Improvised Lethal Weapons

New suspect charged in stove explosion death

Authorities in eastern Oklahoma said an 8-year-old boy died and another man has been injured after Tannerite, an explosive, was placed in a stove and shot at with a high-powered rifle. ...Sequoyah County Sheriff Ron Lockhart said Monday that the boy died after being hit by shrapnel on Sunday.



How to make Tannerite, a legal compound under federal law.

Ammonium Nitrate/Aluminum Powder Also known as Tannerite. LEGAL

So you want to know how to make tannerite? Tannerite is a binary compound that is legally distributed and manufactured in the United States, and is commonly used down range with high velocity rifles. Preppers and Survivalists will find this legal mixture useful in a SHTF situation, and more pleased to find out that this can be bought premade through the patented version Tannerite with no need to mix. [Visit the Tannerite website.] Basically, when you shoot – it explodes.

This compound is so stable it requires high impact to detonate the mixture. Tannerite could be used on your property engaging a confirmed threat to your life or property would be it’s most practical use, disabling I.E.D.’s (Improvised Explosive Device), or disabling vehicles in Charlie Foxtrot situations. High-velocity firearm cartridges will detonate the mixture, low-velocity will not detonate the mixture.

Note: their are no federal laws for this mixture, always be in compliance with your local and state laws (Illegal in Maryland) . Be well informed.

How to make tannerite at home

The mixture itself is simple

For example: 100g AN mixed with 5g AL

95% Ammonium Nitrate [See pricing.] 50lb bags marked 34-0-0. Please note: the supply of ammonium nitrate is getting slim, this product is in crystal form and will have to be made into a fine powder.

Use blender to ground to the consistency of salt granules.

Mix in well ventilated area with no open flames.

Ignition Point 840 degrees Fahrenheit.

Store in sealed container after grounded.

After storage – If clumping occurs break the clumps apart and ground.

5% Aluminum Powder [See pricing.] 300-600 mesh.

Use different blender to avoid contamination.

Blend into fine powder.

Mix in well ventilated area with no open flames.

Store in sealed container after grounded.

After storage – If clumping occurs break the clumps apart and ground.

How to make tannerite – The mix AN/AL

Pour the amounts into the container and shake them up until they are mixed together mixed accordingly to their weight 95/5 in any desired amount. Remember once you mix them together you must use them at the site. You cannot drive or store the stuff mixed together. Totally legal according to federal law.

A Federal explosives license or permit would be required to obtain any explosive device, such as detonators, used to initiate the mixed binary explosives. In addition, transportation of any explosive material, including mixed binary explosives, without a Federal license or permit is prohibited. [27 CFR 555.11: Definition of “manufacturer”; 27 CFR 555.26, 555.41(b)] Again do not drive with these compounds mixed.

Military & Survival

Many other examples of Fire used in warfare such as the US Indian Wars, US Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, etc. Fires are easy to make from butane lighters, propane blowtorches, napalm made from mixing gasoline with styrofoam, petrojelly, grease, oil, etc. to time delayed incendiaries.


Cat Bomb

Catch cats that live in the town, and attach special sacks that contain flammable materials. Then, set the sacks on fire from behind. To the cat, it would seem as the fire is chasing it. Then, the poor animal would run back in the town and try to hide in a familiar secret spot. Usually, this would be a building or some similar place, where the sack would ignite the structure and start a major fire.

Going Postal, Pre-Pistol

How did mass murderers operate before the advent of modern weapons?

The shooting spree that killed 12 people in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater on Friday has sparked a public debate about the availability of automatic weapons. Gun control advocates argue that mass murder is exceedingly difficult without them. One source told the Washington Post, “It’s kind of hard to be a pseudo-commando with a musket in the 18th century.” How did people commit mass murder before the advent of automatic weapons?

Often with fire. Revolutionary War veteran Barnett Davenport is widely considered the first mass murderer in U.S. history. On the evening of Feb. 3, 1780, Davenport burst into the bedroom of his employer, Caleb Mallory, and began to bludgeon Mallory and his wife with a club. When the club broke in two, Davenport beat the couple to death with Mallory’s gun. If Davenport had stopped there, he would be remembered as just an ordinary killer; most criminologists define mass murder as the killing of at least three people in a single incident. After beating the Mallorys to death, however, Davenport burned the house down, killing their three grandchildren.

Hundreds of other mass murderers have perpetrated their crimes without automatic firearms. Frenchman Pierre Riviere killed his mother, sister, and brother with a bill hook in 1835. In 1932, Julian Marcelino, a Filipino immigrant of relatively small stature, managed to kill six and wound 15 on a Seattle street using only a pair of blades. In 1915, Monroe Phillips shot seven dead and wounded 32 with a shotgun in Georgia.

Guns aren’t even the most lethal mass murder weapon. According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns.

The U.S. mass murder rate does not seem to rise or fall with the availability of automatic weapons. It reached its highest level in 1929, when fully automatic firearms were expensive and mostly limited to soldiers and organized criminals. The rate dipped in the mid-1930s, staying relatively low before surging again in the 1970s through 1990s. Some criminologists attribute the late-century spike to the potential for instant notoriety: Beginning with Charles Whitman’s 1966 shooting spree from atop a University of Texas tower, mass murderers became household names. Others point out that the mass murder rate fairly closely tracks the overall homicide rate. In the 2000s, for example, both the mass murder and the homicide rates dropped to their lowest levels since the 1960s.

A mass murderer’s weapon of choice depends somewhat on his victims. Attacks with guns, fire, knives, and bare hands are far more likely to be directed against family and acquaintances than total strangers, while mass murderers prefer to use explosives against people they don’t know. Also of note: Those who use firearms in a killing spree turn the gun on themselves 34 percent of the time, while only 9 percent of mass-murdering arsonists take their own lives.

(Explainer thanks Grant Duwe, author of Mass Murder in the United States: A History, and Stephen T. Holmes of the University of Central Florida, co-author of Mass Murder in the United States.)

Combustion Arson

Northwest Side Fire Kills Two Women

CHICAGO (CBS) — Two women died in a suspicious fire in Chicago's Hermosa neighborhood on the city's northwest side. The Bomb and Arson ...

Blaze kills 2 women in Northwest Side apartment -

Woman in court charged with arson attack on own home

A WOMAN suspected of setting her own house on fire has appeared in court charged with arson with intent to endanger life. ...

Grease Fire Forces Elderly Woman Out of Her Home


TROTWOOD -- An elderly woman was forced out of her home following a ... The woman was cooking with grease, walked away from the stove and it ...

Fire started by candle kills

ADAMS - An 88-year-old woman died from injuries suffered when a fire broke out Wednesday inside her home at 5 West St., officials said. The blaze ...

Pressure Cooker Bomb

From AL Qaeda Inspire magazine:

Images are at bottom of this page from pict0.jpg to pict10.jpg.

Barrel Bombs:

They are made of a barrel filled with TNT, steel and oil and dropped from helicopters.[1] The resulting explosion from the barrel bombs kill and maim across a wider area than high explosives.[2][3]

According to Victoria Nuland, of the United States Department of State, barrel bombs are "incendiary bombs which contain flammable material that can be like napalm" or can be packed with nails and launched from the air or from a launcher.

The Syrian "barrel bomb" - a terror weapon

There are several versions of the barrel bomb, probably depending on which air base prepares them. They all include the same basic components. Start with a cylindrical object, be it a large-diameter pipe, a used artillery shell, or the basic oil drum. Fill the object with TNT or other explosive, some oil and shrapnel. The shrapnel used includes pieces of rebar, nuts and bolts, nails and ball bearings. The explosion causes great damage to soft structures - houses, apartment buildings, commercial areas - in addition to the extreme human casualties.

The bombs, in reality improvised explosive devices, are fitted with a fuse that appears to be nothing more than detonator cord, and is ignited with a match, lighter or cigarette (as seen in video below). After the fuse is lit, the device is pushed out the back of the helicopter. From the videos I have seen, there does not appear to be much aiming - the crewmen push the barrel out over a city or village. The helicopters remain fairly high - I estimate the altitude of the video below at about 10,000 feet - to remain above the effective altitude of the anti-aircraft artillery and shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles in the hands of the Free Syrian Army.

The possibilities for bombmaking are limitless. *Propane tanks with the ignition screwed into the valve opening; *Gasoline poured into a pipe open at one end and a rag or plastic placed just above the gas and then ball bearings, rocks, nails, metal scrap poured ontop of the rag, *or just mix gasoline with styrofoam or vaseline petro jelly for a homemade napalm; *Vehicles make good bombs by placing igniters or a pipe bomb into the gas tank but not submerged in the gas. I have read where car gas tanks wont explode because lack of oxygen so maybe disconnecting filler hose on top of gas tank may allow enough air to cause explosion; *Toepoppers used in Vietnam places bullets in the ground bullet faceing upward and bottom of shell against a nail so the weight of the person who steps on it ignites the round; *Take a needle and drill a small hole in a light bulb then fill light bulb full of gasoline or powder then screw back in then when the light switch is turned on it explodes; ... Easily concealed inside everyday items.

Baiting the target by irritating them to draw them to the boobytrapped area by pursuit; Plant the IED in a select spot knowing the target will go there from prior observations; Plant the IED and notify the target to go to the ambush spot; etc... One trick used by the mass shooter recently was to phone the police to go to a certain point due to an emergency. Then upon arrival the shooter began the ambush, and as more responders appeared the shooter continued the attack on the new arrivals. In mid-east the killers would boobytrap a certain spot with IED's and make the troops believe they had the enemy there for a surprise attack. Then upon entering the area the IED explodes killing and wounding the troops.

How to make a homemade bomb out of fireworks

1.)box of mortor shells

2.)1 foot long peice of PVC piping 1.5 inches in diameter (homedepot)

3.)matching diameter PVC pipe caps (homedepot)

4.)Duct tape


If you live in or near a state where real fireworks are legal, just buy a box of mortor shells (the ones that shoot out of the tube) cut them all open and extract the explosives. cap one end of the PVC pipe pour the explosive remains into a PVC pipe 1.5 inches in diameter and about one foot long pack the powder down (using newspaper) pack down newspaper into the pipe with a screw driver{{{very tight}}}} . finally cap the end and wrap the entire thing in duct tape. Drill a small hole (the same diameter of the mortor fuses) into the pipe insirt the fuse and light it in an open space has about the same effect as a grenade (i am not exagerating)!!!!!!!!!(take saftey precautions)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(

The Boston Marathon bombing suspects used “relatively sophisticated” bombs with fuses made from Christmas lights and remote-control detonators made from model car parts, ...

Instructions: How to Make a Homemade Pipe Bomb

TOTSE.COM and are both good sites on bomb making.

How to Make a Firework Bomb

How To Make A Big Sparkler Bomb

Homemade Firework Hand Grenade

Obtain the artillery firework, and separate the propellant portion from the exploding portion. Then wrap nails, ball bearings, small nuts&bolts, or any metal scrap around the exploding portion of the artillery by way of glue, or masking tape. Cut the fuse to the desired time interval , usually 5 or 10 seconds. Test the burn speed of the fuse by timing a two to three inch length of the cut fuse to determine seconds per inch fuse burned. The hand grenade can be further made into a booby trap grenade using trip wire, and improvised ignitor. US Army field manual improvised munitions and boobytraps contain some improvised ignitors. The separated propellant can be used in other explosive devises or used as an ignitor.


Arrest made in pipe-bomb explosions at Glendale home

The arrest comes a little more than a week after the latest explosion at the Grays' house. The galvanized-pipe bomb was detonated in their driveway on Sept. 5, heavily damaging the vehicles parked outside and spraying the garage door with shrapnel. A second bomb placed next to it did not detonate.

...The owners had placed security cameras outside the house after one of the bombings, officials said. The photos show a person kneeling in the victims' driveway and igniting the bomb.

