Challenge: First of all, get someplace warm and comfortable. This one takes a while. Like, maybe one of the fouriers inside the church with the comfy chairs like the one Sister Hobelheinrich gets to sit on during sacrament meeting.

We in the Church want to seek out of the best books, and these aren't just scriptures. In today's world we have to seek out of the best media. Here is some good media: Watch the video below from minute 3:30 to 6:25 and then from 11:03 to 17:30.

>>If the video isn't below, click here or go to the link:

Now that you've seen the video, text your answer to the following questions to: 928-533-8981

--You are all students, fully engaged in educating yourselves. Do you think education, as it currently stands, educates the creativity OUT of students like yourself, or the students around you in class? As a group, briefly explain your answer.

--Now, as a Latter Day Saint, what could you do to improve education in all the places where you learn, for yourself and for those around you? This could include seminary, Sunday school, high school, etc. Discuss (don't send your answers to this one)!

Now you're ready for your next clue:

Clue: John 3:23. We Mormons do this in the _______ _________ for the same reason.