


Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:56 PM

Subject: Re: Offentliggørelse af Kall-dokumenter

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___ quote begin _____________

Dette indlæg indeholder følgende breve:



















Med venlig hilsen

Mogens Kall

The servant of Michael


1575 news:llb_b.95801$jf4.5934420@news000.worldonline.dk





From Mogens Kall Monday, 04. Jan. 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 13:23

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+699, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

675, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

604, 10. May 1997, Iran

296, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

269, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the Muslims inside Pakistan

c/o Ambassador to Dk.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to Dk.

Dear Shia- and Sunni-muslims!

Why are You kill'ing one another?


Sûra al-Fâtir (åbenbaret før Hidsjra)

Sûra 35, 22. del, vers 33:

Derpå gav Vi Bogen i arv til dem, Vi udvalgte. Og blandt

dem er der den, som øver uret mod sig selv. Og blandt dem

er der den, som med Allahs tilladelse overgår (andre) i

gode gerninger. Dette er den store nåde *6.

*6: Man kan også oversætte: zâlimul-linafsihi (som øver uret

mod sig selv) med: som undertvinger sin sjæl(s begær). I det

tilfælde ville der være tale okm en udvikling i tre stadier:

1. krig mod ens begær og streng selvfornægtelse. 2. efter at

have fået sit begær under kontrol, følges den rette kurs uden

snublen, men gradvis. 3. efter at have fuldendt sin moralske

vækst, foregår den videre proces hurtigt og let.

Jihad mod ens egen iboende egoisme (begæret efter jordisk rigdom og

- i dette tilfælde (?) - MAGT). Dette ér ægte islam modsat rovmordene

på úskyldige mennesker!!! Muhammed har sagt:

Sûra al-Zukhruf (åbenbaret før Hidsjra)

Sûra 43, 25. del, vers 64:

Og da Jesus kom med klare beviser, sagde han: Jeg er visselig

kommet til jer med viisdommen og for at gøre klart for jer

noget af det, som I strides om. Frygt da Allah og adlyd

mig *7.

*7: Jesus var reformator og bragte ikke nogen ny lov.

I Evangelierne står der følgende:

Mark 12,28-31:

A teacher of the Law ... came to him (Jesus) with a question:

"Which commandment is the most important of all?"

Jesus replied, "The most important one is this: 'Listen, Is-

rael! The Lord our God is the only Lord.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your

soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'

The second most important commandment is this: 'Love your

neighbor as you love yourself.' There is no other commandment

more important than these two."

Paulus, a disciple of Jesus, explan this in his letter to Romans:

Rom 13,8-10:

Be under obligation to no one - the only obligation you have

is to love one another. Whoever does this has obeyed the Law.

The commandments, "Do not commit adultery; do not commit

murder#; do not steal; do not desire what belongs to someone

else" - all these, and any others besides, are summed up in

the one command, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

If you love someone, you will never do him (own 4/1-1999: or

her) wrong; to love, then, is to obey the whole Law.

The naked Truth:

John 13,34-35:

(Jesus said: "...) And now I give you a new commandment: Love

one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one an-


If you have love for one another, then everyone will know

that you are my disciples."

John 14,15:

(Jesus said: ") If you love me, you will obey my commandments


John 15,12-14:

(Jesus said: ") My commandment is this: Love one another,

just as I love you.

The greatest lov a person can have for his friends is to give

his life for them.

And you are my friends if you do what I command you.

with love from

the servant of Michael.



Afs. Mogens Kall Thursday, 7. Jan. 1999

UDN, Denmark OUTPUT-ordre CET 14:00

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+702, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

678, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

607, 10. May 1997, Iran

299, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

272, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to Dk.

Copies: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to Dk.

The International Court of Justice, The Hague.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

It's time to do business:

Igt. The New Constitution of Iraq


Kilde: 29,7 Islam - lære og livsmønster, af Jan Hjärpe, 1979 Gyldendal

side 106 (afsnit: Islam og politik i nutiden):

... I det hele taget har den hanbalittiske madhhab haft stor indfly-

delse på det nutidige syn på, hvad en islamisk stat er, dvs. på islam

som politisk faktor. Således ikke kun i hanbalismens fortsættelse i

wahhabismen i Saudi-Arabiens politik, men også hos personer og bevæg-

elser, som stiller sig negativt til Saudi-Arabiens politik, ja for

hele det komplekse fænomen, dagens politiske islam udgør, også inden

for shiismen. ...

Betegnelsen wahhabisme er et øgenavn, efter navnet på bevægelsens

centrale figur, Muhammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792). Han tilhørte

en familie af teologer og retslærde af den hanbalittiske skole, dvs.

repræsenterede en læreretning, der især ville stå vagt om traditioner-

ne fra den ældste og mest oprindelige islam, og som var mistroisk over

for den udvikling, det religiøse liv, politikken og den teologiske

tænkning havde fået i de islamiske lande. Afgørende for Ibn Abd al-

Wahhab var studiet af den hanbalittiske skoles mest originale og

frygtløse repræsentant i middelalderen: Ibn Taymiya (d. 1328), med

virke i Damaskus og Kairo ...

side 106 (afsnit: Islam og politik i nutiden):

Enhver muslim, mente Ibn Taymiya, er berettiget til og pligtig til

at give råd og vejledning til sine trosfæller efter graden af sin kom-

petence. Det indebærer, at de lærde, ulama', teologerne, har pligt til

at kritisere og at give råd til politikerne. Samarbejde og gensidig

hjælp er en pligt. Ibn Taymiya angriber ikke ejendomsretten, men den

rige har pligt til at hjælpe den fattige (og kan altså straffes, hvis

han ikke gør det). Stat og religion er for Ibn Taymiya uopløselig for-

enede og uomgængelig nødvendige for hinanden. Et skel, en sækular

stat, er en umulighed. Uden staten er religionen i fare, og uden reli-

gionen bliver staten en "tyrannisk" organisation, en ond og umenneske-

lig institution. Ulama' er pligtig til at advare, at vække opinion og

at tilrettevise den politiske leder, så at han følger islams forskrif-

ter i udøvelsen af sin funktion. Her foreligger hele tiden muligheden

for en konflikt mellem den politiske leders og de religiøse specialis-

ters tolkning af hvad islam er.

side 110 (afsnit: Islam og politik i nutiden):

Vi kan også kalde den iranske bevægelse, som styrtede shahen, for fun-

damentalistisk; der er ligheder med de tidligere omtalte, men der er

også forskelle. Også her går man ud fra den tanke, at det er Gud, der

er den egentlige hersker, den eneste legitime lovgiver. At underkaste

sig en anden hersker end Gud er shirk, afgudsdyrkelse. Dette udtrykkes

i konstitutionen for den islamiske republik således, at regeringsmåden

skal være grundet på tawhid, læren om Guds enhed. Dette er et central-

punkt i Ayatullah Khumaynis tænkning, ligesom hos den førende ideolog

bag den iranske revolution, Ali Shariati (d. 1977). Man bekæmper (det

sækulare) monarki, fordi ideen om menneskelig suverænitet er imod tro-

en på Guds suverænitet. Også demokrati i versterlandsk forstand er

"Menneskelig suverænitet". Over et eventuelt parlament må man altså

have en instans, der kan afgøre, om love og forordninger stemmer over-

ens med islam. Det er statens opgave at sørge for, at islam anvendes

i alle dele af samfundet. Ligesom de sunnittiske fundamentalister sæt-

ter de shiittiske Muhammeds sunna som norm. Men dertil kommer den

autoritet, som de shiittiske imaner, lige fra Ali til Muhammed al-

Mahdi, nyder. Man venter på al-Mahdis genkomst. Han lever nu, siden

han forsvandt, et overnaturligt, skjult liv. Men mens man venter på

hans genkomst, kan en "islamisk republik" være en interimsløsning:

ledelsen påligger da ulama, religionsspecialisterne, mudjtahiderne

(de der kan anvende idjtihad, nytolkning). En fremragende mudjtahid

kan nå stillingen som en mardja, eller legefrem mardja--taklid, den

der har den højeste anseelse, den hvis autoritet anerkendes af den øv-

rige shiittiske 'ulama. Hans udtalelser har man pligt til at følge.

Det er denne stilling, den iranske konstitution tildeler Khumayni.

Det, der er fælles for de forskellige fundamentalistiske bevægelser,

er, at man opfatter islam som et samfundssystem, og at det er statens

opgave at anvende islam. Det betyder, at "sækularisten" bliver stillet

udenfor. Også den ikke-troende, den der er født muslim, men som ikke

tror på Sharias guddommelige oprindelse, må dog følge den, må opføre

sig som muslim.

Citat-end (Hjärpe)

Apropos Sûra 2,257: Der på IKKE være TVANG i religionen!

Tilsyneladende lydet det jo meget smukt: ønsket om, at vores samfund

skal være under Guds suverænitet modsat "menneskelig suverænitet".

I praksis har det imidlertid vist sig, at dette fromme ønske (hvor

godt det end er) har åbnet op for magtmisbrug. Således berettes der fx

i en bog (90,12 - Islam! en religion, en kultur, en historie, ved

Torben Hansen, 1989 Tiderne Skifter):

side 184 (afsnit Islamisk radikalisering i Mellemøsten):

Modstandskæmpere fra den såkaldte "Pish Merga" ("De, der rykker frem

mod døden") fra iransk Kurdistan. Overalt hvor de islamiske fundamen-

talister har ført sig frem, er følgen blevet mere voldsanvendelse. Få

uger efter Khomeinis magtovertagelse i februar 1979, begyndte hans

tilhængere at massakrere civilbefolkningen i kurdiske landdistrikter.

Citat-end (Hansen)

Apropos Sûra 5,33: ... den, der dræber et menneske, hvis det ikke er

for (mord på) et menneske eller for oprør i landet, så skal det (for

ham) være, som om han har dræbt hele menneskeheden. ... (m.fl.)

Man kan så diskutere, om der dengang i 1979 var tale om et oprør i

landet, men én ting er i hvert fald sikkert: Massakre på civilbefolk-

ningen er forbudt i følge Koranen og dernæst i følge international

lovgivning en forbrydelse imod menneskeheden. Det skulle være så godt

men blev - ærlig talt - helvedes forgård!

Konklusionen må da blive: Instansen OVER parlamentet og præsident-em-

bedet skal IKKE have uindskrænker magt (pga. faren for magtmisbrug).

men må selv være underkastet Loven. Selve instansen er for så vidt i

úoverenstemmelse med Koranen (Fundamentet i Sharia-lovgivningen), idet

der jo udtrykkeligt står skrevet i sûra 42,39 "gensidig rådslagning".

Derimod kan en Forfatning godt være hævet over Parlamenmtet og Præsi-

dent-embedet. Loven må (MUST be) da forvaltes af en úafhængig instans

med kompetence til at dømme i enhver sag, inklusiv de personer (læs:

Khomeini, Saddam Hussein samt andre) og instanser, der begår lov-

brudene. Findes der belæg for en sådan Domstol i Koranen? - Ja, det

gør der faktisk! Hør blot:

Sûra al-Nisa (åbenbaret efter Hidsjra)

Sûra 4, 4. del, vers 59

Sandelig, Allah befaler jer, at I giver den betroede myndighed

til dem, der er den værdig, og at I - når I dømmer mellem men-

nesker - dømmer med retfærdighed. ...*12

*12: Dette og det følgende vers indeholder vigtige retnings-

linjer for indsættelse af myndigheder i Islam. Valgretten

hviler i menigheden, men valgbar er kun de bedste og værdig-

ste. Bemærk at magt i Islam er 'betroet' (Amânât), idet al

magt er hos Gud, som betror den til de mennesker, som følger

Hans lov. Se yderligere 3:160: Khalîfaen, som er valgt på de-

mokratisk vis, må spørge de bedste til råds, men er ikke for-

pligtet til mod bedre viden at følge deres råd: "og spørg dem

til råds i ledelsen, men når du har besluttet dig, så sæt din

lid til Allah."

Det følgende vers viser, at et islamisk samfund ledes af

Qur'ânen, Hadîth (Profetens tradition) og 'dem, der har myn-

dighed', Kalifferne.

Det er her værd at erindre sig Profetens ord: "Den, der ad-

lyder min Amîr (Khalîfa), adlyder i virkeligheden mig, og den,

der nægter min Amîr lydighed, nægter i virkeligheden mig ly-

dighed." (Ahmad).

Sûra 4, 4. del, vers 60

O I som tror, adlyd Allah og adlyd Sendebudet og dem, der har

myndighed blandt jer, og hvis I strides om nogenting, så hen-

vis den til Allah og Sendebudet, hvis I tror på Allah, og den

yderste dag. Dette er det bedste og sluttelig det skønneste


*12a: "dem, der har myndighed blandt jer" siges også at omfat-

te ikke-islamiske myndigheder, således, at en Muslim i lyset

af dette vers bør adlyde enhver myndighed - det være sig is-

lamisk eller ikke-islamisk - såfremt den pgl. myndighed giver

frihed til Islam. Islam kender ikke noget problem med "delt


Men kan man som muslim tillade sig at udelukke anderledes tænkende

mennesker fra myndighed, herunder valgbarhed til Parlamentet, Præsi-

dentembedet m.m. UDEN SAMTIDIG AT OVERTRÆDE Sharia-lovens fundament,

selve Koranens bud om, at der iokke må være TVANG i religionen? Der er

jo ikke meget gensidig rådslagning tilbage, når den ene part får mund-

kurv på.

For eksempel ér det afgudsdyrkelse for os kristne at adlyde det så-

kaldte Sendebud, Muhammed. Ifølge vor tro, har Muhammed lavet om på

Skaberens Lov mht. at bedrive hor, hvorfor han - i følge - Bibelen er

en falsk profet (hvor sørgeligt det end må lyde i Jweres ører). Dette

kan vi begrunde udfra Skriften, hvilket vi også allerede har gjort (se

letter 98-11-02 to Hizbollah, c/o the iranian ambassador to Dk, Search

string: "falsk"). Her skal blot følgende gentages fra brevet:


Med hensyn til Skaberen:


Sûra al-'Ankabût (åbenbaret før Hidsjra)

Sûra 29, 20. del

Sûra 29,47

... Og sig (til dem) (eget: Skriftens folk): Vi tror på det,

som er blevet åbenbaret os og åbenbaret jer, og vores Gud og

jeres Gud er een (og samme Gud), ...*1

*1: I diskussioner må man vise den største finfølelse over for

andres tro. Islam lærer yderligere, at man skal tro på alle

religioners guddommelige oprindelse.

Her må kristne desværre melde pas! Jesus har sagt:

Matt. 5,32

Men jeg siger jer, at ENHVER, som skiller sig fra sin hustru

af anden grund end utugt, han bliver årsag til, at der be-

drives hor med hende; og den, der gifter sig med en fraskilt

kvinde, HAN BEDRIVER HOR. Luk. 16,18.

I Koranen (Sûra al-Ahzâb) står der:

Sûra 33,38

... Men da Zaid opnåede, hvad han ønskede af hende (og lod sig

skille), lod Vi dig gifte med hende, ... Og Allahs bud må ud-

føres *13.

Heri bevises det, at Muhammed har begået hor (i følge Bibelen). Der-

næst at denne handling er Allahs bud. DETTE ER UFORENELIGT MED DEN

KRISTNE TRO (se 5.Mos.13 vedr. falske profeter)!!!

Derfor må kristne ærlig sige til Jer:

1. Korinterbrev 8,5-6

Thi selv om der også er såkaldte guder (own: herunder guden

ved navn Allah), enten det nu er i himmelen eller på jorden -

sådan som der jo er mange "guder" og mange "herrerø" -


DADDY), fra hvem alt er, og til hvem vi er skabt, og én Herre,

Jesus Kristus (own: Jesus Messias), ved hvem alt er, og ved

hvem vi er skabt.

-------- end of citat ------------------------------------------------

Nogle muslimer har hertil indvendt, at den nye lov Muhammed kom med,

ophævede den gamle, fordi den var/er bedre. Og det lyder jo tilsyne-

ladende meget fornuftigt. Dog siger Jesus meget afslørende f.eks. i

Mattæus-evangeliet følgende:

Matt. 5,17-19

Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses

and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away

with them, but to make their teachings come true.

Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least

point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away

with - not until the end of all things.

So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the

commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least

in the Kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, whoever obeys the

Law and teaches others to do the same, will be great in the

Kingdom of heaven.

Begrundelsen for at Loven ikke kan ophæves finder vi i Paulus brev til


Rom. 13,8-10

Be under obligation to no one - the only obligation you have

is to love one another. Whoever does this has obeyed the Law.

The commandments, "Do not commit adultery; do not commit

murder; do not steal; do not desire what belongs to someone

else" - all these, and any other besides, are summed up in the

one command, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

If you love someone, you will never do him (own 7/1-99: or

her) wrong; to love, then, is to obey the whole Law.

Vi kan derfor tillade os at konkludere, at enhver er opstillingsbe-

rettiget til Parlamentet/Præsident-embedet, medmindre vedkommende er

straffet for en handling, der i almindeligt omdømme gør ham/hende

uværdig til at være medlem. For - i modsat fald - er der kommet úover-

ensstemmelser i Koranen, hvilket i så fald er et bevis på dets ikke-

guddommelige oprindelse. I praksis betyder dette, at fx. Saddam

Hussein og ligesindede IKKE er valgbare, skønt han og andre påberåber

sig at være muslimer. En menneske kan jo ikke være en ægte muslim, når

vedkommende samtidig begår massemord på úskyldige, vel?

Med hensyn til det vi kom bort fra: Domstolen skal dømme med RETFÆR-

DIGHED (Sûra 4,59). Men - som bekendt! - kender MAGTMISBRUG ingen

grænser - heller ej indenfor domstolenes kreds, hvorfor det selvfølge-

lig bliver nødvendigt at forebygge for eksempel med en Forfatningslov:

Danish Constitution § 64:

Dommerne har i deres kald ALENE at rette sig efter loven. De

kan ikke afsættes uden ved dom, ejheller forflyttes mod deres

ønske, uden for de tilfælde, hvor en omordning af domstolene

finder sted. ...

...kombineret med en Straffelov vedrørende offentlig misbrug af magt.

Her kan også anbefales Danish Straffelov f.eks:

§ 144-145 (vedr. bestikkelse/korruption)

§ 146

Begår nogen, der har domsmyndighed, eller hvem der tilkommer

offentlig myndighed til at træffe afgørelse i retsforhold, der


BEHANDLING, straffes han med fængsel indtil 6 år.

Stk. 2. Har handlingen medført velfærds fortabelse for nogen,

eller har sådant været tilsigtet, er straffen fængsael fra 3

til 16 år.

Kommentar (own 7/1-1999): Bemærk at denne lov på mange måder

overlapper Koran-loven i Sûra 4,59.

Dersom en dommer, úanset rang, har dækket over forbrydelser,

kan han/hun retsforfølges. Vedkommende bliver - med andre ord

- medskyldig!

Velfærds fortabelse må man i sandhed nok sige er tilfældet,

når vi tager sager op om massakre på civilbefolkningen eller -

hvilket er MEGET aktuelt i øjeblikket - at dække over eventu-

elle bagmænd til drabene på forfattere med flere, hvad enten

disse4 bagmænd nu kommer fra kredse i Parlamentet eller Præ-


§ 148

Når nogen, hvem domsmyndighed eller anden offentlig myndighed

til at træffe afgørelse i retsforhold tilkommer, eller hvem

det påhviler at virke for håndhævelse af statens straffemyn-



§ ... (samt MANGE andre)

For at understrege alvoren i disse sager - ikke mindst mht. de begåede

forbrydelser imod menneskeheden, er kopi sendt til The International

Court of Justice, The Hague - tilsendt selvfølgelig mhp. at retsfor-

følge de kriminelle personer og instanser. NOBODY is ABOVE the Law!

Crime does NOT pay!

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



Afs. Mogens Kall Friday, 8. Jan. 1999

UDN, Denmark OUTPUT-ordre CET 15:55

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+703, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

679, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

608, 10. May 1997, Iran

300, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

273, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the falsh "ayatollah" Ali Khamenei and his men

c/o The iranian ambassador to Dk.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to Dk.

What's wrong, Khamenei ? - Can't you tolerate critic, since you now

use a diversion ? -

Hear! - What's on your mind. You got a bad conscience, because you

are the ¢ne, who commanded these murders (and that's why you need a

diversion)! - Do You think, you can bluff the people of Iran ?

Well! Maybe - for a time, but at the end such kind of people like

you ALWAYS fall. Don't be afraid: Sooner or later we will put you (if

you still is alive) and your men on trial. Crime does NOT pay.

Which diversion must you now use ? - Do you think your "chess piece"

can't think by himself FOREVER ? - Shall we ask DADDY to put REAL

light upon him ? - Okay ? - Okay!

DADDY, our Creator! Thanks for Your love and mercy!

Please - send Your light upon them. They need Your

love and mercy! - El Shaddai, elsker Dig!


Zechariah 4,6b

"Ikke ved magt og ikke ved styrke, men ved Min Ånd,"

siger Hærskarars HERRE.

the servant of Michael.



99-01-17,CET 18:42 - Input memory:

From Mogens Kall Saturday, 7. March 1998

UDN, Denmark CET 09:10

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+396, 372, 301, NEXT DADDY!

To The International Court of Justice, the Hague.

Copies: Embassy of Yugoslavia, DK.

The government of USA, c/o Ambassador to DK.

The Muslim World (through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.)

The president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic:


It's time to











(2004-03-01: PUT HIM ON TRIAL )

... in absentia!

Reason: aggresive war on Croatia,

aggresive war on Bosnia-H.,

aggresive war on Kosova.

Input memory:

"The purpose was a twofold: The first was retribu-

tion; the punishment of people, who'd launched this

war against the world, and not only the war, but

who - prior to the commencement of the war and du-

ring it - had, of course, committed the most terrib-

le crimes against humanity as, for instance, by er-

terminating, and certainly 7 million jews.

The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped

to lay down the rules of international law of the

future. Not only making the waging of aggressive war

unlawful, but, for the first time, making the states-

men, who led their countries into an aggressive war,

personally responsible for what they had done."

Lord Shawcross,

Nrnberg prosecutor 1945.

Yours respectfully (Sl 82,5), , the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Friday, 22. January 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 14:41:35

OUTPUT-ordre time (21/1-1999): CET 16:46

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+717, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

693, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

622, 10. May 1997, Iran

314, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

287, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Sir! We have - maybe - broke the code


After 'Good Friday' comes 'Easter Sunday'. Input News:

Udfordringen nr. 3, 21. Januar 1999, side 6:


Pige opvakt fra de døde

(Own 22/1-1999: Girl risen from the death, in India.)