...investigators discovered two purchases of galvanized end caps and 2- by 8-inch galvanized-pipe nipples

...the man was carrying a black bag that investigators eventually discovered was an oxygen system,

Bomb Blast Aboard Egyptian Train Kills 4

ABC News

On Thursday morning in Cairo, a woman was slightly injured when a homemade explosive device went off near one of the city's presidential facilities, ...

Egypt train bomb kills four including policemen - The National

Pair -- including a woman with a bomb -- attack Istanbul police

KBZK Bozeman News

ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- Two people -- armed with guns and, in at least one case, with a bomb -- attacked police headquarters in Istanbul on ...

Bomb blast at Kabul police HQ kills 1

Lynchburg News and Advance

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A bomb exploded on Sunday morning at the police headquarters in Afghanistan's capital Kabul, killing at least one officer

Bomb targeting ATC judge kills boy in Quetta

The Nation

In a drive-by shooting, a provincial government official, four children and a woman were killed in Bolan district, 170 kilometres (105 miles) southeast of ...

Central Alberta financial advisor found guilty in pipe bomb blast that kills disabled woman

a jury found him guilty of first-degree murder for killing his disabled client with a pipe bomb disguised as a Christmas present....



noun .... a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar. A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. ....... "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." ...

The WWII Dresden Holocaust -

'A Single Column Of Flame'



1. Sun Tzu said:

There are five ways of attacking with fire.

The first is to burn soldiers in their camp;

the second is to burn stores;

the third is to burn baggage trains;

the fourth is to burn arsenals and magazines;

the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy.

Burning crops, grasslands, homes, and businesses has always been used in warfare by armies.

When you start a fire, be to windward of it. Do not attack from the leeward.

When the force of the flames has reached its height, follow it up with an attack, if that is practicable; if not, stay where you are.

"We must not only know how to assail our opponents with fire, but also be on our guard against similar attacks from them."

Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an aid to the

attack gain an accession of strength.

The alternatives to firearms-

Bombs, Boobytraps, IED, Homemade devices, knives, Blunt Objects, Household Items, Vehicular, ...

Do bans and restrictions on the second amendment stop crime, or create more crime? During the prohibition days did that stop alcohol use, or just created a black market underground world? Does the ban on marijuana stop people from obtaining and using it? Do current bans stop violence or increase it? I imagine once everybody has been incarcerated the problem may diminish but by then, there wont be anyone left in the free world to keep it moving because everyone will be behind bars.

Since 1950, every public mass shooting (with the exception just 1) in the U.S. has occurred in a place where civilians are banned from carrying firearms.

Approximately 20% of gun owners own 65% of the guns.

In like manner, creating more bans and restrictions against the citizens may actually provoke normally ordinary law abiding citizens that may retaliate against such restrictions of their freedoms, especially when it is loss of constitutional rights, or injustices in Law.

When Law becomes the criminal, and its crimes are directed at the citizens, by nature mankind seeks self preservation and justice. Mankind is a social creature and generally is compassionate, sharing, loving, caring, merciful, and normally wants to do right for their fellow man, and woman. However, as history has proven governments can become tyrannical, and oppressive, and can enslave the people. Which is why the American Constitution was instituted to guarantee the citizens the right to fight against such tyranny.

Those in power will write laws to preserve their power and their interests at the expense of the common American. As such, your right to even fight back will become hindered. Loss of Free Speech where you cannot even speak out in protest. Those criminals in Law and government who are criminalizing our Bill of Rights know that someday the people may revolt, and so they are disarming those people they think may revolt against them, while allowing those on their political side and who follow their agenda to store up firearms to protect their interest and overcome the resistance.

Basically, law and government has become a cartel where the true criminals of law and government protect their crimes by arming themselves, and disarming everybody else.

As the people are disarmed they may be forced to seek alternatives to firearms. The IED's, bombmaking, and everyday items may become the future. Are these devices preferred over firearms. Are they more humane than firearms? Are they less deadly? Are they traceable?

It's not rocket science to think if a person is determined to kill, that person will do it with or with out a firearm, or will obtain one off the street, or will make one. So what is the point in gun control other than the fact that it shows lack of respect to our Constitution and everything that it means, and disrepects every man and woman who has ever died to defend it.

For every Law that is made to try to solve a problem, many more problems and more crimes are created as a result. Thus, a vicious cycle continues which grows. More crimes creates more laws which creates more crime. Partly as a direct result of the new laws, and partly as an indirect consequence of the new laws.

In the end no one is Free, and we all are just criminals.

Wrongful conviction rates increase as the Law enforcement look for scapegoats to take the heat for the guilty, and make it look as if they are doing their job by all the convictions they have. But, yet they didnt tell you that those are not the real perpetrator. INstead those they arrest are innocent while the guilty are free to make more crimes so more innocent people can become convicted to keep that flow of money going into the hands of all those in the legal system. And to show everybody how serious crime is in America so more money from tax dollars and private donations are directed back into this fraudulent circle of deception created by the real criminals, the Law itself.

So what are some of the devices being used that people use as an alternative to firearms? This section briefly looks into these do-it-yourself-everyday-items that replace the firearms.

The following articles come from various sources and I have not personally tested any of them so caution to any person attempting there use. I have read when making pipe bombs to be sure to carefully clean all powder off the threads, and use a pipe dope or something to reduce risk of sparks when screwing on the end caps. Nor do we here advocate there use rather we list these articles for educational purposes, and to allow people to realize that firearms are not the problem since methods of killing are many even without firearms.

If you have stories, or links that you can share dealing with this topic of gun alternatives, and why people use them please email them to us at:

Everything around you is a lethal weapon. Motor vehicles, rock, branch, chair leg, lamp, screwdriver, hammer, wire, hands, feet, solvents, cleaners, antifreeze, glass, medicines, plastic, cellophane wrap, pipe, etc. ....

The Art of War: by Sun Tzu

(1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.

(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.

(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.

Summed up the art of war is Deception, and Attacking Swiftly and Rapidly only when Victory is Guaranteed.

First step gather Allies.

(Remember even racially pure Hitler was allied with Japan.)

Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.

* It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him;

if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

If equally matched, we can offer battle;

if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy;

if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.

*** 1. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

3. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, [Chang Yu says this is done, "By concealing the disposition of his troops, covering up his tracks, and taking unremitting precautions."] but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.

4. Hence the saying: One may KNOW how to conquer without being able to DO it.

5. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics;

ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.

6. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a super abundance of strength.

7. The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth;

8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.

9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done!"

[True excellence being, as Tu Mu says: "To plan secretly, to move surreptitiously, to foil the enemy's intentions and balk his schemes, so that at last the day may be won without shedding a drop of blood."

10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength;

11. What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.

[The last half is literally "one who, conquering, excels in easy conquering." Mei Yao-ch`en says: "He who only sees the obvious, wins his battles with difficulty; he who looks below the surface of things, wins with ease."]

12. Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage.

13. He wins his battles by making no mistakes.Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated.

14. Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

15. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. [Ho Shih thus expounds the paradox: "In warfare, first lay plans which will ensure victory, and then lead your army to battle; if you will not begin with stratagem but rely on brute strength alone, victory will no longer be assured."]

16. The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success.

17. In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.

18. Measurement owes its existence to Earth; Estimation of quantity to Measurement; Calculation to Estimation of quantity; Balancing of chances to Calculation; and Victory to Balancing of chances.

19. A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound's weight placed in the scale against a single grain.

20. The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep.

* Energy

17. Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline, simulated fear postulates courage; simulated weakness postulates strength.

18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of disorder is simply a question of subdivision;

concealing courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy;

masking strength with weakness is to be effected by tactical dispositions.

19. Thus one who is skillful at keeping the enemy on the move maintains deceitful appearances, according to which the enemy will act.

He sacrifices something, that the enemy may snatch at it.

20. By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a body of picked men he lies in wait for him.

21. The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals.


1. Sun Tzu said: Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.

2. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. [One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all. [1] ]

3. By holding out advantages to him, he can cause the enemy to approach of his own accord; or, by inflicting damage, he can make it impossible for the enemy to draw near.

[In the first case, he will entice him with a bait; in the second, he will strike at some important point which the enemy will have to defend.]

4. If the enemy is taking his ease, he can harass him;

if well supplied with food, he can starve him out; if quietly encamped, he can force him to move.

5. Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected.

6. An army may march great distances without distress, if it marches through country where the enemy is not.

[Ts`ao Kung sums up very well: "Emerge from the void [q.d. like "a bolt from the blue"], strike at vulnerable points, shun places that are defended, attack in unexpected quarters."]

7. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended.

[Wang Hsi explains "undefended places" as "weak points; that is to say, where the general is lacking in capacity, or the soldiers in spirit; where the walls are not strong enough, or the precautions not strict enough; where relief comes too late, or provisions are too scanty, or the defenders are variance amongst themselves."]

You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.

8. Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack. [An aphorism which puts the whole art of war in a nutshell.]

9. O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.

10. You may advance and be absolutely irresistible, if you make for the enemy's weak points; you may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those of the enemy.

11. If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve.

[Tu Mu says: "If the enemy is the invading party, we can cut his line of communications and occupy the roads by which he will have to return; if we are the invaders, we may direct our attack against the sovereign himself." It is clear that Sun Tzu, unlike certain generals in the late Boer war, was no believer in frontal attacks.]

12. If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent the enemy from engaging us even though the lines of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground. All we need do is to throw something odd and unaccountable in his way.

13. By discovering the enemy's dispositions and remaining invisible ourselves, we can keep our forces concentrated, while the enemy's must be divided.

[The conclusion is perhaps not very obvious, but Chang Yu (after Mei Yao-ch`en) rightly explains it thus: "If the enemy's dispositions are visible, we can make for him in one body; whereas, our own dispositions being kept secret, the enemy will be obliged to divide his forces in order to guard against attack from every quarter."]

14. We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the enemy's few.

15. And if we are able thus to attack an inferior force with a superior one, our opponents will be in dire strait


Booty is the soldiers pay.

Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.

Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own, and likewise a single PICUL of his provender is equivalent to twenty from one's own store.

Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from

defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.

[Tu Mu says: "Rewards are necessary in order to make the soldiers see the advantage of beating the enemy; thus, when you capture spoils from the enemy, they must be used as rewards, so that all your men may have a keen desire to fight, each on his own account."]


2. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and

their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

3. Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

4. Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent,

other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able

to avert the consequences that must ensue.

5. Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long


6. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

7. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

[That is, with rapidity. Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war can realize the supreme

importance of rapidity in bringing it to a close.]

15. Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy's provisions is

equivalent to twenty of one's own, and likewise a single PICUL of his provender is equivalent to twenty from

one's own store.

19. In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.


2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

5. The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants,

6. Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities

without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.

7. With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete.

Attack only the enemy, and avoid friendly fire caualties. When you kill or injure friendlies indiscriminately you become thugs, and the friendlies will side with your enemies. As the enemy kills and injures noncombatants those innocent friendlies will side with you, and against the enemy thugs. For example, when Chris Dorner was forced to defend his liberties against corrupt legal system in Los Angeles he ensured the safety of the public and only attacked law enforcement. It was law enforcement who indiscriminately shot at innocent citizens.

Let the enemy kill its own self. Booby traps can be set, and allow you plenty of time to escape unseen at your choosing. You can iritate your enemy to pursue you to the area, or call them with a made up story, or allow the enemy to enter at its own time. It is also useful to protect an area. You can use more than one booby trap in an area, and even backup your traps with an incendiary trap to burn the entire area after the other trap(s) are setoff to eliminate all traces of evidence including DNA. The Art of War is that you control the battle. You do not allow the enemy to control the battle. You decide when, where, and how to fight. Make the enemy react to your plans.

Boobytrap your cache. In war boobytraps were set everywhere. Grenades were placed under deadbodies, firearms, etc. with the safety pin pulled but, the trigger held in place by the weight of the item. As the invading army moved into an area the booby trapped items would set off the explosive and kill or maime enemy personel. Firearms caches, and other items of value should also be boobytrapped to prevent the enemy from using the discovered hidden arms, and any items of value.

