

    A police officer urged a vulnerable victim of domestic violence to look him in the eyes while describing revenge porn images of herself, a court has heard.   Pc Colin Noble, who denies misconduct in a public office, left the victim feeling "horrible and intimidated" in her own home, a trial jury heard  Prosecutors have alleged he set out on a course of "sexually grooming" the woman while she was at her lowest ebb.  During a second visit to the woman's Birmingham flat, the West Midlands Police officer was secretly recorded on a phone telling her: "If I had to do anything with you it would have to be on the down-low."  He also told her to unbutton a dress, after allegedly following her into a bedroom where she was getting changed.  Noble, 47, later told police in interview that the remark had been aimed at a toy doll the woman's daughter had been playing with, jurors heard....

Drugs, sex trafficking and missing women: Small Ohio town haunted by dark allegations


    A small-town lawyer in Portsmouth, Ohio, a former city councilor, stands accused of drug and sex trafficking. But no one can adequately explain why he hasn’t been charged.

     But according to a federal wiretap affidavit, which was filed under seal with the Southern District of Ohio but was obtained by The Enquirer, Mearan is not just a jowly, silver-haired local attorney.  The 80-page affidavit states that Mearan is also a prolific sex trafficker who for decades has supplied his young, female clients with drugs “in exchange for and as an incentive to participate in acts of prostitution.”...

Records: Officer coached woman on how to recant domestic violence allegations

A San Antonio police officer was suspended for five days last month after he tried to pursue a "personal relationship" with a woman who had reported being assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, then coached the woman on how to recant her allegations of assault, records show. ...

Clallam Sheriff’s Deputy gets ‘last chance agreement’ after investigation

    Leiter signed a “last chance agreement” with the Sheriff’s Office following an administrative investigation into a woman’s allegation that he sent her an “inappropriate cellphone text message” following his civil standby of her complaint of domestic violence,...In her March 1 complaint, the woman said Leiter sent about 20 messages to her following a March 2016 domestic violence incident but no longer had the messages, according to the investigative report. Some were sexually explicit, she said.  “While Leiter did deny the allegations a few times, he consistently and ultimately maintained that he could not recall sending the sexually explicit message and its explanation to [the woman],” according to the investigation, which sustained her allegations. ...Leiter was suspended Jan. 9 for one month without pay for violating the department’s misconduct policies after he and a different woman whose domestic violence charge he investigated engaged in 45 text-message exchanges Jan. 1-4, some of which were sexually explicit. ...The woman issued her complaint “when she realized that she was not the only person affected, and Leiter’s conduct was continuing three years later,” according to the investigation.

2 Ex-NYC Cops Get Probation for Having Sex With a Handcuffed Teenager They’d Just Arrested

    Two former New York City cops slipped through a crack in New York law and now will serve just five months’ probation for having sex in the back of a police van with a handcuffed 18-year-old they’d just arrested on a marijuana charge.  Prosecutors fought to have Eddie Martins, 39, and Richard Hall, 34, imprisoned for at least one to three years on the official misconduct charges...Martins and Hall were initially charged with rape, but those charges were dropped. The men claimed the sex was consensual, and they exploited a legal loophole, saying that it was not illegal under New York law for cops to have sex with someone who was under arrest, as long as the sex was consensual.  (As the BBC notes, New York lawmakers changed the law a year later as a result of this case.)...

The two detectives then took turns having sex with the teen, before forcing her to take one of the Klonopins, and letting her go free, warning her to keep her mouth shut, prosecutors alleged.  Martins and Hall never filed paperwork on the marijuana charge.  The teen went to a hospital, where tests confirmed the two men had had sex with her, according to the BBC.

Prosecutors initially charged the then cops with rape, but those charges were dismissed, and reduced to charges of official misconduct....


One policeman forced me to give him oral sex and the other raped me in their patrol car - and there are thousands more victims like me

    But a shocking new documentary has revealed that a police officer is accused of sex assault every 35 hours in the US - and that in the last ten years, 2,200 officers have been arrested for sex attacks on young women....Disturbingly, half of those victims were under 18 - yet officers got away with it due to a loophole in the law which allowed officers to have sex with somebody in their custody.  It meant they could argue that sex was consensual, and walk away scot-free....“People think these are rare cases. They have no idea the scope of the problem...many victims are absolutely terrified of reporting a crime. Who do you call if you are raped by a police officer?" former police officer Phil Stinson explains....

    Police sex crimes in the USA:

    In the last ten years in America, 2,200 police officers have been arrested in connection with sexual assault.

    Around half of the complainants of those alleged crimes are reportedly under 18.

    Over 2,000 officers across America have lost their badges over the past 10 years because of sexual assault, but this number is said to be a gross undercount because many states, including New York, don’t keep state records of decertified police.

    Before 2018, gaps in the law in 35 US states, including New York, meant that it wasn't a crime for a police officer to have sex with somebody in their custody.

    In April 2019, spurned by Anna's case - it became a crime for a federal law enforcement officer to engage in a sexual act with anyone in his or her custody.

    But a staggering 30 states still allow officers to have sex with people in their custody if they claim it was consensual.

    Sexual assault is the second most commonly reported form of police misconduct and brutality, after excessive force....

Police officer had sex with domestic violence victim he met on the job

A disgraced ex-police officer who had sex with a vulnerable domestic violence victim he met on the job has been spared jail.  Ben Robinson, 33, met the woman, who can't be named for legal reasons, while investigating allegations of crimes against her.  During the course of the police inquiry Robinson, who worked as a police constable in Kirklees, West Yorkshire, engaged in consensual sexual relations with the victim....


Arizona Trooper Arrested on Sexual Abuse and Kidnapping Charges

    An Arizona state trooper accused of using his authority to victimize women during traffic stops has been arrested on 61 charges that included sexual abuse, sexual extortion, kidnapping and harassment, officials said.  The trooper, Tremaine Jackson, 43, was arrested on Tuesday...“Trooper Jackson was using his position as an Arizona state trooper to bargain leniency for favor,”...

    Leonel Marines, a former Florida police officer, spent years abusing his access to sensitive information to target women for dates, an investigation by his department found. He committed several violations “involving gross misconduct,” broke departmental rules on records security and had sex on duty, the department said.

    Two New York Police Department detectives faced more than 40 sexual abuse charges and 25 years in prison in 2017 after being accused of handcuffing an 18-year-old woman and raping her in the back of a police van. However, the woman’s testimony was discarded and officers were indicted on lesser charges including bribery and official misconduct. They received five years of probation and no jail time.

    Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer who was accused of raping women while on duty, was convicted in 2015 of 18 of 36 counts of sexual assault and later sentenced to 263 years in prison. Prosecutors said Mr. Holtzclaw had targeted poor black women with criminal backgrounds.

    In closing arguments, the lead prosecutor was quoted as saying, “He counted on the fact no one would believe them and no one would care.”

Prosecutor hopeful says his time behind bars makes him uniquely qualified

An Ann Arbor-area lawyer is joining the field of Democratic candidates for Washtenaw County prosecutor, arguing his rape conviction makes him a unique choice to lead the county’s top legal office.  Hugo Mack, an Ypsilanti-based defense attorney, launched a campaign in early August. Mack says his experiences as a former public defender and his 10-year imprisonment make him a “once-in-a-millennium” candidate for the August 2020 primary because he knows the criminal justice system in its entirety....

Former L.A. County sheriff's deputy gets 2-year prison sentence in inmate sex assault case

    When one of the women who said a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy sexually assaulted her in jail learned he would serve only a two-year prison sentence, she was outraged.  Giancarlo Scotti will be able to forget what he did at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood and start over when his sentence ends, she said. For her, it’s not so easy....Scotti, 33, was accused of unlawful sex with six female inmates and pleaded no contest this month to eight counts of sexual activity with a detainee in a detention facility...

Cop sent explicit videos of himself to domestic violence victim

    A Tamworth police constable who sent two explicit videos of himself to an alleged victim of domestic violence has been jailed for eight months.  PC Jarrett Kinson also sent "explicit and flirty" messages to the woman over the course of two weeks...  "There is a history of similar inappropriate behaviour for which the defendant was dealt with internally."

He said that in November 2010 Kinson had sent sexually explicit text messages to a woman who had made a complaint of harassment against her partner....He then sent her a text saying "his c... had been throbbing" on seeing her when he attended her house when she had been wearing a dressing gown and that he "fancied" her.  Kinson then started contacting her over Facebook sending the messages and exchanging photos....

She said she did not find Kinson physically attractive but hoped he might be able to help with her children.  The defendant also sent two explicit videos of himself and had asked the woman to send something similar of herself in return....


E. Jean Carroll, Who Accused Trump of Rape, Sues Him for Defamation

    E. Jean Carroll publicly shared a secret in June that she had kept largely to herself for more than two decades: Donald J. Trump, she said, had raped her in the dressing room of an upscale department store in New York City.

President Trump vehemently denied the allegations. He called Ms. Carroll a liar, intent on selling a new book. He said he had never met her, despite a photo of the two of them together in the 1980s. He told reporters that he would not have assaulted Ms. Carroll because “she’s not my type...