En ung indisk pige blev for nylig bidt af en giftig slange og døde på

hospitalet trods anstrengelser for at holde hende i live.

Da personalet forlod stuen, var der to kristne fra en kirke i Mandi,

Himachal Pradesh, der havde hørt om, hvad der var sket, der gik ind på

stuen, hvor de bad i en halv time, de anråbte Jesus om at give pigen

liv igen.

Pigen begyndte at trække vejret, og hendes liv vendte tilbage. De

kaldte på lægen, der selvfølgelig var forvirret. Men han fjernede gif-

ten fra pigens ben, og hun er nu helt rask.

Nyheden om dette spredtes ikke bare i den lokale kirke, men også på

hele hospitalet.

Dawn Fridayfax

-------- end of news 21/1-1999 ---------------------------------------

Impart: Code 1.Cor 1,25 - ?


Zechariah 4,6

The angel told me ... this message from the LORD (I-AM):

"... NOT by military might or by ... strength, but by My


Û ß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û




(2004-03-01: SPIRIT)

Med hensyn til Searchstring 1: "Son of God", Found 0

do 2: "son of God", Found 0

do 3: "Father", Found 2 (1,27; 3,9)

do 4: "Creator", Found 1 (1,17)

do 5: "Jesus Christ", Found 2 (1,1; 2,1)

The Letter from James


The Letter from James is a collection of practical instructions,

written to "all God's people scattered over the whole world." The

writer uses many vivid figures of speech to present intructions re-

garding practical wisdom and guidance for Christian attitudes and con-

duct. From the Christian perspective he deals with a variety of topics

such as riches and powerty, temptation, good conduct, prejudice, faith

and actions, the use of the tongue, wisdom, quarreling, pride and hu-

mility, judging others, boasting, patience, and prayer.

The letter emphasizes the importance of actions along with faith, in

the practice of the Christian religion.

Outline of Contents

Introduction 1.1

Faith and wisdom 1.2-8

Powerty and wealth 1.9-11

Testing and tempting 1.12-18

Hearing and doing 1.19-27

Warning against discrimination 2.1-13

Faith and works 2.14-26

The Christian and his tongue 3.1-18

The Christian and the world 4.1-5.6

Various instructions 5.7-20


Jakobs brev

Forfatter, datering og baggrund:

Brevet er skrevet af Jakob, Jesu ældste bror, der var leder i moder-

menigheden i Jerusalem og en fremtrædende personlighed i urkirken, før

han led martyrdøden år 62 e.Kr. Brevet er sandsynligvis skrevet ca.

45-48 e.kr. og er i så fald det ældste skrift i Ny Testamente.


Brevet er henvendt til kristne jøder i almindelighed - sandsynligvis

jøder, der efter forfølgelsen omkring Stefanus' død (Ap.G. kap. 7-8)

blev spredt ud over det romerske imperium.

Brevet genspejler budskabet fra Jesu bjergprædiken (se Matt. 5-7).

Kort og koncist behandler Jakob problemer som stolthed, diskrimine-

ring, fattigdom, grådighed, begær, fristelse, hykleri, verdslighed,

praleri, skænderi, negativ kritik osv. og påviser betydningen af tro,

hellighed, ydmyghed, bøn, tålmodighed og visdom i den kristnes liv.


Jakob understreger nødvendigheden af, at der i den kristnes liv er

overensstemmelse mellem tro og handling. Det er ikke nok at have tro,

hvis troen ikke bærer frugt i form af et helligt og aktivt liv.


1. Chapter

From James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: Greetings

to all God's people scattered over the whole world.

Faith and Wisdom

2. My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials

come your way, 3. for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing

such trials, the result is the ability to endure. 4. Make sure that

you endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may

be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5. But if any of you lacks

wisdom, he (own 19/1-99: or she) shold pray to God, who will give it

to him; because God gives generously and graciously to all. 6. But

when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts

is like a eave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind.

7-8. A person like that, unable to make up his mind and undecided in

all he does, must not think that he will receive anything from the


1.1 Matt 13,55. Mark 6,3. Ac 15,13. Gal 1,19. 1.Pet 1,1. Joh 7,35.

1.2 Matt 5,12. 1.Pet 1,6.

1.3 Rom 5,3.

1.4 Matt 5,48 (Own: Jam 5,11).

1.5 1.King 3,9 ff. Prov 2,3 ff. Wisd 8,21 ff. Matt 7,7 f.

1.6 Matt 21,21 f.

1.8 Jam 4,8.

Poverty and Riches

9. The Christian who is poor must be glad when God lifts him up, 10.

and the rich Christian must be glad when God brings him down. For the

rich will pass away like the flower of a wild plant. 11. The sun rises

with its blazing jeat and burns the pant; its flower falls off, and

its beauty is destroyed. In the same way the rich man will be destroy-

ed while he goes about his business.

1.9 Jam 2,5

1.10 Psa 103,15 f. Isa 40,6 f. 1.Pet 1,24.

1.11 1.John 2,17

Testing and Tempting

12. Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials, because

when he succeeds in passing such a test, he will receive as his reward

the life which God has promised to those who love him. 13. If a person

is tempted by such trials, he must not say, "This temptation somes

from God." For God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no

one. 14. But a person is tempted when he (own 20/1-99: or she) is

drawn away and trapped by his own evil desire. 15. Then his evil desi-

re conceives and gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown,

gives birth to death.

16. Do not de deceived, my dear brothers! 17. Every good gift and

every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the

Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness

by turning. 18. By his own will he brought us into being through the

world of truth, so that we should have first place among all his crea-


1.12 Matt 10,22. Jam 5,11; 2,5. 2.Tim 4,7 f. 1.Pet 5,4. Rev 2,10.

1.Cor 9,25; 2,9.

1.13 Sir 15,11.

1.14 (Own: 2.Cor 4,4).

1.15 Rom 6,23.

1.17 Matt 7,11. 1.John 1,5.

1.18 1.Pet 1,23. John 1,13; 3,5. Rev 14,4.

Hearing and doing

19. Remember this, my dear brothers! Everyone must be quick to list-

en, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. 20. Man's anger does

not achieve God's righteous purpose. 21. So get rid of every filthy

habit and all wicked conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that

he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you.

22. Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; inste-

ad, put it into practice. 23. Whoever listens to the word but does not

put it into practice is like a man who looks in a mirror and sees him-

self as he is. 24. He takes a good look at himself and then goes away

and at once forgets what he looks like. 25. But whoever looks closely

into the perfect law that sets people free, who keeps on paying atten-

tion to it and does not simply listen and then forget it, but puts it

into practice - that person will be blessed by God in what he does.

26. Does anyone think he is religious? If he does not control his

tongue, his religion is worthless and he deceives himself. 27. What

God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to

take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself

from being corrupted by the world.

1.19 Pro 17,27; 29,20. Sir 5,11. Jam 3,1 ff.

1.20 (Own: Eph 4,26).

1.21 1.Pet 2,1. Col 3,8. Rom 1,16.

1.22 Matt 7,26 f. Luk 8,21; 11,28. Rom 2,13. (Own: John 3,36).

1.25 John 8,31 f.; 13,17. Rom 8,2. Jam 2,12.

1.26 Pro 39,2. 1.Pet 3,10.

1.27 Job 31,16 f. Matt 25,35 ff. John 17,15. Rom 12,2.

2. Chapter

Warning against Prejudice

My brothers, as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,

you must never treat people in different ways according to their out-

ward appearance. 2. Suppose a rich man wearing a gold ring and fine

clothes comes to your meeting, and a poor man in ragged clothes also

comes. 3. If you show more respect to the well-dressed man and say to

him, "Have this best seat here," but say to the poor man, "Stand over

there, or sit here on the floor by my feet," 4. then you are guilty of

creating distinctions among yourselves and of making judgements based

on evil motives.

5. Listen, my dear brothers! God chose the poor people of his world

to be rich in faith and to possess the kingdom which he promised to

those who love him. 6. But you dishonor the poor! Who are the ones who

oppress you and drag you before the judges? The rich! 7. They are the

ones who speak evil of that good name which has been given to you.

8. You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law of the

Kingdom, which is found in the scripture, "Love your neighbor as you

love yourself." 9. But if you treat people according to their outward

appearance, you are guilty of sin, and the Law condemns you as a law-

breaker. 10. Whoever breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking them

all. 11. DFor the same one who said, "Do not commit adultery," also

said, "Do not commit murder." Even if yoiu do not commit adultery, you

have become a lawbreaker if you commit murder. 12. Speak and act as

people who will be judged by the law that sets us free. 13. For God

will not show mercy when he judges the person who has not been merci-

ful; but mercy triumphs over judgment.

2.1 Matt 22,16. Eph 6,9. Deu 1,17 (own: 10,17).

2.5 1.Cor 1,26 ff. Luk 6,20. Jam 1,12.

2.8 Liv 19,18. Matt 22,39 f.

2.9 Liv 19,15.

2.10 Matt 5,19 (Own: Psa 14,3)

2.11 Ex 20,13 f. Deu 5,17-18.

2.12 Jam 1,25

2.13 Matt 5,7; 6,15; 18,32 ff.; 25,31 ff.

Faith and Actions

14. My brothers, what good is it for someone to say that he has

faith if his actions do not prove it? Can that faith save him? 15.

Suppose there are brothers os sisters who need clothes and don't have

enough to eat. 16. What good is there in your saying to them, "God

bless you! Keep warm and eat well!" - if you don't give them the ne-

cessities of life? 17. So it is with faith: if it is alone and includ-

es on actions, then it is dead.

18. But someone will say, "One person has faith, another has acti-

ons." My answer is, "Show me how anyone can have faith without acti-

ons. I will show you my faith by my actions." 19. Do you believe that

there is only one God? Good! The demons also believe - and tremble

with fear. 20. You fool! Do you want to be shown that faith without

actions is useless?* 21. How war our ancestor Abroham put right with

God? It was through his actions, when he offered his son ... on the

altar. 22. Can't you see? His faith and his actions worked together;

he faith was made perfect through his actions. 23. And the scripture

came true that said, "Abraham believed God, and because of his faith

God accepted him as righteous." And so Abraham was called God's fri-

end. 24. You see, then, thgat it is by his actions that a person is

put right with God, and not by his faith alone.

25. It was the same with the prostitute Rahab. She was put right

with God through her actions, by welcoming the Israelite spies and

helping them to escape by a different road.

26. So then, as the body without the spirit is dead, also faith

without actions is dead.

* useless; some manuscripts have dead.

2.14 Matt 7,21; 21,29. Gal 5,6. Tit 3,8.

2.15 1.John 3,17 f.

2.16 (Own: 1.John 4,20).

2.19 Mark 1,24.

2.21 Gen 22,1-14. Hebr 11,17.

2.22 (Own: Rom 4,15-25).

2.23 Gen 15,6. 1.Makk 2,52. Isa 41,8. 2.Cor 20,7.

2.24 (Own: Rom 2,7; 3,28).

2.25 Jos 2,1-21; 6,22 ff. Hebr 1,31.

3. Chapter

The Tongue

My brothers, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we

teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others. 2. All of

us often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what

he says, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being. 3.

We put a bit into the mouth of a horse to make it obey us, and we are

able to make it go where we want. 4. Or think of a ship: big as it is

and driven by such strong winds, it can be steered by a very small

rudder, and it goes whereever the pilot wants it to go. 5. So it is

with the tongue: small as it is, it can boast about great thing.

Just think how large a forest con be set on fire by a tiny flame! 6.

And the tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its

place in our bodies and speading evil through our whole being. It sets

on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to

it from hell itself. 7. Man is able to tame and has tamed all other

creatures - wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish. 8. But no one

has ever been able to tame the tongue. It is evil and uncontrollable,

full of deadly poison. 9. We use it to give thanks to our Lord and

Father and also to curse our fellow-man, who is created in the like-

ness of God. 10. Words of thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the

same mouth. My brothers, this should not happen! 11. No spring of

water pours out sweet water and bitter water from the same opening.

12. A fig free, my brothers, cannot bear olives; a grapevine cannot

bear figs, nor can a salty spring produce sweet water.

3.1 Matt 12,36 f. (Own: Liv 4,3. 1.Tim 3,5).

3.2 1.John 1,8. Jam 1,26. (Own: 1.Sam 2,25. Pro 18,2).

3.3 (Own: Psa 32,8-9).

3.5 Psa 12,4 f.

3.6 Pro 16,27. Matt 15,11.18.

3.8 Psa 140,4.

3.9 Gen 1,26 f.

3.12 Matt 7,16.

The Wisdim from Above

13. Is there anyone among you who is wise and understanding? He is

to prove it by his good life, by his good deeds performed with humili-

ty and wisdom. 14. But if in your heart you are jealous, bitter, and

selfish, don't sin against the truth by boasting of your wisdom. 15.

Such wisdom does not come down from heaven;it belongs to the world, it

is unspiritual and demonic. 16. Where there is jealousy and selfish-

ness, there is also disorder and every kind of evil. 17. But the wis-

dom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and

friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good

deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy. 18. And goodness is

the harvest that is produced from the seeds the peacemakers plant in


3.13 Jam 2,18. Eph 5,15.

3.15 1.Cor 2,6 f. 14.

3.16 1.Cor 3,3. Gal 5,20 f.

3.18 Isa 32,17. Hebr 12,11. Matt 5,9.

4. Chapter

Friendship with the World

Where do alle the fights and quarrels among yopu come from? They come

from yoiur desires for pleasure, which are constantly fighting within

you. 2. You want things, byt you cannot have them, so you are ready to

kill; you strongly desire things, but you cannot get them, so you

quarrel and fight. You do not have what you want because you do not

ask God for it. 3. And when you ask, you do not receive it, because

your motives are bad; you ask for things to use for your own pleasu-

res. 4. Unfaithful people! Don't you know that to be the world's fri-

end means to be God's enemy? Whoever wants to be the world's friend

makes himself God's enemy. 5. Don't think that there is no truth in

the scripture that says, "The spirit that God placed in us is filled

with fierce desires."* 6. But the grace that God gives is even strong-

er. As the scripture says, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to

the humble."

7. So then, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will

run away from you. 8. Come near to God, and he will come near to you.

Wash your hands, you sinners! Purify your hearts, you hypocrites! 9.

Be sorrowful, cry and weep; change your laughter into crying, your joy

into gloom! 10. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift

you up.

* The spirit ... fierce desires; or God yearns jealously over

the spirit that he placed in us.

4.1 Rom 7,23. 1.Pet 2,11.

4.2 1.John 3,15. (Own: 2.Sam 12,8. Jam 5,6).

4.3 Job 35,12 f. Pro 1,28 f. Isa 1,15. 1.John 5,14.

4.4 Matt 6,24. John 15,19; 17,14. Rom 8,7 f. 1.John 2,15.

4.5 Ex 34,14. Gen 2,7. (Own: Deu 29,20. Psa 42,1; 78,8. Pro 20,27.

1.Cor 6,17. Eph 2,18. Matt 25,8.).

4.6 Pro 3,34; 29,23. Job 22,29. 1.Pet 5,5. Matt 23,12

4.7 1.Pet 5,6-9. Eph 6,12. 1.John 5,18.

4.8 Zec 1,3. Isa 1,16

4.9 Luk 6,25. 2.Cor 7,9. (Own: Eze 9,4).

4.10 Luk 18,14.

Warning against Judging a Christian Brother

11. Do not criticize one another, my brothers. Whoever criticizes a

Christian brother or judges him, criticizes the Law and judges it. If

you judge the Law, then you are no longer one who obeys the Law, but

one who judges it. 12 God is the only lawgiver and judge. He alone can

save and destroy. Who do you thing you are, to judge your fellow-man?

4.11 LIv 19,16. Psa 15,3. 1.Pet 2,1. Matt 7,1. Rom 2,1; 14,4.

(Own: 2.Tess 2,4 - shirk).

4.12 (Own: Hebr 4,12-13)

Warning against Boasting

13. Now listen to me, you that say, "Today or tomorrow we will tra-

vel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business

and make a lot of money." 14. You don't even know what your life to-

morrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a mo-

ment and then disappears. 15. What you should say is this: "If the

Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that." 16. But now you

are proud, and you boast; all such boasting is wrong.

17. So then, the person who does not do the good he (own 22/1-1999:

or she) knows he should do is guilty of sin.

4.13 Luk 12,18 ff.

4.14 Pro 27,1. Psa 39,6.

4.15 Ac 18,21. Rom 15,32. Hebr 6,3.

4.16 1.Cor 5,6.

4.17 Luk 12,47. John 9,41.

5. Chapter

Warning to the Rich

And now, you rich people, listen to me! Weep and wail over the miseri-

es that are coming upon you! 2. Your riches have rotted away, and your

clothes have been eaten by moths. 3. Your gold and silver are covered

with rust, and this rust will be a witness against you and will eat up

your flesh like fire. You have piled up riches in these last days. 4.

You have not paid any wages to the men who work in your fields. Listen

to their complaints! The cries of those who gather in your crops have

reached the ears of God, the Lord Almighty. 5. Your life here on earth

has been full of luxury and pleasure. You have made yourselves fat for

the day of slaughter. 6. You have condemned and murdered innocent pe-

ople, and they do not resist you.*

* people, and they do not resist you; or people. Will God not

resist you?

5.1 Luk 6,24. 1.Tim 6,9.

5.2 Matt 6,19.

5.4 Liv 19,13. Deu 24,14 f. Gen 4,10; 18,20. Ex 3,7; (Own: 2,23).

5.5 Jer 12,3. Job 21,13. Luk 16,19.

Patience and Prayer

7. Be patient, then, my brothers, until the Lord comes. See how pa-

tient a farmer is as he waits for his land to produce precious crops.

He waits patiently for the autumn and spring rains. 8. You also must

be patient. Keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lord's cominng is


9. Do not complain against one another, my brothers, so that God

will not judge you. The Judge is near, ready to appear. My brothers,

remember the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Take them as

examples of patient endurance under suffering. 11. We call them happy

because they endured. You have heard of Job's patience, and you know

how the Lord provided for him en the end. For the Lord is full of mer-

cy amd compassion.

12. Above all, my brothers, do not use on oath when you make a prom-

ise. Do not swear by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Say only

"Yes" when you mean yes, and "No" when you mean no, and then you will

not come under God's judgment.

13. Is anyone among you in trouble? He (own 22/1-1999: or she)

should pray. Is anyone happy? He should sing praises. 14. Is there

anyone who is sick? He should send for the church elders, who will

pray for him and rub olive oil on him in the name of the Lord. 15.

This prayer made in faith will heal the sick person; the Lord will re-

store him to health, and the sins he has committed will be forgiven.

16. So then, confess your sins to one another and pray for one anoth-

er, so that you will be healed. The prayer of a good person has a pow-

erful effect. 17. Elijah was the same kind of person as we are. He

prayed earnestly that there would be no rain, and no rain fell on the

land for three and a half years. 18. Once again he prayed, and the sky

poured out its rain and the earth produced its crops.

19. My brothers, if one of you wanders away from the truth and an-

other one brings him back again, 20. remember this: whoever turns a

sinner back from his wrong way will save that sinner's soul* from

death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.

* that sinner's soul; or his own soul.

5.7 Hebr 6,12; 10,36. Deu 11,14. Zec 10,1.

5.8 1.Cor 10,11. Phil 4,5.

5.9 Matt 24,33.

5.10 Matt 5,12.

5.11 Job 1,21 f.; 42,10 ff. Psa 103,8. (Own: Jam 1,2-4.

1.Pet 1,6-9).

5.12 Matt 5,34 ff.

5.13 Psa 50,15. Eph 5,19.

5,14 Mark 6,13; 16,18 (Own: 1.Sam 10,1. Mark 16,20b.)

5.15 Psa 30,3. (Own: Psa 41,5.).

5.16 Pro 15,29. (Own: Liv 5,5; 16,21; 26,40. Num 5,7; 14,20.

1.King 8,27-30. Neh 1,6; 9,2. Pro 28,13. 1.John 1,8 f. Hebr

10,26-31. Rom 13,12. Col 3,9. Eph 5,11.+ John 17,6-26. Hebr.

4,14-16. Rom 8,26-27.34).

5.17 1.King 17,1. Luk 4,25

5.18 1.King 18,41 ff.

5.19 Matt 18,15. Gal 6,1.

5.20 Psa 51,15. Pro 10,12. 1.Pet 4,8. (Own: Matt 18,15-18. Gal


-------- End of the-Letter-from-James --------------------------------

Jakobs brev er YDERST interessant, fordi det - så godt som - ikke kom-

mer ind på den anstødssten, som i nogle menneskers øjne (Muslimer) op-

fattes som værende afgudsdyrkelse, Shirk.

Benævnelsen 'Faderen' ('Father') om Skaberen, Gud den Almægtige, kan

tilsyneladende godt opfattes af muslimer som også værende en form for

Shirk, idet en fader jo ér fader i kraft af, at han har børn.

Spørgsmålet er - imidlertid - om en sådan tankegang er f¢r firkant-

et (enten-eller). Eksempelvis indeholder Koranen, der erklærer om sig

selv som værende 100% monoteistisk, sûra-vers, man som muslim er

TVUNGET til at fortolke i overført betydning (modsat en egentlig bog-

stavelig forståelse). Jan Hjärpe skriver i sin bog "ISLAM - lære og

livsmønster", 1979, side 72-73 følgende:

"... Koranen taler om "Guds hånd", at "Gud er den seende", at han er

den, der sidder på "den himmelske trone", osv. Hvordan skal sådanne

oplysninger betragtes?

Det ortodokse svar var, at også sådanne koranudsagn skulle tros ef-

ter bogstaven. Tales der om Guds hånd, er det således det menes, og

ikke på en anden måde, tales der om den himmelske trone, er det bog-

stavelig ment. Men da Gud ikke er en krop, ikke foreningen af form og

materie, men uendelig i sit væsen, immateriel, uden form (form indebæ-

rer jo begrænsning, uendeligheden kan ikke have form), så kan man ikke

gøre sig nogen forestilling om, hvad "Guds hånd" er. Udsagnene skal

tros, holdes for sande, uden at man spørger, på hvilken måde de skal

holdes for sande: bi-la kayf, "uden noget hvordan". Mu tazilitterne

derimod opfatter sådanne udsagn som metaforer, billed udtryksform, de

kan ikke opfattes efter bogstaven, da det ville være fornedrende for


Citat fra Jan Hjärpes bog 'ISLAM - lære og livsmønster' ende.