As the tyrannical and criminal Governments continue their war against the citizens Bill Of Rights, the citizens at some time will be forced to defend their Constitution. As the Governments disarm the citizens, the citizens will need improvised techniques of street warfare. Placing homemade IED's to protect their few remaining possessions from invading enemies. Homemade IED's placed in vehicles, homes, and any area needing protection will become vital in protecting what remains available to the citizen. At least prevent from falling into the enemies hands.

Philly protest group on Facebook: '... when they shoot us we shoot back'

"The revolution has begun.... Folks are gathering here at city hall in solidarity with what's happening in Dallas demanding that when they shoot us we shoot back. #BlackLiberation #BlackGunsMatter."

What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

Widespread rebellion and insurrection: At some point during the crackdown, an incident occurs that tosses a match into the powder keg of dissent. At this point, open rebellion occurs.

As Pressure Mounts To 'Demilitarize' Police, Sovereign Citizens Arm For War

Baton Rouge Shooting Jolts a Nation on Edge

Gavin Long, an African-American military veteran....a number of commendations, including the Good Conduct Medal.

On a social media “Cosmo” posted videos and podcasts and shared biographical and personal information ...

In one YouTube video, titled, “Protesting, Oppression and How to Deal with Bullies,” he advocates a bloody response instead of the protests that the deaths sparked.

“One hundred percent of revolutions, of victims fighting their oppressors,” he said, “have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed. Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It doesn’t — it has never worked and it never will. You got to fight back. That’s the only way that a bully knows to quit.”

“You’ve got to stand on your rights, just like George Washington did, just like the other white rebels they celebrate and salute did,” he added. “That’s what Nat Turner did. That’s what Malcolm did. You got to stand, man. You got to sacrifice.”

My Story:

“Protesting, Oppression and How to Deal with Bullies,” :

Micah Xavier Johnson of Mesquite, Texas, a military veteran who'd served in Afghanistan.

Five police officers were killed and seven others were wounded in the ambush. It was the deadliest single incident for U.S. law enforcement since September 11, 2001.

Nice terror attack: Isil claims responsibility for Bastille day attack that killed 84 people

Terrorist drove through crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 84 people ... he ploughed a 19-tonne lorry into holiday crowds, killing 84 people.

Former Marine kills 3 Baton Rouge officers, wounds 3 others

A former Marine dressed in black and carrying extra ammunition shot and killed three Baton Rouge law enforcement officers Sunday, less than two weeks after a black man was fatally shot by police here in a confrontation that sparked nightly protests that reverberated nationwide.

U.S. Coast Guardsman Adrian Loya, 31, charged with killing fellow member, wounding another, shooting cop in Cape Cod ambush: officials

...Police were confronted with several distractions — a blazing car and what were believed to be bombs — to keep cops out,...Loya torched the vehicle to keep cops from reaching the shooting scene, police said. When the cops got past the burning car, they found Loya waiting for them outside, armed with three rifles and a handgun. ...The scene was littered with weapons and bomb-like devices — decoys planted to scare off police, Woodside said. "It was an ambush. This guy set the whole scene up. This was an ambush on the cops,"

Events in the case of cop killer, Christopher Monfort

A man accused of killing a Seattle police officer in a Halloween ambush in 2009 was angry about what he saw as an increasing number of police-­brutality cases, a prosecutor told jurors in trial last month. Opening statements began Jan. 20 in the trial of Christopher Monfort, who authorities say was conducting a one-­man war on police. The trial continues. He's charged with aggravated murder and attempted murder in the shooting, and also arson for a fire that damaged police vehicles at a city maintenance yard.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a 19-year-old immigrant from Kyrgyzstan:

To Glasby, Tsarnaev was a social, low-key guy with a messy dorm room and liked to listen to hip hop music.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev apparently maintained an active Twitter account. What These Tweets Tell Us About Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Some Tweets:

"There are people that know the truth but stay silent & there are people that speak the truth but we don't hear them cuz they're the minority".

"Ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people".

"Most of you are conditioned by the media".

"If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that's left is to take action".

"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing".

"I don't argue with fools who say islam is terrorism it's not worth a thing, let an idiot remain an idiot".

"The value of human life ain't shit nowadays that's #tragic".

"a decade in america already, i want out".

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26 year old brother:

He described himself in a photo essay as a “very ­religious” Muslim who didn’t smoke or drink, but also condemned “people who can’t control themselves,” adding that “there are no values anymore.”...

“I don’t have a single American friend,” he said, “I don’t understand them.”

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov Statement following the Boston Bomber' Capture:

"Any attempt to draw a connection between Chechnya and Tsarnaevs — if they are guilty — is futile. They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of this evil in America. The whole world must struggle against terrorism — that we know better than anyone else. We hope for the recovery of all the victims, and we mourn with the Americans."

Facebook Users Continue to Thwart Site's Ban on Gun Sales

Gun sellers continue to conduct business on Facebook Marketplace, despite repeated pledges by the platform to snuff out firearm sales. To remain undetected, the sellers are employing a simple tactic to conceal the true identity of their wares. Instead of listing guns or gun parts for sale, a violation of Facebook policy, they advertise gun cases or boxes. Using the platform’s private messenger, the sellers then offer complete firearms....

Why On Earth Would You Want A $7 Homemade Shotgun?


In this video, you’ll see a rather rudimentary device constructed out of two pieces of pipe you can easily find at your local hardware store. It’s called a zip gun or one-shot shotgun and such inventions have been around since modern munitions have existed.

The Basic Zip Gun

A zip gun, at its most basic level, need be nothing more than two pieces of overlapping pipe with a screw or sharp point to pierce the primer of a shell or bullet. There’s no rifling and not much to it. Some people build stocks so it can be aimed.

Improvised Firearms


More Guns In Cars Mean More Guns Stolen From Cars

More guns are being stolen out of cars in America, particularly in states that have made it easier for people to carry firearms on the road....


Dozens of guns reported taken in Kansas City car thefts: ATF

“They’re seeing a gun in plain sight, breaking a window, taking the gun and leaving,” police said.

Theft of guns underscores common, but quiet problem

On average, area police departments each receive about one or more stolen gun reports a month....Moorhead police spokesman Capt. Deric Swenson said that from January to July of this year the department received reports of 16 stolen guns, five of which were recovered. "It's more uncommon than common" for police to recover a stolen firearm...Sometimes, he said, people leave a gun in a vehicle's glove compartment or under a seat...Nationwide, numbers show North Dakota has fewer reported gun thefts than most other states. In 2012, the last year for which national numbers could be found, North Dakota reported 268 stolen guns, placing it 49th among the states... Minnesota reported 1,303 stolen guns in 2012, placing it 34th in the nation for number of guns reported stolen. Texas was first in the rankings, with 18,435 guns reported stolen in 2012....


‘3 Pipes Turned into a Shotgun': Nearly 1-in-10 Guns Seized in Philly Are Homemade

homemade gun that consisted of little more than "three metal pipes that he turned into a shotgun,"...It was a "very strange" contraption..."It could be mistaken for an umbrella, honestly," he said of the homemade firearm. "These parts are what they are, and then you snap them together and it’s gun."... ghost guns emerged from stronger restrictions on assault-style firearms at the state and local levels across the United States...

Carbon Monoxide Overcomes Beltsville Homeowner & Kills Family Dog

A woman was rushed to the hospital after collapsing from Carbon Monoxide inhalation, according to Prince George's County Fire Department.

What is a good propane-oxygen mixture?

So we measure "air" / fuel mixtures by ratios and so for the optimum propane combustion ratios are:

15.6 by mass and 23.8 by volume.

So that means you want 15.6 parts air to 1 part propane by mass and then 23.8 parts air to 1 part propane by volume, respectfully. These two ratios represent the same mixture but I dont know how you will measure it all. Got it? Good luck and Be careful.

So if you use "pure oxygen" instead of air the ratios are 3.63 by mass and 5.0 by volume

If you want to have complete combustion, you need about 5 times the volume of oxygen per volume of propane.

So, if you are using air as your oxygen source, your propane should only have a partial pressure of about 0.04 atm.


    1. an electric spark detonator:

    2. Use an electric match. You can get them at hobby stores that have model rocket supplies, they're used to initiate the rocket motors.

    3. a spark plug for the detonator

    4. 9V battery and some steel wool. take a 2cm ball of the wool and attach to the poles of the battery with a wire. The short will make the wool burn.

    5. A small 12V bulb or lower voltage can also be used. Just crack the glass without breaking the filament and you'll have a very nice heat source. Alternatively you can make a small hole in the glass and fill with your propane mixture - close the whole with a piece of tape. That will however produce quite a lot of shrapnel so get it as far in to the burrow as you can.

    6. a gas grill igniter: Barbecue igniter? I used to get a pretty reliable spark with those when I used to make potato cannons, and you can extend their range with just some fairly thin wire.

    7. Get a stun gun and solder a female outlet it (coat all conductive solder points/metal/wire with liquid electrical tape). then take an electrical cord with a male end on each end. Plug in and turn it on and see if you get spark. With this you can just keep adding more electrical cords in the middle to get your self as far away as you want.

    8. a neon light transformer, or an ignition transformer from an oil furnace, both will give you a constant arc an inch or so long when powered.

    9. Microwave oven set the Timer to spark at time entered.

Detonations of vapor clouds tend to produce pressures in the tens of atm. Of course it only takes on the order of 1 atm to completely level an ordinary house.

Suffice it to say that you need a surprisingly powerful round from a rifle to penetrate a propane tank. And then when you do, the resulting gas leak doesn't explode.

Thermobaric weapon -

A thermobaric weapon is a type of explosive that utilizes oxygen from the surrounding air to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion, and in practice the blast wave such a weapon produces is typically significantly longer in duration than a conventional condensed explosive. The fuel-air bomb is one of the most well-known types of thermobaric weapons.

Most conventional explosives consist of a fuel-oxidizer premix (gunpowder, for example, contains 25% fuel and 75% oxidizer), whereas thermobaric weapons are almost 100% fuel, so thermobaric weapons are significantly more energetic than conventional condensed explosives of equal weight. Their reliance on atmospheric oxygen makes them unsuitable for use underwater, at high altitude, and in adverse weather. They do, however, cause considerably more destruction when used inside confined environments such as tunnels, caves, and bunkers - partly due to the sustained blast wave, and partly by consuming the available oxygen inside those confined spaces.

There are many different types of thermobaric weapons rounds that can be fitted to hand-held launchers.

Train Bomb:

State of emergency declared in West Virginia after train ...

A train derailed and exploded in West Virginia on Monday. ... Some of the tanker cars exploded, and oil on a portion of the river caught fire after ...

MOUNT CARBON, W.Va. — Multiple tanker rail cars carrying crude oil derailed Monday afternoon in Fayette County, triggering explosions and a 100-yard-high flames as several cars rolled through a residential subdivision and into the Kanawha River. CSX officials say “at least one rail car appears to have ruptured and caught fire.”

West Virginia In State Of Emergency After Massive Oil Train ...


Crude oil is pouring into a river that supplies drinking water and two small ... due to an oil train derailment and explosion in southern West Virginia on ... more than 100 tankers of crude oil from the Bakken shale in North Dakota ... 'crude oil from North Dakota is extremely explosive' - pipe bomb with timer/electric/cell igniter placed into tanker, a timed delay incediary, etc... will ignite the tanker causing the entire tanker to explode. North Dakota crude may make a good syrian barrel bomb Thermobaric weapon.

UPDATE: BNSF Says Broken Rail Caused Trains to Derail Near Casselton -Tankers explode

Crews are cleaning up, just west of Casselton, where cars from 2 BNSF trains derailed.

Train Carrying Bakken Crude Oil Derails in Illinois

Another train carrying Bakken crude oil derails in Illinois. A massive fire caused by another derailment of a train carrying crude oil from North Dakota's Bakken oil patch is still burning near Galena,...