Now Ms. Carroll, a journalist and columnist for Elle Magazine, has sued Mr. Trump for defamation, saying in a lawsuit filed in state court on Monday that Mr. Trump had damaged her reputation and her career when he denied her allegation in June....

The lawsuits raise the possibility that the president will have to defend his statements in court, and evidence about the truth of the allegations will come out. The two women say they want to hold the president accountable for what they say were false statements, and to get him to retract what he has said....

Wife of disgraced MP stands in his former seat with pledge to fight domestic abuse

The wife of a minister forced to resign for sexting two female constituents has been selected as the Conservative candidate in her husband’s former seat after pledging to support victims of domestic abuse.  Kate Griffiths, whose estranged husband, Andrew Griffiths, resigned from the government for sending 2,000 sexually explicit messages to two women, was chosen as the party’s candidate for the seat of Burton in a shock move on Tuesday night....

Court docs: Spokane Police officer accused of rape used position to target domestic violence victims

Spokane Police Ofc . Nathan Nash pleaded not guilty to rape and official misconduct charges Tuesday. Nash is accused of using his position as a police officer to target and develop relationships with victims of domestic violence....Several other women have come forward alleging inappropriate behavior...  Nash intentionally turned off the tracking system in his car and didn't turn on his body camera when he went to the domestic violence victim's home to do a follow-up on her case...She said Nash asked to meet her in a private place to "go over the bruises on her body." ...Nash told her to "take her pants 'all the way down' and bend over on the bed, which she complied with because he's a police officer.'"  Court documents say Nash asked her to pull down her underwear. "She thought [Nash's] directions were inappropriate, but she complied because he was a police officer."  That's when she said Nash penetrated her with his fingers...   "she described the rape as the worst thing that has ever happened" to her....

The Untouchables

    Carl Holmes’ alleged sexual misdeeds were well known by Philadelphia police and city officials, but a flawed system shielded him for 15 years....District Attorney Larry Krasner charged Holmes with sexual assault and related offenses, at the recommendation of a grand jury that heard testimony from at least three of Holmes’ alleged victims, including Diaz....A deep look into Holmes’ conduct, including recently obtained documents, reveals systemic flaws that shielded him and other top police officials: prosecutors reluctant to hang a case on the word of victims who delayed reporting their assaults; city officials content to look the other way, even as Holmes cost taxpayers more than $1.3 million in lawsuit settlements; and a Police Department that discounts sexual harassment complaints — especially ones filed against commanders — leaving women vulnerable to retaliation...

Ex-Philly detective Philip Nordo had a big role in a murder trial — while awaiting his own trial

    The disgraced ex-cop — who was fired in 2017 and is awaiting trial on allegations that he sexually assaulted male witnesses during his investigations ...

The prosecution came not only as Nordo is jailed until his own trial, but also as the District Attorney’s Office continues to review old convictions he helped secure to determine if they should be thrown out for misconduct.

At least six cases in which Nordo was involved have been downgraded or overturned, including one against a man with a diagnosed intellectual disability, Sherman McCoy, whose attorney said Nordo coerced him into falsely confessing to a 2013 killing. Prosecutors in May agreed that McCoy’s conviction and automatic life sentence should be vacated, and a judge approved his release from prison.

It is not clear how many other cases tied to Nordo may be under review, but defense attorney Jerome Brown said he has “four or five” appeals pending with some connection to Nordo.

Meanwhile, five people in the past year have sued Nordo in federal court, claiming he used coercive or abusive tactics to secure wrongful convictions. One of those lawsuits was settled in July for $200,000, according to the city’s Law Department, while others are pending....



Cop accused of rape claims oral sex with wanted woman in police car was consensual

    The lawyer for Thomas Oliver Jr., 36, said the Wilmington police corporal made an “egregious and stupid” mistake by having a consensual tryst with a woman he believed to be a prostitute while on duty and in uniform in his marked police vehicle in October 2018, the Delaware News Journal reported.  The suspended cop is charged with second-degree rape, sexual extortion, having sex with a person in police custody and official misconduct....

He said evidence will prove that Oliver, an 11-year department veteran, had “consensual sexual intercourse” with the woman whom he “believed to be interested in him” prior to the encounter.  “He will deny that he forced sex on anyone,”...The only reason she did it is she thought she was under arrest and had no choice,” Skoranski continued. “The allegation is that Mr. Oliver instilled a fear in [the woman] that he was going to have her arrested for that warrant.”  Oliver then threw $3 at the woman after she finished the sex act, Skoranski said, adding that a swab test later showed evidence of semen in the victim’s mouth, as well as Oliver’s DNA...


Officer suspended after botched domestic violence call at strip club involving SAPD detective

A San Antonio police officer was suspended for six days after he mishandled a domestic violence call that involved a fellow detective. Officer Grady Coleman, served the six-day suspension from Nov. 14 to Nov. 19, according to the suspension document.  On May 16, Coleman was called to the San Antonio Men’s Club for a domestic violence call, where a security guard told him that Detective Gerard Morales assaulted a woman inside....Coleman was previously suspended at least three times....

Spokane Cop Accused of Sex Assault Finally Loses Pay After More Accusers Come Forward

Several women accused Officer Nathan Nash of sexual misconduct, including a domestic violence victim who said he assaulted her on an official call to her house....

Sex work or sexual abuse? US Representative Pressley, activists debate decriminalizing prostitution

    Female empowerment through sex work has become a surprising liberal rallying cry amplified worldwide by billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society Foundations funds organizations that promote it. Groups from Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch, the ACLU, and even the Women’s March have embraced it, and measures that would decriminalize all aspects of prostitution are being pushed in Washington, D.C., and New York state....

Officer charged after alleged on-duty sexual encounter

    A West Seneca police officer was arraigned Thursday after he allegedly had an on-duty sexual encounter with a victim of domestic violence.  According to the Erie County Dustrict Attorney's Office, 35-year-old Derek Vazquez a West Seneca police officer, allegedly had an on-duty sexual encounter with a victim of domestic violence in January 2019.  Vasquez had previous contact with the victim after filing a domestic violence report for her in the weeks prior, according to the DA's office.  The DA also says Vasquez went to the home of the victim for no other purposes other than a sexual encounter, he was not dispatched to the location for an official call....

Ex-Kelowna cop accused of sending explicit photos and threatening domestic-violence victim

    This is the second lawsuit against former Kelowna Mountie Brian Mathew Burkett. He left the RCMP in August 2017 after a woman filed a claim that he’d demanded nude photos from her. He is also criminally accused of seven counts of breach of trust for incidents alleged to have occurred between October 2015 and August 2016.  According to court documents, the woman claims Burkett responded to her home after a neighbour reported a domestic assault in May 2016....Burkett then allegedly texted her inappropriate pictures of himself and told her he expected “certain sexual favours.”  When she did not reply, she says he threatened to sexually assault her, making several threatening phone calls and harassing her on Facebook....

Officer sexually assaults woman he met on domestic violence call, Colorado cops say

A 27-year-old woman says a Denver police officer sexually assaulted her Thursday after meeting her a month earlier on a domestic violence call....Officers arrested Johnny Leon-Alvarez, 29, The woman met Leon-Alvarez in December when she called police about an argument with her significant other...

“One of the officers who responded began texting her afterward to check on her,”...“Over time the (texts) became flirty.” On Thursday, the woman went on a date with Leon-Alvarez to a restaurant, where she had some drinks, and he drove her home after midnight“...”She tried to say goodnight at the door. She did not remember how he ended up coming in the house,” the affidavit says, KDVR reported. She remembers “trying to push him off of her, while telling him no and to please stop.”  The woman’s roommate, who was home at the time, told police she heard her saying “no” and “please stop,”...Bail for Leon-Alvarez was set at $50,000 and he had been released from jail by Saturday night, KDVR reported

Ex-cop guilty of raping woman he met during a domestic violence case, Texas jury says

A former El Paso, Texas, police officer was found guilty Thursday of a raping a woman he met during an investigation, media outlets report.  William Ollie Alexander was charged with sexual assault of a woman in 2018, KFOX reported. He met the woman responding to a domestic dispute with her ex-boyfriend, the El Paso TV station reported....Prosecutors say Alexander left work to give the woman a ride and sexually assaulted her hours after meeting her, the El Paso Times reported....But the woman testified that Alexander drove her to a dark area behind a semitrailer, began touching her inappropriately and raped her, KTSM reported.  Prosecutors said that although texts show the woman was flirting because she wanted a ride, she didn’t consent to sex, the newspaper reported.  “We have proven it was not consensual,” prosecutor Heather Haywood said,...


Assistant state attorney accused of inappropriate relationship with domestic violence

    An assistant state attorney has been fired after he was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a victim in a case he was prosecuting, News 6 has learned.