Jakob, Jesu broder, benytter udtrykket 'Fader' formodentlig på bag-

grund af Det Gamle Testamentes sprogbrug, der flittigt benytter bil-

ledsprog. Billedsproget træder MEGET tydeligt frem vedr. benævnelsen

'Fader' i relation til Skaberen. Hør blot:

Deuteronomy (5 Mos) 1,30-31

The LORD (own 22/1-1999: means JHVH, I-AM) your God will

lead you, and He will fight for you, just as you saw Him

do in Egypt

and in the desert. You saw how He brought you safely all

the way to this place, just as a man would carry his son.

Deuteronomy 32,6

...He is your father, your Creator, He made you ...

Pslams 103,13

As a father is kind to his children, so the LORD (I-AM, JHVH)

is kind to those who honor him.

Her lærer vi, at Skaberen ønsker, at vores relation til Ham skal

være INDERLIGT, HJERTELIGT, og frem for alt noget PERSONLIGT - det er

dét, der menes i teksten (modsat en gud som avler gudebørn). Det er jo

præcis også det, Jakob siger med ordene (Jak. 1,17) "Lutter gode og

fuldkomne gaver kommer ned overfra, fra himmellysenes Fader". Den di-

rekte ord-til-ord oversættelse fra NT-græsk lyder (The New Internatio-


James 1,17

Every giving good and every gift perfect from above is coming

down from the Father of the lights, with whom has no place

change or of turning shadow.


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from

the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like

shifting shadows.

And by this good-and-perfect-gift - (impart: Jump Luk 9,53-55) - we

maybe found the "TIME-gate" from GOOD FRIDAY, Sir! - Now, back to bu-

siness ...

DADDY-break (22/1-1999):

CET 12:43 - "Det må du gerne!"


"Hands up, Iblîs, this is a robbery - in the name of

the Father!"

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Thursday, 28. January 1999

UDN, Denmark OUTPUT-ordre time: CET 14:51

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+723, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

699, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

628, 10. May 1997, Iran

320, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

293, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Foruden Jakobs brev (Letter of James) findes der et andet interessant

brev i NT. Brevet hedder Paulus (2.) brev til Tessalonikerne. Heller

ikke dette kommer ind på den anstødssten, som i nogle menneskers øjne

(Muslimer) opfattes som værende afgudsdyrkelse, Shirk. Ligesom Jakobs

brev er 2.Thess et af de ældste breve vi har i NT.

Af særlig interesse for muslimer er dette brev i kraft af, at for-

fatteren kommer ind på noget med 'falske breve'. Koranens hovedankla-

ge overfor kristne er jo, at de kristne i oldtiden lavede om på det

oprindelige budskab, hvorved afgudsdyrkelse blev smuglet ind i den

teologiske lære.

Dette brev gør også brug af ordet 'Fader' om Gud (Skaberen). Den op-

rindelige gammeltestamentlige teologiske forståelse af dette ordvalg,

er fremhævet i letter to You, date: 1999-01-22.

Dernæst kommer brevet ind på Messias genkomst, som - teologisk set -

også indgår i Islamisk tro bl.a. med Koran-vers som for eksempel:

Sûra al-Zukhruf

Sûra 43, 25. del, vers 60-62

60. Han [nemlig: Jesus] var kun en tjener, som Vi havde vist

nåde, og som Vi havde gjort til et forbillede for Israels


61. Og hvis Vi havde villet, havde Vi gjort nogle af jer til

engle på jorden, som skulle efterfølge (jer mennesker).

62. Men han [nemlig: Jesus] er et tegn på timen(s komme). Vær

da ikke i tvivl om den og følg Mig (alene). Det er den rette

vej *6.

*6: 'Timen' kan betyde både den enkeltes, et folks og verdens

undergang. Her betyder det måske, at Jesus er enden på den mo-

saiske pagt og tegnet på, at profetien overgår til Ismael. El-

ler meningen er, at den genkomne Jesus (en mand i Jesu ånd og

magt) vil være tegn på en ny verdensordens komme.

Egen kommentar 28/1-1999:

Sidstnævnte udlægning fremmes af vers 71: "Træd ind i haven"

(D-day ON).

Brevet omhandler et kendetegn, der skal ske FORUD for Genkomsten. Der

nævnes 'Lovløshedens menneske' (The Wiched One), Antikrist:

Searchstrings of Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians:


1: "Son of God", - Found 0

2: "son of God", - Found 0

3: "Father", - Found 3 (1,1.2; 2,16)

4: "Creator", - Found 0

5: "Jesus", - Found 13 (1,;

2,; 3,6.12.18)

6: "Christ", - Found 10 (1,1.2.12; 2,1.14.16;


7: "Savior", - Found 0

8. "(Shirk)", - Found 0

9. "(Warning against shirk)", - Found 1 (2,3-4 "The Wiched One")

10. "(false letters)", - Found 1 (2,2+3,17)

Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians



Confusion over the expected return of Christ continued to cause

disturbances in the church at Thessalonica. Paul's Second Letter to

the Thessalonians deals with the belief that the day of the Lord's

coming had already arrived. Paul corrects this idea, pointing out that

before Christ returns, evil and wickedness will reach a climax under

the leadership of a mysterious figure called "the Wicked One," who

would be opposed to Christ.

The apostle emphasizes the need for his readers to remain steady in

their faith in spite of trouble and suffering, to work for a living as

did Paul and his fellow workers, and to persevere in doing good.

Outline of Contents

Introductio 1.1-2

Praise and commendation 1.3-12

Instructions about the coming of Christ 2.1-17

Exhortation to Christian conduct 3.1-15

Conclusion 3.16-18


Forfatter, datering og baggrund:

Dette korte brev, som tager tråden op fra 1.Tessalonikerbrev, er

skrevet af apostlen Paulus i Korint ca. seks måneder efter det første

brev (se indl. til 1.Tessalonikerbrev).

(Forfatter,datering og baggrund til 1.Tessalonikerbrev: Brevet er

skrevet af apostlen Paulus under hans ophold i Korint ca. år 51 e.Kr.

og er således Paulus' tidligste skrift i Ny Testamente. Under sin

anden missionsrejse havde Paulus besøgt provinsen Galatiens hovedstad

Tessalonika, men var tvunget til skyndsomt at forlade byen på grund af

optøjer blandt byens jøder (se Ap.g. kap. 17,17,5-10). Senere, mens

han opholdt sig i Korint, kom Timoteus til ham og berettede om tessa-

lonikernes standhaftighed midt i deres forfølgelser. Herfra skrev han

brevet i den hensigt at opmuntre de nyomvendte hedningekristne i Tes-


Indhold og budskab:

Situationen i Tessalonika var ikke meget ændret, siden Paulus skrev

sit første brev. Nogle troede, at Kristi genkomst allerede havde fund-

et sted, mens andre mente, at den var så nært forestående, at de ikke

behøvede at arbejde.

Hertil svarer Paulus: Før Kristi genkomst skal ondskaben med "den

store oprører" i spidsen tage til på jorden. Antikrists oprør og Kris-

ti genkomst er en fremtidig begivenhed - og ikke så nært forestående,

at det retfærdiggør verdensflugt (kap. 3,10). Paulus opmuntrer tessa-

lonikerne til at stå faste i troen trods forfølgelse og med tålmodig-

hed vente på endetidens begivenheder.


1. Chapter

From Paul, Silas, and Timothy -

To the people of the church in Thessalonica, who belong to God our

Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

2. May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and


1.1 1.Thes 1,1. Ac 17,1.

1.2 1.Cor 1,3

The Judgment at Christ's Coming

3. Our brothers, we must thank God at all times for you. It is right

for us to do so, because your faith is growing so much and the love

each of you has for the others is becoming greater. 4. That is why we

ourselves boast about you in the churches of God. We boast about the

way you continue to endure and believe through all the persecutions

and sufferings you are experiencing.

5. All of this proves that God's judgment is just and as a result

you will become worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering. 6.

God will do what is right: He will bring suffering on those who make

you suffer, 7. and He will give relief to you who suffer and to us as

well. He will do this when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with his

mighty angels, 8. with a flaming fire, to punish those who reject God

and who do not obey the Good News about our Lord Jesus. 9. They will

suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, separated from the pre-

sence of the Lord and from his glorious might, 10. when he comes on

that Day to receive glory from all his people and honor from all who

believe. You too will be among them, because you have believed the

message that we told you.

11. That is why we always pray for you. We ask our God to make you

worthy of the lifew he has called you to live. May he fulfill by his

power all your desire for goodness and complete your work of faith.

12. In this way the name of our Lord Jesus willreceive glory from you,

and you from him, by the grace of our God and of the Lord* Jesus


* our God and of the Lord; or out God and Lord.

1.3 1.Thes 1,2 f. 2.Thes 2,13. Luk 17,5. Eph 1,15 f.

1.5 Matt 5,10 f. Luk 20,35. 1.Thes 2,14.

1.6 (Own: Dan 12,1).

1.7 Matt 25,31. 1.Thes 4,16. 1.Pet 4,13. (Own: Rev 19,11).

1.8 2.Pet 3,7. Rom 2,8; 10,16. 1.Pet 4,17.

1.9 Matt 25,41. Isa 2,10.

1.11 Phil 2,13. 1.Thes 2,12.

1.12 John 17,20.

2. Chapter

The Wicked One

Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered

together to be with him: I beg you, my brothers, 2. not to be so easi-

ly confused in your thinking or upset by the claim that the Day of the

Lord has come. Perhaps it is thought that we said this while prophesy-

ing or preaching, or that we wrote it in a letter. 3. Do not let any-

one deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until the final

Rebellion takes place and the Wicked One appears, who is destined to

hell. 4. He will oppose every so-called god or object of worship and

will put himself above them all. He will even go in and sit down in

God's Temple and claim to be God.*

* (Own: NIV Interlinear greek-english NT):

the [one] setting against and exalting himself over everything

being called God or object of worship, so as him in the shrine

of God to sit, showing himself that he is a god.


He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called

God or is worshiped, and even setys himself up in God's temp-

le, proclaiming himself to be God.

DADDY-break (28/1-1999):

CET 09:19 - "Det skal du (Tænkte på her at citere andagtsordet

fra den 25/1-99)."


25/1-99. Læste Ordet (K.D. 25/1-99 side 2). Hørte Herrens Ord

CET 20:19 - "Den skal med!"


"Dette siger Herren: Den vise skal ikke være stolt af sin vis-

dom, den stærke skal ikke være stolt af sin styrke, den rige

skal ikke være stolt af sin rigdom. Nej, den, der er stolt,

skal være stolt af dette, at han har indsigt og kender mig.

For jeg, Herren, øver retfærdighed på jorden; der er, hvad jeg

ønsker, siger Herren." (Jeremias' Bog 9,22-23)

DADDY-break (28/1-1999):

CET 09:28:38 - "translate it!"

Jeremiah 9,23-24

The LORD (Own 28/1-99: LORD=JHVH, Jahvah, I-AM) says,

"Wise men should not boast of their wisdom, nor strong men of

their strength, nor rich men of their wealth.

If anyone wants to boast, he own: or she) should boast that

he knows and understands me, because my love is constant, and

I do want is just and right. These are the things that please

me. I, the LORD, have spoken."

Menneskets grundsynd er, at det ikke kender sin plads i for-

hold til Gud. Mennesket er skabt i Guds billede for at lovpri-

se Gud og for at hjælpe Gud med at drage omsorg for skaber-

værket. Det er en vidunderlig opgave. For der er en usigelig

glæde i frit og gerne at gøre, hvad man skal. Men det sætter

også noglæe grænser. At være skabt i Guds billede betyder både

en nærhed og en afstand i forhold til Gud. Vi er Gud lig, men

vi er ikke Gud. Hvis vi overskrider denne grænse og vil være

Gud, så kan vi end ikke længere være mennesker. Når vi vil

herske, i stedet for at tjene, så overskrider vi den gudgivne

grænse. Følgen er, at der opstår strid mellem mennesker, og at

skaberværket ødelægges.

Så gælder det om at have øje for menneskelivets rige mulig-

heder inden for de grænser, der er sat af Gud.

Hver eneste ganmg mennesker overskrider grænsen og ikke vil

nøjes med at være skabt i Guds billede, men selv vil være Gud,

så går det galt. Og hver gang mennesket søger riget, magten og

æren i stedet for at lovprise Gud, så går mennesket til


Historien viser, at hver gang et menneske guddommeliggøres,

så varer det kun en tid. I den tid forårsager magten ødelæg-

gelse og tilintetgørelse af liv og glæde. Derefter æder magten

sig selv op og går til grunde.

Først når vi kender vor plads - vore muligheder og vore

grænser - lever vi et sandt menneskeliv. Det er en lykke at

vide, at man ikke er Gud, men et menneske skabt i Guds bil-

lede. Den sande visdom består så i at vide, hvem man er i for-

hold til Gud. der er en storhed i at kende sin begrænsning.

Kaj Mogensen.

5. Don't you remember? I told you all this while I was with you. 6.

Yet there is something that keeps this from happening now, and you

know what it is. At the proper time, then, the Wicked One will appear.

7. The Mysterious Wickedness is already at work, byt what is going to

happen will not happen until the one who holds it back is taken out of

the way. 8. Then the Wicked One will be revealed, but when the Lord

Jesus comes, he will kill him with the breath from his mouth and de-

stroy him withg his dazzling presence.* 9. The Wicked One will come

with the power of Satan and perform all kinds of false miracles and

wonders, 10. and use every kind of wicked deceit on those who will

perish. They will perish because they did not welcome and love the

truth so as to be saved. 11. And so God sends the power of error to

work in them so that they believe what is faklse. 12. The result is

that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken pleasure in

sin, will be condemned.

* (Own: NIV Interlinear greek-english NT):

And then will be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord

[Jesus] will destroy by the spirit of the mouth of him and

bring to nothing by the outshining of the presence of him,


And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord

Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy

by the splendor of his coming.

2.1 1.Thes 4,16 f.

2.2 Matt 24,4 ff. 1.John 4,1.

2.3 Jer 29,8. Matt 24,23 f. 1.John 2,18. Rev 13,1 ff.

2.4 Isa 14,13 f. Dan 11,36. Eze 28,2 (Own: Rev 13 -> Dan 7,25: "he

will change the Laws". The word 'Laws' has nr 1882 = dâth.

Means: a royal edict: commandment, decree, law. It's the same

word used in Ezr 7,25 (=The Law [of God])". Compare with Matt

5,17-19: "...not the least point nor the smallest detail of

the Law will be done away with").

2.6 (Own: Rev 5,2).

2.7 1.John 2,18; 4,3.

2.8 Isa 11,4. Rev 19,15. (Own: Dan 8,25. 1.Thes 5,2. Hebr 9,28).

2.9 John 8,44. Matt 24,24. Rev 13,13. (Own: 2.Cor 11,14. Falske

miracles: Mark 3,22-26. Compare with Deu (5.Mos) 13,1-3.

Characteristic of a false prophet: Matt 7,15-20->Nah 3,1..).

2.10 2.Cor 4,3 f. (Own: 2.King 17,15).

2.11 Rom 1,24 ff. (Own: Judg 9,23. 1.Sam 16,14.23; 18,10; 19,9 f.

2.Sam 24,1->1.Chro 21,1. 1.King 22,19-23. 2.Chro 18,20-22.

Isa 29,10. Jer 51,1. Rom 11,8).

2.12 (Own: Rev 13,3).

You Are Chosen for Salvation

13. We must thank God at all times for you, brothers, you whom the

Lord loves. For God chose you as the first* to be saved by the Spi-

rit's power to make you his holy people and by your faith in the

truth. 14. God called yiou to this through the Good News we preached

to you; he called you to prossess your share of the glory of our Lord

Jesus Christ. 15. So then, our brothers, stand firm and hold on to

those truths which we taught you, both in our preaching and in our


16. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved

us and in his grace gave us unfailing courage and a firm hope, 17. en-

courage you and strengthen you to always do and say what is good.

* as the first; some manuscripts have from the beginning.

2.13 2.Thes 1,3. Eph 1,4. 1.Thes 1,4. (Own: John 4,24->Ac 10,47).

2.14 1.Pet 5,10.

2.15 1.Cor 11,2.

3. Chapter

Pray for Us

Finally, our brothers, pray for us that the Lord's message may con-

tinue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was

among you. 2. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil

people; for not everyone believes the message.

3. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you

safe from the Evil One. 4. And the Lord gives us confidence in you,

and we are sure that you are doing and will continue to do what we

tell you.

5. May the Lord lead you into a greater understanding of God's love

and the endurance that is given by Christ.

3.1 Matt 9,38. Col 4,3

3.2 Rom 15,31; 10,16.

3.3 1.Cor 1,9; 10,13. John 17,15. 1.Thes 5,24. (Own: Matt 6,13.

Luk 10,19. 1.John 2,13-14; 5,18).

3.4 Gal 5,10.

3.5 (Own: Luk 22,39-44.43. Phil 2,5-8).

The Obligation to Work

6. Our brothers, we command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

to keep away from all brothers who are living a lazy life and who do

not follow the instructions that we gave them. 7. You yourselves know

very well that you should do just what we did. We were not lazy when

we were with you. 8. We did not accept anyone's support without paying

for it. Instead, we worked and toiled; we kept working day and night

so as not to be an expense to any of you. 9. We did this, not because

we do not have the right to demand our support; we did it to be an

example for you to follow. 10. While we were with you, we used to tell

you, "Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat."

11. We say this because we hear that there are some people among you

who live lazy lives and who do nothing except meddle in other people's

business. 12. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command these

people and warn them to lead orderly lives and work to earn their own


13. But you, brothers, must not become tired of doing good. 14. It

may be that someone there will not obey the message we send you in

this letter. Is so, take note of him and have nothing to do with him,

so that he will be ashamed. 15. But do not treat him as an enemy; in-

stead, warn him as a brother.

3.6 1.Thes 4,11 f. Rom 16,17. 1.Cor 5,11. Tit 3,10. 2Thes 2,15.

3.7 1.Cor 11,1. Phil 3,17. 1.Thes 2,10.

3.8 Ac 18,3; 20,34. 1.Cor 4,12. 1.Thes 2,9. 2.Cor 11,9.

3.9 Matt 10,10. 1.Tim 5,18. 1.Cor 9,4 ff.; 4,16.

3.10 Gen 3,19. Eph 4,28.

3.12 1.Thes 4,11.

3.13 Gal 6,9.

3.14 Matt 18,17.

3.15 Gal 6,1.

Final Words

16. May the Lord himself, who is our source of peace, give you peace

at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.

17. With my own hand I write this: Greetings from Paul. This is the

way I sign every letter; this is how I write.

18. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

3.16 Rom 15,33; 16,20. Phil 4,9.

3.17 1.Cor 16,21. Col 4,18.

-------- End of Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians ------------

Searchstrings of Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians:


"save" - Found 0

"Saved" - Found 2 (2,10.13)

"Savest" - Found 0

"Saveth" - Found 0

"Saving" - Found 0

Original-versionen lyder således:

2.Thes 2,10

and with all deceit of unrighteousness in the [ones] perish-

ing, because the lov of the truth they received not for the to

be saved them.


and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perish-

ing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so

be saved.

2.Thes 2,13

But we ought to thank God always concerning you, brothers

having been loved by [the] Lord, because chose you God first-

fruit to salvation by sancfication of spirit and faith of (in)

[the] truth,


But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by

the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved

through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief

in the truth.

... at blive frelst (saved) hører altså sammen med - ifølge dette

brev - at ELSKE SANDHEDEN. Men hvad betyder ordene 'saved through the

sanctifying work of the Spirit'? - Her er det jo ikke længere menne-

sket, som gør arbejdet (tro-og-elske-sandheden [2.Thes 2,13], og tros-

gerninger [James 2,22]). Hvad vil det i grunden sige, at blive frelst

ved Åndens helligelse? -

Vi har hørt om, hvorledes Taleban i Afghanistan tvinger mennesker

ind i Moskéerne om fredagen (skønt tvang ikke er tilladt i følge Ko-

ranen (Sûra 2,257). I middelalderen tvangsdøbte såkaldte "kristne" de

"ufrelste" (jøder med flere) og mente dermed, at de nu var blevet


I Salmernes Bog står der jo også:

Psalm 127,1

If the LORD (JHVH) does not build the house, the work of the

builders is useless; ...

Åbenbart nytter det ikke noget at gøre folk til proselytter. Selvom

de skifter religion frivilligt eller gennem tvang, så er frelsen noget

PERSONLIGT, hvor Skaberen himself medvirker (ifølge 2.Thes 2,13).

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Thursday, 28. January 1999

UDN, Denmark OUTPUT-ordre time: CET 17:26

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+723, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

699, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

628, 10. May 1997, Iran

320, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

293, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the government of Pakistan,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

The International Court of Justice, The Hague.

Dear Mr. President and Prime Minister,



Input Danish News (Udfordringen, nr. 4, 28. januar 1999, side 4):


15-årig pige skal henrettes

Den 15-årige Salleema fra Pakistan står overfor henrettelse, fordi hun

har forkyndt evangeliet for hendes 14-årige veninde, som blev frelst.

Venindens forældre slog hende ihjel, da de fandt ud af det. Vær med

til at bede for Saleema.

-------- end of news -------------------------------------------------

Sharia-love, der ikke er i overensstemmelse med Koranen, er ikke

gyldige. "Der må IKKE være tvang i religionen", står der i Sûra 2,257,

hvilket en henrettelse jo i særdeleshed er!!!

Dernæst foreligger der muligvis en misforståelse med hensyn Shirk

vedrørende de kristnes tro. Dette forklares i brevet til Taleban (se

letter 26. February 1997).

Her i Danmark har vi religionsfrihed. Hvad ville I sige til, hvis nu

muslimer her blev likvideret? - Ville det ikke være en forbrydelse

imod Menneskeheden? - Således er vi 100 % overbeviste om, at I ved at

dømme pige skyldig til døden, begår forbrydelse imod Menneskeheden,

hvorfor dette brev også er sendt til Den Internationale Domstol i


Endvidere vedlægges 2 breve (99-01-22 and 99-01-28) til President

Khatami, Iran; idet disse breve indeholder passager, som giver stof

til eftertanke.

