101,102,201 Checklist

If you are in SPA 101, SPA 102 or SPA 201, you can keep yourself organized by following this weekly checklist (complete with click-able links):

Here are the activities that you should be engaged in every week

    • Twitter (On Twitter.com)--Send one tweet that explains what was the most difficult part of class this week. Before writing your tweet, be sure to include your class' hash tag (#RoughRiderSPA101 #RoughRiderSPA102 or #RoughRiderSPA201). You can find your own tweet and the rest of our class' tweets by typing the same hash tag into the search box. You will need to create a Twitter account. If you do not want your info to be public, simply conceal your identity by making up a fake name, just be sure to tell your instructor which of your many assumed identities you will be using. If you have trouble with Twitter navigate to the Twitter Help page.

    • Recordings (on Lingtlanguage.com/cklein02)--You will typically have one audio recording to do every week (two recordings per chapter, usually, and we spend two weeks on each chapter). Simply navigate to www.lingtlanguage.com/cklein02 then, click on your class. Next find the chapter we are currently working on, and click on the correct chapter. The computer will then search for your microphone. You must have a mic hooked up. Click "allow" then "remember" then "close" and "done". Now you are ready to record. Now, listen/read the recording prompt (click on the blue filled talking bubble to hear the recording prompt). Then, click on the response bubble to the right (it will fill in orange) to make your recorded response. When done, click submit. Now is the IMPORTANT part. You will next be prompted to put in your name and email to receive feedback from me about your performance. If you want credit for the recording, along with your first SPANISH NAME in the box provided, include also your class' meeting time, for example: Carlos--8am M/W. Next include your email address, then click "submit" one final time! Set a goal to make your recordings thirty seconds to one minute in duration. If you have any trouble, see this instructional video for help.

    • Recordings (on Voxopop.com)--You will typically have one audio recording to do every week (two recordings per chapter, usually, and we spend two weeks on each chapter). Remember that Voxopop.com recordings work the best with up-to-date web browsers (I've had the most success with Internet Explorer of late), and Java must be installed. If you do not have a computer/microphone at home, you can make these recordings on the YC campus. If you are having trouble using the site or have not been able to access our class' specific information, including my audio recording prompts, go to the recordings help page. You should clearly state your Spanish name prior to recording and record 30 seconds to one minute of continuous Spanish. You should also respond to one of your class member's recordings (no length requirement and English is permissible). Don't wait until the last minute, because you might have technical difficulties. Communicate with the instructor if you have technical problems and he will suggest that you send him the recording through other optional channels (1, 2).

    • Online Spanish Workbook (On Books.Quia.com)--The content from each class (SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201) is linked to in the course plan at the end of the syllabus (also listed on the "Course Plan/Schedule" link on Blackboard). Before class, click on the links for each day that are listed in the course plan and preview the content. After class, navigate back to the day's links and review if needed, then complete the Online Spanish Workbook activities that are related to the day's content and that are listed (below the videos). Some people procrastinate and finish all of the Online Spanish Workbook homework activities at the end of the chapter, prior to the due date. That's okay, but remember, not all of the activities listed are required. Just the ones with the black dot to the left of the activity. If you are having problems in any way with the Online Spanish Workbook, go to the Workbook Help Page. The online Spanish workbook can only be purchased online here (use "Spanish" for Discipline and "Puntos en breve" for Title). When you purchase the book you will need to sign up for a Books.Quia.com account and you will purchase a "book key". After purchasing and setting up your account, you will need a COURSE CODE to access my class' content. This is listed in your syllabus on page one. If you need a refund for the Online Spanish Workbook or if you simply cannot figure out how to get signed up and start using the workbook, contact customer support directly, (650) 372-4040 (their customer support is great over the phone).

    • Online Chapter Assessments (Quizzes/Exams) (On Quia.com/web)--Usually, you have one assessment per chapter, but, you should prepare and study for assessments each week. Besides the final exam set (completed in-class), your quizzes and tests are open note and open book and are taken online through your Online Spanish Workbook's sister company, Quia.com/web. After setting up your Online Spanish Workbook, you can use this same username and password to set up your Quia.com/web account. To set up your account, you will need a CLASS CODE (not the course code, that's for the Workbook). You can find the class code on page one of your syllabus. Only after setting up your account on Quia.com/web are you ready to access your assessments. All assessments, both quizzes and tests, can be accessed via the "Assessments" link on Blackboard (left hand menu in green). If you have trouble, go to the Quia.com/web Assessments Help Page. If you try to access an assessment and receive a message that says "You do not have access to this quiz. Please contact your instructor for further assistance" navigate to the help page and scroll down until you find the section titled, "If you get an error message . . ." Follow the instructions listed there to solve the problem.

    • Semester Project (examples/instructions on Blackboard, or here)--Each week you should chip away at the semester long project. The semester long project varies, depending which Spanish class you are taking. Each project is designed to help you use the Spanish that we are studying in class in a more authentic way. You will receive more information from your instructor as time goes by. You can also see instructions for this assignment in your syllabus and here on the Spanish Projects Page.

Keep the due dates in mind! Although you should be doing these things each week, typically they will be graded by me at the end of each chapter. See the Course Plan/Schedule for chapter due dates.

If you need other help, access the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) page or simply contact the instructor.