Orange-Osceola State Attorney announced Wednesday that prosecutor Abraham Elmazahi was terminated following an internal investigation.  Due to that inappropriate relationship and untruthful statements reportedly made by the alleged victim during the investigation, the state attorney dropped all criminal charges against the defendant, records obtained by News 6 show.  "This conduct is appalling and in no way represents the vision or mission of the State Attorney,” Ayala said in a statement Wednesday....

    Authorities arrested John Neal in September 2019 after his ex-wife accused him of domestic violence, court records indicate.  Neal pleaded not guilty to the charges and adamantly denied he harmed his ex-wife.  “It’s been a lie since the very beginning,” Neal said.  News 6 is not identifying the ex-wife since she claims to be a domestic violence victim and she has not been charged with a crime in this matter....

Daytona police officer suspended for sex with domestic violence victim

A Daytona Beach Police Officer was suspended without pay for five days for having sex with a domestic violence victim after he arrested her boyfriend, a Florida Highway Patrol trooper at the time, according to documents.  Officer Johnathon Jackson’s off-duty sexual encounter with the woman four days after the arrest prompted prosecutors not to file a charge of aggravated battery, a felony, against her now ex-boyfriend, Patrick Hildebrandt, according to an internal affairs investigation....

Steven Spielberg's daughter Mikaela arrested for domestic violence, fiance says 'no one is hurt'

Steven Spielberg's daughter has been arrested for domestic violence, just one week after announcing her start in the adult entertainment industry, Fox News can confirm.  23-year-old Mikaela Spielberg was arrested early Saturday morning around 6:30 a.m. in Nashville, Tenn., her fiance Chuck Pankow confirmed to Fox News on Saturday.  "It is true," Pankow told Fox News in a statement ...


DA dismisses domestic violence, battery case against convicted pimp Ocean Fleming

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The most recent case against convicted pimp Ocean Fleming was dismissed by the Clark County District Attorney after records revealed he was at school at the time a woman told police he assaulted her at her home.  In 2012, Fleming was convicted of 23 counts related to his role as a pimp. Police say he forced women to sell sex and terrorized them. Fleming agreed to a new plea deal and was granted parole on Jan. 1, 2020 after allegations of police corruption in Metro’s Vice Unit surfaced.  After becoming a free man in January, Fleming was arrested again. He was facing charges for domestic battery by strangulation and burglary until the district attorney dropped the case on Tuesday. ...


Prosecutor admitted romantic relationship with victim in case before firing, recording shows

Since-fired prosecutor Abraham Elmazahi admits to superiors that he was in a romantic relationship with a victim in a domestic violence case he was assigned.  Yes, she had stayed overnight in his home.  No, he hadn’t told his supervisors.  Yes, he had let her use his address to purchase a car.  Yes, he was already in the relationship when he filed additional charges against her ex-fiancé.  “You can see where that’d be a huge conflict of interest,”... 

A sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden has ignited a firestorm of controversy

Last year, several women came forward publicly to say Joe Biden had kissed or touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable.  One of them was Tara Reade, who said Biden used to “put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck” when she worked in his Senate office in 1993.  Reade now says there was more to her experience with Biden. In an interview with podcast host Katie Halper, which aired Wednesday, Reade says Biden sexually assaulted her, pushing her against a wall and penetrating her with his fingers. When she pulled away, she says, he said he thought she “liked” him...

Reade acknowledges the concern that her allegation could benefit Trump in the general election, since Biden is likely to be the Democratic nominee. Trump himself has been accused of sexual harassment, assault, or other misconduct by more than 20 women, and is being sued for defamation by two of them.  “I don’t want Trump to be president,” Reade told Vox. But, she said, she won’t be voting for Biden. “If he’s my president, I just can’t fathom it.”...

Frustration mounts as Biden remains silent on sexual assault allegation

     several of the women’s groups prepared a public letter that praised Biden’s work as an “outspoken champion for survivors of sexual violence” but also pushed him to address the allegation from Tara Reade, a former aide who worked in his Senate office in the early 1990s.  “Vice President Biden has the opportunity, right now, to model how to take serious allegations seriously,” the draft letter said. “The weight of our expectations matches the magnitude of the office he seeks.”...The Biden campaign has said little publicly beyond saying that women deserve to be heard and insisting that the allegation is not true; privately, Biden advisers have circulated talking points urging supporters to deny that the incident occurred.  As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Reade’s allegation...  “It’s difficult for survivors to see that a woman who has more corroborating sources than most survivors have in similar situations is being tossed aside and actively being weaponized by cynical political actors,”...Since Reade spoke out in March with her allegation — that Biden penetrated her with his fingers in a Senate building in 1993 — his aides and advisers have denied it, saying it is “untrue.” ...

Arizona Homeland Security agents engaged in sex acts with suspected trafficking victims

    HSI had followed a “victim-based approach.”...although HSI documents show that some supervisors knew – was that federal undercover agents repeatedly paid for and engaged in sexual acts with the suspected victims as part of their investigation.

That fact, coupled with HSI’s refusal to let its agents testify at trial, torpedoed a case that was more than three years in the making. All felony charges against the accused ringleaders were dropped....

    Police in Lake Havasu City and Bullhead...said they were told by HSI that its policy permitted undercover agents to engage in sex acts with suspects. It is illegal in Arizona, as in other states, for police to engage in sexual activity with subjects of an investigation...

with supervisor approval, undercover agents can engage in “otherwise illegal” behavior...

Over a nearly five-month period, the HSI undercover agents documented in graphic detail 17 sexual encounters with women working in eight massage parlors....

Records reveal HSI officials in Arizona, as well as local prosecutors and a judge, knew the details of the undercover tactics and allowed the investigation to go forward....

At least one Mohave County judge approved a search warrant whose probable cause affidavit listed the agents’ undercover sexual activity....

This woman was deemed a trafficking victim, and H.A.V.E.N. arranged a hotel room for her for the night...

Vernon cop suspended after sexual contact with domestic violence victim, prosecutor says

VERNON — A Vernon police officer cleared of any wrongdoing following the shooting death of a pet dog has been arrested after authorities say hours after he responded to a domestic violence incident, he tracked down the victim and sexually touched her multiple times. Emanuel Rivera, who has been an officer with the department since 2013, is accused of finding the victim, just hours after she called police to report she was a victim of domestic violence, and telling her, “I’m just looking to (expletive)” before groping her, according to an affidavit of probable cause from Rivera’s arrest.  Rivera was arrested Tuesday by detectives with the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office, who have been investigating the incident for roughly three months. He is facing charges of second-degree official misconduct and fourth-degree criminal sexual contact by coercion....

Shamed policeman had sex with vulnerable domestic violence victim while on duty

A shamed police officer turned his radio off while he had sex with a vulnerable domestic violence victim during a visit to her home.  Ian Hailes began visiting Paula Thomas as part of his role as a neighbourhood officer in Washington.  Miss Thomas had significant problems, including a spinal injury from being thrown downstairs by a former partner.

A court heard Hailes, who was employed by Northumbria Police at the time, started visiting her "for coffee breaks" and they had sex on "numerous occasions" between January 2011 and July 2014.  Newcastle Crown Court heard that between November 2013 and June 2014, Hailes also used his position to access confidential computer records on a woman he had been ordered to have no more to do with after she reported he made her "uncomfortable" but had declined to make an official complaint.  Judge Sarah Mallett said Hailes was shown on CCTV visiting Miss Thomas "on six occasions when you should have been on duty and were not responding to a particular incident".

The judge said Miss Thomas was "effectively housebound" but there was no question about her capacity to consent to a sexual relationship and Hailes' wrongdoing was in forming the relationship while he was a police officer....


Commander of Domestic Violence Unit Used NBPD Phone to Stalk

    The police lieutenant in charge of handling domestic violence and school matters used a city-owned cell phone to stalk and harass a young woman, sending her lewd pictures taken at police headquarters.  Text messages reviewed by New Brunswick Today show Lt. Raymond Trigg admitting to calling the woman 43 times in a single day. The lieutenant also sent images to the woman showing himself in his underwear and in the nude, including at least one shot of his penis....

    A recent Internal Affairs (IA) investigation into Trigg’s behavior with the woman—who works for the city—was “not sustained” despite evidence Trigg sent the nude photos to the woman using his department-issued cell phone, and disturbing text message conversations that paint a picture of a toxic, predatory veteran police officer....

Trigg also has deep ties to the city school system, having run its “D.A.R.E” and “G.R.E.A.T” programs, and supervising the police department’s presence in the public schools.  According to the Rutgers website, Trigg “has reached over 15,000 kids with the message of being drug free and gang free.”...

Nearly 30 Kansas lawmakers call for investigation of former KCK police detective

Nearly 30 state lawmakers have turned their attention toward allegations against a former police detective. Now, they’re calling for a KBI investigation of Roger Golubski....former detective Roger Golubski extorted sexual favors from women, and coerced some into providing false information to clear cases and convict innocent individuals of serious crimes....accountability for women who said they’ve been sexually violated by him.”...