Acetylene Oxygen Bombs

Propane bomb:

Heating Furnace Bomb: Natural Gas, Propane, Steam.

Set the digital Timer Thermostat to a specified time to turn on five or ten minutes later, or a time when you know the enemy will enter in the building. Be sure the thermostat is Off, or at coldest setting prior to beginning the sabotage. Next turn off the gas valve to closed. Then slightly turn the gas pipe next to the furnace's electric pilot, or the burner when the furnace is not on will allow gas to slowly escape and fill up the area. Turn on gas valve back to open. Listen for gas escaping, or check using liquid dish soap. Then be sure thermostat is on at set temperature or set time. Get the hell out. The area in the lowest portions of the building will fill with gas, and when the thermostat turns on it will cause an explosion.

The room thermostat, or the thermostat wiring at the furnace can alternatively be rigged with a remote trigger like a cell phone, time delayed chemical incediary, electic light bulb element activates when wall light switch turned on, trip wire activation, or other timing ignition device may be employed depending on use. A gas hot water heater that has an electric pilot can also be used in similar fashion.

A water heater, or steam boiler heat system can be rigged to explode by increasing the heat and increasing the pressure by blocking any venting of the pressure regulating valve, closing off all valves in the system, turning up the heating thermostat.

Propane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Propane is a three-carbon alkane with the molecular formula C 3H .... Unlike natural gas, propane is heavier than air (1.5 times as dense).

Propane Awareness and Safety

Propane vapors are heavier than air. For this reason, propane may accumulate in low-lying areas such as basements, crawl spaces, along floors and ditches.

Gas explosion kills woman

Officials suspect a recently disconnected stove may have caused an apparent gas explosion Saturday that killed a woman and injured three others in ...

Brooklyn gas explosion in Borough Park kills one and injures three others - Daily Mail

Kerosene Stove Blast Kills Woman

The New Indian Express

VISAKHAPATNAM: In a tragic incident, a 22-year old married woman died after sustaining grievous injuries when a kerosene stove exploded in her ...

Cylinder Blast Flattens House, Kills Woman

The New Indian Express

CHENNAI: A 55-year-old woman was killed while her husband, daughter and grand daughter were grievously injured in an LPG cylinder blast which ...The family had received a new LPG cylinder only the previous day. The gas could have leaked from the weak washer of the cylinder or from the tube. The gas had accumulated under the washing machine, fridge and almirah in the hall, which was why the blast was so severe, said officials.

Man accused of murder in deadly house blast learns his fate


the suspects planned to destroy the house by filling it with natural gas. A microwave apparently set to start on a timer sparked the blast....The explosion destroyed the home and the house next door, killing Jennifer and John "Dion" Longworth.

Propane leak Suspected cause of house explosion

Officials say it appears an accidental, propane gas leak caused the explosion at Ken Swenson’s home at 5:30 Monday night, five miles southwest of Bemidji....The explosion completely leveled Ken Swenson’s home. The blast turned it into splinters of wood, shards of glass and pieces of insulation that created a debris field 100 yards in diameter. Pieces of the home were stuck high in the branches of trees, far from where the home once stood. The blast could be felt and heard for miles around Bemidji....Reporter: “Your house really shook?” Margaret Lease, Neighbor: “Oh, yeah. In fact we had people call from 3 miles away that felt it. Another neighbor, Dewey Mattfield a retired State Trooper was first on the scene. Mattfield says he found the victim lying 30 feet from the home, after hearing his calls for help in the dark....Investigators with the Bemidji Fire Department, Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office, and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office believe it may be related to a propane gas leak in the home.

Propane and propane tanks have been used as Improvised Explosive Device in attacks and attempted attacks against schools and terrorist targets and in car bombs.

Incidents of attacks and attempted attacks include:

1994 Hamas claims responsibility for a car in Israel packed with nails and propane gas that exploded, killing the driver and seven persons at a bus stop.[1]

April 20, 1999 Columbine High School massacre by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Harris and Klebold planted two 20-lbs propane bombs in the school cafeteria. The plan was to kill as many students as possible in the explosions and to shoot down survivors. Both bombs failed to detonate, so the two students opened fire anyway, killing 12 students, 1 teacher, injuring 21 others before both committing suicide. A 20-lbs propane bomb was found south of the school, presumably as a diversionary device for the police. Other propane tanks were found in their cars, for use as car bombs.

April 11, 2002, truck loaded with propane gas detonated with its driver outside a Jewish synagogue in Tunisia, killing 16 and wounding 26. Funded by Al Qaeda through Khalid Sheikh Muhammed[2][3]

June 30, 2007 a Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane tanks crashed into the entrance of Glasgow International Airport. The attackers appear to have been Muslims unaffiliated with any organization who were disgruntled about the war on terror.

2010 Times Square car bombing attempt Faisal Shahzad admitted that he had trained at a Pakistani terrorist training camp. United States Attorney General Eric Holder said that Shahzad's intent had been "to kill Americans".

2012 Brindisi school bombing killing one 16-year old female student and injuring five others. Blamed on the Mafia, but confessed bomber revealed no convincing motive.

November 2012 in Vancouver Canada a bomb was found on an elevated track, along with a second device. A passenger had spotted a red canister on the SkyTrain which looked small propane tanks with straps and wires. Canisters the size of a fire extinguisher were attached to an explosive device.[4] [5]

Discovery Communications headquarters hostage crisis James Lee, armed with two starter pistols, pipe bomb, four propane tanks and an oxygen tank, took three people hostage, but Lee was shot dead by police. Lee's motive was believed to have been grounded in environmental activism.[6]


Terror strikes Israel on mourning day April 08, 1994|By Doug Struck | Doug Struck,Jerusalem Bureau of The Sun

The Evidence: Chronology of Attacks on the West | September 15, 2004 | Dr. John Lewis


SkyTrain Bomb Scares Hit Metrotown Station, Surrey The Huffington Post B.C. | Posted: 11/02/2012

Police, security on alert after bomb found on SkyTrain tracks near Vancouver Canadian Press | 12/11/03

New details emerge about Discovery hostage situation: Bomb was the big risk with gunman December 7, 2010

Gas cylinder explosion kills girl, injures 4 in Gujranwala

Geo News, Pakistan

... A gas cylinder exploded in a house in Gujranwala on Friday morning that killed a girl child ... Four persons including a woman and her two daughters were also injured in the ...

89 People Killed in Explosions at Central India Restaurant

At least 89 people were killed at a restaurant in central India on Saturday when a cooking gas cylinder exploded and triggered a second blast of mine detonators stored illegally nearby, police said. The restaurant, located next to the main bus station in the town of Petlawad in Madhya Pradesh state, was crowded with people having breakfast when the blasts occurred. The building where the restaurant was located and an adjacent building were destroyed in the explosions, and motorbikes outside the restaurant were flattened, ...

UP: Gas cylinder blast kills one woman, three children


Lucknow: A woman and three children were killed in Uttar Pradesh when a gas cylinder being carried on their bus exploded, police said on Tuesday.

Natural gas explosion kills woman in Aurora home

AURORA- An accidental natural gas explosion killed a woman in an Aurora home near Peoria Street and Florida Avenue Tuesday morning.

Gas Explosion Outside Mexico City Childrens Hospital Injures Dozens, Kills 7

At least 7 people dead, more than 50 injured, officials say after an apparent malfunction with a gas delivery truck caused an explosion at a children's hospital in Mexico City. ...A truck was supplying natural gas to the hospital when apparently a hose burst and the resulting leak caused an explosion, Mancera said.

Amber home explosion kills woman


Gas Explosion Kills 2 in Downtown St. Petersburg

The exact cause of the gas explosion remains unclear, the regional branch of the Investigative Committee said in a statement Sunday. A woman and child were killed and 11 others were injured in a blaze that raged through an apartment building in downtown St. Petersburg following a gas explosion, ...The gas explosion occurred on the fourth floor of a communal apartment in a six-story building ... The explosion led flames to spread through a 200-square-meter area. Firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze on Sunday morning, Interfax reported. Eleven people were hospitalized with injuries of varying degrees of severity and 150 of the building's residents were evacuated, the report said.

LPG cylinder explosion kills woman

Times of India

SURAT: A 35-year-old woman was killed and two others were injured when an LPG cylinder exploded in a textile godown-cum-lace unit at Suryapur ...

Coffee stand explosion kills woman

FOX 29

KOMO- A barista died after being caught by a fiery explosion inside her coffee stand. Flames overtook the kiosk so quickly, Courtney Campbell never had a chance to escape, according to investigators. The victim suffered extensive burns which ultimately proved fatal."... Investigators aren't sure what started the fire but believe a propane tank might have had a role. They also found a portable heater in the stand.

Blast from ‘below earth surface’ kills 1, injures 2 in Damoh


A blast in Damoh district killed a ... it was caused due to “some unknown inflammable gas from below the earth’s surface”. ... the explosion was caused due to leakage of an inflammable gas which reached the house through a bore well inside the premises. ... It is likely the inflammable gas was trapped inside the house during the night and exploded in the morning.”

Boston-area neighborhoods evacuated as deadly gas blasts destroy homes

A series of gas explosions one official described as “Armageddon” killed a teenager, injured at least 10 people and ignited fires in at least 39 homes in three communities north of Boston on Thursday, forcing entire neighborhoods to evacuate as crews scrambled to fight the flames and shut off the gas....

Propane Oxygen Bomb Dewey.pdf

At small radii, immediately adjacent to the surface of the gaseous charge, the overpressure is much less than that which would be produced by an explosion of the same mass of TNT. As the shock front expands, its strength increases relative to that from TNT. Eventually a distance is reached, about 2mkg−1/3 for propane–oxygen and 4mkg−1/3 for propane, beyond which the blast wave from the gaseous explosion decays in a manner very similar to that from TNT. ... It suggests that the shock wave from the gaseous explosion, compared with that from a fixed mass of TNT, at first overtakes the shock wave from TNT, moves ahead, slightly recedes and then overtakes again.

TheTNTequivalence versus scaled distance relationships, show that it is invalid to use a single TNT equivalence factor for a gaseous explosion in the region of overpressures greater than about 1 atm (100 kPa, 15 psi). At lower overpressures a single equivalence factor is valid: 0.55 for a total charge mass including the propane and oxygen and 1.95 for a charge mass including the propane only and assuming an optimum mixture of the propane with atmospheric oxygen. This confirms the conclusions found that for peak overpressures less than about 1.5 atm the wave profiles of the blast wave from the propane–oxygen explosion were similar to those produced by a hemispherical 20 tn TNT charge. ... The

value of that factor will depend on other circumstances such as the degree of mixing of the fuel and oxygen and the shape of the vapour cloud.

The difference between the TNT equivalence factors of 1.95, using the mass of propane alone, and of 0.55, using the total mass of the propane and oxygen, illustrates the principle of so-called thermo-baric explosives that are used in some modern weapon systems. An explosive such as TNT relies on the oxygen within its chemical composition to release its energy during the detonation process. Using a non-oxygenated fuel, such as propane, which can be dispersed to mix with atmospheric oxygen for its energy release, means that a weapon of approximately half the size can be used to produce a similar blast wave. Less damage will be caused close to the dispersed explosion, but similar, or even more, damage to that caused by the equivalent mass of TNT will occur at peak overpressure levels less than about 1 atm.

Oxygen Tank Bomb:

Clermont County fire kills woman


A woman smoking while using an Oxygen Tank died in an early morning Clermont County fire, authorities said early Wednesday. She was taken to a ...

Scuba Tank Explosion Kills Iraq War Veteran Russell Vanhorn

An Iraq war veteran planning a diving expedition with two friends in Florida was killed Sunday morning when the scuba tank he was carrying exploded. ... "The explosion was so big it damaged vehicles within a 100 feet of the incident," ...The blast caused damages to several vehicles in the apartment complex parking lot including broken windows, chipped paint, one car even suffered a door being blown out completely. ... "Pressurized tanks can explode for a number of reasons," said Heinerth. "If a tank were to fall over for instance, and the oxygen valves move to an on position and let's suppose there's a source of ignition like a car that's running, if these mix then you've got all the right components for a massive explosion."

