Challenge 1: Watch the video at this link from 3:15 to 7:30 (or copy and paste: ) and answer the question below with a text to: 928-533-8981

--Why does Neal A. Maxwell say: "work is always a spiritual necessity, even if, for some it is not an economic necessity,"?

Challenge 2: Think of ways that you can really work in your life. How might learning to really working (like sweat and everything) benefit you and those around you? What work are you doing for the Lord? What is your GPA for Christian service? Maybe write these answers down.

Challenge 3: Choose something in the Church that you can do to help others. You might be able to empty all the garbages, dust mop the gym floor, clean the sacrament trays, organize the toys in the nursery, sweep the leaves from the sidewalks, organize the scriptures in the seminary closet, or any number of things. Take 10 minutes to do some service here at our building, set a timer on your phone. You'll be surprised how much you can get done in 10 minutes. Text pictures of your team serving to 928-533-8981

Now you're ready for your next clue.

Clue: Malachi 3:8-10 Go to where the "meat" is tallied and entered.