The long quest to stop a ‘Sugar Daddy’ judge

    Tim Parker wasn’t just an attorney who preyed on a female client and provided legal services in exchange for sex. He was also a part-time judge in Carroll County, Arkansas. State, local, and federal authorities investigated sweeping allegations of abuse and misconduct against him, witnesses testified about how he traded money and drugs for sex, yet Parker was never charged with a crime. It took years for the state’s judicial commission to order his removal and resignation—on the day he had picked to be his final one in office anyway....

Police officer had sex with domestic violence victims while on duty, watchdog finds

A police officer had sex with two domestic violence victims while on duty and used the force's computer systems to track down two other women and send them texts of a sexual nature, the police watchdog has found.  Malcolm Bennett, formerly of Northumbria Police, met both vulnerable women in his capacity as a constable, and drove their homes in a police vehicle while on duty and wearing his uniform.  Five allegations of gross misconduct, including sexual activity on duty and unlawfully accessing police computer systems for information, were found proven at a disciplinary hearing held in private earlier this week, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said....Had he not already retired, Bennett would have been dismissed for gross misconduct, the watchdog said.

At Dartmouth, a student’s hunger strike over sexual harassment grows perilous

The case has resonated, students said, partly because of a multi-year class-action lawsuit against Dartmouth involving similar issues. A federal court this summer gave final approval to a $14 million settlement with a group of female students over allegations of sexual assault and harassment by three professors at Dartmouth. When some students read Alshawi’s allegations, they sounded all too familiar....

VPSO charged for sexually assaulting woman while investigating her domestic violence complaint

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Village Public Safety Officer, 22-year-old James Heakin, has been charged with several counts of sexual assault.  Alaska State Troopers arrested Heakin in Eek Sunday after they received a report from a village police officer that Heakin had sexually assaulted a woman while on duty.  In June, Heakin was serving in his role as a VPSO investigating a domestic violence assault complaint made by a woman in Eek about her boyfriend.  In a Trooper Dispatch, Heakin reportedly visited the woman again -- after the boyfriend had been arrested -- to photograph her injuries.  That’s when Heakin began sexually assaulting the woman, troopers say.  Heakin has since been transported to Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center.

Washtenaw deputy sheriff suspended amid sexual assault, domestic violence charges

    The Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office has suspended without pay a deputy sheriff facing sexual assault and domestic violence charges in an alleged 2016 incident pre-dating his law enforcement career....Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian Mackie charged McWilliams with three felonies: two counts of first-degree criminal sexual assault, both allegedly involving accomplices, and one count of third-degree criminal sexual assault, involving coercion. He also faces a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. McWilliams was arraigned Wednesday in Washtenaw County's 14-A1 District Court....

Former Boston police union head charged with yearslong sexual abuse of young girl

    Prosecutors called the allegations “quite heinous.” Judge Kathleen Coffey said the case was “sad and serious.” Rose didn’t offer a defense, but his attorney emphasized his military and law enforcement background, saying “his entire life has been dedicated to service.”  Rose’s young victim told investigators earlier this month that the abuse began when she was about 7 and lasted until she was about 12...Rose faces nine charges: including one count of aggravated rape of a child and five counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14....

Chiarelli's docked pay to go to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault

Ottawa city council has voted to redirect the nine months of pay it docked from Coun. Rick Chiarelli to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  Last month, council voted unanimously to slap Chiarelli with three consecutive 90-day pay suspensions, one for each of the three women who came forward with formal complaints that the councillor had asked them inappropriate questions during job interviews. It was the stiffest penalty available to council under municipal law.  On Wednesday, councillors voted to provide an equivalent sum of more than $79,000 to community organizations that support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault....

Cop sacked after trying to arrange threesome with domestic abuse victim on duty

 PC Darren Booth was sacked for trying to arrange a threesome with a domestic violence victim.  A disciplinary hearing was told PC Booth later saw the woman, an alcoholic ex-drug addict known only as Miss A, at her flat when his shift ended.  He made a number of sexual comments and asked the 36-year-old if he could kiss her.  But PC Booth was disturbed by two police sergeants who arrived at the property after they were tipped off by Miss A.  He claimed he was set up by the woman and her pal.  But a disciplinary panel found him guilty of gross misconduct after a four day hearing in Castleford, West Yorks.

The panel ordered that the officer, who denied all claims, should be dismissed without notice....

After prostitution arrest, Seattle police captain got preferential treatment from fellow officers

... allegedly agreed to pay $40 for sex to a police decoy posing as a prostitute.  The undercover cop silently gave a signal, and a team of Seattle police officers watching from nearby swooped in. They soon realized their vice sting had netted one of their own: an out-of-uniform Seattle police captain named Randal Woolery....

    Unlike the four other men arrested in the sting that night, Woolery avoided having what Page later described as an “embarrassing situation” fully videotaped, according to records from the internal investigation. The police captain also wasn’t taken in handcuffs to a North Precinct holding cell to await booking into the King County Jail. Woolery, in fact, didn’t spend any time behind bars that night, records show....

She Was Afraid of Her Lawyer. Then the Text Messages Started.

    In January 2016, attorney Paul Letourneau arranged to meet his newest client one evening at Sea Dog Brewing Co., a local brewpub in southern Maine. She had a drug arrest, a shaky relationship and was struggling to hold onto her nursing license....

    At the time, Letourneau was working as a lawyer for the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services. Maine is the only state in the country with no public defenders. Instead, the commission contracts hundreds of private attorneys to represent criminal defendants who cannot afford legal counsel.

    John Pelletier, the commission’s executive director, is supposed to supervise his agency’s attorneys. But as detailed in an article this week by The Maine Monitor and ProPublica, Pelletier repeatedly failed to discipline the lawyers whom he contracted, allowing them to continue their work after being criminally prosecuted or cited for legal or ethical malpractice.

    In some cases, these lawyers used their positions of power to manipulate or harass their clients — often female, always poor — at a time when their freedom was at stake...

    Soon after the meeting at the bar, Letourneau began to exercise orchestrated control over Kerwin. In daily text messages reviewed by The Maine Monitor and ProPublica, he reminded her of meetings or offered rides to court appearances, but he also sent photos of his genitals and repeatedly asked his court-appointed client to meet for oral sex or intercourse....“I’ve made up my mind,” Letourneau wrote back five minutes later. “If you wanna no strings attached fuck buddy, I’m here.”...

Embattled St. John judge convicted of sex crimes sentenced to 14 years

    An embattled St. John judge who was convicted of sex crimes with juveniles was sentenced Monday. Judge Jeffrey Perilloux was sentenced to 14 years in jail after he was convicted on three counts of felony indecent behavior with juveniles and one count misdemeanor sexual battery back in September....Perilloux was the district judge of the 40th District Court in St. John Parish. He was seeking re-election at the time of his trial before he was found guilty on three counts of felony indecent behavior with juveniles....

19 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. Here's what their stories have in common.

    Today, writer E. Jean Carroll goes to court in a unique case: she accused the sitting president of defamation. But when she came forward in 2019 to say Trump had raped her in a department store dressing room in the mid-1990s, her story started with a familiar detail.  "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," ...

Thirteen of the 19 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault or non-consensual physical contact said he kissed them without consent, often out of the blue, sometimes holding them firmly in place....Today, oral arguments begin between Carroll's attorneys and the Justice Department to consider whether the DOJ can move forward.

In their own words, here is how Carroll and other women describe their encounters with Trump:...

Mayor files complaint with sheriff's office against woman who accused him of sexual assault   

    Jackson Mayor Pete Muldoon on Monday morning filed a complaint with the Teton County Sheriff’s Office alleging that the woman who accused him of sexual assault in 2018 committed three crimes under Wyoming law: filing a false report, blackmail and bribery of a public servant.  The woman’s attorney, meanwhile, said by email Monday afternoon that “the filing of this complaint is another attempt to silence her,”...alleges that the woman “knowingly and intentionally made a false report to authorities” and that she “must be held accountable and must be prevented from continuing to engage in this harmful behavior.”...The mayor wrote in the complaint that the woman “offered to refrain from making a false report of sexual assault as consideration for me ‘working with the town council to protect women.’ ”

    Jeanne Core, the attorney for the woman and a staff attorney for the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, wrote in her email that Muldoon does not know what information the DCI investigation report contains....“Just because the prosecutor declined to prosecute the case does not mean that the allegation is false, it just means that they do not have evidence to prove that it is true. This is what unsubstantiated means. It is not the same thing as false. Whether the allegation is false is only conjecture until the DCI report is released.”  Core also said that her client did not do any of the things Muldoon accuses her of in his complaint, adding that having also been victimized in other instances “should have no bearing on whether or not she was sexually assaulted by [Muldoon].”...

Louisville police, county attorney's office hide 738,000 records in Explorer sex abuse case

Louisville Metro Police concealed at least 738,000 records documenting the sexual abuse of Explorer Scouts by two officers — then lied to keep the files from the public, records show.  The Courier Journal last year requested all records regarding sexual abuse of minors by two officers in the Explorer Scout program for youths interested in law enforcement careers.  Police officials and the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office said they couldn't comply, insisting all the records had been turned over to the FBI for its investigation.  But that wasn't true, according to records The Courier Journal recently obtained in the appeal of its open records case.  In fact, the department still had at least 738,000 records, which the city allowed to be deleted....