Heinerth cited two other cases that resulted in scuba tank explosions. In 2004 a Florida woman was killed when an oxygen tank she was refilling failed and exploded. And earlier this year a former ABC affiliate photographer in North Carolina dropped a fiberglass oxygen tank and it exploded in his garage. He suffered burns to his body and had to have his arm amputated.

Homemade Bomb Oxygen Tank Explosion - YouTube

Homemade Pipe Bomb. Tank Filled with KNO3/Sugar.

Oxygen tank - The Left 4 Dead Wiki

Thus, an oxygen tank is, in effect, a delayed-action time bomb. An exception exists in the case of a hit from a shotgun, in which instance the tank will explode ...

What is an oxygen bomb?

The Oxygen bomb is more commonly known as a "Fuel-Air Explosive" (F.A.E). It is a Thermobaric (meaning Heat & Pressure) weapon which, when detonated creates the visual illusion of being Thermonuclear in nature. There is nothing radioactive about the bombs contents, however. There is no fall-out or nuclear-winter to be feared from this type of explosive. It is, nonetheless, a terrible weapon and one of average size is capable of vapourising almost everything within approximately a mile of its detonation site. For this reason they are generally used against large, well-entrenched formations of tanks and troops. These weapons are large (the size of shipping containers), and usually dropped by specially modified military cargo planes. They are the most destructive conventional ordinance in existence to date. They detonate in mid-air as a rule, and work in several stages: 1)The outer shell of the container is opened, spilling its fuel contents into the air as vapour. 2)When the fuel vapour has spread over a sufficiently large area it is ignited. 3)The inner shell of the container breaks open and releases its contents of Oxygen into the centre of the ignited fuel. 4)The burning fuel, which is seeking a vast quantity of Oxygen is sucked inward, and drags the surrounding air with it. (With a force strong enough to suck the air out of a persons lungs) 5)The burning fuel meets the released Oxygen "bubble" and explodes with a tremendous force. 6)The pressure wave produced by the explosion is strong enough to flatten almost anything in the vicinity. 7)Any people or animals, which are left gasping for air involuntarily breath in the burning fuel as it is forced outward from the centre of the explosion. By all accounts it is a horrible way to die. For this reason there are many protest movements around the world who campaign for these weapons to be disbanded from service. Additionally, unlike Thermonuclear weapons, there are no prescribed ways of surviving a Thermobaric attack. Even a hardened building may present no obstacle to burning fuel vapour or overwhelming air pressure.

Molotov Cocktail

A Molotov cocktail is a breakable glass bottle containing a flammable substance such as gasoline/petrol or a napalm-like mixture, with some motor oil added, and usually a source of ignition such as a burning cloth wick held in place by the bottle's stopper. The wick is usually soaked in alcohol or kerosene, rather than gasoline.

Storm matches, also known as lifeboat matches or flare matches, are often included in survival kits. They have a strikable tip similar to a normal match, but much of the stick is coated or impregnated with a combustible compound and waterproofed with wax, and will burn even in a strong wind. This match was used in the first mass-produced Molotov cocktails.

"We made use of "petrol bombs" roughly as follows: take a 2lb glass jam jar. Fill with petrol. Take a heavy curtain, half a blanket, or some other heavy material. Wrap this over the mouth of the jar, tie it round the neck with string, leave the ends of the material hanging free. ... Wait for your tank. When near enough, your pal [or comrade-in-arms] lights the petrol soaked corner of the blanket. Throw the bottle and blanket as soon as this corner is flaring. (You cannot throw it far.) See that it drops in front of the tank. The blanket should catch in the tracks or in a cog-wheel, or wind itself round an axle. The bottle will smash, but the petrol should soak the blanket well enough to make a really healthy fire which will burn the rubber wheels on which the tank track runs, set fire to the carburettor or frizzle the crew."

"The fuel for the Molotov cocktail was refined to a slightly sticky mixture of gasoline, kerosene, tar, and potassium chlorate. Further refinements included the attachment of wind-proof matches and leaving the bottle about one-third empty was found to make breaking more likely. As the cooling system was almost invariably placed where direct fire wouldn't hit it, the target of choice was the rear deck of a tank; the burning contents of the bottle would pour through the large cooling grills and ignite fuel, hydraulic fluids and ammunition. ... The original design of the Molotov cocktail was a mixture of ethanol, tar and gasoline in a 750 millilitres (0.79 US qt) bottle. The bottle had two long pyrotechnic storm matches attached to either side. Before use, one or both of the matches was lit; when the bottle broke on impact, the mixture ignited. The storm matches were found to be safer to use than a burning rag on the mouth of the bottle."

During the Second Battle of Fallujah in 2004, U.S. Marines employed Molotov cocktails made with "one part liquid laundry detergent, two parts gas" for 'burning out' their enemies from houses.

In Northern Ireland during the Troubles, Molotov cocktails were used by rioting paramilitary groups and protesters against the police, and they are also used to attack houses to burn the house.

Thinner glass bottles break easier against a human target. The addition of styrofoam, thin tar, or thicker oil will act like napalm which sticks to the burning human target, and difficult to extinguish.

Kerosine Explosion Kills Woman In Delta

An octogenarian, Madam Titi Takerhi, has been reportedly killed in a kerosene explosion .... the victim was pouring kerosene suspected to have been adulterated in a lantern when the incident happened.

Efforts by medical officials to revive the woman at a private health centre in Okwagbe community proved abortive. “It was severe. She was sitting on a chair and the flames overwhelm her so much burning her clothes and damaging her skin terribly.”

Flare Gun:

Boston Bomber’s Mother:

My Son Is In “The Claws Of A Predator”

In her WhatsApp messages, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva said:

Parents of Boy Killed in Boston Marathon Want Tsarnaev's Life Spared

The mother of the convicted Boston marathon bomber said that Americans are the "real terrorists."

Afghan official:

Attack in north kills officer, prosecutor

Taliban militants stormed an Afghan government compound in a northern city on Thursday, killing 10 people, including four prosecutors, and wounding dozens, police said....The attackers, wearing military uniforms and explosive vests, threw a hand grenade to blow up the compound entrance,...Qaderi said the dead included four prosecutors and five police, and that 66 people were wounded, including several security forces.

Bomb blast near police station kills 3 in Egypt

An Egyptian security official says a bomb blast near a police station killed three people, a day after the assassination of the country's prosecutor ..."I am afraid that swift justice will only jeopardize people's rights." ..."new judicial measures could open the door to further abuses if, as in the past, they "subvert the rule of law."..."This kind of swift hard action is one way to deflect attention away from what is a very real security failure," he said. "It provides a legal procedural pathway to manifestly unjust outcomes." In a report Tuesday focusing on 14 cases, Amnesty International accused the government of imprisoning activists in order to crush dissent. "Two years after the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi, mass protests have been replaced by mass arrests,".... "By relentlessly targeting Egypt's youth activists, the authorities are crushing an entire generation's hopes for a brighter future."

The Latest: Muslim Brotherhood calls for Egypt 'rebellion'

...were murdered in "in cold blood," calling for a rebellion against President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who it calls a "butcher."..."Come out in rebellion and in defense of your country, yourselves and your children," it said in a statement issued in English Wednesday. "Destroy the citadels of his oppression and tyranny and reclaim Egypt once more."...It called the killings "a turning point that will have its own repercussions... el-Sissi is initiating a new phase during which it will not be possible to control the anger of the oppressed sectors who will not accept to be killed in their own houses and in the middle of their families." It says the men were from a Brotherhood committee that supports the families of the group's detainees and "martyrs," and were "rounded up inside the house and then were murdered in cold blood without any investigations or indictments."...

" is "premature to speculate" about why gunman Abdulazeez killed four Marines and wounded several other people at two military centers Thursday."

Chattanooga Shooting Suspect Traveled to Jordan

Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez: The Chattanooga shooting suspect spent seven months in Jordan last year...Reinhold said it is "premature to speculate" about why gunman Abdulazeez killed four Marines and wounded several other people at two military centers Thursday....

Arrests made after Bahrain blast kills police officers

... the remotely-detonated blast in Sitra, south of the capital Manama, targeted a bus carrying policemen near a primary school for girls. Two police officers were killed and six were injured. Bahrain is a Sunni-ruled kingdom that is home to the US Navy's 5th Fleet. It has faced years of clashes between anti-government activists and police following widespread 2011 protests that were led by its Shiite majority calling for greater political rights. Several small bombs have targeted police in recent years.

Roadside bomb kills 2 police in Egypt's Sinai, wounds 3

CAIRO (AP) - Security officials say a roadside bomb has hit a police armored vehicle in the restive northern part of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, killing an ...

Taliban attack police HQ in embattled Afghan city

Yahoo News

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Fighting erupted anew in the embattled northern Afghan city of Kunduz on Tuesday after the Taliban attacked a police ...

Truck Bomb Attack On Police Station In Southeast Turkey Kills 6

Kurdish militants launched a truck bomb attack on a police station in southeast Turkey overnight, killing six people and wounding 39 in one of the biggest strikes since conflict flared in the region last July...

A security source said 1.5 tonnes of explosives were used in the blast. ...


Hijack a Semi Truck, DumpTruck, Propane Truck, Fuel Truck, etc...

Either steal one by hot wiring, look for one with keys in ignition or find the keys, or you can hijack a truck at a work site, park lot, on the street, etc....

IF you can get a fuels or Gas Truck you can rig an igniter to the tanks inlet/outlet by any homemade device either 12V electirc bulb quick spliced to a trucks wire, or place molotov cocktail, or bullet, or any device to cause spark or fire when activated. Placing oxygen tanks with the fuels or gas will create a greater explosion.

You can now use this truck to drive into the enemies encampment, or intelligence center, or to take out the enemies military capabilities, etc....

If you cannot obtain a truck even cars or any vehicle can be rigged as a car bomb using the existing fuel tanks, or packing explosives or propane/oxygen tanks inside, and adding as much steel scrap metal for shrapnel as possible.

The Truck, or any vehicle can be used to ram into the enemy using the truck's mass of steel as the weapon using the rear of the vehicle when possible if no front reinforcement.

Truck drives through a crowd killing 84

Nice attack: At least 84 dead as lorry rams into crowd

Al JazeeraJul 15, 2016 - At least 84 people were killed and 100 injured in the French city of Nice when a man deliberately drove a lorry into a crowd celebrating the ...

A Short History of Vehicles Being Used as Deadly Weapons

"such attacks could be used to target locations where large numbers of people congregate, including sporting events, entertainment venues, or shopping centers." So-called vehicle ramming is alluring to potential attackers because it offers them an opportunity to conduct strikes without firearms or explosives and with "minimal prior training or experience,"

The attacker mowed down scores of victims in Nice with a rented 19-ton refrigerated truck before engaging in a gunfight with three police officers,

Vehicular assault as a terrorist tactic:

Vehicle Ramming: The Evolution of a Terrorist Tactic Inside the US

An unsophisticated and low-tech tactical innovation, vehicle-ramming attacks tend to be successful as they minimize the potential for pre-attack detection by law enforcement while retaining the potential to inflict serious fatalities. It has been called the “poor man’s weapon of mass destruction.” While ISIS was not the first group to employ such tactics (in London, Nice, Lyon, Graz, and New York), it certainly integrated vehicle ramming in their propaganda material as one of the group’s preferred tactics against Western targets and encouraged supporters to use vehicle ramming against crowds. The tactic originated in the West Bank and was employed by Hamas....

Mobile Car/Truck Bomb:

There are many improvised motor vehicles that load shrapnel in and on the vehicle, and then explode the vehicle to project the shrapnel. Use of improvised or commercial grade explosives, or gas such as propane, acetylene, oxygen, etc., to use of the gasoline in the tank and/or in combinations.