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Friday, 5. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 17:16

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+731, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

707, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

636, 10. May 1997, Iran

328, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

301, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Sir! We have found another Christian letter without "shirk":


Searchstrings of Paul's First Letter to Timothy


1: "(the ¢nly God)", - Found 2 (1,17; 2,5)

2: "Son (son) of God", - Found 0

3: "Father", - Found 1 (1,2)

4: "Creator", - Found 0

5: "Jesus", - Found 14 (1,; 2,5;

3,13; 4,6; 5,21; 6,3.13.14)

6: "Christ", - Found 15 (1,; 2,5; 3,

13; 4,6; 5,11.21; 6,3.13.14)

7: "(Save)", - Found 5 (1,15; 2,4.6.15; 4,16)

8: "Savior", - Found 3 (1,1; 2,3; 4,10)

9. "(Shirk)", - Found 0

9. "(Warning against shirk)", - Found ...

10. "(false letters)", - Found 0

11. "(reddem)", - Found 1 (2,6)

12. "(Eternal life)", - Found 2+1 (1,16; (4,8); 6,12)

13. "(the Living God)", - Found 1 (4,10)

14. "(2.coming of Jesus C.)", - Found 1 (6,14)

Paul's First Letter to Timothy



Timothy, a young Christian from Asia Minor, was the son of a Jewish

mother and a Greek father. He became a companion and assistant to Paul

in his missionary work. Paul's First Letter to Timothy deals with

three main concerns.

The letter is first of all a warning against false teaching in the

church. This teachin, a mixture of Jewish and non-Jewish ideas, was

based on the belief that the physical world is evil (own: Gnosticism)

and that one can attain salvation only by special secret knowledge

(own: Gnosticism) and by practices such as avoiding certain foods and

not marrying. The letter also contains instructions about church ad-

ministration and worship, with a description of the kind of character

that church leaders and helpers should have. Finally, Timothy is ad-

vised how to be a good servant of Jesus Christ and about the responsi-

bilities that he has toward various groups of believers.

Outline of Contents

Introduction 1.1-2

Instructions concerning the church and its officers 1.3-3.16

Instructions to Timothy about his work 4.1-6.21


1. Timoteus' brev

Forfatter, datering og baggrund:

Brevet er apostlen Paulus' instrukser til sin unge medarbejder Timo-

teus. Efter sit fangenskab i Rom (sa Ap.g. kap. 28,16 ff.) begyndte

Paulus sin fjerde missionsrejse og efterlod Timoteus i Efesus for at

løse læremæssige problemer i menigheden, mens han selv tog videre til

Filippi i Makedonien. Herfra skrev han 1.Timoteus' brev og Titus' brev

ca. 63-65 e.Kr.


Problemerne i efesermenigheden var en blanding af gnosticisme, lov-

isk jødedom og falsk askese. Man mente, at den fysiske verden er ond -

og ingen kan opnå frelse undtagen ved særlig mystisk kundskab og aske-

se som f.eks. afholdenhed fra bestemt mad og fra seksuelt samvær i æg-

teskabet. Paulus imødegår denne vranglære og opmuntrer Timoteus til at

være Jesu Kristi trofaste tjener. Samtidig giver han sin unge ven in-

strukser vedrørende ledelse af menigheden.


Den rette tro må komme til udtryk i et ret liv. Vi må kende sandhed-

en, så vi kan forsvare den imod falsk lære og undgå, at Satan får fod-

fæste blandt Guds folk.


Indledning til Første Timotheusbrev, af redaktøren

(Bibelnøglen nr. 1 jan,feb, mar 1999)

Timotheus omtales adskillige steder i NT. Paulus har været middel til

hans omvendelse, idet han kalder ham "mit ægte barn i troen" (1 Tim

1,2). Vi/I hører første gang om ham i ApG 16,1. Han var fra Lystra,

hvor Paulus traf ham på sin anden missionsrejse. Han var søn af en

troende jødisk kvinde, mens hans far var græker.

Timotheus rejste med Paulus fra Lystra og videre til Europa, hvor

han bl.a. ydede en selvstændig indsats i thessaloniker-menigheden

(1 Thess 3,2). På den tredje missionsrejse sendte Paulus Timotyheus

fra Efesos til Makedonien (ApG 19,22), ligesom han fulgtes med Paulus

til Jerusalem (ApG 20,4) og også var sammen med ham under en del af

fangenskabet i Rom. Han nævnes nemlig som medforfatter til fre af

fangenskabsbrevene (Kol 1,1. Fil 1,1. Filem 1). At Paulus satte ham

meget højt, viser hans karakteristik af ham i FGil 2,19-22. Da Paulus

skrev sit første brev til ham, var han i Efesos, hvor han "skulle på-

byde visse folk, at de ikke må føre vranglære" (1,3). Senere blev han

sikkert fængslet, men løsladt igen (Hebr 13,23). Den oldkirkelige tra-

dition siger, at Timotheus blev den første biskop i Efesos, og at han

led martyrdøden i år 97.

Lukas fortæller ikke i Apostlenes Gerninger, hvordan Paulus' fangen-

skab i Rom sluttede. Men biskop Klemens i Rom fortæller i et brev fra

år 96, at Paulus fik sit ønske om at besøge Spanien opfyldt (Rom

15,24-28). Det håb, Paulus nærede i Fil 2,24 om at blive løsladt, gik

i opfyldelse. Det er formentlig sket o. år 61. Derefter er han taget

ud på sin fjerde missionsrejse, hvor han udover Spanien også har be-

søgt Kreta, Lilleasien, Grækenland og Makedonien. Den nøjagtige rejse-

rute kender vi ikke. På denne tur har han sikkert skrevet sit første

brev til Timotheus for at opmuntre og vejlede ham i tjenesten. Måske

er 1 Tim skrevet i Makedonien (1,3). Måske i år 63.

Paulus' to breve til Timothjeus og hans brev til Titus kaldes ofte

pastoralbrevene. Udtrykket hænger sammen med, at disse breve på en

helt special måde beskæftiger sig med de opgaver, som menighedens

ledere (pastorer=hyrder) har ansvaret for. Ud fra 1 Tim kan vi se, at

opgaven bl.a. har været: hvordan skal man stille sig til vranglære,

hvordan skal menighedsmedlemmer forholde sig ved gudstjenesten, hvad

er ægte gudsfrygt og nøjsomhed i hverdagen, og hvad kræves der af de

forskellige ledere i menigheden?

Brevets inddeling

1. Indledning (1,1-2)

2. Evangelieforkyndelse som modvægt til vranglære (1,3-20)

3. Bestemmelser om gudstjenesten (2,1-15)

4. Menighedens forskellige ledere (3,1-16)

5. Personlige råd til Timotheus (4,1-6,21)


1. Chapter

From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by order of God our Savior and

Christ Jesus our hope -

2. To Timothy, my true son in the faith:

May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy,

and peace.

Warnings against False Teaching

3. I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on

my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines,

and you must order them to stop. 4. Tell them to give up those legends

and those long lists of ancestors, which only produce arguments; they

do not serve God's plan, which is known by faith. 5. The purpose of

this order is to arouse the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear

conscience, and a genuine faith. 6. Some people have turned away from

these and have lost their way in foolish discussions. 7. They want to

be teachers of God's law, but they do not understand their own words

or the matter about which they speak with so mush confidence.

8. We know that the Law is good if it is used as it should be used.

9. It must be remembered, of course, that laws are made, not for good

people, but for lawbreakers and criminals, for the godless and sinful,

for those who are not religious or spiritual, for those who kill their

fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10. for the immoral, for sexual

perverts, for kidnappers, for those who lie and give false testimony

or who do anything else contrary to sound doctrine. 11. That teaching

is found in the gospel that was entrusted to me to announce, the Good

News from the glorious and blessed God.

1.1 Col 1,27

1.2 Ac 16,1. 2.Tim 1,2. Tit 1,4. 2.John 3.

1.3 1.Tim 6,3 f.

1.4 1.Tim 4,7. Tit 1,14; 3,9. 2.Tim 2,23.

1.5 Gal 5,6

1.6 1.Tim 6,20 f.

1.7 John 3,10.

1.8 Rom 7,12.

1.9 Gal 5,19 ff.

1.10 Ex 21,16.

1.11 1.Tim 6,15. 1.Thes 2,4.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 4. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 1,1-11


Brev til Timotheus

Afsenderen af brevet, Paulus, ønsker med sætningen "Kristi Jesu apost-

el efter befaling fra Gud..." (v 1) at slå fast fra begyndelsen af, at

det, han nu ønsker at berette, ikke stammer fra ham selv, men er ord,

som Gud virker igennem ham. Paulus taler med autoritet og har bemyn-

digelse til at tale Guds sag. Dvs. de efterfølgende ord er fra den

hellige Gud og skal derfor tages alvorligt og efterleves. Ordene er

ikke blot til Timotheus, men til hele menigheden i Efesos og for den

sags skyld er de oplærende og formanende dele, der følger, også ord

til os i dag.

Modtageren er Timotheus "mit ægte barn i troen" (v 2). Hvem ville

ikke gerne kaldes et ægte barn i troen? Hvilken anerkendelse af Timo-

theus som et kristent menneske. Paulus må have stor tillid til ham,

siden han giver ham den opgave, som han gør her, og omtaler ham, som

han gør. Timotheus har fulgt Paulus gennem flere år (Fil 2,19 ff) og

er således blevet en af hans nærmeste fortrolige, som han sikkert

ønsker at lære op til at tage over efter sig.

Timotheus skal bl.a. bekæmpe de "lærere i loven" (v 7) i menigheden,

som sikkert er af jødisk herkomst, der lærer en forkert lovforståelse.

Paulus har altid stået hårdt på, at loven er god i sig selv (Rom

7,12), men fortsætter her med at sige, at loven ikke er bestemt for

retskafne (v 9). De retskafne/troende kender jo Jesus og er ikke under

loven, men evangeliet!

Nøgleord: For livets ånds lov har i Kristus Jesus befriet mig fra

syndens og dødens lov (Rom 8,2).

Gratitude for God's Mercy

12. I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me

strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and ap-

pointing me to serve him, 13. even though in the past I spoke evil of

him and persecuted and insulted him. But God was merciful to me be-

cause I did not yet have faith and so did not know what I was doing.

14. And our Lord poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the

faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus. 15. This is

a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus

came into the world to save sinners. I am the worst of them, 16. but

God was merciful to me in order that Christ Jesus might show his full

patience in dealing with me, the worst of sinners, as an example for

all those who would later believe in him and receive eternal life. 17.

To the eternal King, immortal and invisible, the only God - to him be

honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.

18. Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in

accordancew with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you.

Use those words as weapons in opder to fight well, 19. and keep your

faith and a clear conscience. Some men have not listened to their con-

science and have made a ruin of their faith. 20. Among them are Hyme-

naeus and Alexander, whom I have punished by handing them over to the

power of Satan; this will teach them to stop their blasphemy.

1.12 Phil 4,13

1.13 Ac 8,3; 9,1 f. Phil 3,6. John 9,41. Luk 23,34. 1.Cor 15,9 f.

Ac 3,17.

1.14 Rom 5,20.

1.15 1.Tim 3,1; 4,9. 2.Tim 2,11. Matt 9,13. Luk 19,10. 1.Cor 15,9.

Eph 3,8.

1.16 John 3,16

1.17 Rom 16,27. Rev 7,12.

1.18 1.Tim 4,14; 6,12. (Own: 1.Cor 14,1).

1.20 2.Tim 2,17. 1.Cor 5,5.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 5. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 1,12-20


Vor herres nåde

Før sin omvendelse havde Paulus (Saulus) fuldmagt til at fængsle alle

kristne (ApG 9,14) og var vel en af de største fjender af den første

kristne menighed. Han var dermed Guds fjende, og han forsøgte at dræ-

be, hvad Gud ønskede, der skulle vokse. Han stod og så på, da Guds tro

tjener Stefanus blev stenet (ApG 7,58ff).

Alligevel kunne Gud bruge Paulus - på trods af, hvad Paulus havde

gjort mod ham. Det takker Paulus for af hele sit hjerte, men det kan

vi også takke for. For hvilket vidnesbyrd er det ikke om Guds uendelig

store nåde. Han bruger mennesker i sin tjeneste på trods af vores (own

4/2-99: tidligere) synd.

Den ledende opgave som Timotheus står over for er ikke nem. Han er

måske ikke så gammel, men skal stille sig op over for dem, som kalder

sig lovlærere i Efesos, og lede dem på ret spor. Den opmuntring, han

får af Paulus, er, at han "skal stride den gode strid, men tro og med

god samvittighed" (v 18-19). Timotheus kan komme langt med sit arbejde

i Efesos ved at leve et liv, der i praksis er i overensstemmelse med

sin tro. Ved at leve et liv med god samvittighed over for God og de

mennesker, han omgås, er han et sandt Kristus-vidne. De to mænd, som

nævnes, har netop svigtet troen og deres samvittighed, hvorved de er

blevet udelukket fra menigheden.

Bøn: Herre, hjælp mig a have samklang mellem liv og lære.

2. Chapter

Church Worship

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and

thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; 2. for kings and all

others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful

life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct. 3. This is

good and it pleases God our Savior, 4. who wants everyone to be saved

and to come to know the truth. 5. For there is one God, and there is

one who brings God and mankind together, the man Christ Jesus, 6. who

gave himself to redeem all mankind. That was the proof at the right

time that God wants everyone to be saved, 7. and that is why I was

sent as an apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, to proclaim the messa-

ge of faith and truth. I am not lying; I am telling the truth!

8. In every church service I want the men to pray, men who are dedi-

cated to God and can lift up their hands in prayer without anger or

argument. 9. I also want the women to be modest and sensible about

their clothes and to dress properly; not with fancy hair styles or

with gold ornaments or pearls or expensive dresses, 10. but with good

deeds, as is proper for women who claim to be religious. 11. Women

should learn in silence and all humility. 12. I do not allow them to

teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet. 13. For

Adam was created first, and then Eva. 14. And it was not Adam who was

deceived; it was the woman who deceived and broke God's law. 15. But a

woman will be saved through having children,*a if she perseveres*b in

faith and love and holiness, with modesty.

*a: will be saved through having children; or will be kept

safe through childbirth.

*b: if she perseveres; or if they persevere.

2.1 (Own: 1.Sam 12,23).

2.2 Jer 29,7.

2.4 Eze 18,23. 2.Pet 3,9. Tit 2,11.

2.5 John 17,3. Rom 3,30. Gal 3,19 f.

2.6 Matt 20,28. 2.Cor 5,15. Eph 5,2. Tit 2,14.

2.7 Ac 9,15; 22,21. 2.Tim 1,11. Rom 9,1; 11,13; 15,16.

2.8 Matt 5,23 f. Mark 11,25.

2.9 1.Pet 3,3 f. Isa 3,16 ff.

2.11 Eph 5,22.

2.12 1.Cor 14,34. (Own: Dom 4,4).

2.13 Gen 2,18.22. 1.Cor 11,8.

2.14 Gen 3,6. 2.Cor 11,3.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 6. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 2,1-7


Bønnens tjeneste

Kap 2 og 3 omhandler en mængde praktiske formaninger til menigheden i

Efesos ang. gudstjenesteliv og tjenester i menigheden.

Paulus ønsker dog "først af alt" (v 1) at gøre rede for bønnen,

hvilket viser hvor vigtig en rolle bøn har for kristne. Bøn er en måde

at have fællesskab med Gud på og en måde at svare på Guds kærlighed.

Paulus fremhæver her forbønnen, som er med til at sætte focus på

næsten. beder man for andre, viser man omsorg for dem, og for den

verden, man lever i. Gud ønsker ikke, at de kristne skal isolere sig i

en kristen ghetto. Derfor forsøger præsten også hver søndag i gudstje-

nesten at flette alle mennesker med ind i kirkebønnen.

Gud er historiens herre, og derfor giver det mening at bede for dem,

der regerer landet. Han har al magt i sin hånd og lader sig påvirke af

bøn, hviolket Abrahams bøn viser (1 Mos 18,16-33).

Hensigten med forbøn er "et roligt og stille liv" (v 2). Dvs. fred,

så menigheden kan få lov at udbrede evangeliet. Fred, så Guds vilje

kan ske på jorden, som den sker i himmelen (Matt 6,10). Paulus ønsker

menigheden skal bede for alle mennesker, for Gud ønsker alle frelst.

Denne store frelsergerning er gjort mulig pga. Jesu død og opstandelse

for alle mennesker (v 5-6).

Nøgleord: Frelsen kommer fra Herren. Din velsignelse kommer over dit

folk (Sl 3,9).

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 8. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 2,8-15


Vranglæren bekæmpes

Paulus ønsker, at når menigheden samles til gudstjeneste, må ydre for-

hold som sociale forskelle og personsplid ikke tage opmærksomheden fra

det essentielle. Der bør være en ægte kristen livsholdning med en

indre fromhed og gudsfrygt. En sand gudstjeneste (8-10).

Umiddelbart kan Paulus' udsagn om kvindens rolle i menigheden virke

indsnævrende og undertrykkende, men kvinder har fra den første kristne

tid spillet en vigtig rolle. De første opstandelsesvidner ved Jesu

grav var kvinder (John 20). Kvinder bad og profeterede i menigheden (1

Kor 11). Paulus havde ligeledes kvindelige medarbejdere (Rom 16,1 ff.

Fil 4,1 ff. ApG 18,26). Kvinder var aktive i oprettelse af menigheder

og havde medansvar for undervisning (ApG 16,13 ff; 18,26).

Som vi læste i kap 1 skulle Timotheus bekæmpe vranglæren i Efesos.

Det skal bl.a. ske ved at opretholde ro og orden under gudstjenesten,

så vranglærere ikke kan få magten. Kvinderne lader til i særlig grad

at have lyttet til disse kættere (5,15. 2 Tim 3,6), derfor må de ikke

være lærere i menigheden, men de skal i stilhed tage imod undervisning

derhjemme. (Det, at kvinderne får undervisning, er nytænkning ift.


Paulus bruger også andetsteds Eva, der forledes af slangen, som et

billede på, at menigheden let kan forledes af vranglærere (2 Kor

11,3). Men Paulus gør ikke Eva ansvarlig for syndefaldet (Rom 5,12).

Kvinder frelses også ved Jesu retfærdiggørende handling. Også hustru-

er, der føder børn, selvom vranglærere har lært noget andet (v 15).

Nøgleord: I skal underordne jer under hinanden i ærefrygt for Kris-

tus (Ef 5,21).

3. Chapter

Leaders in the Church

This is a true saying: If a man is eager to be a church leader, he

desires an excellent work. 2. A church leader must be without fault;

he must have only one wife,*c be sober, slf-controlled, and orderly;

he must welcome strangers in his home; he must be able to teach; 3. he

must not be a drunkard or a violent man, but gentle and peaceful; he

must not love money; 4. he must be able to manage his own family well

and make his children obey him with all respect. 5. For if a man does

not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of the

church of God? 6. He must be mature in the faith, so that he will not

swell up with pride and be condemned, as the Devil was. 7. He should

be a man who is respected by the people outside the church, so that he

will not de disgraced and fall into the Devil's trap.

*c: have only one wife; or be married only once. (Own: Non-

Maskable-Jump from 3 Mos (Liv) 21,7.13-14. code: 2.Thess

2,4. Searchstring 4/2-99, CET 14:21: "to love the TRUTH").

3.1 1.Tim 1,15. 2.Tim 2,11. Tit 3,8. Ac 20,28. Phil 1,1.

3.2 Tit 1,6 ff.(Own:Liv 21,7.13-14. 1.King 13,33. 1.Sam 24,7-8a.).

3.3 Tit 3,2. 2.Tim 2,24. (Own: Liv 10,9. Num 6,3.20.).

3.4 1.Sam 2,12

3.5 (Own: Liv 4,3. 1.Sam 2,25.).

3.6 Jud 6. (Own: Num 16,10.).

3.7 1.Tim 5,10. 2.Tim 2,26.

Helpers in the Church

8. Church helpers must also have a good character and be sincere;

they must not drink too much wine or be greedy for money; 9. they

should hold to the revealed truth of the faith with a clear conscien-

ce. 10. They should be tested first, and then, if they pass the test,

they are to serve. 11. Their wives*d also must be of good character

and must not gossip; they must be sober and honest in everything. 12.

A church helper must have only one wife,*e and be able to manage his

children and family well. 13. Those helpers who do their work well win

for themselves a good standing and are able to speak boldly about

their faith in Christ Jesus.

*d: Their wives; or Women helpers.

*e: have only one wife; or be married only once. (Own: go *c).

3.8 Phil 1,1. 1.Tim 3,3.

3.9 Eph 3,9; 6,19. Col 2,2; 4,3. Rom 16,25. 1.Tim 1,19

3.11 Rom 16,1. Tit 2,3.

3.12 1.Tim 3,2.4.

3.13 1.Tim 5,17.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 9. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 3,1-13



Her starter Paulus på formaninger til dem, der har faste embeder i

menigheden. Tilsynsmændene, som også er de ældste, er ledere af menig-

heden. (Det græske ord kan også oversættes "biskop"). Paulus har før

haft tilsynsmændene samlet, hvor han har formanet dem mod at lade sig

forlede af vranglærere (ApG 20,28 ff). Også i Timotheusbrevet fornem-

mer man, at tilsynsmændene har et stort ansvar. Derfor er det vigtigt,

at de ved, hvad de tror på, og kan skelne mellem sand og falsk lære.

Derfor kræver Paulus både menneskelig og åndelig modenhed af menighed-

ens ledere (v 6). Men ikke nok med at tilsynsmændene har et ansvar

indadtil i menigheden, der er også dem, som repræsenterer menigheden

udadtil over for resten af indbyggerne i Efesos.

Ligeledes skal menighedstjeneren (det græske ord kan også oversættes

"diakon") have et godt omdømme for at være en god tjener for Guds

riges arbejde. Et godt omdømme kommer ved at leve i overensstemmelse

med sin kristentro, efter en kristen moral. Det nævnte Paulus også for

Timotheus i 1,18-19. Vores liv må ikke være hindring for evangeliets


Ikke blot dem, der har et fast embede i kirken, skal leve i overens-

stemmelse med deres tro. Vi er allesammen Kristusvidner både over for

dem, vi kender, og folk, vi møder på gaden. Det er et stort, men godt

ansvar, fordi vi tjener under Jesu nåde.

Nøgleord: I skal have det sind over for hinanden, som var i Kristus

Jesus (Fil 2,5).

The Great Secret

14. As I write this letter to you, I hope to come and see you soon.

15. But if I delay, this letter will let you know how we should con-

duct ourselves in God's household, which is the church of the living

God, the pillar and support of the truth. 16. No one can deny how

great is the secret of our religion: He appeared in human form, was

shown to be right by the Spirit,*f and was seen by angels. He was

preached among the nations, was believed in throughout the world, and

was taken up to heaven.