New child pornography charges filed against Baltimore SWAT officer accused of child sex abuse

    A Harford County grand jury has added 10 counts of child pornography possession to the child sex abuse case against a Baltimore Police SWAT officer.  Donald P. Hildebrandt, 50, is in custody after the grand jury indictment was returned Tuesday, Harford County State’s Attorney Albert Peisinger confirmed....

A Maine sheriff resigned after sexting his officers. The full story is even darker.

    Wayne Gallant, then the Oxford County sheriff, approached her, placed his hand over her mouth and kissed his hand....Earlier that year, Gallant sent nude photos of himself to another employee, Lt. Brian Landis, and Landis’ girlfriend, and asked them to come to his house for sex. At the same time, Gallant messaged Landis’ estranged wife to invite her to come stay with him,...Years before, in 2014, Gallant messaged a female officer at another law enforcement agency in Oxford County over Facebook. He talked about how he had “naughty thoughts,” and could be “easily tempted” or “ordered to weaken.” He sent the female officer at least nine erotic images, including close-ups of his erect penis apparently in the shower, protruding from his uniform at work and encircled by handcuffs.

No one reported him for years because he was the sheriff, the female officer said. “He’s untouchable. What’s the point?” ...County taxpayers were ultimately responsible and paid more than $170,000 ...

    they arrested Landis for domestic violence terrorizing for allegedly threatening to kill his wife during an argument over the phone two days prior,...Landis’ wife said her husband had threatened to kill both her and anyone who supported her,...

‘Under the rug:’ Sexual misconduct shakes FBI’s senior ranks

    An Associated Press investigation has identified at least six sexual misconduct allegations involving senior FBI officials over the past five years, including two new claims brought this week by women who say they were sexually assaulted by ranking agents.

Each of the accused FBI officials appears to have avoided discipline, the AP found, and several were quietly transferred or retired, keeping their full pensions and benefits even when probes substantiated the sexual misconduct claims against them.

Beyond that, federal law enforcement officials are afforded anonymity even after the disciplinary process runs its course, allowing them to land on their feet in the private sector or even remain in law enforcement.  “They’re sweeping it under the rug,”...

Former Greenville County deputy faces sexual exploitation, criminal sexual conduct charges

A former Greenville County deputy accused of domestic assault in Travelers Rest is now facing additional charges of sexual exploitation and criminal sexual conduct in the Midlands.  Michael Scott Valdario, of Greer, who was a deputy with the Greenville County Sheriff's Office for nearly four years before he was fired in March 2019, now faces four counts of sexual exploitation of a minor second degree, a charge of kidnapping and a charge of criminal sexual conduct first degree....

Cop Resigns After Rape Allegation

A Fair Haven cop has resigned amid allegations that he coerced a sex worker to have intercourse with him on repeated occasions.   The resignation followed a months-long internal investigation. The investigation was sparked by an allegation that a Fair Haven officer was forcing a Fair Haven sex worker to have sex with him. Both on and off duty, he would allegedly find the woman, tell her to get in his car, and order her to have sex with him.  A second sex worker made similar allegations.  Alerted to the allegations, Police Chief Otoniel Reyes ordered an internal investigation. The investigation took months because of difficulties finding cooperating witnesses.  “We cast a net” to try to identify the officer involved, Reyes said. The investigation eventually led to a specific officer, according to Reyes; he said no other officers were involved.  The officer, Gary Gamarra, resigned last week....

Accused Of Coercing Women Into Sex And Lies To Solve Cases, ex-KCK Cop Takes The Fifth

    “You understand we are accusing you of raping women and coercing women into giving false testimony, some of the grossest acts of corruption a police officer can commit, right?” ...Roger Golubski, 68, had heard this before.  Golubski worked 35 years in the KCK police department, moving up the ranks from a patrol officer to a detective and later a captain investigating homicides, before retiring in 2010.  But it was in 2017, when Lamonte McIntyre was freed from prison after serving 23 years for two murders he did not commit, that questions began to arise publicly about the former cop who colleagues said had cultivated a vast network of informants.  Golubski, whose investigation led McIntyre to prison, faces allegations in a lawsuit that he used his police badge to exploit vulnerable Black women for sexual favors and coerced some of them into fabricating testimony to clear cases he investigated. In at least one instance, he is accused of repeatedly raping a woman whose children he’d promised to help get out of legal trouble....


Sexual Misconduct Allegations Prompt Another Alaska Attorney General to Resign

    Acting Alaska Attorney General Ed Sniffen’s abrupt resignation was announced Friday as the Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica were preparing an article about allegations of sexual misconduct with a 17-year-old girl three decades ago.  Nikki Dougherty White, now 47, recently contacted the news organizations with a detailed account of how she and Sniffen began a sexual relationship in 1991 while she was a student at West Anchorage High School. At the time, he was a 27-year-old attorney with a local law firm and a coach of her school’s mock trial competition team....Sniffen is the second Alaska attorney general to step down within the past six months amid a Daily News and ProPublica investigation into their interactions with women. Former Attorney General Kevin Clarkson quit in August, hours after the newsrooms revealed he had sent hundreds of unwanted text messages to a junior colleague. ...survivor advocates called on the governor to carefully consider the selection of his replacement given the state’s “continued crisis with rape culture.” Alaska has the highest rate of sexual assault in the nation, and the appointed attorney general oversees all criminal prosecutions in the state....


Colorado Judicial Department gave $2.5 million contract to prevent tell-all sex discrimination lawsuit about judges’, court officials’ misconduct

    Colorado court officials — including the chief justice of the Supreme Court — were trying to ensure the personal misconduct of nearly two dozen judges and administrators remained secret when they gave a multi-million dollar contract to a former Judicial Department employee who threatened to expose it all if she was fired, according to the agency’s former chief administrator.

    Facing dismissal over financial irregularities, Mindy Masias, the former chief of staff of the Supreme Court Administrator’s office, was instead handed a $2.5 million five-year contract in March 2019. The contract was in exchange for not filing a tell-all sexual-discrimination lawsuit, according to Christopher Ryan, the state’s chief court administrator who resigned in July 2019 amid a Denver Post investigation into the deal....


Ex-MBPD officer accused of violating woman's privacy with secret photos

A former Myrtle Beach Police Department officer is accused of violating a woman’s privacy by secretly taking photos of her last summer...The officer named in the suit, Justin Vazquez, responded to a domestic violence call at an apartment complex...The two officers contacted the plaintiff because she was a witness to the incident...“Officer Vazquez then proceeded to discuss more with the plaintiff the criminal domestic violence...he from behind, “lifted up the plaintiff’s dress” while holding a cell phone camera pointed up from underneath....While the plaintiff was focused on the witness statement, Vazquez once again took a photo after lifting her dress from behind ...

Pennsylvania district attorney charged in alleged pattern of sexual misconduct

    The charges were brought against Bradford County D.A. Chad Salsman after a statewide investigative grand jury reviewed allegations by numerous women who said he took advantage of them while still working as a private attorney....

According to prosecutors, Salsman preyed upon vulnerable clients of his when he was still working as a private attorney. Many of his criminal and child custody cases involved women with addictions, sexual abuse history and other personal struggles.

"Chad Salsman would regularly use his position and power as an attorney to coerce his victims into performing sexual acts on him....Salsman is charged with sexual assault, indecent assault, intimidation of a witness or victim, obstruction of justice and prostitution.

Head of Lethbridge domestic violence team steps down amid allegation of unwanted sexual relationship

    The head of the Domestic Violence Action Team in Lethbridge has resigned amid allegations of an unwanted sexual relationship.  Bill Kaye, who is also a retired member of the Lethbridge Police Service and board member of the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre, has resigned from both DVAT and CSAC.  The resignations come amid allegations that one of Kaye’s clients reported she felt forced into a sexual relationship, as first reported by the CBC. The woman is a domestic violence survivor who alleges Kaye initiated an unwelcome sexual relationship with her while she was his client at DVAT in Lethbridge, the CBC reports.  Kaye has not been charged in relation to the allegations....


Top Democrats React to Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Cuomo

A former aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lindsey Boylan, accused the governor of sexual harassment earlier this week, but since this news broke, a few top Democrats on both the state and federal level have been silent....In 2017, Gillibrand led the call against Senator Al Franken, pushing her former colleague to resign after he was accused of sexual harassment by numerous women....The governor’s office has denied these allegations; however Cuomo has now skipped two of his scheduled press briefings since news broke of these sexual harassment allegations....

Police officer who indecently assaulted colleague loses appeal against conviction

A police officer jailed for indecently assaulting his colleague while she slept has lost an appeal against his conviction.  Jamie Anthony Foster was jailed for six years by Judge Evangelos Thomas after being found guilty of unlawful sexual violation and indecent assault....“You raped her as she slept,”...