An Oxidizer when using gasses or gasoline is vital.

For example, when using gasoline in the vehicles tank you can place a small pure oxygen tank near the gasoline tank, then run a hose from it to inside the gasoline tank. Place an electric valve, such as those used on propane and natural gas heating furnace on the oxygen tank. Next connect an electric wire to the electric gas valve and connect the other end of wire to the vehicles starter or ignition so that when the key is inserted by the target person and turned on it opens the electric gas valve filling the vehicles gasoline tank with the pure oxygen. This is the first stage but, you need an ignitor to produce a spark. You can use any thing that produces an electric spark from a 12 Volt vehicle. You can use the 12V lite bulb from the tail lites placing the bulb into the gasoline tank and couple the wires to the same starter or ignition. Best results would be to place a time delay of about 10 to 20 seconds before activating the electric ignitor to allow the gasoline tank to first fill up with the pure oxygen before the ignitor sparks the explosion.

Ignitors can be made from other electric devices, or improvised ignitors made from ammo primers, to matches, to mechanical ignitors, etc....

You can also combine other devices in the vehicle like several pipe bombs surrounding the vehicle, or propane and acetylene and oxygen tanks inside the vehicle also activated by the same electric valve, and time delay spark ignitor.

booby-trapped fuel tanker

Bombings in Syria kills 23


... booby-trapped fuel tanker in the security zone of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement, killing four civilians, including a woman and a child, and 19 militants, ...

Kamakazi Drone Bombs:

Drop the bomb on em' using a drone. Simply attach an explosive improvised bomd to the drone, and you can direct the bomb aerially by remote control from a safe, hidden location to drop bombs on the enemy while being completely hidden in a remote location.

Drones 'could be used as flying bombs for terror attack on passenger jet'

Terrorists could "with impunity" fly multiple drones to take out passenger aircraft, a leading expert warns, following report into 'near-miss' at Heathrow Airport.

Drones could be used as flying bombs by terrorists to take down a passenger aircraft, ... jihadis could “with impunity” fly multiple remote-controlled unmanned aircraft into the engines of a jumbo jet, causing it crash. ...the mobile helicopter narrowly avoided colliding with the passenger jet, 700ft above the runway, on July 22 of this year. The drone was not picked up on radar, and the operator of the drone could not be traced according to the report...."Chances are this was a civilian drone that got lost by an operator who lost sight of it. “But what if that was a terrorist that had bought several drones on the internet? They could surround the aircraft with multiple drones at 200ft after take-off and take out the engines and leave it with nowhere else to go." “It would be the equivalent of an aerial truck bomb, like a suicide bomb only the terrorist could fly it remotely, with impunity. These drones can be bought anonymously online, piloted anonymously and the attacker would be untraceable because they are completely unlicensed." ....Terrorists might also use drones to fire chemical weapons or flammable liquids on large crowds of people at events such as football matches ....the model helicopter passed dangerously close to the Airbus A320, 700ft above Heathrow. ...

FBI: Man plotted to fly drone-like toy planes with bombs into school

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- A Moroccan national was detained without bail in Connecticut after FBI agents discovered his plot to fly bombs on drone-like devices made out of radio-controlled airplanes into a school and a federal building, according to federal authorities....

Video of Gun-Firing Drone Spurs Investigation

Drone armed with a handgun. Alternatively, one can be homemade without using a handgun. A pipe or several pipes mounted on a drone each with a round in the pipe. A small little battery operated motor like ones used in hobby toys, or small hand fans used to actuate the trigger which pulls back a spring loaded nail for the firing pin. A mini-body cam used as the sight to aim the firing thru a front bead for aiming or attach a laser sight. Many variations can be made.

Also mounting an explosive for Kamikazee missions for taking out a group of enemies.

Electricity Kills

... carefully planned and carried out the murder by buying the electric cables and exposing the wires. After that, he attached the exposed wires to the feet and plugged them into an outlet, electrocuting .... Medical reports showed that ... died after being awakened by the electric shocks.

At least 20 dead by electrocution in Haiti Carnival accident ...

CTV News

At least 20 people on a packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line.

Local man killed by downed electrical wire

Logan Daily News

Daniel Blackston, 29, along with his father and his uncle, were taking advantage of the warm weather and were working outside on a property on ...

Electrical cord caused fire that killed town woman

Poughkeepsie Journal

A faulty electrical extension cord was the cause of a trailer fire that left one dead in the Town of Poughkeepsie on Sunday, according to a release from ...

Garrote Wire:

A garrote or garrote vil is a weapon, most often referring to a handheld ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle a person. Wire can be twisted to prevent loosening, and if twisting continues causes wire to tighten until it cuts through the neck and ultimately decapitates.


Smothering occurs when the mouth and nostrils are both obstructed, either eliminating or greatly reducing the flow of air into the lungs. Cases of smothering can be either accidental or intentional. Accidents are common with children, as they can are susceptible to suffocation in their sleep, as well as common household items that could be fatal to them....

Since 2000, the number of child suffocations per year has risen in the U.S. from less than 800 to more than 1,000. However, the number of suffocation-related injuries (which can include brain damage) has grown from approximately 18,000 to more than 20,000 annually. Even more children are treated annually in emergency rooms for choking-related injuries. Over the past five years, the amount of strangulation deaths among children ages 14 and under has risen as well. Eighty-eight percent of strangulation deaths occur with children under the age of four.

The majority of children die of suffocation in their sleep, and 60 percent of infants suffocate due to pillows, while poorly maintained and old cribs account for more than 30 infant strangulation deaths each year. In regard to toys, choking makes up almost 50 percent of all toy-related deaths nationwide.

Chemical fire extinguisher bungle kills eight in Thai bank


Eight people died and seven were injured when they accidentally triggered a fire extinguisher system inside the vault of a major Thai bank and released a suffocating cloud of chemicals,

Pyrogen aerosol which, once it works, will decrease oxygen, that could cause people's injuries and death," Pyrogen manufactures a type of aerosol fire extinguisher used in places where water would damage documents or electrical equipment. The company says on its website that its aerosol does not deplete oxygen. But it also advises against using it in occupied rooms and says "accidental exposure should be limited to five minutes."

10 Ordinary Things That Can Be Terrifying Weapons

15 deadly improvised prison weapons and tools

7 Deadly Weapons You Should Never Ever Make Out of Harmless Household Items

1. Squirt Gun Flamethrower

I can't begin to tell you how dangerous this is. But it comes up a lot. The idea is to take a Super Soaker, fill it with high-octane gasoline, tape a wire hanger off the muzzle, tape a lit Zippo to the far end of the wire hanger, and voila—instant flamethrower. Do not do it.

This is playing with fire in a bad way. The flame will probably travel backwards, igniting the gasoline in the reservoir. Any "project" involving gasoline that's not in a vehicle's gas tank is incredibly dangerous—roughly on par with messing around with spent plutonium or petri dishes full of the Ebola virus.

2. Pie Pan Odd Job Hat

Oddjob, one of the bad guys in the James Bond flick, Goldfinger, wore a hat lined with a hardened steel razor disk in the rim. He used it it as a lethal flying Frisbee. You could make your own—just cut an aluminum pie pan into a doughnut shape with sharpened edges, and glue it onto the brim of your bowler. It might not be as aerodynamically stable and far-flying as Oddjob's original, but it still pretty much guarantees a situation that ends badly for everyone involved.

3. The Bleach Bomb

This is a great project if, for some reason, you think you'd like to make a cloud of poison gas to liquefy your lungs. What's in bleach? Sodium hypochlorite. What's in drain cleaner? Hydrochloric acid. When you mix bleach and an acid-containing drain cleaner, a spontaneous chemical reaction occurs:

NaClO + 2 HCl → Cl2 + H2O + NaCl

The reaction produces poisonous chlorine gas and likely leaves unreacted hydrochloric acid as well. Chlorine gas, even small amounts of it, is bad stuff. As WWI graphically demonstrated, it attacks the membranes in your eyes, throat, and nose, and prolonged exposure can cause death by asphyxiation. And hydrochloric acid? Well, that burns just about everything.

4. Etch-A-Sketch Thermite

In high school chemistry, you probably learned about exothermic reactions. That's when two chemicals combine to produce byproducts of heat and light.

Not many chemical processes are as gloriously, vigorously, and robustly exothermic as the thermite reaction. Take powdered aluminum (say from the inside of an Etch-a-Sketch) and rusted iron (say from a well-weathered steel wool pad) in just the right proportions and ignite with a sparkler. The reaction that ensues is hot enough to burn through dirt.

5. Styrofoam Napalm

Real Vietnam War-era napalm was made by mixing of benzene, gasoline, and polystyrene. The stuff was a hellish mixture that clung to surfaces while it burned, and it was practically inextinguishable. It's hard to imagine a legitimate civilian use for the stuff. (Hell, it's hard to imagine a legitimate military use, for that matter.)

It's possible to come up with something pretty darn close to the vintage napalm by simply dunking Styrofoam in a bucket of gasoline, mixing it around for a while and reserving the leftover goo. Once that goo is lit, good luck trying to put it out.

6. Spaghetti-Powered Thermic Lance

Okay, this is actually pretty cool, but still, it's hard for me to recommend that anybody actually do this. In industrial form, thermic lances are iron or steel pipes filled with thinner iron and aluminum rods, bathed in pressurized oxygen. In an oxygen-rich environment, the iron and aluminum can actually be ignited, producing a sustained high-temperature flame.

You've seen thermic lances in movies—when bank robbers cut through 9 inches of steel to break into a bank vault, they will attach one end of the lance to an oxygen tank, and light the rods with an electric arc. The ensuing reaction burns hot enough to melt concrete.

You can make your own, though, using uncooked spaghetti to replace the iron and aluminum, and a short length of 3/4-inch pipe for the housing. You can connect the sealed pipe to a canister of oxygen, which costs about 10 bucks at Home Depot. The spagetti-powered lance works like the industrial one: the oxygen-rich environment inside the pipe allows the normally slow burning pasta to burn like crazy, producing a high-temperature, energetic flame.

7. Flesh-burning Maglite Laser

Myriad YouTube videos show how to make a retina-melting, flesh-burning portable laser from a discarded DVD burner and Maglite flashlight. If you remove the laser diode from the burner, then swap it out for the bulb of the Maglite, you essentially turn the flashlight into a handheld, intensely concentrated laser. It takes some soldering skills, but you wind up with a tool that there are just so many reasons you shouldn't own.

TSA agents attacked with machete, Wasp Spray


A man armed with a machete and wasp spray stormed through a security area at New Orleans International Airport before being shot, authorities said.

Woman sprayed in face with lighter fluid in gang attack

This Is Lancashire

A MAN has been jailed for his role in a gang attack on a woman in which she was sprayed in the face with lighter fluid. Christian Hall, aged 27, ...

Pennsylvania parents' bodies mutilated by chainsaw

New York Daily News

A Pennsylvania boy discovered his parents' chainsaw-scarred dead bodies in their rural home, authorities said. The juvenile told cops he made the ...

Turn an ordinary toy water gun into a Homemade improvised weapon. Toxic Liquid Water Gun: Pepper Spray, liquid solvents, Acids, Poisons, Biologicals, Napalm mix of gasoline/oil/etc.. , ...

Woman injured by pepper spray in road rage attack

"My eyes started started to burn really bad and then I couldn't breathe very well. I had inhaled whatever it was," said the woman, who wanted remain anonymous.

The driver of the car shot something that looked like a water gun into my car."

She told KHOU it was hot pink and looked similar to a pre-loaded mace gun.

"Both my eyes were shut, like tears coming. I was choking," she said.

"It's scary to think that, you know, your kids are on the roadways right now, and this could happen anytime," he said. "Who knows what was in that gun. It's presumed it was pepper spray. We are not sure what it's mixed with."