*f: was shown to be right by the Spirit; or and, in spiritual

form, was shown to be right.

3.15 1.Cor 3,16. Eph 2,20 ff. 1.Pet 4,17. Hebr 3,6. Matt 16,18.

3.16 John 1,14. Rom 1,4. 1.Pet 3,18. Col 1,6.23. Mark 16,19 f.

(Own: Ac 1,9-10).

4. Chapter

False Teachers

The Spiret says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in

later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings af

deemons. 2. Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose con-

sciences are dead, as it burnt with a hot iron. 3. Such people teach

that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. But God created

those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by those who are

believers and have come to know the truth. 4. Everything that God has

created is good; nothing is to be rejected, but everything is to be

received with a prayer of thanks, 5. because the word of God and the

prayer make it acceptable to God.

4.1 Matt 24,24. 2.Tim 3,1; 4,3. Jud 18. 1.John 2,18; 4,1. 2.Pet

3,3. Jam 3,15.

4.3 Col 2,20 ff. Rom 14,6. 1.Cor 10,30.

4.4 Gen 1,31. Ac 10,15. Matt 15,11. Tit 1,15.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 10. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 3,14-4,5


Lad ingen føre jer vild

Den levende Guds kirke (v 15) er menigheden, dvs. Guds folk på jord og

ikke blot en bygning. Almindelige mennesker som dig og mig er "sand-

hedens søjle og grundvold". Vi er Guds menighed, der må sørge for, at

Ordet bliver hørt og troet, at sandheden bliver formidlet og forsvar-


Paulus gør i v 16 på få linier smukt og kort klart, hvad det er, vi

tror på: ... (Own: Jesus Kristus) er gudsfrygtens hemmelighed, og han

har været med fra tidernes morgen, har levet på jorden som menneske,

kaldet folk til tro og sidder nu ved Faderens højre hånd. det er hans

handling, der gør, at vi har en frelse i vente, og deri består vores


For at kunne være sandhedens søjle og grundvold, må vranglæren op-

dages i tide. Det er her og nu opmærksomheden må samles om eventuelle

vranglærere, selvom der står "i de sidste tider" (4,1). I Efesos tro-

ede nogen sig frelst gennem afholdenhed fra ægteskab og mad. Naturlig-

vis skal maden og evt. ægteskabet ikke være målet for os i livet, men

det er Guds gaver til os, som vi må nyde. Tror man, at man kan frelse

sig selv ved sådanne ydre handlinger, bliver Jesu gerning, som be-

skrevet i v 16, fornægtet. Det er ham og kun ham, der kan frelse os

mennesker (Own: ved Skaberens vilje, kraft, tilgivelse og barmhjertig-

hed, John 5,19-21).

Nøgleord: Men I er en udvalgt slægt, et kongeligt præsteskab, et

helligt folk, et ejendomsfolk, for I skal forkynde hans guddomsmagt

... (1 Pet 2,9).

A Good Servant of Christ Jesus

6. If you give these instructions to the brothers, you will be a

good servant of Christ Jesus, as you feed yourself spiritually on the

words of faith and of the true teaching which you have followed. 7.

But keep away from those godless legends, which are not worth telling.

Keep yourself in training for a godly life. 8. Physical exercise has

some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because

it promises life both for the present and for the future. 9. This is a

true saying, to be completely accepted and believed. 10. We struggle*g

and work hard, because we have placed our hope in the living God, who

is the Savior of all and especially of those who believe.

11. Give them these instructions and these teachings. 12. Do not let

anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for

the believers in your speech, your conduct, your love, faith, and pu-

rity. 13. Until I come, give your time and effort to the public read-

ing of the Scriptures and to preaching and teaching. 14. Do not ne-

glect the spiritual gift that is in you, which was given to you when

the prophets spoke and the elders laid their hands on you. 15. Prac-

tice these things and devote yourself ti them, in order that your pro-

gress may be seen by all. 16. Watch yourself and watch your teaching.

Keep on doing these things, because if you do, you will save both

yourself and those who hear you.

*g struggle; some manuscripts have are reviled.

4.6 1.Thes 3,2. 2.Tim 3,10

4.7 1.Tim 1,4; 6,20. 2.Tim 2,16; 4,4.

4.8 1.Tim 6,6. Eph 6,2 f. Mark 10,30.

4.9 1.Tim 1,15; 3,1. 2.Tim 2,11. Tit 3,8.

4.10 Go 1.Tim 2,3 f. Tit 2,11.

4.12 1.Cor 16,11. Tit 2,15.7. 1.Pet 5,3.

4.13 2.Tim 3,16. Tit 1,9.

4.14 1.Tim 1,18. 2.Tim 1,6. Ac 6,6; 13,3.

4.16 Ac 20,28. Jam 5,20.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 11. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 4,6-16


Ved Åndens hjælp

Paulus giver i v 7 Timotheus et godt råd, som vi også kan lære af: "Øv

dig i gudsfrygt". Han bruger her det græske ord "gymnatse", hvoraf

vores "gymnastik" stammer. Timotheus må træne og øve sin gudsfrygt

dagligt; han må være alene med Gud, bruge tid på bøn og fordybelse og

give Gud plads i hverdagen og holde andagt. Han havde et stort ansvar

for Efesosmenighedens trosliv og lære, men for at kunne klare den op-

gave, måtte han først og fremmest stå i et personligt forhold til Gud.

Han måtte selv have næring til troen, have et håb og leve nær hos Gud

for at kunne give noget udadtil til menigheden og være et eksempel for

den. Gudsfrygten i praksis beskrives i v 12.

Ligeledes må vi lukke Gud ind i vores liv, før vi kan lære ham at

kende, tro ham og dernæst være noget udadtil for andre. Hvis vi og Ti-

motheus stod alene i alt dette, ville vi måske kunne sparke os selv i

gang i nogle dage, før vi måtte give op. For synden er i os og det

ville hurtigt være slut med vores søgen efter at blive gudsfrygtige.

Heldigvis kommer Helligånden os til hjælp. Han sætter frugt og går i

forbøn for os. Timotheus har også fået nådegave af Helligånden til den

tjeneste han står i, han er udrustet og står ikke alene (v 14). Han

tilhører en Gud, der frelser alle, som tror (v 10).


DADDY-break (5/2-1999):

CET 12:08:05 - "Det skal du (tænkte på at sende dette brev til

Dem, Hr. Khatami)."

Nøgleord: Derfor slider og strider vi, fordi vi har sat vort håb til

den levende Gud, som er alle menneskers frelser ... (v 10).

5. Chapter

Responsibilities toward Believers

Do not rebuke an older man, but appeal to him as if he wre your

father. Treat the younger men as your brothers, 2. the older women as

mothers, and the younger women as sisters, with all purity.

3. Show respect for widows who really are all alone. 4. But if a wi-

dow has children or grandchildren, they should learn first to carry

out their religious duties toward their own family and in this way re-

pay their parents and grandparents, because that it what pleases God.

5. A widow who is all alone, with no one to take care of her, has pla-

ced her hope in God and continues to pray and ask him for his help

night and day. 6. But a widow who gives herself to pleasure has alrea-

dy died, even through she lives. 7. Give them these instructions, so

that no one will find fault with them. 8. But if anyone does not take

care of his relatives, especially the members of his own family, he

has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

9. Do not add any widow to the list of widows unless she is over

sixty years of age. In addition, she must have been married only

once*h 10. and have a reputation for good deeds: a woman who brought

up her children well, received strangers in her home, performed humble

duties for fellow Christians, helped people in trouble, and devoted

herself to doing good.

11. But do not include younger widows in the list; because when

their desires make them want to marry, they turn away from Christ, 12.

and so become guilty of breaking their earlier promise to him. 13.

They also learn to waste their time in going around from house to

house; but even worse, they learn to be ghossips and bysybodies, talk-

ing of things they should not. 14. So I would prefer that the younger

widows get married, have children, and take care of their homes, so as

to give our enemies on chance of speaking evil of us. 15. For some wi-

dows have already turned away to follow Satan. 16. But if any Chris-

tian woman has widows in her family, she must take care of them and

not put the burden on the church, so that it may take care of the wi-

dows who are all alone.

17. The elders who do good work as leaders should be considered wor-

thy of receiving double pay, especially those who work hard at preach-

ing and teaching. 18. For the scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox

when you are using it to thresh grain" and "A worker should be given

his pay." 19. Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless

it is brought by two or more withesses. 20. Rebuke publicly all those

who commit sins, så that the rest may be afraid.

21. In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the holy

angels I solemnly call upon you to obey these instructions without

showing any prejudice or favor to anyone in anything you do. 22. Be in

no hurry to lay hands on someone to dedicate him to the Lord's ser-

vice. Take no part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

23. Do not drink water only, but take a little wine to help your

digestion, since you are sick so often.

24. The sins of some people are plain to see, and their sins go

ahead of them to judgment; but the sins of others are seen only later.

25. In the same way good deeds are plainly seen, and even those that

are not so plain cannot be hidden.

*h: married only once; or faithful to her husband.

5.1 Liv 19,32. Tit 2,2 ff.

5.4 Matt 15,4 f. John 19,27. 1.Tim 2,3.

5.5 1.Tim 4,10. Luk 2,37.

5.6 Jam 5,5. Eph 2,1.

5.7 1.Tim 4,11.

5.8 Matt 15,5 f. Tit 1,16. Rev 2,13.

5.10 Ac 9,36. 1.Tim 3,7. John 13,14. Matt 25,35 f.

5.12 (Own: Perhaps Rev 2,4).

5.13 2.Thes 3,11.

5.14 1.Cor 7,9. Tit 2,89.

5.17 Rom 12,8. 1.Thes 5,12. 1.Cor 16,16.

5,18 Deu 25,4. 1.Cor 9,9. Luk 10,7.

5.19 Deu 19,15; 17,6. Matt 18,16.

5.20 Matt 18,17. Gal 2,14.

5.21 1.Tim 6,13. 2.Tim 4,1. Matt 16,27.

5.22 Ac 6,6; 13,3. 1.Tim 4,14. 2.John 11. (Own: 2.Tim 3,5).

5.24 Gal 5,19. 1.Cor 4,5.

5.25 Matt 5,16; 10,26.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 12. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 5,1-8


Tro i praksis

Paulus vender nu tilbage til det praktiske menighedsliv, som i kap

2-3, hvor han først formaner Timotheus til i sin egenskab af at være

menighedens leder at have sjælesørgeriske samtaler og formane (v 1-2).

Det skal han gøre i ærbødighed og fuld respekt over for hver enkelt.

Helt tilbage i den første menighed i Jerusalem, har man draget om-

sorg for enkerne (ApG 6,1). På den måde er det kristne fællesskab også

blevet et socialt fællesskab, hvor alle har et ansvar for, at det dag-

lige, sociale liv fungerer i menigheden, og at der bliver taget hånd

om den enkelte. Dog er det kun omsorg over fro de enker, der er alene.

Ellers er det børn og børnebørns pligt at ære deres mor ved at tage

sig af hende, hvilket det fjerde bud også vidner om (2 Mos 20,12).

Paulus understreger dog, at selv om man er blevet alene, er det vig-

tigt at leve et sandt liv i og med Gud (v 6). Er man åndelig død, har

man intet håb at læeve ud fra og er "levende død" (v 6). Livet har kun

det rette indhold for den, der beder til Gud og således er i nær kon-

takt med ham.

De mennesker i menigheden, som blot bekender troen med munden, men

ikke lader den få betydning i hverdagen, kalder Paulus for "værre end

en vantro" (v 8). Tro må medføre handling, den må give sig udtryk i

næstekærlig omsorg, først og fremmest til ens nærmeste.

Nøgleord: Alt hvad I vil, at mennesker skal gøre mod jer, det skal I

også gøre mod dem (Matt 7,12).

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 13. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 5,9-16


At glemme Gud ...

For at menigheden skulle kunne magte at drage omsorg for enkerne, måt-

te der opstilles visse krav, for at ingen udefrakommende kunne udnytte

den måske eneste omsorgspraksis i Efesos (v 9-10). Man kunne således

kun magte at tage hånd om de kristne enker. Samtidig er disse krav

meget lig kravene til tilsynsmænd og menighedstjenere i kap 3, hvilket

kan vidne om, at der har været "enkeembeder" for de, der havde helbred

dertil. På den måde kunne enkerne gøre noget til gengæld for den

hjælp, de fik af menigheden. Måske har de hjulpet med det sociale ar-

bejde eller undervist, som nævnt i Tit 2,3ff. Dog lader det ikke til,

at yngre enker har kunnet få hjælp af menigheden og på den baggrund

hjælpe til i menigheden. Der har åbenbart været yngre enker i menig-

heden, som har giftet sig med ikke-troende og dermed faldet fra troen

(v 11-12).

Alligevel anbefaler Paulus (som i 1.Kor 7,9) de yngre enlker i Efe-

sos at gifte sig igen, hvis de ikke kan være afholdende. Så længe det

sker "i Herren" (1.Kor 7,39), dvs. med en troende, så Guds hellige ånd

stadig kan virke i dem begge i ægteskabet.

Som med de yngre enker i Efesos er der meget, der kan lede os væk

fra troen. Gud må have plads i et menneskes liv for at kunne virke.

Derfor må vi lukke op for ham. Han ønsker ikke at tvinge os til tro.

Vi kan sige nej til at tyilhøre ham, men dermed slår ci følge med Sa-

tan (v 15).

Bøn: Herre Jesus, hjælp mig at lukke mere op for dig og mere i for


DADDY-break (5/2-1999):

CET 13:12:39 - "Det skal du (14/2 - classifyed)."

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 15. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 5,17-25


Intet er skjult for Gud

Som Gud tager sig af selv den arbejdende okse (v 18), skal menigheden

også tage sig af de ældste i menigheden. De er indsat af Gud, og en

stor opgave hviler på dem, der skal udlægge skriften og lære i menig-

heden (Jak 3,1ff). Måske har de fået underhold af menigheden ligesom

enkerne. I hvert fald ønsker Paulus, at de skal agtes højt og respekt-

eres for det store arbejde, de gør for, at menigheden skal bevares i

en sand tro. Det er et vigtigt arbejde.

Derfor er det også vigtigt, hvis disse agtværdige mænd forsynder

sig, at de bliver irettesat offentligt (v 21). De har et større ansvar

end andre og må være gode eksempler for resten af menigheden og lige-

ledes for de ikke-troende udenfor. De skal således udvælges med omhu

og må prøves, før de bliver indsat til tjeneste. Timotheus må ikke

være "for hurtig til at lægge hænderne på nogen" (v 22). Dvs. indvie

og velsigne dem til tjeneste for Gud og mennesker.

Men selv om det kan være svært for Timotheus at gennemskue, hvilken

synd, der kan ligge bag det pæne ydre, så er det ikke skjult for Gud.

Hverken hvis Timotheus selv eller en af de ældste begår synd i det

skjulte. derfor taler paulus så alvorligt i v 21, for det er Gud

alene, der skal dømme alle mennesker i den sidste ende. Både vore

synder (v 24) og vore gode gerninger (v 25) er kendt af Gud, ham, der

kender vore inderste tanker og har kendt os, før vi blev født.

Nøgleord: Herre, du kender mig og ser mig, du ransager mit hjerte

(Jer 12,3).

6. Chapter

Those who are slaves must consider their masters worthy of all re-

spect, so that no one will speak evil of the name of God and of our

teaching. 2. Slaves belonging to Christian masters must not despise

them, for they are their brothers. Instead, they are to serve them

even better, because those who benefit from their work are believers

whom they love.

False Teaching and True Riches

You must teach and preach these things. 3. Whoever teaches a diffe-

rent doctrine and does not agree with the true words of our Lord Jesus

Christ and with the teaching of our religion 4. is swollen with pride

and knows nothing. He has an unhealthy desire to argue and quarrel

about words, and this brings on jealousy, disputes, insults, evil sus-

picions, 5. and constant arguments from people whose minds do not

function and who no longer have the truth. They think that religion is

a way to become rich.

6. Well, religion does make a person very rich, if he is satisfied

with what he has. 7. What did we bring into the world? Nothing! What

can we take out of the world? Nothing! 8. So then, if we have food and

clothes, that should be enough for us. 9. But those who want to get

rich fall into temptation and are caught in the trap of many foolish

and harmful desires, which pull them down to ruin and destruction. 10.

For the love og money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been

so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and

have broken their hearts with many sorrows.

6.1 Eph 6,5 ff. Col 3,22 ff. 1.Pet 2,18 ff. Tit 2,5.9 f. Rom 2,24.

6.2 Phm 16.

6.3 1.Tim 1,3.10. Gal 1,6 f. 2.Tim 1,13; 4,3.

6.4 1.Tim 3,6; 1,7. 2.Tim 2,14.

6.5 2.Tim 3,8. Tit 1,14.11.

6.6 1.Tim 4,8. Phil 4,11. Hebr 13,5. Pro 15,16.

6.7 Job 1,21. Ecc 5,14. Luk 12,20.

6.8 Gen 28,20. Sir 29,21 ff.

6.9 Pro 28,20. Sir 8,2; 27,1; 31,5. Luk 12,15.

6.10 Matt 26,14 f. John 12,6. Ac 5,1 ff. 1.Tim 1,19.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 16. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 6,1-10


Den sande gudsfrygt

Slaveforholdet bliver et eksempel på at være Kristusvidne og et godt

eksempel udadtil, ligesom tilsynsmænd (3,7), Timotheus selv (4,12), og

kvinderne (5,14) skulle være sande Kristusvidner. Slaverne skulle

blive i deres kald "for at Guds navn og læren ikke skal blive til

spot" (v 1). Kristne slaver og deres herrer kunne godt være brødre i

herren (Gal 3,28) og samtidig leve som underordnet/overordnet i det

jordiske liv, uden at det var i uoverensstemmelse med kristen lære, og

hvordan Jesus selv levede (fx John 13,1ff).

Paulus nævner dernæst en vranglære, der misbruger gudsfrygten. En

sand gudsfrygt har forholdet til kærlighedens Gud i centrum, hviolket

påvirker ens handlinger over for medmennesker. En falsk gudsfrygt gør,

at man misbruger forholdet til Gud og sætter sig selvc i centrum i

stedet (Own: Shirk). Man kommer ud i diskussioner, der kan sætte fokus

på ens viden. Man er stolt over sin egen kunnen, hvilket skaber mis-

undelse, bagtalelse osvc. (v 4). I Efesos har nogle endda tjent på

deres viden og gjort religion til en forretning. Derved misbruges


Næste afsnit viser ligeledes, at sættes egne behov i centrum, glem-

mes Gud. Des mere vi tænker på penge, des mere sættes Gud ud på et

sidespor i vores liv. Føde, klæder og andre goder, som penge kan skaf-

fe os, må ikke være målet i vores liv, men er en del af den kærlige

Guds mange gaver til os. Mange af os bekymrer os om ikke at have penge

nok, men værst er det at "sætte sandheden over styr" (v 5) og blive

"ført bort fra troen" (v 10).

Nøgleord: Det er Herrens velsignelse, der gør rig, slid føjer intet

til (Ordsp 10,22).

Personal Instructions

11. But you, man of God, avoid all these things. Strive for righ-

teousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. 12. Run

your best in the race of faith, and win eternal life for yourself; for

it was to this life that God called you when you firmly professed your

faith before many witnesses. 13. Before God, who gives life to all

things, and before Christ Jesus, who firmly professed his faith before

Ponntius Pilate, I command you 14. to obey your orders and keep them

faithfully until the Day when our Lord Jesus Christ will appear. 15.

His appearing will be brought about at the right time by God, the

blessed and only Ruler, the King og kings and the Lord of lords. 16.

He alone is immortal; he lives in the light that no one can approach.

No one has ever seen him; no one can ever see him. To him be honor and

eternal power! Amen.

17. Command those who are rich in the things of this life not to be

proud, but to place their hope, not in such an uncertain thing as

riches, but in God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoy-

ment. 18. Command them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be ge-

nerous and ready to share with others. 19. In this way they will store

up for themselves a treasure which will be a solid foundation for the

future. And then they will be able to win the life which is true life.

20. Timothy, keep safe what has been entrusted to your care. Avoid

the profane talk and foolish arguments of what some people wrongly all

"Knowledge." 21. For some have claimed to possess it, and as a result

they have lost the way of faith.

God's grace be with you all.

6.11 2.Tim 3,17; 2,22. Gal 5,22 f.

6.12 1.Tim 1,18. 1.Cor 9,25 f. Phil 3,12. 2.Tim 4,7. 1.Pet 5,10.

Eph 4,1.4. Hebr 4,14.

6.13 1.Tim 5,21. Ac 17,25. Hebr 3,1. John 18,36 f.

6.14 2.Tim 4,1. Tit 2,13.

6.15 1.Tim 1,11.17. Deu 10,17. Rev 17,14; 19,16.

6.16 1.John 4,12. John 1,18.

6.17 Jam 5,1 ff. 1.Tim 4,10. Luk 12,33. Job 31,24. Luk 12,16 ff.

6.18 Hebr 13,16.

6.19 Matt 6,20. 1.Tim 6,12. Luk 16,9.

6.20 2.Tim 1,14; 2,16. 1.Tim 4,7.

6.21 1.Tim 1,6.

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 17. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 6,11-16


At have det rette mål for øje

Nu falder de sidste formaninger tilæ Timotheus. Han skal "holde sig

fra", "stræbe", "stride" og "gribe" (v 11-12). Det kan virke anstreng-

ende, men denne troens strid er netop god, fordi den har det rette mål

for øje: Det evige liv. Ofte tager synden overhånd for os, vi falder

fra troen, glemmer målet og stræber efter de forkerte ting (v 9-10).

Derfor har også vi vedvarende brug for disse formaninger. Vi kan ikke

én gang omvende os og så leve i den samme stærke tro, for synden i os

gør, at vi falder fra igen og igen. Selv Timotheus "Guds menneske"

(v 11) har brug for formaninger. Paulus ønsker dog ikke hovedsagen

skal drukne i formaninger fra ham. Det er nemlig ikke for Paulus, Ti-

motheus skal kæmpe, men for Gud, "den salige og eneste hersker" (v

15). den eneste, det er værd at kæmpe for, fordi han er den eneste,

der kan skænke evigt liv. Timotheus har det håb at leve for. Trods be-

svær og hårdt arbejde ved han, at han ikke står alene.