Murdered KCK prostitutes all connected to one man: police detective Roger Golubski

Niko Quinn and Khadijah Hardaway discuss the case of Kansas City, Kansas police detective Roger Golubski, who has been tied to multiple murdered women who worked as prostitutes.  The common denominator in the murders of six Black women who were killed in Kansas City, Kansas decades ago is that they all had a close connection to Kansas City, Kansas homicide detective Roger Golubski.  Five had been blackmailed, bribed or otherwise coerced into sexual relationships with him, according to their friends and relatives. The sixth had only been seen around with him....


Boston Acting Mayor Janey to release police files from 1995 child rape investigation of former union president

    Rose was arrested last summer and is currently jailed on 33 counts of sexual abuse of six victims from age 7 to 16.  One of those children reported to police in 1995 that Rose had abused him. The department has refused to say whether Rose was ever disciplined, but the Globe investigation found that the department did little, if anything, to limit Rose’s contact with children following the allegation....Rose worked as a patrolman for two decades. He was elected president of the city’s powerful patrolmen’s union in 2014 and held the position until just prior to his retirement in early 2018....

    Janey has inherited a police department in disarray. Current police commissioner Dennis White has been on paid administrative leave since Feb. 3, when a Globe investigation revealed that he’d been accused in 1999 of pushing and threatening to shoot his then-wife. Walsh said he did not know of the allegation when he appointed White as the city’s 43rd police commissioner....

Special assistant to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson charged with 5 counts of rape

CLEVELAND — A Cuyahoga County Grand Jury last month indicted Alexander Lackey, 35, on five counts of rape, three counts of sexual battery and one count of domestic violence, according to court records.  Cleveland City Hall hired Lackey in December 2014 as a special assistant to the mayor, according to 2019 city payroll of domestic violence between Alexander Lackey, 35, and the victim, 19, at his residence.

five counts of rape, three counts of sexual battery, one count of domestic violence. ...


UVA Center for Politics director discusses Democratic gubernatorial candidate debate

     there’s one moment that’s getting a lot of attention. Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax comparing sexual assault allegations against him to the deaths of Emmett Till and George Floyd.  “I was falsely accused in 2019 from the Washington Post now saying these false accusations, raising that question and whether it was a rush to judgement. Everyone on this stage called for my immediate resignation, including Terry McAuliffe three minutes after a press release came out. He treated me like George Floyd. He treated me like Emmett Till, no due process, immediately assumed my guilt,” Fairfax said.


Police officer called domestic violence victim 'fit' to 'boost her confidence'

    A married police officer who was secretly recorded by a domestic violence victim has claimed he only called her "fit" because he was "merely boosting her confidence", a disciplinary tribunal has heard.  Pc Colin Noble, of West Midlands Police, told Miss X they "could be good together" but said he wasn't "supposed to be chatting you up, I'm supposed to be working."  The officer with 20 years service was also heard on the recordings telling Miss X - one of four alleged victims - that anything the pair did "would have to be on the down-low, because we're not supposed to".  "You know that teacher-pupil relationship that you're not supposed to have? Goes for us as well," he was heard to say on the recordings.  The 50-year-old is accused of "trying it on" with four domestic abuse victims, and making a "catalogue of completely inappropriate comments" between 2014 and 2017.  The covert recordings made by the complainant known as Miss X led to Noble's criminal trial at Birmingham Crown Court in 2019. He was then acquitted of misconduct in a public office.  But the internal force disciplinary panel is now hearing the allegations, including that he turned up at another victim's house unannounced up to 30 times and told her she was "too pretty" for her boyfriend....  The tribunal has heard another victim claim Noble called her three times to try to arrange to meet at her home, alone, and came across as "too pushy"....

LAWSUIT: Sussex County Police Officer Groped, Assaulted Woman After Domestic Violence Call

A woman who said she was groped and sexually assaulted by a police officer who responded to an earlier domestic violence call in Sussex County filed a lawsuit last week against her alleged attacker and other town officials, a new report says.

Vernon Township Officer Emanuel Rivera was charged with fourth-degree criminal sexual contact following the May 11, 2019 incident, in which he allegedly approached the woman’s car, groped her chest, pressured her to follow him to an empty church and forcefully put his hand down her pants, the New Jersey Herald reports.

The Bergen County woman — who says she remains severely emotionally traumatized after the incident — seeks unspecified damages from Vernon Township, the local police department and police chief, the mayor at the time of the incident and the government of Sussex County, the report says.

Rivera previously became the subject of controversy in July 2019 after body cam footage was released of him fatally shooting a loose dog.

Miami-Dade police lieutenant and union official charged with rape in Palm Beach County

Lt. John Jenkins , who last week resigned as as executive vice president of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association, is charged with two counts of sexual battery, according to Palm Beach Sheriff’s jail booking log.  Jenkins is also suspended with pay. The rape case stems from an alleged incident that took place two weeks ago while he was in Palm Beach Gardens for a police union gala....

Spousal abuse investigation, concerns about domestic violence responses preceded rape charge against ex-Spokane cop as trial date pushed back

For years, friends and fellow law enforcement officers raised red flags about what they deemed inappropriate and perhaps violent behavior of former Spokane police Officer Nathan Nash.  But it wasn’t until he was accused 18 months ago of sexually assaulting a domestic violence victim that he was fired from the police department...

Although choking is considered an alarming indicator of future homicidal violence, Nash said he considered making a dual arrest because the victim admitted to hitting and biting her ex-boyfriend. But he knew that practice was frowned upon by department supervisors.  Eight days later – after Nash said he had “almost completely forgotten about the call” – the domestic violence victim reported Nash had put his fingers inside her vagina while supposedly examining darkened bruising on her arms, hips and rear....  Investigative records claim this incident wasn’t the first time Nash’s handling of a domestic violence call was documented by supervisors for unusual or inappropriate behavior. It was his third within a year, with the first documented during his probationary field training period in October 2018....Months before either of those alleged interactions, Nash was investigated by Spokane police Internal Affairs for spousal abuse.  Investigators determined the allegation from a 2017 incident in Tri-Cities was unfounded after interviewing Nash and his wife separately, according to Internal Affairs records....

Former Tulare Co. Sheriff’s sergeant convicted of domestic violence

TULARE COUNTY, California (KSEE/KGPE) – A former Tulare County Sheriff’s sergeant on trial for rape has been found guilty of several domestic violence-related charges... On Friday, May 7, a jury found 47-year-old Richard Ramirez guilty on 11 charges including two misdemeanor counts of battery, and two felony counts of dissuading a witness, one count of stalking, and two counts of battery on a significant other.  Ramirez was facing charges of forcible rape and spousal rape but was convicted on the lesser charges of battery.  The Tulare County District Attorney’s Office says Ramirez committed the crimes against two adults and a minor between 2008-2019.


Wyoming lawmaker reveals he impregnated 14-year-old at 18

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard, a Republican trying to unseat U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney next year, revealed that he impregnated a 14-year-old girl when he was 18,...Bouchard married the girl when she was 15 and he was 19, when both were living in Florida. They divorced three years later, he told the newspaper. She killed herself when she was 20, Bouchard said....Bouchard, a gun rights activist who co-owns a septic system servicing business with his wife, did not immediately return a phone call from The Associated Press seeking comment....

As a fired Philly homicide detective awaits trial on rape charges, more of his cases are getting overturned

    A Philadelphia judge on Friday overturned a 2015 murder conviction after prosecutors said they believe the lead detective — who has since been charged with raping and sexually assaulting male witnesses during his time on the force — built a questionable case while also attempting to groom potential witnesses as sexual targets.

The District Attorney’s Office said in court documents that it no longer believes the defendant, Arkel Garcia, is guilty of killing Christian Massey, a 21-year-old man with special needs who was shot dead in Overbrook in 2013 over a pair of headphones.

Instead, prosecutors wrote, they believe ex-Detective Philip Nordo obtained a false confession from Garcia — the main piece of evidence supporting an otherwise weak case — as he simultaneously tried to pursue sexual relationships with two men he interviewed as part of the investigation....

In court documents, prosecutors cited emails and recorded phone calls between Nordo and his targets, saying he used coded language to discuss sex, reward money, and a pornography business he claimed to have access to. One email, prosecutors said, suggested Nordo may also have tried to “sexually exploit” Garcia....


Former Florida prosecutor suspended for sex with the victim in his domestic violence case

An Orlando attorney, once an Orange County assistant state attorney, will begin his suspension Saturday for having sex with a domestic violence victim while handling her case.  The state Supreme Court handed down a 90-day suspension as an attorney for Abraham Elmazahi, who joined the Florida Bar in 2018....

2 Orlando attorneys suspended, including prosecutor fired over relationship with victim

    The Florida Supreme Court suspended two Orlando attorneys last month, including a prosecutor who had a romantic relationship with the victim in a domestic violence case assigned to him.  Former Assistant State Attorney Abraham Elmazahi was suspended for 90 days and put on probation for three years in a June 10 court order, according to a discipline notice from the Florida Bar....