Homemade Claymore Mine:

Take a few steel pipes 6" to 12" long with diameter equal to diameter of shotgun shells. Make a slightly curved row of these pipes fastened together by wood, or anything handy. Get one end cap for each pipe and drill a small hole centered with the primer of the shotgun shell. Place a small nail in the hole. Next line up a rat trap to hit the nails together by glueing or tieing wood or metal to the snap. You run a trip wire using fishing line, floss, thread, or etc. and connect to the tripping mechanism. Place a wood spacer to prevent accidental discharge. Many alterations can be made to to fit you situation and resources. Improvise. If you dont have shotgun shells you can use improvised explosives, propane, hydrogen gas, solvents, fuels, is produced from charging a battery and collecting the gas from the top cap, etc.. and topped with shrapnel of nuts, ball bearings, etc. placed into pipes. You could replace rat trap initiator with other devices such as small light bulb and battery or electricty. In warfare the retreating army will usually leave behind a claymore to repel, and slow the pursuing enemy. It is also used to booby trap a building or area so when the enemy enters the building it triggers the claymore. It is best used placed against a solid tree, wall, etc... Using "00" or shotgun shell with large ball bearings is best. Claymores are useful because it does not require the user to be present as it activates itself when the enemy sets it off.


Another boobytrap which self activates by the enemy's own weight. In a building you drill holes in the floor after removing the floor covering carpet, tile, etc. You only drill deep enough so that a bullet just protrudes above floor level by a quarter inch or so but, hidden. A small nail placed between the bottom of hole and a bullet with the nail centerd with the bullet primer. Then cover the bullet and hole with the original floor covering to conceal the bullet underneath. When the enemy walks on the bullet its own weight will fire the bullet usually blowing off its foot. A "00" shotgun shell, or brass cartridge bullet works, or homemade ammo, or homemade explosive device will work. Placing several in the building to increase the chance enemy steps on. In Vietnam this was used along outside trails and other locations where the enemy is likely to walk. A funneled area such as doorways, narrow hall, entryways, etc. may increase the chances.

Car Bomb: Islamic State Kills 15 Iraqi Policemen

Islamic State militants attacked a checkpoint along the volatile Iraqi-Syria border on Monday, killing at least 15 Iraqi border policemen, officials said. ...civilians inspect the aftermath of a car bomb explosion in Sadr city, Baghdad, Iraq after a series of bombings in and around the capital killed at least 43 people. More than 1,200 Iraqis were killed in November by acts of terrorism and violence as militants with the Islamic State group continued its rampage across the country, the United Nations said.

Baghdad car bomb kills at least 14

Yahoo News

Baghdad (AFP) - A car bomb exploded near a market in the Shiite neighbourhood of Sadr City in Baghdad on Tuesday, killing at least 14 people, Iraqi ...

Official: Bomb kills Iraqi provincial police chief

U-T San Diego

A woman reacts to the carnage at the site of a car bomb attack in the Shula neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014. ...Triple Car Bomb Attack in Iraqi Town Kills 25: Reports - RIA Novosti

Bomb blast outside court in Egypt kills woman

News Tribe

CAIRO: At least one woman was killed and two children were injured after bomb blast outside a court building on Wednesday morning in Egypt's ...

Former Sheriff Bob Fletcher warns car bombs could be coming

Al Qaeda published the document, titled "Car Bombs Inside America," as a step-by-step guide. The detail is amazing, but aside from instructing people to use propane tanks and an oxygen cylinder to create the destructive device, ... a number of propane tanks and an oxygen cylinder,

CarBomb: SUV contained an extremely jury-rigged device: simple alarm clocks, a "birds nest" of wiring, eight bags of fertilizer, jerry cans of 10 gallons of gasoline, M88 firecrackers, oxygen tank, and three propane tanks and/or acetylene. The intention was clearly to create a multi-staged explosive device that resulted in a fuel-air explosion of catastrophic power, blowing bomb and vehicle shrapnel into the surroundings and killing, maiming, and causing huge amounts of damage

The M88 has just one fiftieth of the explosive content of an M80 "cherry bomb," which is illegal in the U.S. An M80 has about 3 grams of explosive inside, while a stick of dynamite has about 140 grams of pyrotechnic chemistry inside. This means a single M88 has about 2,300 times less explosive power than a stick of dynamite—assuming they have the same bomb chemistry, which they don't: Firecrackers have flash-like explosive content, designed to burn very quickly with a literal flash and bang.

It's really hard to make gasoline explode—you've got to get pretty precise mixture of gas droplets and air.

Suffice it to say that you need a surprisingly powerful round from a rifle to penetrate a propane tank. And then when you do, the resulting gas leak doesn't explode, or even turn into a deathly plume of flame—even when you use burning hot tracer rounds to pierce the tank. you needed to use high explosives to penetrate and detonate the gas inside a propane tank...and even then the resulting explosion, while impressive, is far more concerned with fast-burning flames than the serious damaging percussive power of destructive explosions.

Fertilizer bombs are notorious and have been used by terrorist organizations for years, thanks to the relative ease of access to ammonium-based fertilizer. But actually fashioning a bomb out of the stuff actually isn't that easy, thank heavens. First up you need a detonator and a liquid fuel. The detonator sends a compression wave though the fertilizer, decomposing the molecules and releasing gaseous oxygen, which is then ignited by the detonator's own explosive energy. Getting the ratio of fuel to fertilizer is tricky, and then it's hard to achieve a dense-enough packing of fertilizer so that the initial explosion doesn't just disperse the rest of the fertilizer into a cloud of dust.

Creating a Gas Cloud or vapor cloud of propane gas (acetylene, natural gas, etc...) when mixed with air, or pure oxygen to fill an area first, then igniting the gas cloud. Or premixing an exact ratio of gas with oxygen into a container, then igniting the container. Surround the container with metal shrapnel. Place this gas/oxygen device in the middle of the fertilizer bomb (Ammonium Nitrate fertlizer saturated in fuel oil, or 5% Aluminum dust, or soaked in gasoline, etc...) Surround the entire bomb with metal shrapnel.

Iraq: Suicide car bomb kills at least 40 in eastern province

Chicago Tribune

Iraqi military officials say at least 40 people have been killed in a suicide car bombing in a market place in the country's eastern Diyala province.

Iraq: Suicide car bomb kills at least 80 in eastern province - 12NewsNow.Com

BAGHDAD: Iraq: Suicide car bomb kills at least 80 in eastern province

Mother and Daughter Killed in TV Set Explosion


New Delhi: A woman and her daughter were killed and her son badly injured when a television set exploded at their house at Bejurwa village in ...

Bullet proof vests:

You should assume the enemy is wearing bullet-proof vests. Most all Law enforcement, and military will have it on. Thus, a face shot is preferred or shot from below the waist upward when/if possible.

Bullet proof vests are not really bullet proof, only to a certain point. A bullet proof vest can usually only stop a handgun bullet or smaller rifles or rifles shot from a distant with energy loss. But, the traumatic impact even from a handgun bullet causes a shockwave of the bullet which will transfer to the body through the vest causing an enormous internal woundings and major pain that lasts a lifetime causing eventual death, or lifelong destruction to internal organs.

A bullet proof vest in many cases will not stop a high power rifle especially when using armor piercing ammo. High Power Rifles are the preferred weapon using heavy ammo of 30 caliber or greater. 30-06, 300 WM, and greater. These Hi Power rifles can penetrate the vests, or the greater velocity and energy from the rifle bullet will generate more impact shock to the enemy.

Bombs and IED's placed at below waist level facing upward will send shrapnel upward through the enemies body where no protection is offer by the vest. The IED will kill or maime the enemy by way of shrapnel severing arteries, internal organs and bones causing loss of internal organs, loss of legs, bloodloss, lifelong ongoing bodily damages, and the concussion from the explosion causes secondary effects to the body and brain.


Chlorine Gas:

Syrian opposition urges probe into alleged chlorine attack

... the government carried out a chlorine gas attack on the town of Sarmin in northwestern Syria late Monday, killing six people and leaving dozens more struggling to breathe. Syrian authorities denied the allegations....The Security Council remains divided over Syria's civil war, with the U.S. and its allies supporting the opposition, and Russia backing Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Suspected Syria Chlorine Attack Evidence Shown To UN, Council Members Moved to Tears...

Suspected Syria Chlorine Attack Evidence Shown To UN

4 taken to Grand Forks hospital for chorine gas exposure

Friday after the homeowner poured bleach into a plugged basement floor drain. The bleach reacted with a sulfuric acid drain cleaner creating chlorine gas....


Bleach and Alcohol Make Chloroform

Mixing bleach and alcohol is a bad idea because the chemicals react to make chloroform. Here's a look at what happens and the risks associated with mixing ...



Chloroform is an organic compound with formula CHCl3. It is one of the four chloromethanes. The colorless, sweet-smelling, dense liquid is a trihalomethane,

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after enough inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect. It is toxic to humans when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm, Formula: CO

Molar mass: 28.01 g/mol

IUPAC ID: Carbon monoxide

Density: 1.15 kg/m³

8 dead in home; generator found without gas

U.S. News & World Report

... A relative says a man found dead with his seven children in ... keep them warm with a generator after power was cut over an outstanding bill. ... home, identifying themselves as the mother and stepfather ...

Stepfather: Man and 7 children died in home he tried to warm with generator after power cut

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Man, kids died from carbon monoxide poisoning...

Four Dead, Four Recovering from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning near Blanchard, ND

an apparent carbon monoxide leak that left four people appears a propane fueled water heater, which was being used to fill a large swimming pool, was improperly vented, causing carbon monoxide to build up inside the home. No foul play is suspected.

Carbon monoxide from bathroom gas geyser kills woman, child

Carbon monoxide generated by gas geyser fitted inside the bathroom of a house here killed a woman and her child. ... It is learnt that wherever gas geysers are installed, proper ventilation is compulsory, as carbon monoxide, which can bring death within seconds, gets generated on account of heat. Policemen who noted that this bathroom lacked proper ventilation, added that they will also look into the possibility of faulty installation of geyser


Bromomethane, commonly known as methyl bromide, is an organobromine compound with formula CH3Br. This colorless, odorless, nonflammable gas is produced both industrially and particularly biologically.

Exposure levels leading to death vary from 1,600 to 60,000 ppm, depending on the duration of exposure (as a comparison exposure levels of 70 to 400 ppm of carbon monoxide cover the same spectrum of illness/death).

Methyl Bromide Pesticide in Paradise Poisoning Case Still Used in US Crops

The pesticide that sickened a Delaware family in the Virgin Islands is banned for indoor ...

Aluminum Phosphide + Water =

Lethal Phosphine Gas

4 Children Die in Texas Gas Poisoning; Others Injured

Deaths Associated with Exposure to Fumigants in Railroad Cars -- United States

Fumigants, such as aluminum phosphide, can liberate toxic gases that are rapidly absorbed through the respiratory tract. Symptoms may begin immediately and can include fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough, and shortness of breath. Acute poisoning, such as occurs after inhalation of phosphine, can lead to pulmonary edema, central nervous system depression, toxic myocarditis, and circulatory collapse. Aluminum phosphide cannot be detected in blood or urine. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Long-term effects may include genotoxicity.


Green Automotive Antifreeze - Ethylene Glycol

Easy to obtain at any store, hardware, autoparts, gas stations, etc...

Sweet tasting so easily added to any sweet drink is undetectable by the enemy. The enemy must drink a lethal dose or enemy only gets sick.

When inside the enemies body becomes undetectable. Cause of death most often listed as "Unkown" by forensics, and police investigators

Ethylene glycol

...poisoning is caused by the ingestion of ethylene glycol, the primary ingredient in automotive antifreeze. Ethylene glycol is a toxic, colorless, odorless, almost nonvolatile liquid with a sweet taste. Following ingestion the symptoms of poisoning progress from signs similar to intoxication and vomiting;


The orally lethal dose in humans has been reported as approximately 1.4 mL/kg of pure ethylene glycol. That is approximately 224 mL of 50% ethylene glycol for an 80 kg adult and 56 mL for a 20 kg child. Although survival with medical treatment has occurred with doses much higher than this, death has occurred with 30 mL of the concentrate in an adult.

