FAQ--Most "Frequently Asked Questions"

If you have ever wondered about the answers to the questions below, you're in the right place. Just find the question that's bugging you the most and get filled in with the answers you're looking for by clicking the available links. (If a link is broken, please let me know!)

Q: Where can I get general and essential information about this course?

A: Here I've compiled a number of general informational items that will help you to be successful in this course. Find the topics that most interest you and click on the links that will lead you to the answers to your questions.

Q: How do I sign up for, purchase, set up and begin using my online Spanish workbook? AND How do I take quizzes/tests online?

A: Here I include a link to a page that will tell you everything you need to know about the online Spanish workbook. Whether you are a first time student or a returning student, this page will help you to begin using the online workbook. I also include on this page how you can know whether a given exercise from the workbook is required as well as an explanation of how I grade the workbook. Click for all things "workbook". Note: The online Spanish workbook is a little pricey, but you can use it for 24 straight months (SPA 101, SPA 102 and SPA 201). Our Puntos en breve textbook can also get pricey, especially if you buy it new (which is not a good idea). Quia Web may also be required for some of you to take online quizzes, tests and other Evaluation Activities. You can learn about signing up for Quia Web here too (scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen). There are many sites that sell the book for around $25 used. Check out these options: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Q: How do I know if I need to take Spanish or if it's required for my University?

A: If you are going to an Arizona university, odds are, you need to take at least two semesters of a foreign language. Each university has different language requirements, sometimes, within the university itself, varying a great deal from one degree program to another. For example, most Arizona universities (UofA, ASU and NAU) require four full semesters of one language (SPA101, SPA 102, SPA 201 and SPA 202) for all Bachelor's of Arts degrees. Requirements vary at each university, and by each degree. I have done some research regarding Arizona universities and have listed Spanish language proficiency requirements here.

Q: Where can I find authentic Spanish content, like videos, music, literature, etc. in order to practice and hear more native speakers of Spanish daily?

A: There is so much Spanish content on the web. Here, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite sites. Much of these sites link to other sites or are directories of thousands more sites. Almost everything is free here, but, some of the best services might require a little bit of dinero. Pick and choose your outside of class content here and take a listen to my Spanish music playlist. Let me know if you like this site or if you have something to add to it to make it even better.

Q: How do I make accent marks on my computer?

A: I have created a page that talks about different ways to use accent and other diacritical marks on most computers, even Macs. Check it out.

Q: How can I get additional help with technology or other help with this course?

A: Lots of students need extra support with the technology involved in today's courses. Some people say, "I signed up for a Spanish course, not a computer course". I teach Spanish, but in today's educational world, it is also important to use the computer. I feel that I would be doing my students a disservice if I did not take advantage of the wealth of resources available on the Internet and through the computer. The fact is, we can learn languages, like Spanish, much better now by taking advantage of the many resources made available to us through computers. But, don’t fret. If you have any questions about technology for this course, odds are I’ve answered them on my Technology Help page. Please visit the page if you need help with any of the following topics:

  • I don’t know how to “cut and paste” on a computer, as I am often asked to do. (Click here and scroll down until you find the title “Cutting and Pasting (or copying and pasting) on a Computer”)

  • I don’t know my “username” or “password” in order to log-in to Blackboard or the computers on campus. (Click here and scroll down until you see the title “Help! I don't know my username or password . . .”)

  • I don’t know how to change language settings to “Spanish” on Microsoft Word. (Click here and scroll down until you see the title “How to Change Language Settings and Make Accent Marks . . .”)

  • I don’t know how to do a number of essential tasks. Is there a tutorial or something I can take that will improve my computer skills? (Log into Blackboard by clicking here; then enter the word online as your "username" and the word learning as your "password". Then click on "Student Orientation to Online Learning") This webcourse is a short course or tutorial that will guide you through just about every basic aspect of taking courses online or taking courses that utilize an online element. This is a great tutorial that I hope you will take advantage of).

  • I just want to talk to a person about the problems I am having (technological or otherwise). Is there a way to do that? (Click here and read the paragraph titled "Technology Help")

  • How can I forward emails from my YC account to my personal "Hotmail", "Yahoo" or other account? (Click here or watch an instructional tutorial video here (must be using Internet Explorer for the video to play))