    The victim’s ex-fiancé was arrested for domestic battery after the woman accused him of slapping and poking her during a fight, though the responding law enforcement officer did not see any injuries.  After Elmazahi was assigned the case, he began a consensual relationship with the victim and later filed nine additional misdemeanor counts against the ex-fiancé, who denied any abuse occurred....

    The state Supreme Court also suspended Orlando attorney Mark Ellis Solomon for one year following a June 17 order.  Solomon “failed to provide his clients with competent and diligent representation resulting in the dismissal of their cases with prejudice,”...

Woman who reportedly had affair with Secretary of State John Merrill arrested on domestic violence charges

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — A woman who claimed to have had an extramarital affair with Secretary of State John Merrill has been arrested on domestic violence charges, records show....Cesaire Jane McPherson was booked Thursday at 11:58 a.m. on two domestic violence charges, one for reckless endangerment and one for harassment....

she “recklessly engaged in conduct by chasing her daughter around their home with scissors,...After initially denying the allegations of an affair with McPherson, Merrill admitted to the Associated Press that he had made “poor choices that impacted his family.”...

Who let an accused child molester stay on with the Boston police?

    police officer Patrick M. Rose Sr. ... Rose was charged in 1995 with indecent assault on a child; months later, the police department also investigated and “sustained” the allegations. But the criminal charges were dropped, and despite its own findings, the department “did not take sufficient steps to discipline or terminate” Rose, according to Everett’s report....


Biden calls on Cuomo to resign in wake of sexual harassment investigation

    All told, investigators said they corroborated the claims of 11 women, nine of whom are current or former state employees, who accused Cuomo of a range of inappropriate behavior, from suggestive comments to instances of groping, through interviews with 179 witnesses and tens of thousands of documents.  The report described in stunning detail how Cuomo’s behavior and actions by his top officials violated both state and federal law...   fostered a toxic work culture that was rife with fear and intimidation, and helped enable “harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.”...  James, a Democrat, said “I believe these women.”... 

    the governor denied most of the report’s serious findings, reiterating his contention that he had never touched anyone inappropriately. He suggested the report was politically motivated and declared that “the facts are much different from what has been portrayed.”


Former Spokane police officer awaiting trial for rape charges arrested again for allegedly raping another woman

    A fired Spokane Police officer awaiting trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a victim of domestic violence was arrested Wednesday on new charges after another woman reported he raped her while on duty.  Nathan Nash, 38, faces charges of second-degree rape and unlawful imprisonment...  Both sexual assault victims told investigators that Nash responded to their calls for police assistance, then later followed up with them alone. It was during these “follow-ups” that Nash sexually assaulted them, the victims told detectives....

Washtenaw County sheriff's deputy faces four new sexual assault charges

D’Angelo McWilliams, 26, was placed on unpaid leave from the sheriff's office in August 2020 after he was charged with three counts of first-degree sexual assault and one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, among other charges....McWilliams and roommate Thomas Hernandez in September 2016 raped two women in separate instances at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house in Ypsilanti.....

‘A Poison in the System’: The Epidemic of Military Sexual Assault

    Nearly one in four U.S. servicewomen reports being sexually assaulted in the military....  and more than half report experiencing harassment...  After their attacks, victims also rarely see justice. Of the more than 6,200 sexual-assault reports made by United States service members in fiscal year 2020, only 50 — 0.8 percent — ended in sex-offense convictions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice...  Not only are military rapists rarely punished, but their victims are often punished for reporting what happened.... 


Coventry cop cleared of misconduct charges

    A Coventry-based policeman accused of having sex with a domestic violence victim while investigating her case and sexual offences has been cleared of all the charges he faced.  Marc Forth, 42, from Nuneaton, had denied two charges of misconduct in a public office by allegedly having relationships with two women while actively involved in their cases.... At the same time Forth was found not guilty of inciting a 15-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity and raping a woman – and after a further 52 minutes he was also cleared of two charges of sexually assaulting another girl.  Thanking the jury, Judge Peter Cooke observed that the case had had "very serious ramifications potentially".

    During the trial, prosecutor Michael Shaw said a woman contacted the police in May 2013 as a result of domestic abuse, and Forth was assigned to deal with it.  It was claimed that he then contacted her while off-duty that evening, and that they engaged in consensual sexual activity.  It was alleged Forth later visited the flat again with his girlfriend, and that they spoke to her about the possibility of engaging in a threesome – but that she declined....

    Forth did accept having a relationship with another woman whose case he had been involved with – but stressed that had been after her case was concluded and "she was no longer vulnerable".  And Judge Cooke had directed the jury to find him not guilty of that charge after the woman said they had first had sex after she sent an email to the police praising him – which was after the person who assaulted her had been dealt with.


Cleveland Police officer resigns after complaint from domestic violence victim alleging he returned to her house for drinks after work (video)

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Imagine if a police officer who’d just arrested your spouse came back to your house afterwards for drinks.  One woman filed a complaint with Cleveland Police saying that’s exactly what happened to her after she called for help in a domestic violence situation....“Our policy says we have to separate and arrest somebody,” Officer Henjy replied.... hours after making that comment about alcohol, a disciplinary notice from Cleveland’s Police Chief says Henjy returned to the couple’s home and drank alcohol with the man’s wife-- the domestic violence victim....she told investigators Hejny’s “overly affectionate behavior caused her to feel uncomfortable.”...


Smearing your alleged victim: Prince Andrew’s strategy sinks him even further

It seemed that the Prince Andrew of England He couldn’t have fallen any lower after being reported for sexual abuse of minors, and yet he succeeded.  The son of Queen Elizabeth II of England is fiercely criticized after court documents filed on Friday by his lawyers called the civil suit of his accuser, Virginia Giuffre, as “frivolous”, claiming he filed it because he seeks a “media frenzy” and “another payday at your expense.”...

Giuffre claims that at the age of 17, Epstein and his alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked her to London, where they forced her to have sex with Prince Andrew. She also said that the Duke of York had slept with her twice more without her consent as a minor.  Pursued by justice, Prince Andrew is considered a “threat” by his own family...

Sleazy cop hounded young mum with naked selfies when she reported domestic abuse

A young mum has told of her hell at the hands of a police officer who hounded her with sex texts and naked selfies while probing a crime complaint.  PC David Taylor, 37 harassed the woman, also 37, after she went to police to report domestic abuse by her ex-partner, who had threatened to kidnap her daughter....Kilmarnock Sheriff Court heard Taylor targeted three vulnerable women between 2011 and 2018.  He admitted sending indecent images to the woman, sending indecent images to a sex assault victim and stalking her, and communicating indecently with another domestic abuse survivor....Taylor was put on the sex offenders’ register after pleading guilty to four of the 13 charges he faced earlier this month...

State employee in Juneau charged with possessing child pornography, placed on administrative leave

A Juneau man who works for the state has been charged with more than a dozen counts of possessing child pornography.  Juneau police arrested Bradley Waldron on Dec. 3 saying that he downloaded hundreds of images and videos of sexual abuse of children onto his cell phone. He faces 14 felony charges and up to 99 years in prison if convicted. After his arrest, he was released on a $5,000 bond.  Waldron is a procurement officer for the Department of Labor.... 

Lawsuit alleges Halifax cops sexually abused 13-year-old girl

A Halifax woman says she was sexually assaulted by two police officers as a girl in the 1990s, and even after one of them impregnated her years later, complaints about the abuse went nowhere....The abuse is alleged to have started while X.Y. was living at Sullivan House, a Department of Community Services “safe house” for kids 12 and up who are “actively involved in sexual exploitation.”... At 13, X.Y....Halifax police Const. Brian Johnston forced the Plaintiff to perform oral sex on him, threatening her arrest and subsequent eviction from Sullivan House if she did not comply....  Around a year later, a Musquodoboit RCMP officer named Wade Marriott ...Officer Marriott would frequently engage in sexual relations with the Plaintiff while she was at his residence.”...The task force helped her move out of the province at one point to escape an abusive pimp.

In or around 2005, Doug MacKinnon, an RCMP officer “began coercing the Plaintiff to engage in further sexual activities with him, including sexual intercourse.”...

In or around 2006, the Plaintiff became pregnant with her now daughter. Cst. Johnston is her daughter’s biological father. The Plaintiff’s conception with her daughter occurred while Cst. Johnston was on duty. The pregnancy was a direct result of the ongoing relationship established by Cst. Johnston with the Plaintiff when she was approximately thirteen years old....

In the lawsuit, X.Y. is alleging misfeasance in public office, intimidation, intentional infliction of mental suffering, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, battery, and sexual battery.  “The Plaintiff states that Officer Marriott and Cst. Johnston committed misfeasance in public office by sexually assaulting her as a minor, and that Cst. Johnston continued to commit misfeasance in public officer by sexually exploiting and abusing her as an adult,” Dull wrote....