Ethylene glycol intoxication

Ethylene glycol may be swallowed accidentally, or it may be taken deliberately in a suicide attempt or as a substitute for drinking alcohol (ethanol).


The first symptom of ethylene glycol ingestion is similar to the feeling caused by drinking alcohol (ethanol). Within a few hours, more toxic effects become apparent. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, convulsions, stupor, or even coma.

An overdose of ethylene glycol can damage the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and lungs. The poisoning causes disturbances in the body's chemistry, including metabolic acidosis. The disturbances may be severe enough to cause profound shock, organ failure, and death.

As little as 120 milliliters (approximately 4 fluid ounces) of ethylene glycol may be enough to kill an average-sized man.


The antidotes used are either ethanol or fomepizole (Antizol). Ethanol acts by competing with ethylene glycol for alcohol dehydrogenase, the first enzyme in the degradation pathway. Because ethanol has a much higher affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase, about a 100-times greater affinity, it successfully blocks the breakdown of ethylene glycol into glycoaldehyde, which prevents the further degradation.

Thus, to kill an enemy Ethylene Glycol must be used as a substitute for alcohol, and not in combination with alcoholic beverages. Fool the enemy to consume by using it in sweet cocktails replacing the alcohol with the antifreeze, or add to sweet non-alcoholic beverages such as soda pop, sweet tea, sweeten coffees, punch, etc..., or used in sweet foods, deserts, etc...

10 Poisons Used To Kill People


Chef Kills Dozen ISIS Fighters After Poisoning Terrorists' Lunch

The Inquisitr

They intended to kill as many people as they could. Sources for the ...


'It's a Miracle' Georgia Mother Is Alive While Battling Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infection

People Magazine

She was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, which the CDC defines as a "serious bacterial skin infection that spreads quickly and kills the body's soft ...

Bacteria kills 1, makes 30 sick after Christmas supper

New Brunswick's acting chief medical officer of health says Clostridium perfringens is the bacteria that most likely caused a woman's death after eating ...

Bacteria believed linked to fatality at NB Christmas supper - Yahoo News Canada (blog)

'I almost left here' says Highland Park woman who contracted flesh-eating bacteria


A rare bacterial infection that afflicts 650 to 800 people in the U.S. a year, it spreads quickly and kills one in four people who contract it. The bacteria ...

Parasitic worm eats woman's kidney, kills her

Fox News

A Czech woman went to the hospital after suffering from severe stomach pain, only for doctors to discover a huge parasite in her kidneys,

1 dead in botulism outbreak linked to Ohio church potluck


(CNN) A 54-year-old woman has died and others are hospitalized after being poisoned with botulism at a church potluck dinner in central Ohio, health ...

'Brain-eating' amoeba kills sixth victim in Karachi

Before him, four cases were reported from Karachi — a teenage girl, a middle-aged woman, a 37-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy — and all of ...


Be on lookout for anthrax

“Recently, a case of anthrax was positively identified in a southwestern North Dakota county"...The spores can survive for years under the right conditions. When these spores come into contact with susceptible cattle, they can “hatch” and infect the animals, resulting in disease and death. Often the only initial signs of anthrax infection are finding dead cattle....

Also, anthrax carries a risk to humans, so take care to not disturb the carcass....

Salt Lake City woman charged with buying deadly bacteria online to harm roommate

...she was trying to purchase the biological agent, an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococcus bacteria that can cause skin infections and lead to pneumonia, sepsis and death, according to charging documents. Law enforcement allege Janie Ridd, 50, meant to use the bacteria to harm or kill her roommate — and that this wasn’t the first time she’d tried. Charging documents note Ridd was the beneficiary of her roommate’s life insurance payout, and her roommate’s will designated that Ridd would take custody the roommate’s child....


Mexico Reports Another Theft of Radioactive Material...

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The Mexican government has issued an alert...Mexico reports another theft of radioactive material

Knives - Bow & Arrow:

'Bow and arrow-type' attack leaves 3 dead in Casper, Wyo., including 2 in college classroom, officials say

A man killed a woman in Casper, Wyo., on Friday and then headed to the campus of Casper College, where he killed a man in front of students during a science class before killing himself, police said.

The man used "an edged weapon" — earlier described by police, college officials and eyewitnesses as a "bow and arrow-type" weapon — in all three killings, including his own suicide, Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh said.

At least 15 dead, dozens injured in knife attack at Japanese facility for the disabled


A man killed more than a dozen people early Tuesday morning at a Japanese facility for the disabled.

Bow-and-arrow killings in Norway seen as an ‘act of terror’

he used the bow and arrow and possibly other weapons to target random people at a supermarket and other locations....Four women and a man between the ages of 50 and 70 were killed, and three other people were wounded, police said....

And others just use a nail and a piece of iron tube.

Worth mentioning – the metal used in these tubes is not meant nor designed to absorb ballistic level forces. That means they are subject to catastrophic failure if a shell puts too much pressure on it. Catastrophic failure can, in this case, mean anything from a crack or chip to the tube violently exploding.

Who Uses Zip Guns?

The zip gun has been employed by those who don’t have easy access to firearms. There were versions used in WWII for resistance elements that didn’t have access to guns.

A famous example is the Liberator. It’s a slightly fancier version of the basic zip gun. It was constructed out a single sheet of fabricated steel. The Liberator could only fire one .45 caliber bullet at a time and the handle could be used to store back-ups.

For the French resistance (and other resistance elements), it was a great way to kill a German at close range and take his firearms. It was not considered a firearm you, yourself, would take into battle.

In modern times, it’s often used by young thugs in the barrios of Central and South American gang-controlled territory. Because it’s easy, cheap, and if the boy should fail to kill his target, in the mindset of the cartel employing him, nothing is lost. Basically, anywhere where people need to kill other people and don’t have the money or resources to obtain a proper firearm, they resort to “one shot shotguns” or equivalents. They’re brutal in close quarters but not really within the scope of personal protection – whatsoever.

Can it be a reliable firearm? If properly constructed – absolutely. But there’s no single advantage of using a zip gun for self-defense purposes where the person can legally purchase and carry a firearm.

Where is a zip gun effective? Predominantly close quarters (10 feet to close). Outside that range, the lack of rifling on the barrel and ability to properly aim take a drastic toll on performance.

Are Zip Guns Legal?

Zip guns, like the ones you saw in this video, are legal if you register with the ATF as a manufacturer of firearms prior to constructing one. There’s a form to fill out and a process to follow but, to be honest, that’s not really what we do here at Concealed Nation. If you’re really interested in making a zip gun for recreational purposes, be advised that there’s plenty that could go wrong, and you should already be aware that it’s a bad idea. As such, we claim absolutely no responsibility for how you decide to use this information because if you actually try to construct a zip gun, you’re just asking for trouble.

If you can legally purchase a handgun for personal or home protection – do so. If you want a shotgun, buy one. Don’t use zip guns.

You can further modify and upgrade as you fit. You can add another pipe over the barrel pipe for extra strength at the chamber end where the initial ignition occurs. You can make a simple little shell extractor just copy from a shotgun. You can make you own spring activated shell loader. etc.....

Similarly you can make your own handgun with a little figuring. Up close range you really don't need alot of rifling in the barrel although it is better. You only need barrel rifling when shooting at a distance.

You can easily make a sniper rifle (one shot, one kill) but, you need to cut rifling in the barrel on a turning lathe, improvised rifling tool, or find an already made rifle barrel.

You can also make your own ammo. The internet is loaded with info. You can find empty brass at any gun range, or buy empty cases online. You can make gun powder, or use the powder from fireworks like the artillery shells. The bullets can be made from wheel weights which you can remove from any vehicle. For up close shooting anything will work. For more accurate sniper shooting you will need a die, and best yet a reloader kit you can buy online, or gun shop.

Have fun. Keep your head. Think.

*** Homemade 12 Gauge Repeater!!! ***

Rapid Reload Technique for Slam Fire Shotguns!

Homemade Gun Build How To- pistol/shotgun

Shooting Live 7.62x54R From A 12 gauge shotgun - Penetrator?

homemade 12ga sniper shot gun

Homemade barrel rifling tool

600 Round Assault Clip - Extreme Capacity - Will it Ban?

homemade shotgun primer gun shooting

Boobytrap design

Homemade Open Bolt Rifle #1:


Homemade Open Bolt Rifle #2:

Barrel & Extractor

How To Make A 5 Shot Rifle and Ignitor


How to make a gun at home. Part 1 Revolver

Strong Propane Spud Gun - July 4th

How To Make A 45 Pound PVC Slingbow for $5

Homemade Air powered Rifle

How to Make Explosive Trip Wire Ignitor

12 Gauge Booby Trap Trip Wire

How to make a Mousetrap Trip Wire Alarm

How to make a Pull Pin Fuse, or Firing Pin for firearm


My Homemade Rifle Gun

Pen gun


Homemade shotgun using threaded pipe pieces

homemade shotgun shells

What if you can't buy primers for handloading, DIY ammo option (use caps for toy cap guns)


How to Make an Electric Match (Detonator)

How to Make Travel Matches - Match Life Hacks

How to make a timer detonator for firework

DIY Model Rocket Igniters For PENNIES Each!

How to Re-Use Grenade Fuze

Syria: 6 Most Feared Improvised Weapons 2011-2015

Top 10 homemade mortars, home-grown weapons created by syrian people

Homemade mortars | From shop to the field

Type 89 Knee Mortar

mortar shell for beginners

ghost guns for everyone

I Made an Untraceable AR-15 'Ghost Gun' In My Office

Rare Irish Weapons of The Trouble Conflict : 1968 to 1998

metal storm weapons system


Tannerite Bomb

The Pipeline Bomb, 425lb RECORD!!!

Read the Full Interview With American Sniper Chris Kyle That Didn't Make it to Press

"So you weren’t over there to protect American rights, like a free press?"

"We weren’t over there to protect America’s right to do anything. We went in to help free some people, to form a democracy for them, to liberate them. And then I was over there fighting for my guys. I was fighting because my country told me to, and then I was fighting for my buddies and my family.."

...(by 2011) The war has cost $824 billion so far and roughly 4,484 American lives, ...

How Accurate Is American Sniper?

...Controversy over Kyle’s credibility casts doubts on the film,...Does Eastwood’s American Sniper stick to the narrative as presented by Chris Kyle or to the known facts—or does it blend the two?...

This Marine is on trial for allegedly killing real-life 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle

...In 2013, Eddie Ray Routh, a 27-year-old Marine veteran, allegedly shot and killed Kyle....Kyle and his friend Chad Littlefield took Routh to target practice at the 11,000-acre Rough Creek Lodge Shooting Range on Feb. 2 2013 near Chalk Mountain, Texas. That day, Routh allegedly shot and killed both men. No witnesses saw the situation unfold.


As gun ownership rises, Georgia looks to loosen restrictions: It’s the ‘wild, wild West’

Guns are everywhere, she said. “Even my nearly 80-year-old grandmother now feels like she needs a weapon to feel safe,” said Tucker, 44. “I feel like we have gone back to the era of Butch Cassidy, and I am not sure how we get back to a regular normal.”

Tucker’s concerns, echoed by many here, reflect a dangerous cycle of gun violence in this racially diverse city. As violent crime jumps in the state, residents are arming themselves at record levels, which is leading to more crime and spurring new efforts by state GOP lawmakers to loosen permitting requirements for carrying concealed weapons.

It’s a trend that has echoed across the country, as gun violence continues to rattle communities.... As homicides surged during the coronavirus pandemic, Columbus residents purchased firearms. Those weapons are now increasingly being stolen from vehicles and homes, leading to more violence and more residents arming themselves....


State office building downtown closed in wake of latest manhole explosion

The explosion on Bowdoin Street Tuesday night was the latest in a string of incidents involving manhole fires and explosions in Boston in recent months....