At holde budet (v 14) er hele Guds menigheds opgave. Vi er alle sat

som forvaltere af Guds skaberværk. Dvs. skaberværket omkring os, men

også den åndelige side, at den kristne lære forvaltes ret - "indtil

Jesu Kristi tilsynekomst" (v 14).

Nøgleord: Han vil tørre hver tåre af deres øjne, og døden skal ikke

være mere, ei heller sorgh, ej heller skrig, ej heller pine skal være

mere (Åb 21,4).

Andagtstekst (Bibelnøglen) 18. Feb 1999: 1 Tim 6,17-21


Brug Guds gaver

De, der vil være rige, har nemt ved at falde fra troen (v 9), men også

dem der er rige står i samme fare (v 17). Faren består i, at man sæt-

ter sin lid til penge (Own: Shirk) og egne evner (Own: Shirk) og der-

for ikke behøver Gud og hans hjælp. Der er mange i vort rige samfund i

dag, der siger: "Hvad skal jeg med Gud? Jeg tror på mig selv og kan

klare mig selv." Man har ikke behov for Gud pga. økonomisk tryghed. Én

ting er at være rig i den nuværende verden (v 17). Den rigdom er netop

begrænset til denne tid. Noget andet er at være rig i den kommende tid

(v 19). den rigdom er det virkelige liv.

Paulus forbyder ingen at være rig, men det skal ikke være vores håb

og sikkerhed, og ingen kan tjene både Gud og mammon. Gud ønsker, vi

skal bruge hans gaver i næstekærlige handlinger og "være rige på gode

gerninger". Det kan ikke frelse os, men det vi har fået for intet,

skal vi også give for intet (Matt 10,8). Han ønsker gavmildhed. For

penge er ikke et mål, men et middel til glæde og hjælp.

Til sidst en personlig hilsen til Timotheus, der skal tage vare på

Jesu Kristi sunde lære og vende sig bort fra menneskelig tankespind og

erkendelse (Own: muligvis gnosticisme). Hilsenen munder ud i en nåde-

hilsen til os alle!

Nøgleord: Skaf jer punge, som ikke slides op, en uudtømmelig skat i

himlene, hvor ingen tyv kommer og intet møl ødelægger (Luk. 12,33).

-------- End of Paul's First Letter to Timothy -----------------------

Man kan undre sig over, at Paulus ikke giver ordre til kristne slave-

ejere om at frigive slaverne, men derimod giver ordre til slaverne om

at opføre sig eksemplarisk overfor slaveejerne.

Dog kunne Jakobs brev kap 5 godt antyde, at nogle kristne holdt

slaver og IKKE følte sig tilskønnede i hjertet til at frigive dem (Jak

5,1-5). Uden at vi nu skal "hænge-fast" i suppedasen hvad angår trus-

ler om straf og smertelig pine, nævner Jakob dog, at disse uretfærdige

rige (og formentlig slaveejere) har gjort sig gode på "slagtedagen"

(Jak 5,5). Man fornemmer, at der venter dem straf for deres ugerning!

Desværre må vi konstatere, at slaveriet endnu ikke er ophørt anno

1999! I det tidligere Sovjetunionen brugte man politiske modstandere

som slaver. Noget tilsvarende gør man nu i Kina og Sudan! Om de derved

har gjort sig gode på "slagtedagen", er der nok ikke nogen tvivl om,

uanset om de holder formand Mao's lille røde eller Koranen i hånden.

Synd er jo som bekendt noget personligt, man kommer til at hæfte for,

dersom den LEVENDE Gud findes og dømmer.

Muligvis vil man kunne slippe for straf, dersom man omvender sig - i

tide! Noget kunne godt tyde på det med Paulus ord i 1.Tim 1,12-17, for

- som Paulus jo siger i 1.Tim 4,10 - er den LEVENDE Gud alle menne-

skers frelser, særligt de troendes. Han vil, AT ALLE MENNESKER SKAL


DADDY-break (5/2-1999):

CET 14:05:39 - "Amen."

Men dog, Far!

CET 14:10:10 - "Det må du gerne (tænkte på at fortsætte citat-



... og komme til erkendelse af sandheden. Thi der er kun én Gud,

og kun én mellemmand imellem Gud og mennesker: mennesket Kristus

Jesus, der gav sig selv som løsesum for alle, ...(1.Tim 2,4-6a).

Hvad vil det sige, Himmelske Skaber, at give sig selv som løsesum?

DADDY-break (5/2-1999):

CET 14:14:23 - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig!"

Jeg kommer til at tænke på Dit Ord fra forleden dag, Far, det

Du gav mig ...

CET 14:16:26 - "Skriv det ned!"

... det Du gav mig den 1. Feb 1999 CET ?: Ypperstepræsten

(hebr. 5,1) ...

Skulle det skrives ned (citatet fra Hebr. 5,1), Far?

CET 14:18:29 - "Ja!"


Hebr. 5,1

Every high priest is chosen from his fellow-men and appointed

to serve God on their behalf, to offer sacrifices and of-

ferings for sins. (Jump from 3 Mos 4,3; 9,7; 16,6).

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.

PS. Josva, hvis navn betyder "Herren er frelse", er det samme navn som




Kopi (Original skrevet manuelt)


From Mogens Kall Wednesday, 10. Feb 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 10:53

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Sir! We got very bad news:



Jonas - ALARM º


code 37 + 46 - "HD"-inficeret (New King cap 1 verse ?) º



Forventet "nedslagningstidspunkt":

7. Feb. 99 day no 38 CET 10:34

+ 40 (Jonas)


19. March 99 day no 78 CET 10:34


ANTI-"virus"-hackerprogram: Found Isa 63,1 Bozra

(Num (4 Mos) 16,46-48)

Yours respectfully

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Thursday, 11. February (11.2-2.11) 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 13:42:09

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T ...

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 13:43:17 - "Input program."

My Lord! What do You mean?

20 ? -

13:46:27 - "Fortsaet!"

Yes, my Lord!

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+757, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

737, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

713, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

642, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

334, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

307, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Rapport I - i.r.t. JONAH-ALARM!




Input memory 1:


From Mogens Kall Thursday, 30. July 1997

UDN, Denmark CET 19:40

Daycode: DADDY LIVES 196, T+176, 152, 81, NEXT: the SWORD of God

To the People of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim world (through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.)

Dear friends,

As You know, Your government (include the false Ayatollah Ali Khame-

nei) have done crimes against humanîty - AGAIN (today) !!!


³ Hacker-impart (.): ³

³ ----------------- ³

³ ³

³ OUTPUT-code: ³

³ ³

³ Received at CET 19:00: ³

³ ³

³ Psalm 10,15 (...until they do it NO MORE) ³

³ ³

³ Code-step (NMI-16-JUMP from Psalm 10,13b ?): ³

³ ³

³ 3851982, 50, C9932K "Lov udsted 7.april 1936" ³

³ Serie 1972 ³

³ ³

³ ³

³ 46 (.): ³

³ ³


³ ³

³ You better get OUT of your houses. ³

³ ³

³ ³

³ Company: ³

³ Christ for all nations ³

³ Division: ³

³ "Fools of Christ, international" ³


If You have ears, then - please - listen to what the Spirit says to


With love (.) from

The servant of Michael.

-------- END of 1997-07-30.Iran-letter -------------------------------

Password: 1.Pet 1.12 (Tape: Big-Foot, JESUS - the TIME-breaker):

... These are things which even the angels would like to


Responce-code: 112 -> 2.11 (DADDY-Phone)

Last Copyright 307 days ago. Symbol-genkendelse: "30.7.1997".

Mark-searchstring 46. Code: Time 19:40 minus 19:00 = 40.


Input TIME-jump to the FUTURE:

1a. Pass Copyright 5 (Psalm 10,15 -> 15-10= 5)

1b. Pass Copyright with mark "." (GOOD FRIDAY .)

2a. Pass NMI-16-JUMP (SZ-"virus"-counter=16: found 1998-12-23

Russia-letter, CET 12:15)

2b. ... from JONAH (13b-10= 3b, 3=10/-1997 Jonas, b-> New

Jonah, 15-12=3)

3x. 3851982 ... Serie 1972 (can't breake the code, yet)


Found 10/4-98

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 14:08:25 - "Login!"

OUTPUT-keyword: the SWORD of God.


Searchstring "46"

Found King Hussein of Jordan (7/2-1999, CET 10:34 ... 7/2 ...

72 ... Serie 1972 ...

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 14:49:48 - "Login!"

... 19:40-19:00= 40, rest 19)

King Hussein of Jordan rulet nearly as 47 years!

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 14:52:21 - "Sådan skal den være!)



Input memory 2:


From Mogens Kall Thursday, 4. Sep. 1997

UDN, Denmark CET 18:18

Daycode: DADDY LIVES 232, T+212, 188, 117

To the International Court of "Justice"

Copies: The Capitol Hill, US and

The Muslim World (Througt the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.)

Dear Mr./Mrs. Judges,



Se, det er jo altså IKKE uden grund, at der anmodes om at retsforfølge

diverse massemordere, bl.a. nogle stykker i Mellemøsten (Gadaffi of

Libya, Saddam Hussein of Jordan, H.Assad of Syria, Ayatollah Ali Kha-

menei of Iran).

Men da I nu har valgt at politisere denne domstol, så lov os én ting:

Lad være med at brokke Jer, når atom-ødelæggelsen begynder - for I er

selv delvis skyld i det: I ser igennem fingre med de groveste forbry-

delser, skønt det var - og STADIGVÆK ER - Jeres opgave - som dommere -

at dømme i disse sager. Havde I gjort Jeres úpolitiske arbejde (dømt

de skyldige og frikendt de úskyldige), kunne vi måske havde undgået

atom-ragnarokket. Men - som bekendt - fortsætter oprustningen i det

uendelige, fordi disse massemordere fortsat er ved magten!!!

Internal OUTPUT-code:

CET 18:35 - Joshua 6,18

coden genkendt!

Input classifyed code:

CET 17:51 - Luke 22,38 - to ?: 37.

Yours ............,

the servant of Michael.

-------- END of 1997-09-04.Hague-letter ------------------------------

Password: 1.Pet 1.12 (Tape: Big-Foot, JESUS - the TIME-breaker):

... These are things which even the angels would like to


Responce-code: 911 -> 11.9 (DADDY-Phone)

Terror-actions 117 days after JONAH-1 + 1 (19-18) + 1 (19-18) = 119.

Searchstring the Mark (grov fejl): Found Saddam Hussein of JORDAN ...

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 15:03:19 - "Login!"


Searchstring SZ-virus: Found (Luke) 22

Searchstring "34" (CET 17:51): Found 34 years of Hassan as

crown prince (1999-1965)

Searchstring "37". Found 37 years of New king Abdullah.

Searchstring "38 - to": Found to=2 (DK-version), 38+2= 40


Searchstring "40". Found: I Jordan er der nu erklæret lande-

sorg i 40 dage."

Searchstring "CET 18:35 - Joshua 6,18". Could not find string.


Searchstring "Joshua". Found "Jahveh-er-frelse" (Iran-letter


Searchstring "18+35+6+18". Found 18+35+6+18=77. 100-77= 23.

(Tape SLOW-"hand", 13. dec. 1998)

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 15:30:16 - "Login!"

Are You sure, DADDY ?

CET 15:31:51 - "Yes!"

Searchstring "23". Found 23 (34-11=23, 7/2-1999, CET 10:34,

Amman-time 11:34)

CET 15:37:xx - "Login!"



Input Iran-letter Friday, 22. January 1999.

Found "16:46". 16 - ALARM, mark 46

Found "Zechariah 4,6". Mark 46 (4,6)

Found "14:41:35". Mirror: "14:41" -> "" (emty) but there is still 2

numbers. Means: 35+2= 37.

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 15:42:58 - "Login!"

Found "side 6". Sign number 6-program ON.

Found "Impart: Code 1.Cor 1,25 - ?". Epistle-text for 7. Feb. 1999:

1.Cor 1,25

For what seems to be God's foolishness is wiser than human

wisdom, and what seems to be God's weakness is stronger than

human strength.

END of Copyright no 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3.

CET 15:49:53 - "Det skal du! (Send this letter to You, Mr.

President Khatami, today)."

Internal udskrift: ...

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 16:07:00 - "Det skal du (skrive ANTI-"virus"-program)."

Yes, my Lord!



Way of presenting the problems (general):

Revolt against God, our Creator (Law-breaker, Ex 20)

Internal: DADDY - I found number 20! - T?

Classic example (1.Tim 4,13. 2.Tim 3,15-16):


Numbers 16

Internal: DADDY - I found number 16!

Numbers 16

The Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram

1-2. Korah ...rebelled against the leadership of Moses. He was

joined by ... (own: others).

19. Then Korah gathered the whole community, and they stood

facing Moses and Aron at the entrance of the Tent. Suddenly

the dazzling k9ight of the LORD'S (Own: JHVH) presence appear-

ed to the whole community, 20. and the LORD said to Moses and

Aaron, 21 "MOve back from these people, and I will destroy

them immediately."

22 But Moses and Aron bowed down with their faces to the

ground and said, " ...

DADDY-break (11/2-1999):

CET 16:37:07 - "Login!"

ground and said, " O God, you are the so ...

CET 16:38:06 - "Gør det!"


..............., "O God, you are the source of all life. When

one man sins, do you become angry with the whole community?"

23. The LORD said to Moses, 24. "Tell the people to move

away from the tents of Korah ...(own: and his men)."

35. Then the LORD send a fire that blazed out and burned up

... (own: Korah and his men).

CET 16:49:51 - "Det skal du."

Yes, my LORD:

Input 2.King cap 1 vers 10 and 12

Aron Saves the People

41. The next day the whole community complained against Mos-

es and Aaron and said, "You have killed some of the LORD'S

people." 42. After they had all gathered to protest to Moses

and Aaron, they turned toward the Tent and saw that the cloud

was covering it and that the dazzling light of the LORD'S pre-

sence had appeared. 43. Moses and Aaron went and stood in

front of the Tent, 44. and the LORD said to Moses, 45. "...

CET 16:52:40 - "Program ON!"

Herre! Se i nåde til de fortabte sønner (Luke 16,11-24).

................................................., 45. "Move

back from these people, and I will destroy them on the spot!"

The two of them bowed down with their faces to the ground,

46. and Moses said to Aaron, "Take your fire pan, put live

coals from the alter in it, and put some incense on the coals.

Then hurry with it to the people and perform the ritual of pu-

rification for them. Hurry! The LORD'S anger has already bro-

ken out and an epidemic has already begun." 47. Aaron obeyed,

took his fire pan and ran into the middle of the assemblewd

people. When he saw that the plague had already begun, he put

the incense on the coals and performed the ritual of purifica-

tion for the people. 48. This stopped the plague, and he was

left standing between the living and the dead.

Keyword: This can stop the plague.


Isaiah 63,1.

"Who is coming from the city of Bozrah in Edom (Own: Jordan)?

Who is this so splendidly dressed in red, marching alone in

power and strength?"

It is the LORD (Own: JHVH), powerful to save, coming to an-

nounce his victory.

END of ANTI-"virus"-program.


Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Friday, 12. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 11:53:24

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+758, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

738, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

714, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

643, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

335, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

308, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-35

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Rapport 2 - i.r.t. JONAH-ALARM!


Day no 5.


º º

º Sir! We got DANGER on Num 16,35.46 º

º º

º "Cold-boot" necessary! º

º º




11. Feb. 1999, CET 19:52:15:


Found self-contradictory at Sûra 98,4 (Skriftens folk, v 2,

Et Sendebud [own: Moses] som forelæste dem rene skrifter, v 3,

Hvori de EVIGE bud var, v 4)...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 12:03:xx - "Login!"

... in regard to adultery-law (Sûra 33,38). See also Sûra

32,24 (Moses Bogen ... en rettesnor) and Sûra 46,13 (Mosebog

en retledning ... Koranen bekræfter og opfylder den foregående

åbenbaring) ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 12:11:34 - "Login!"

... and Sûra 37,118 (Moses og Aron, v 115, den Bog, som gjorde

buddene klare og forståelige).

Compare the copy with the original (Ex 20,14. Matt 5,32;


=> Found DANGER at Num 16,10.46 (1.Tim 3,6. 2.Tim 4,3). The

islamic "priest" can NOT use this ANTI-"virus"-gate. ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 12:30:14 - "Login!"

... PLEASE! - Don't try! (Num 16,35)




DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 12:44:00 - "STOP!"


CET 12:44:25 - "Det skal du (tænkte på Ordet i formiddags. Var

det dét, Herren ville have, der skulle ned-


Yes! My LORD:

12. Feb. 1999, CET 09:00-:


I was thinking about Isa 63,1.5 in regard to King Hussein's

years and said to myself "This look's a little bit like escha-

tologi". And then I was thinking about the Iran-prophecy in

Jeremiah 49,34-39:

The LORD'S Judgment on Elam (own: Iran)

34. Soon after Zedekiah became king of Judah, the LORD (own:

JHVH) Almighty spoke to me about the country of Elam. 35. He

said, "... 38. I will destroy their kings and leaders, and set

up My throne there. 39. Bu ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 13:06:24 - "Login!"

................... 39. But later on I will make the people of

Elam prosperous again. I, the LORD, have spoken."

And then I heard the woice of the LORD saying:

CET 09:15:54 - "Open up file."

... and then again:

CET 09:16:09 - "Login!"

... and then again:

CET 09:17:20 - "Det skal du (bring the news to You, Mr. Pre-

sident Khatami)."

In the Danish version the Time in verse 39 is at the end. I

think it's the same in King James version:

But it shall come pass in the latter days, that I will bring

again the captivity of Elam, saith the LORD.

What does 'captivity' means, DADDY ? - Are the People prison-

ers ?

Isa 63,1 - Jahveh is inable to save!

What Next, DADDY ?

DADDY (12/2-1999):

CET 13:52:xx - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig."


CET 13:26:30 - "Der er noget du mangler."


CET 13:27:34 - "Sådan skal du gøre (classifyed)."

We have some Link-searchstrings igt. Isa 63,1. Verse 5 (GOOD FRIDAY)..

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 13:30:04 - "Input program."

5. And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered

that there was none to uphold: therefore Mine own arm brought

salvation ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 13:34:36 - "Det må du gerne (make searchstring)."

Searchstring "arm (of tthe LORD)". Found Isa 53:

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 13:37:33 - "Dem alle (alle vers skal citeres)."

CET 13:38:02 - "Login!"

Yes, my LORD:

The people reply, "Who would have believed what we now re-

port? Who could have seen the LORD'S arm (hand) in this ?

2. It was the will of the LORD that His servant grow like

a plant taking root in dry groung. He had no dignity or beau-

ty to make us take notice of him. There was nothing attractive

about him, nothing that would draw us to him.

3. We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering

and pain. No one would even look at him - we ignored him as if

he were nothing.

4. "Byt he endured the suffering that should have been ours,

the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought

that his suffering was punishment sent by God.

5. But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of

the evil we did. We ...

DADDY! Sign number 5, GOOD FRIDAY ?

DADDY (12/2-1999):

CET 13:47:55 - "Login!"

................ We are healed by the punishment he suffered,

made whole by the blows he received.

6. All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us go-

ing his own way. Byt the LORD made the punishment fall on him,

the punishment all of us deserved.

7. "He was treated harshly, but endured it humbly; he never

said a word. Like a lamb about to be slaughtered, like a sheep

about to be sheared, he never said a word.

8. He was arrested and sentenced and led offf to die, and no

one cared about his fate.

9. He was placed in a grave with evil men, he was buried

with the rich, even through he had never committed a crime or

ever told a lie."

10. The LORD says, "It was My will that he should suffer;

his death ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 14:04:31 - "Login!"

... death was a sacrifice to bring gforgiveness. And so he

will see his descendants; he will live a long life, and

through him my purpose will succeed.

11. After a life of suffering, he will again have joy; he

will know that he did not suffer in vain. My devoted servant,

with whom I am pleased, will bear the punishment of many and

for his sake I will forgive them.

12. And so I will give him a place of honor, a place among

great and powerful men. He willingly gave his life and shared

the fate of evil men. He took the place of many sinners and

prayed that they might be forgiven."

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 14:10:48 - "Citat slut."

Sir! I think we can make an fire-escape through Isa 63,5->Isa 53,6.

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 13:51:57 - "Login!"

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 14:11:46 - "Det skal du (Citere fra bog: Tabernes evange-

lier, af Elaine Pagels, 1979, side 103)."

CET 14:12:03 - "Login!"

Yes! My LORD:

side 103

Der er kun ét punkt, på hvilket alle beretninger om Jesus af

Nazareth stemmer overens, hvad enten de er skrevet af person-

er, der var ham fjendtligt eller venligt stemt: at han, ewfter

ordre af den romerske statholder Pontius Pilatus, blev dømt og

korsfæstet ca. år 30. Den aristokratiske romerske historiker

Tacitus (ca. 55-115 ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 14:20:17 - "Login!"

...-115), vidste næsten intet om Jesus og nævner

kun dette ene. I forbindelse med historien om den berygtede

Nero (som var kejser fra 54-58) fortæller han, at Nero, som

beskyldtes for at have anstiftet store brande i Rom,

skød skylden på en kreds af personer, som var hadet for

deres laster, af folket kaldt kristne, og straffede dem

med den mest raffinerede grusomhed. Grundlæggeren af be-

vægelsen, Kristus, havde lidt døden under Tiberius efter

dom af statholder Pontius Pilatus, og den fordærvelige

overtro blev en tid holdt i ave; blot for endnu engang at

bryde ud, ikke kun i Judæa, hjemstedet for sygdommen, men

også i selve hovedstaden, hvor alt, hvad der er rædsels-

fuldt og skamløst i verden, samles og bliver mondænt.*1

*1: Tacitus: Annals 15.44.2-8.

Den jødiske historiker Josephus nævner Jesus af Nazareth på en

liste over uroligheder, som forstyrrede forbindelserne med

Rom, mens Pilaqtus var guvernør (omkring 26-36). En kommentar,

som tillægges Josephus, beretter, at "Pilatus, som havde h'rt

ham anklaget af mænd af den højeste anseelse iblandt os ...

dømte ham til at blive korsfæstet".*2

*2: Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews 18.63; svensk oversæt-

telse: Judarnes gamla historia av Flavius Josefus (Fredengren


Jesu tilhængere bekræfter denne beretning. ...

DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 14:53:10 - "Det må du gerne (slutte citatet)."

END of ANTI-"virus"-program.

NEWS from Danish Newspaper:


DADDY-break (12/2-1999):

CET 11:48:57 - "Login! (Var igang med at læste nyheden)."