Kansas revokes former police officer’s certification after accused of having sex with victim

A former Gardner police officer was stripped of his law enforcement certification this month after investigators concluded he had an inappropriate relationship with a victim in a domestic violence case he investigated and then lied about it to his superiors.  Christopher White was accused of having sex with a woman who had reported domestic abuse to the Gardner police while he was involved in that investigation. Investigators found he lied about the content of hundreds of text messages the pair exchanged, state records show.  White left the Gardner Police Department in June and continued corresponding with the woman even after he left the force following an investigation into the incident...

Hialeah cop pleads guilty to forcing women into sex. He faces up to 3 years in prison

officer Jesús Menocal Jr. in handcuffs on federal charges of using his badge to pressure several young women into having sex with him while on duty....  he forced them to touch his penis, perform oral sex or have intercourse, according to federal court records... a 14-year-old girl.... a 17-year-old girl,... The oldest victim, in her 20s,...


North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator exchanged 72 texts with jailed child porn suspect

North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator exchanged 72 text messages with an inmate suspected of child porn and sex abuse crimes, jail records show.  A phone number used by Sen. Ray Holmberg, a powerful Grand Forks Republican, was among those 34-year-old Nicholas James Morgan-Derosier texted in flurries of communication on Aug. 23 and 24 when Morgan-Derosier was incarcerated last year at the Grand Forks County Jail....  The 77-year-old man, who was not identified by prosecutors in the transcript, asked or told Morgan-Derosier that “he wants him to bring (Morgan-Derosier’s boyfriend) over to his house to give him a massage,” Puhl said in the transcript. The boyfriend was 19 or 20 years old at the time, according to the transcript. ...

In March 2021, roughly five months before the text exchanges between Morgan-Derosier and Holmberg, the Grand Forks Herald wrote a story about 10 child porn charges filed against Morgan-Derosier in Grand Forks County District Court....

Holmberg told a reporter he no longer had the text messages. When asked what happened to the texts, Holmberg said, “They’re just gone.”  Morgan-Derosier has been in the Cass County Jail since Dec. 16 on federal charges of receiving and distributing child porn, possessing child porn, transporting minors with intent for those children to engage in sexual activity, and traveling with intent to engage in illicit sexual activity....

Officer accused of masturbating in front of victims during domestic violence call

A San Jose California police officer is facing an indecent exposure charge after his fellow officers say he masturbated in front of two women while responding to an active domestic violence call in April....A father, mother and daughter all had a restraining order against their son/brother, who police say has a mental illness....the mother said she saw Dominguez unzip his pants, reach inside and then begin to rub his crotch....she saw Dominguez's penis outside of his pants "fully exposed."...

Both called for the father, who ran inside.  [He] looked into the kitchen and saw Officer Dominguez facing out of the kitchen with his erect penis in his left hand and his right hand on the counter. Officer Dominguez made eye contact with [the father], who promptly turned around and left the house. Two minutes later, Officer Dominguez walked out of the kitchen, out of the house, and went back to work."

Creola police chief convicted on sexual battery, malfeasance, false record charges

The police chief of Creola was convicted Thursday on multiple charges stemming from his arrest in May 2020....A Grant Parish jury convicted Crooks of three counts of sexual battery, one count of malfeasance in office and one count of filing a false public record...He was charged with 13 counts of injuring public records, 16 misdemeanor counts of sexual battery, three felony counts of sexual battery and one count of malfeasance in office....


Senators Have More Questions for the DHS Watchdog on His Handling of Reports About Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence

The Project on Government Oversight issued a report in April that alleged the Homeland Security inspector general office delayed and suppressed reports about sexual assault and domestic violence. According to an unpublished report POGO reported on, more than 10,000 employees at DHS said they have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. However, in a 17-page response in May to senators who inquired about the situation, IG Joseph Cuffari asserted: “Any suggestion that I demanded changes to the draft reports for improper purposes is false as is the suggestion that I suppressed evidence of widespread sexual harassment in DHS law enforcement components.” ...  an assessment to determine if DHS agencies with law enforcement personnel were in compliance with the Lautenberg Amendment, which bans the possession of firearms for individuals convicted of domestic violence....

B.C. Mountie re-hired in appeal after sending sexual texts to domestic violence survivor

A Surrey RCMP constable has been re-hired and is awaiting a second hearing after appealing his firing in 2018 for exchanging “inappropriate sexual and personal text messages” with a woman who was a survivor of domestic abuse....Const. Andrew Scott Hedderson and ordered a new hearing “before a differently constituted conduct board.”...

B.C. cop who showed sexual selfie to domestic violence victim reinstated

A B.C. Mountie who was fired after showing a domestic violence victim what he described as a barely clothed "d*** pic" was rehired last year after arguing the RCMP's conduct board treated him unfairly.  Const. Andrew Hedderson was dismissed in December 2018 after the board found his behaviour constituted sexual misconduct, and that keeping him employed with the RCMP would "clearly imperil the public's confidence and trust" in the national police force.... the officer responded by pulling up two separate images of his exposed penis, including one in which he was wearing his RCMP uniform....

"Ms. W reported that the (officer) was 'flirting' with her … and she was 'shocked' by his presentation of the photographs."...He also admitted to texting Ms. W sexual messages following that incident....

Suffolk DA candidate Ricardo Arroyo was twice investigated in possible sexual assaults. He says he was never informed.

A high school student told police in 2005 that she was sexually assaulted by her then-classmate Ricardo Arroyo, now a candidate for Suffolk district attorney, according to police and school records obtained by the Globe. Two years later, a second teenage girl reported to police that she believed Arroyo may have raped her after she got inebriated at a party, records show.The two cases were investigated separately by police and neither led to charges, according to a Boston Police Department spokesman....

In the course of the hour-long interview and in written responses to follow-up questions, Arroyo offered several responses that ran counter to police records and official statements. Police records explicitly state that a detective spoke to Arroyo and his attorney in the 2005 case. And a spokesman for Kevin Hayden, the current Suffolk district attorney, said Arroyo was contacted back then regarding both investigations. Arroyo is running against Hayden in the Sept. 6 primary for the county’s top law enforcement position.  If Arroyo was aware of the allegations, he could face serious professional repercussions. When he applied for his law license in 2014, Arroyo claimed he had never been investigated for any crime — misdemeanor or felony....

Former Brownfield official punished for child pornography

Former Brownfield official Brian Brisendine punished for child pornography   


Three Stoughton police officers had inappropriate relationships with a young woman who later killed herself, town report finds

Sandra Birchmore originally came to them for mentoring and was pregnant with what she said was one officer’s child when she died...

Three Stoughton police officers had inappropriate relationships with a young woman who killed herself last year while she was expecting her first child, according to a police internal affairs report released Friday, sometimes texting the woman while on duty to arrange meetings.  At the time of her death, Sandra Birchmore, 23, had been telling friends she was pregnant with the child of one of the officers, Matthew G. Farwell, 36, a detective, former patrolmen’s union president, and married father. They met when Birchmore was just 13 through the department’s youth explorers program, which introduces young people to law enforcement careers....


Former Everett superintendent’s alleged sex assault victims describe the toll on their families

Former employees of the Everett Public Schools offered gut-wrenching public statements about the impact of alleged sexual assaults by Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire, saying he not only retaliated against them in the workplace but also punished their children in school....  Everett is awash in scandals with three female school administrators who succeeded Foresteire each having filed discrimination complaints against Mayor Carlo DeMaria, the city, and the schools. The city and schools are also facing a sweeping federal discrimination probe conducted by US Attorney Rachael Rollins and the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division after racist incidents among elected officials and city staff....


Sexual harassment, improper gifts, explicit videos: Former Acton police officers face possible ban after multiple misconduct allegations

ACTON — The teenager already had been accused of making harassing phone calls, fighting with neighbors, and pouring condiments on another person’s laundry at a laundry facility where she lived. Then, in 2020, she accused two Acton police officers of sexual misconduct.  If she had been their only accuser, Michael S. Eracleo and Tyler Russell would likely still be Acton police officers today. After she refused to speak with investigators and undermined their efforts in other ways, Acton police and its internal investigator concluded her allegations were unfounded. 

But, as the probe unfolded, the internal investigator found other alleged misconduct by the pair: A social worker said Eracleo sexually harassed her. A 63--year-old woman with mental illness claimed Eracleo persuaded her to give him thousands in gifts. A department-issued cellphone captured Russell masturbating.  Now, Eracleo, 44, and Russell, 34, have resigned while facing disciplinary proceedings and the town wants a new state commission to decertify them, which would prevent them from working in law enforcement in Massachusetts.  

The downfall of the two officers, both of whom had spotless records previously, is in some ways a story of serendipity. The internal investigator rejected the teen’s allegations, but, along the way, uncovered serious allegations from other women that she believed.  However, questions remain about the teen’s original charges against the two officers — and how police handled them. ...  “When we don’t believe survivors, they become demonized and dismissed,” said Toni Troop, a spokesperson for Jane Doe Inc., a coalition of advocacy groups. Perpetrators “say to the victim, ‘Who is going to believe you?,’” said Troop, speaking generally. “And that often keeps people from coming forward.”...  She told a nurse that she recanted her accusation against Eracleo after he pressured her to do so, adding that she didn’t want to be part of another investigation...