CET 11:49:19 - "Det skal du (copy to Iran)."

Udfordringen, nr. 6 - 11. February 1999, side 6:


(Own: Woman risen from the death ?).

Kvinde årsag til vækkelse på Madagaskar

Siden maj 1998 er mere end tusind mennesker nlevet døbt, og mange har

søgt frelse på øen Madagaskar ud for den afrikanske kyst, skriver det

norske Korsets Seir.

Årsagen til den nye vækkelse er opvækkelsen af en kvinde ved navn

Christine, efter at hun havde været død i fire timer.

- Hun skulle i fjor have fået et budskab fra Gud, men vægrede sig

mod at gøre det, Gud bad hende om. Derefter blev hun syg og døde. I

hvert fald hævdes det, at hun lå død. Men efter nogle timer vågnede

hun op igen, fortæller missionæren Martin Ivar Arnesen.

- Vi tror dette er Guds værk, siger han.

Hændelsen er blevet optakt til en vækkelse i området, som ikke bare

har medført mange dåb, men mange er også søgt ind på bibelskole, og

mange kommer til gudstjeneste. KS

-------- End of News 11/2-1999 ---------------------------------------

CET 15:28:36

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Sunday, 14. February 1999

UDN, Denmark OUTPUT-ordre time: CET 13:32:36

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+760, 15. Jan, 1997, ?

740, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

716, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran + Afghanistan

645, 10. Mai 1997, Iran (Jonah)

337, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

310, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-33

To Taleban of Afghanistan,

c/o The Pakistanian ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear fanatics (1.Tim 1,13b),

Day no 7.

As You maybe know, we got an Jonah-ALARM (T-40).


The message was sendt to the government of Iran Wednesday, 10. Februa-

ry 1999. Next day we got bad news from Your region: Earthquake. And we

have been thinking since then "Did the Creator talk through this ?".

DADDY-break (14/2-1999):

CET 13:46:54 - "Det skal du (Jonas-ALARM to Taleban)."

We know - right now - that the bad news (Jonah-ALARM) also is to You!


To understand what this means for You, You can get informations in

Saudi-Arabia. They have copies of the letters:

1997-07-30, CET 19:40, Iran.

1997-09-04, CET 18:18, International Court of Justice, the Hague.

1999-01-22, CET 14:41, Iran

1999-01-28, CET 14:51, Iran

1999-02-05, CET 17:16, Iran

1999-02-10, CET 10:53, Iran

1999-02-11, CET 13:42, Iran

1999-02-12, CET 11:53, Iran




º º

º Crime against humanity will NO LONGER be tolerated! º

. --------- º

º º


DADDY-break (14/2-1999):

CET 14:05:26 - "Login!"

With love (1.Tim 1,13b) from

the srvant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Saturday, 20. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 12:22:43

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+766, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

746, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

722, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

651, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

343, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

316, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-27

To the Supreme Court of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Judges of the Supreme Court,

Day no 13.

Received commandment from DADDY today at ...


CET 12:20 - "Det skal du (write letter to You)."

News from Iran (through Norway 2, TEXT-TV):


P123 123 TV2 TEXT l"r 20. Feb 11:40:43

D"dsd"mt tysker får ny sjanse

Irans H"yesterett har satt til side d"dsdommen mot en tysk forret-

ningsmann som skal ha hatt ulovlig sex med en muslimsk kvinne. H"y-

esterett har nå beordret en ny rettssak, melder det offisielle nyhets-

byrået Irna. Retten mener at det ikke er nok bevis for å opprettholde

d"dsdommen mot den tyske forretningsmannen.

-------- End of News l"r 20. Feb 1999 --------------------------------

Så vidt vi er orienteret, var hverken Helmut Hofer eller kvinden gift

med nogen, og - i så fald - har de IKKE begået ægteskabsbrud (hor),

men derimod utugt. Utugt er også forkert, idet der jo er tale om sex

udenfor ægteskabets rammer (Ac 21,25 m.fl.), men straffen herfor er

væsentlig mildere. I 2. Mosebog står der følgende:

Exodus 22,16-17

If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, HE MUST pay

the bride price for her and MARRY HER.

But if her father refuses to let him marry her, he must pay

the father a sum of money equal to the bride price for a vir-


Årsagen til denne mildere straf skal findes i kærlighedsloven 'love

your neighbor as you love yourself. If you love someone, you will

NEVER do him (own: or her) wrong; to love, then, is to obey the whole

Law (Liv 19,18. Rom 13,9. Jam 2,8. See also Matt 22,36-40.)' Når et

menneske bedriver hor, sårer og svigter vedkommende jo sin ægtefælle,

mens sex udenfor ægteskabet (utugt) jo ikke direkte sårer eller svigt-

er andre. Skaberens ANBEFALING er: Kom! Lad os få rydet op i dette rod

(griseri). Lad os få synden bragt til ophør. Gift jer med hinanden!


Received commandment from DADDY today at ...

CET 11:36 - "Det skal du (citere John 8 til Iran)."

Okay, DADDY:

The Gospel according to John


[ The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in a woman

who had been caught committing adultery, and they made her

stand before them all. 4. "Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this

woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. 5. In

our Law Moses commanded that such a woman must be stoned to

death. Now, what do you say?" 6. They said this to trap Jesus,

so that they could accuse him. But he bent over and wrote on

the ground with his finger. 7. As they stood there asking him

questions, he straightened up and said to them, "Whichever one

of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her."

8. Then he bent over again and wrote on the ground. 9. When

they heard this, they all left, one by one, the older ones

first. Jesus was left alone, with the woman still standing

there. 10. He straightened up and said to her, "Where are

they? Is there no one left to condemn you?"

11. "No one, sir," she answered.

"Well, then," Jesus said, "I do not condemn you either. Go,

but do not sin again."]r

r: Many manuscripts and early translations do not have this

passage (8.1-11); others have it after Jn 21.24; others have

it after Lk 21.38; one manuscript has it after Jn 7.36.

DADDY-break (20/2-1999):

CET 13:26 - "Det skal du (tænkte på at citere fra en bog vedr.

Matt 5,27-28)."

Yes! my LORD:

side 105-106


Der var engang to muslimer, som gik til moskeen for at bede.

Den første var en gudfrygtig mand, der havde været i Mekka på

pilgrimsfærd, bad fem gange om dagen og var kendt i menigheden

for sin fromhed. Han gik til moskeen med fuldkommen selvtil-

lid, for han kendte alle de foreskrevne ritualer om, hvordan

han skulle rense sig, før han gik ind, og hvilke ord og bevæg-

elser, han skulle bruge under sin bøn. Han trådte ind i moske-

en, gik lige hen til en fremtrædende plads oppe foran i midten

og forrettede sine bønner til fuldkommenhed. Men mens han bad,

vandrede hans tanker til den smukke pige, der boede i nabohus-

et, og han dvælede i tankerne ved hendes velskabte former.

Den anden mand, der gik i moskeen, havde levet et helt igen-

nem dårligt liv i moralsk fornedrelse. Da han ikke havde bedt

io mange år, havde han glemt detaljerne i renselsesceremonien,

bevægelserne under bønnen, ja selv de ord, han skulle bruge.

Men han var udemærket selv klar over, hvor dårligt han havde

opført sig og længtes efter at få sin sag med Gud i orden

igen, begynde et nyt liv og sone alt det, han indtil da havde

gjort forkert. Han nærmede sig undselig moskeen, dyppede hænd-

erne i vandbassinet for at vaske dem og sit ansigt, efterlod

sine sandaler udenfor og listede stille ind. Da han følte si-

tuationen lidt uvant, gik han bag en søjle i håb om, at ingen

ville lægge mærke til ham dér. Dybt bevæget i sin anger opgav

han ethvert forsøg på at huske bønnens ord og bevægelser og

henvendte sig til Gud med sine egne enkle ord.


DADDY-break (20/2-1999):

CET 13:57:54 - "Det må du gerne (lægge følgende ord i

Skaberens mund):"

Hvilken af de to mænds bøn behagede Gud (Luke 18,9-14)?

... For mange synes det helt klart, at Gud måtte finde behag i

den mand, som adlød det åbenbarede og foreskrevne mønster for

bøn, selv om det måske var uheldigt, at han i tankerne hengav

sig til sksuelle fantasier. Gud kunne da umuligt finde behag i

den anden mands bøn; han havde jo endnu ikke haft tid til at

gøre gode gerninger, som kunne opveje hans tidligere synder,

og hans bøn var jo heller ikke i overensstemmelse med Guds

vilje, fordi den ikke indeholdt de ord og bevægelser, der er

foreskevet i islam.

... Føler Gud kun behag i de ydre former, eller ser Han på


DADDY-break (20/2-1999):

CET 14:06:16 - "Det skal du (Citere Jesus fra Matt 5,27-28)."

I har hørt, at der er sagt: 'Du må ikke bedrive hor'. 28. But

now I (own: Jesus, Matt 5,28) tell you: ANYONE who looks at a

woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adulte-

ry with her in his heart. -


CET 14:12:39 - "Det må du gerne (citere Jesus)."

Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the fdirst

stone ...

DADDY-break (20/2-199):

CET 14:14:23 - "Det må du gerne (Citere Jam 2,11-13)."

Whoever breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking them all.

11. For the same one who said, "Do not commit adultery," also

said, "Do not commit murder." Even if you do not commit adul-

tery, you have become a lawbreaker if you commit murder. 12.

Speak and act as people who will be judged by the law that

sets us free. 13. For God will not show mercy when He judges

the person who has not been merciful; but mercy triumphs over


Brødre (i troen på een, og kún denne ene Skaber)!

Hvis vi ÆNDRER på Skaberens Lov, da har vi gjort os bedre-vidende og

dømmer Loven; men dømmer vi Loven, er vi ikke Lovens gører, men dens

dommer (Jam 4,11), og - i så fald - er vi skyldige i at begå shirk ved

at udgive os selv for at være Gud (2. Thess 2,4).

Kom brødre! Lad os gøre hvad ret er: Én er lovgiver og Dommer, Han,

som har magt til at frelse og til at ødelægge. Lad os adlyde Ham!

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Monday, 22. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 15:54:51

OUTPUT ordre-time: CET 16:17:xx

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+768, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

748, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

724, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

653, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

345, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

318, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-25

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK:

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Day no 15.

Found Jonah-sign at Luke 11,29-32. INT-?


Received commandment from DADDY, date: 20. February 1999:

CET 10:42 - "Det skal du (Copy 2.Tim-letter to You, Sir!)."



13/2-1999, CET 23:26 - "Blottet arm (Isa 63,1)."

14/2-1999, CET 05:58 - "Det skal du (2.Tim ON)."

14/2-1999, CET 13:24 - Konstaterede Old-HD har inficeret New-HD.

Searchstrings of 'Paul's Second Letter to Timothy'


1: "(the ¢nly God)", - Found 0

2: "Son (son) of God", - Found 0

3: "Father", - Found 1 (1,2)

4: "Creator", - Found 0

5: "Christ Jesus", - Found 12 (1,; 2,;

3,12.15; 4,1)

7: "(Save)", - Found 3 (1,9; 2,10; 3,15)

8: "Savior", - Found 1 (1,10)

9. "(Shirk)", - Found 0

9. "(Warning against shirk)", - Found ... (3,1-5)

10. "(false letters)", - Found 0

11. "(reddem)", - Found 0

12. "(Eternal life)", - Found 0

13. "(the Living God)", - Found 0

14. "(2.coming of Jesus C.)", - Found 2 (4,1.8)

15. "Spirit (of God)", - Found 1 (1,14)

16. "New life", - Found 0

17. "destroyed death", - Found 1 (1,10)

18. "(raise from the death)", - Found 1 (2,8)



Paul's Second Letter to Timothy consists largely of personal advise

to Timothy, as a younger colleague and assistant. The main theme is

endurance. Timothy is advised and encouraged to keep on witnessing

faithfully to Jesus Christ, to hold to the true teaching of the Good

News and the Old Testament, and to do his duty as teacher and evange-

list, all in the face of suffering and opposition.

Timothy is especially warned about the dangers of becoming involved

in "foolish and ignorant arguments" that do no good, but only ruin the

people who listen to them.

In all this, Timothy is reminded of the example of the writer's own

life and purpose - his faith, patience, love, endurance, and suffering

in persecution.

Outline of Contents

Introduction 1.1-2

Praise and exhortation 1.3-2.13

Counsel and warning 2.14-4.5

Paul's own situation 4.6-18

Conclusion 4.19-22


Forfatter, datering og baggrund:

Brevet, som formentlig var Paulus' sidste, er skrevet efter hans

fjerde missionsrejse ca. 66-67 e.Kr., mens han lå lænket i en fange-

grotte i Rom.


Paulus føler sig forladt af vennerne, og han udtrykker sin længsel

efter Timoteus midt i sin ensomhed. Han fortvivler dog ikke, for han

ejer en dyb forvisning om, at selv om hans liv går mod sin afslutning,

har Gud magt til at bevare ham - også gennem de sidste lidelser her på

jorden, inden han skal få del i det evige liv.

I brevet viser Paulus sin omsorg for menighederne på et tidspunkt,

hvor de oplevede svære forfølgelser under kejser Nero. Han opfordrer

Timoteus til at bevare troen på evangeliet og frimodigt at prædike

det, selv om det koster forfølgelse.


Brevet er først og fremmet en opmuntring til at vise udholdenhed i

vanskelige tider. Gud har det sidste ord og belønner dem, der stoler

på ham. Paulus' eget liv er et eksempel til efterfølgelse.


The New International Version Interlinear Greek-English New Testament.

2 Timothy

1. Chapter

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the

promise of life that is in Christ Jesus,

2. To Timothy, my dear son:

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our


1.1 Eph 1,1. Col 1,1. Tit 1,2.

1.2 1.Tim 1,2. 1.Cor 4,17. 2.John 3. Ac 16,1.

(Thanksgiving and Encouragement)

3. I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear

conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

4. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled

with joy. 5. I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first

lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I am

persuaded, now lives in you also. 6. For this reason I remind you to

fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on

of my hands. 7. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a

spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 10:18:00 - "Det må du gerne (Tænkte på at kommentere teks-

ten med en afbrydelse)."

I original-teksten på NT-græsk står der 'agape' (oversat til

'love' eller på dansk 'kærlighed').

En ekspert har påpeget: "Græsk er et meget spidsfindigt

sprog, fuldt af fint nuancerede ord, som kan gengive de fine-

ste grader af betydning." På det Ny Testamentes tid havde græ-

kerne mindst fem ord, som vi kan bruge til at skelne imellem

og til at beskrive de forskellige aspekter af kærlighed.

I modsætning til de græske ord 'epithumia' (som Bibelen al-

drig kalder kærlighed, og som beskriver et stærkt ønske at en-

hver art sommetider godt, sommetider dårligt), 'eros' (som be-

skriver den romantiske, lidenskabelige og følelsesladede kær-

lighed), 'storge' (som kan beskrives som et hyggeligt, behage-

ligt forhold [som til et par gamle sko, man føler sig godt

tilpas i], dét at høre til et sted med omsorg og loyalitet),

'phileo' (som beskriver fællesskabets kærlighed, kammeratskab,

dét at dele hinandens tanker, følelser, holdninger, planer,

drømme og de allermest intime ting, kommunikation) - i modsæt-

ning til disse er 'agape' úbetinget. Agape-kærligheden siger

IKKE: Jeg vil elske dig, fordi ...

Jeg vil elske dig, på grund af ...

Jeg vil elske dig, eftersom ...

Jeg vil elske dig, hvis ...

Jeg vil elske dig, når ...

Jeg vil elske dig, efter ...

Jeg vil elske dig, forudsat ...

Jeg vil elske dig, såfremt ...

C. S. Lewis har vist forskellen mellem agape og de naturlige

former for kærlighed ved at bruge billedet af en have. Han be-

skrev den naturlige kærlighed som en have, der gror til med

ukrudt, hvis den får lov til at passe sig selv. Det er úundgå-

eligt på grund af selvcentrerethed, egensindighed og de andre

synder, mennesker så ofte underkaster sig. Agapekærligheden

virker som riven, lugejernet, havesaksen, gødningen og

ukrudtsfjerneren, der bliver brugt af en dygtig gartner for at

få haven til at blomstre, holde den i orden og gøre den smuk.

Da Gud plantede vor naturs have og fik den kærlighed, som

blomstrer og sætter frugt, til at gro der, gav Han os viljen

(Gen 2,7) til at pleje den, holde øje med den og drage omsorg

for den, som en klog gartner gør det. Denne viljeshandling er

agape-kærligheden, en kyndig og øvet kærlighed, der ALTID er

optaget af at gøre det bedste for den elskede.

Det er denne agape-kærlighed Paulus skriver til Timoteus om,

at den har GUD givet Timoteus (og andre!). I modsætning til

Koranens ord om 'Jihad' (djihad, krig mod ens begær og streng

selvfornægtelse, se A.S.Madsen Sûra 35,33*6), der jo er en art

selvforbedring (Sûra 101,7 - 'hvis vægtskåle er tunge (af gode

gerninger), Sûra 79,2 - dem, der vinder (åndelig viden) med

stor anstrengelse, Sûra 73,7 - nattevågen er det bedste (mid-

del) til SELVFORBEDRING) - I modsætning til denne selvforbed-

ring Koranen anviser taler Bibelen her om, at DET ER ÅNDEN FRA


DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 11:51:xx - "Sådan skal den være (kommentaren til 2.Tim


? (Blev overrasket over at høre Herren tale i mit hjerte).

CET 11:51:20 - "Login."

... 7. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a

spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline...

What is the difference between 'own self-control' and 'self-

control from You', DADDY ? -

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 11:55:55 - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig!"

- (12:00:28) Perhaps DADDY one day will tell us this!

8. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me

his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the

power of God, 9. who has saved us and called us to a holy life - not

because of anything we have done ...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 12:15:43 - "Det må du gerne (tænkte på at kommentere teks-

ten med Koranhenvisninger)."

Apropos gode gerninger (Sûra 101,7), anstrengelser (Sûra 79,2)

og selforbedringer (Sûra 73,7).

... not

because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and

grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of

time, 10. but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our

Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and

immortality to light through the gospel. 11. And of this gospel I was

appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. 12. That is why I am

suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have

believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have en-

trusted to him for that day.

13. What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching,

with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14. Guard the good deposit that

was entrusted to you - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who

lives in us ...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 12:31:39 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere teks-


'the Holy Spirit who LIVES IN US' - These words are one of the

must important News in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! - Byt to

understand what this means, we better take a "cold-boot":

In the beginning the mankind was perfekt (Dette bekræftes af

Koranen i Sûra 87,3 med ordene 'Som skabte (mennesket) og

fuldendte (det)'). In the Garden of Eden God, our Creator made

mankind through His Spirit:

Genesis 2,7

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and

breathed*1 into his nostrils the breath*2 of life; and man be-

came a living soul. *1: 5301. *2: 5397.

Link-searchstring (Strong's exhaustive concordance, Hebrew and

chaldee dictionary):

5301: näphach, naw-fakh'; a prim. root; to puff, in various

applications (lit., to inflate, blow hard, scatter,

kindle, expire; fig., to disesteem): -blow, breath, give

up, cause to lose [life], seething, snuff.

5397: n(.e)shâmâh, nesh-aw-maw'; fr. 5395; a puff, i.e. wind,

angry or vital breath, divine inspiration, intellect. or

(concr.) an animal:- blast, (that) breath (eth), inspi-

ration, soul, spirit.

These hebrew-words does not exactly descibe the connection be-

tween God's Spirit and Mankind, but in Gen 6,17 and Gen 7,15

we can find the connection:

Genesis 6,17

... all flesh, wherein is the breath*3 of life, ...

*3: 7307.

Genesis 7,15

And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all

flesh, wherein is the breath*4 of life. *4: 7307.


7307. rwach, roo'-akh; from 7306; wind; by resemblance

breath, i.e. a sensible (or even violent) exhalation;

fig. life, anger, unsubstantiality; by extens. a region

of the sky; by resemblance spirit, but only of a ratio-

nal being (includ. its expression and functions): - air,

anger, blast, breath, x cool, courage, mind, x quarter,

x side, spirit ([-ual]), tempest, x vain, ([whirl-])wind


This Hebrew-word (7307) is ALSO used to describe the Spirit of


Genesis 1,2:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was

upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit*5 of God moved upon

the face of the waters. *5: 7307.

And in Genesis chapter 6 we find the connection between God's

Spirit and Mankind EXACTLY:

Genesis 6,3

And the LORD said, My spirit*6 shall not always strive with

man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hund-

red and twenty years. *6: 7307.

These words of God, our Creator, came AFTER the garden of

Eden. In there our God told Adam:

Genesis 2,15-17

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden

of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

16. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every

tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou

shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof

thou shalt surely die.

And - as You know - Eva took of the fruit, and did eat, and

gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat (Gen 3,6).

If we make an "arrest" here and compare with the spoken words

of Moses to the people of God, we will be in able to under-

stand, what's happen in the Garden of Eden:

5. Mos (Deu) 8,1-3

Obey faithfully all the laws that I have given you today, so

that you may live, increase in number, and occupy the land

that the LORD (Own: means JHVH, Jahve, I-AM) promised to you

ancestors. 2. Remember how the LORD your God led you on this

long journey through the desert these past forty years, send-

ing hardships to test you, so that he might know what you in-

tended to do and whether you would obey his commands. 3. He

made you go hungry, and then he gave you manna to eat, food

that you and your ancestors had never eaten before. He did

this to teach you that man do not live by bread alone, but

on EVERYTHING that the LORD says.

Man can NOT live (forever) without God! - When Adam and Eva

commit a "little" crime in the Garden of Eden by eating the

fruit, they ALSO commit a BIG crime: They KILLED God's-spoken-

word in their minds (the Agape-love, 1. John 4,8). They were

perfect until they did this murder. They were connected

together with God through His Spirit of Love (agape). They

were NOT God Himself, or a god, BUT GOD'S SPIRIT WERE IN THEIR


As You know, Moses was God's prophet, and by the Spirit of God

he saw into the FUTURE and said this prophecy:

5.Mos (Deu) 30,6

The LORD your God will give you and your descendants

obedient hearts, so that you will love Him with all your

heart, and you will continue to live.

King James version:

And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the

heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine

heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.

How can a man (or woman) love God WITH ALL HIS HEART, unless

God's agape-love is in his heart? - The prophet Jeremiah, who

livet during the latter part of the seventh century and the

first part of the sixth century Before Christ, said the pro-

phecy crystallized:

Jeremiah 31,31-34

The LORD says, "The time is coming when I will make a new

covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of

Judah. 32. It will not be like the old covenant that I made

with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them

out of Egypt. Although I was like a husband to them, they did

not keep that covenant. 33. The new covenant that I will make

with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law

within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God,

and they will be my people. 34. None of them will have to

teach his fellow countryman to know the LORD, because all will

know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their

sins and T will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the LORD,

have spoken."

And the same message says the LORD through the prophet Ezekiel

(586 B.C.):

Ezekiel 36,26-27

I (own: the Sovereign LORD, verse 22) will give you a new

heart and a new mind. I will take away your stubborn heart of

stone and give you a obedient heart. 27. I will put my

spirit*9 in you and will see to it that you follow my laws and

keep all the commands I have given you. *9: 7307.

Keywords: I will put My Spirit in your heart!

What Paul actually is saying in this verse (2.Tim 1,14), is

that the prophecy (from Moses) has now come true! Timotheus

(and other) was (when he lived on earth for 2000 years ago)

connected together with God, our Creator, by His Spirit. In

Paul's letter to Romans 5,5, he give a better understanding of

this by saying:

And the hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured

out His love (own: Greek NT: Agape) into our hearts by the

Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

This is the GOOD NEWS, Sir!

- DADDY, this was a long story! Is this the TRUTH?

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 15:05:59 - "Ja! Det kan du stole på."


DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 15:07:15 - "Bare fortsæt (copy 2.Tim to Iran)."

DADDY! My testimony is not guilty, unless You work and comfirm

Your word by the signs that accompany it.

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 15:11:43 - "Det skal du få."

THANKS DADDY! El Shaddai - ELSKER Dig (1.John 4,19).

13. What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching,

with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14. Guard the good deposit that

was entrusted to you - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who

lives in us.

15. You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me,

including Phygelus and Hermogenes.

16. May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because

he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. 17. On the

contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found

me. 18. May the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on

that day! You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus.

1.3 Rom 1,9. Ac 23,1. Phil 3,5.

1.4 2.Tim 4,9.21.

1.5 1.Tim 1,5. Ac 16,1.

1.6 1.Tim 4,14. Ac 13,3.

1.7 Rom 8,15.

1.8 Rom 1,16. Eph 3,1. 2.Tim 1,12.16; 2,3.

1.9 Tit 3,5. Eph 1,4.11. Rom 8,28; 9,11. Tit 1,2.

1.10 Rom 16,25 f. Col 1,26. Hebr 2,14. 1.Cor 15,54 f.

1.11 1.Tim 2,7.

1.12 Phil 1,6

1.13 1.Tim 6,3. Tit 2,1. 2.Tim 3,14. Rom 6,17. 1.Tim 1,14.

1.14 1.Tim 6,20. 1.Cor 3,16. Own: John 14,23.


heart: Psa 51,12-14. Eze 11,19-20; 18,31; 36,26-27. Rom 2,29

(Circumcision: Deu 10,16; 30,6. Jer 4,4; 9,25-26(Isa 63,10.

Ac 7,51); 24,7. Phil 3,3. Col 2,11-22.);5m5. 2.Cor 1,21-22.

(5,5. Eph 1,13-14; 4,30). Ehp 3,17. Gal 4,6-7.

Kingdom of God: Matt 12,28. Luke 17,20-21. Rom 14,17.

Law inside: Psa 37,30-31; 40,9. Isa 51,7. Jer 31,31-34(Hebr

8,8 ff.; 10,16 ff. 1.Pet 3,21[1.Cor 10,2. Hebr 10,1-4.22]).

Spirit: Neh 9,20a. Psa 51,12-14. Isa 32,15; 44,3. Jer 32,39-

40. Eze 11,19-20; 18,31; 36,26-27; 39,29. Joel 3,1(Zec 12,

10. Ac 2,1-18-21). Rom 8,15-16. 1.Cor 2,11-12.-(Luke 12,12.

John 6,45; 14,26; 15,26; 16,13(Isa 30,21). 1.Thes 4,9.

1.John 2,20.27).

Temple: 1.Cor 3,9.16-17; 6,19. 2.Cor 6,16. Eph 2,21-22.

(1.Pet 2,5.) Rev 11,1-2; 21,22(Ex 25,8-9.40->Jer 3,16-17->

Isa 2,2 above*,*:4480->Rev 21,2.)

1.15 2.Tim 4,10.16

1.16 Matt 25,36. 2.Tim 4,19.

1.18 Matt 5,7.

2. Chapter

(A Loyal Soldier of Christ Jesus)

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many withesses

entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 3.

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 15:32:15 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere tekst-


It's necessary here to make a point: To be a good soldier of

Christ Jesus does ABSOLUTELY NOT mean to become a "killer-ma-

chine". Please - remember the words of Jesus (Luke 6,27-28.31:

But I tell you who hear me: Love (own: Greek-NT: Agape) your

enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28. bless those who

curse you, and pray for those who mistrear you ... 31. Do for

others just what you want them to do for you.)

Paul only use these words 'soldier of Christ' as a picture,

just as he also use that picture in his letter to Ephesians 6.

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4. No one

serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs - he wants to

please his commanding officer. 5. Similarly, if anyone competes as an

athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes ac-

cording to the rules. 6. The hard-working farmer should be the first

to receive a share of the crops. 7. Reflect on what I am saying, for

the Lord will give you insight into all this.

8. Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead ...


Raised from the dead, DADDY?

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 15:29:43 - "Det skal du (kom til at tænke på GT-profetien

fra Ezekiel's bog 37. Skulle denne profeti ci-

tere her i denne sammenhæng?)."

Okay, DADDY:

The Book of Ezekiel, The prophet Ezekiel lived in exile in Ba-

bylon during the period before and after the fall of Jerusalem

in 586 Before Christ.

Ezekiel 37,1-14

(The Valley of Dry Bones)

I felt the powerful presence of the LORD, and his spirit took

me and set me down in a valley where the ground was covered

with bones. 2. He led me all around the valley, and I could

see that there were very many bones and that they were very

dry. 3. He said to me, "Mortal man, can these bones come back

to life?"

I replied, "Sovereign LORD, only you can answer that!"

4. He said, "Prophesy to the bones. Tell these dry bones to

listen to the word of the LORD. 5. Tell them that I, the Sove-

reign LORD, am saying to them: I am going to put breath*7 into

you and bring you back to life. 6. I will give you sinews and

muscles, and cover you with skin. I will put breath*8 into you

and bring you back to life. Then you will know that I am the

LORD." *7: 7307. *8: 7307.

7. So I prophesied ...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 17:16:xx - "Det skal du (profetere)."

Yes, my LORD:

Så siger den Herre HERREN (JHVH): Se, Jeg åbner jeres grave og

fører jer ud af dem, Mit folk. (ALARM ringede). Jeg indgiver

jer Min Ånd, så I bliver levende. I skal kende, at Jeg er HER-

REN; Jeg har talet, og Jeg fuldbyrder det, lyder det fra HER-


DADDY! Yesterday I found the sign-of-Jonah in Luke 11,29-32

and I'm still thinking: Is this a part of program right now,


CET 17:31:23 - "Bliv ved!"

? -

CET 17:33:54 - "Der er sat lukke ... (...)!"

No hack'ing, DADDY?

CET 17:35:22 - "Behold ..."

CET 17:38:13 - "Ser I det ikke?"

8. Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from Da-

vid. This is my gospel, 9. for which I am suffering even to the point

of being chained like a criminal. But God's word is not chained. 10.

Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too

may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

11 ...

DADDY-break (21/2-1999):

CET 17:47:16 - "Gør et hold hér."

11. Here is a trustworthy ...

DADDY (CET 17:56:00)! I was thinking about Your word through

Paul's letter to Ephesians. Shall I write it here?

CET 18:00:19 - "Det må du gerne!"

Ephesians 1,17-23

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the

glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revela-

tion, so that you may know him better. 18. I pray also that

the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you

may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of

his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19. and his incompara-

bly great power for us who believe. That power is like the

working of his mighty strength, 20. which he exerted in Christ

when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right

hand in the heavenly realms, 21. far above all rule and autho-

rity, power and dominion, and every title that can be given,

not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22.

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to

be head over everything for the church, 23. which is his body,

the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

... Jesu Kristi Gud ... give jer (os) [Sin] Ånd ...Dét er den

SAMME vældige styrkes indgriben, hvormed han [FADEREN] virkede

i Kristus, da han [FADEREN] opvakte ham [Jesus] fra de døde!

Himmelske Far! Den Ånd, Du har givet bolig i vort indre (2.Tim

1,7.14); er det den samme Ånd [kraft], der oprejste Jesus fra

de døde?

CET 18:16:30 - "Ja!"

CET 18:19:32 - "Gør det!"

Vi befaler jer i Jesu (Jahve-er-frelse) kristi navn: Stå op

fra de døde (1.Cor 15,14)!

Time reset (CET 18:32:30 = real time 18:34:00 => CET 18:34:00)

Input commandment from DADDY (20/2-1999):

CET 16:39 - "Den skal med (K.D's Ordet 20/2-99 i brev til



Da svarede Jesus ham: "Vig bort, Satan! For der står skrev-

et: "Du skal tilbede Herren din Gud og tjene ham alene." Da

forlod Djævelen ham, og se, der kom engle og sørgede for ham."

(Matthæus 4,10-11)

Gud har i Jesus Kristus åbenbaret den sande guddommelighed.

Guds magt er så stor, at den kan give afkald på magten for

kærlighedens skyld. Gud ønsker ikke menneskers blinde under-

kastelse og udvendige tilbedelse. Han ønsker menneskers hjert-

er, vor inderlige og ægte tilbedelse i tro og i frihed.

Jesus nej til Djævelen er hans ja til korset (own: Isaiah

53). Det er et ja til nærvær og til fællesskab med os. Dermed

er der sat en ny målestok ind i verden. Den gamle måde er den

udvendige magts måde. Den nye er den selvhengivende kærligheds


Så bringer søndagens evangelium os helt ind i evangeliets

hjerte, i kristentroens midte. Vi kender Gud i et korsfæstet

menneske. Vi møder Guds magt i hans afkald på magten.

Så udgår der også fra denne søndags evangelium en stilfærdig

og stærk udfordring til os: at se på korset, at åbne os for

Guds nærværende, opofrende og livsforvandlende kærlighed. At

indse at Guds magt og kærlighed er ét og det samme.

Det er det underfulde, som vi aldrig fuldt ud vil kunne be-

gribe med forstanden, men som vi inderst inde dog fornemmer

som sandheden: at kærlighedens afmagt er den virkelige gud-

domsmagt. Der skal mere styrke til at give afkald på ydre magt

(own: Zak 4,6) end til at bygge sit liv på den.

Jesu kors er derfor hans kamp mod og sejr over den onde.

Når man ser sig omkring i verden og ser ind i sig selv, så

kan det godt se ud, som om kærlighedens magt bukker under.

Og dog, ved gudstjenesten på søndag har Jesus magt fået en

menighed til at forsage og bekende. Vi forsager Djævelen og

alle hans gerninger og alt hans væsen.

Kun kærlighedens guddommelige magt har evigheden i sig. Kun

den kærlighed, der går ind i lidelse og død, kan skabe liv af


Vore fristelser er af samme art som Jesu fristelser. Da Je-

sus besejrede den onde i skænkede han os den kraft og det mod,

der skal til, når vi skal forsage den onde.

Kaj Mogensen

END of DADDY-commandment 20/2-99

The sign-of-Jonah, DADDY (22/1-1999, CET 10:04) ?

... the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

11. Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also

live with him; 12. if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we

disown him, he will also disown us; 13. if we are faithless, he will

remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

2.1 Eph 6,10. 2.Tim 4,17. Phil 4,13. 1.Tim 1,12.

2.2 2.Tim 1,13. 1.Tim 3,2.

2.3 2.Tim 1,8; 4,5.

2.5 1.Cor 9,25. 2.Tim 4,8. Phil 3,14.

2.6 1.Cor 9,7.10.

2.7 Col 1,9.

2.8 1.Cor 15,4. Rom 1m3; 2,16. 2.Sam 7,12 ff.

2.9 Phil 1,12 ff. Col 4,3. 2.Tim 4,17.

2.10 Eph 3,13.

2.11 1.Tim 1,15. Rom 8,17. 2.Cor 4,10 f.

2.12 Rom 5,17. Luke 12,9; 22,30. Rev 1,9; 20,4. Matt 10,33.

2.13 Num 23,19.

(An Approved Worker)

14. Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God

against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins

those who listen. 15. Do your best to present yourself to God as one

approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly

handles the word of truth. 16. Avoid godless chatter, because those

who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17. Their teach-

ing will spread like gangrene. Amoing them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

18. who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the resurrec-

tion has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 19.

Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this in-

scription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who con-

fesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

20. In a large house there are not only articles of gold and silver,

but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for

ignoble. 21. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an

instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and

prepared to do any good work.

22. Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith,

love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure

heart. 23. Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid argu-

ments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24. And the Lord's ser-

vant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to

teach, not resentful. 25. Those who oppose him he must gently in-

struct, in the hope that God will give them a change of heart leading

themn to a knowledge of the truth, 26. and that they will come to

their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them

captive to do his will.

2.14 1.Tim 6,4. 2.Tim 2,23. Tit 3,9.

2.15 Tit 2,7 f. Luke 12,42.

2.16 1.Tim 6,20; 4,7.

2.17 1.Tim 1,20

2.18 1.Cor 15,12. Own: 2.Thes 2,2.

2.19 John 10,14. Matt 7,23. Num 16,5.

2.20 Rom 9,21. 1.Cor 3,12.

2.12 2.Tim 3,17. Tit 3,1.

2.22 1.Tim 6,11. Hebr 12,14.

2,23 Tit 3,9.

2.24 Tit 1,7-9; 3,2. 1.Tim 3,2 f. Phil 4,5.

2.25 Gal 6,1. Ac 11,18. 1.Tim 2,4.

2.26 1.Tim 3,7.

3. Chapter

(The Last Days)

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2. Peop-

le will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud,

abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3. without

love, unforgiviung, slanderous, without selfcontrol, brutal, not

lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure

rather than lovers of God - 5. having a form of godliness but denying

its power. Have nothing to do with them.

6. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control

over weakwilled women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by

all kinds of evil desires, 7. always learning but never able to ac-

knowledge the truth. 8. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so

also these men oppose the truth - men of depraved minds, who, as far

as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9. But they will not get very

far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to


3.1 .Tim 4,1. 2.Pet 3,3.

3.2 Rom 1,29 ff. Matt 24,12.

3.4 Phil 3,19.

3.5 Matt 7,15; 15,8. Tit 1,16. Own: Num 14,1 ff. Psa 78,32;

106,24 ff. 1.Tim 5,22. 1.Cor 4,20.

3.6 Tit 1,11.

3.7 2.Tim 2,25. Tit 1,1.

3.8 Ex 7,11. 1.Tim 6,5.

(Last Instructions)

10. You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my

purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11. persecutions, suffer-

ings - what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and

Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all

of them. 12. In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in

Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13. while evil men and impostors will

go from bad to worse ...

DADDY-break (22/2-1999):

CET 10:23:31 - "Gør det (kom til at tænke på Saddam Husein [og

"visse" andre onde mennesker] nu her senest

med mordet på Ayatollah Mohammed Sadek al-Sadr

og hans to sønner)!"

Herre! Straf disse mordere (Jude 9).

...from bad to worse, deceiving ...

CET 10:29:24 - "Login (tænkte på Jonas-ALARM upon Irak)!"

...from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14. But as for

you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of,

because yiou know those from whom you learned it, 15. and how from in-

fancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you

wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16. All Scripture is

God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and

training in righteousness, 17. so that the man of God may be thorough-

ly equipped for every good work.

3.11 Ac 13,14-50-52; 14,1-2-7.8-19-20. 2.Cor 1,10; 11,23 ff.

Psa 34,20.

3.12 Matt 16,24 f. John 15,20. Ac 14,22. Sir 2,1. 1.Thes 3,3. Own:

Hebr 12,4. Rev 12,17.

3.15 2.Tim 1,5. John 5,39.

3.16 2.Pet 1,21. Rom 15,4.

3.17 1.Tim 6,11. 2.Tim 2,21.

4. Chapter

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living

and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you

this charge: 2. Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of sea-

son; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful

instruction. 3. For the time will come when men will not put up with

sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather

around them a great mumber of teachers to say what their itching ears

want to hear. 4. They will turn their ears away from the truth and

turn aside to myths. 5. But you, keep your head in all situations, en-

dure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties

of your ministry.

6. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the

time has come for my departure. 7. I have fought the good fight, I

have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8. Now there is in sto-

re for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous

Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to

all who have longed for his appearing.

4.1 1.Tim 6,13. Matt 16,27; 25,31 f. Ac 10,42. 1.Pet 4,5.

4.2 1.Tim 4,13. Own: Jer 25,28.

4.3 1.Tim 4,1; 6,3. Own: Num 16,10.

4.4 1.Tim 1,4.

4.5 2.Tim 1,8; 2,3. Eph 4,11. Col 4,17.

4.6 Phil 2,17. 2.Pet 1,14.

4.7 1.Cor 9,24. Hebr 12,1. Phil 3,14. 1.Tim 6,12. Ac 20,24.

4.8 1.Cor 9,25. 1.Pet 5,5. Rev 2,10.

(Personal Words)

9.Do your best to come to me quickly, 10. for Demas, because he lov-

ed this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens

has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. 11. Only Luke is with me.

Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my mi-

nistry. 12. I sent Tychicus to Ephesus. 13. When you come, bring the

cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the


14. A...

DADDY-break (22/2-1999):

CET 11:04:11 - "Gør det!"

Input memory: 98-10-08 . 99-01-07 . 99-01-04

14. Alexandre the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. Tle Lord

will repay him for what he has done. 15. You too should be on your

guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message.

16. At my first defense, no one came to my support, byt eberyone de-

serted me. May it not be held against them. 18.But the Lord stood at

my side and gave me strength, so that through me the messafge might be

fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delier-

ed from the lion's mouth. 18. The Lord will rescue me from every evil

attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be

glory for ever and ever. Amen.

4.9 2.Tim 4,21.

4.10 Col 4,14. Phm 24. 2.Cor 8,23. Gal 2,3. Tit 1,4.

4.11 Ac 12,12.25; 13,13; 15,37-39. Col 4,10.14.

4.12 Ac 20,4. Eph 6,21-22. Col 4,7-8.

4.13 Ac 20,6.

4.14 1.Tim 1,20. 2.Sam 3,39. Psa 28,4; 62,12. Matt 16,27. Rom 2,6.

4.16 Mark 14,50. Ac 7,60.

4.17 Phil 4,13. Dan 6,23.

4.18 Matt 6,13. Rom 16,27.

(Final Greetings)

19. Greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus. 20.


CET 11:25:59 - "Det skal du (I was thinking about Onesipho-


Maybe Onesihporus is dead at that time, Paul wrote his letter.

There is no greet to him, only to his family (v 19). And Paul

says i 1,18: May the Lord grant him his mercy on that Day! And

speak about him in "yesterday-talking": And you know very well

how much he did for me in Ephesus (1,18b).

Maybe Onesiphorus became a martyr of Christ. Maybe he and

Paul together was with the lions (v 17).

... 20.

Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus. 21.

Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do

Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothres.

22. The Lord be with your spirit. GRace be with you.

4.19 Ac 18,2. Rom 16,3. 2.Tim 1,16-17.

4.20 Ac 19,22; 20,4; 21,29. Rom 16,23.

4.22 Tit 3,15.

-------- END of Paul's Second Letter to Timothy ----------------------

TIME-responce (Old Testament): Jer 31,37, code Joel 3,1 ?

CET 16:17:39

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Tuesday, 23. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 14:18:17

OUTPUT-ordre-time CET 13:19:40

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+769, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

749, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

725, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

654, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

346, 14. Mat. 1998, Iran

319, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-24

To the government of Turkey,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. Prime Minister Blent Ecevit,

Day no 16.

Received commandment from DADDY today at ...


CET 13:19:40 - "Det skal du (Skriv til Tyrkiet med copy til

M.W. vedr. oprettelse af kurdisk selvstyre i

Tyrkiet, Syrien, Iran og Irak. Benyt tidligere


As far as we know yet, the SZ-"virus" has infected Iran, Irak, Tale-

ban, Cannibal-istan (China) and Russia (SZ-counter: 16, date 23.12.

1998). The OUTPUT-code is Jonah.

NEXT Serbia - ? (bekræftelse mangler)

Input memory:


From Mogens Kall Sunday, 23. February 1997

******************. CET 9:43



Daycode: DADDY LIVES 39, T+19

To the government and Parliament of Turkey,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copies: The Parliament of Europe and The Muslim World (through the

Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.)

Dear friends,

De nye politiske tiltag med hensyn til amnesti af tyrkiske fanger bo-

siddende i den østlige zone (Kurdistan), hilses hjertelig velkommen.

Fortsætter vi i det spor, da skal det nok lykkes for os at skabe fred

og harmoni i landet og med dets nabolande.

Det er relevant at komme ind på problematiken vedrørende den østlige


Forestiller vi os - hypotetisk set - at der blev oprettet et uafhæn-

gigt Kurdistan i dette område, sådan nu og her, hvad ville vi da kunne

forvente, dette vil medføre? - Har vi nogle erfaringer på dette områ-

de? - JA! Det har vi: Siden Golf-krigen har der været en såkaldt "be-

skyttet" zone i det nordlige Irak. De erfaringer, vi har gjort os i

denne forbindelse, er IKKE just opmuntrende! - Der kom hverken demo-

krati, frihed eller lykke. Årsagen skal findes i områdets ikke-demo-

kratiske stater. Vi véd, at både Syriens diktator, Iraks diktator og

den ikke-demokratisk valgte regering i Tehran søger indflydelse i om-

rådet gennem vold, mord, død og ødelæggelse.

Man skal være ret idiotisk, hvis man ikke - på denne baggrund - kan

indse og forudsige, hvad konsekvenserne vil blive i tilfælde af et

selvstændigt Kurdistan i det østlige Tyrkiet.

Derfor er det IKKE relevant - på nuværende tidspunkt - at støtte be-

vægelser/organisationer i Tyrkiet (og andre steder) der arbejder for

oprettelsen af et uafhængigt Kurdistan. Det vil blot medføre yderlig-

ere tab af UERSTATTELIG menneskeliv.

Derimod ønsker vi at oprette en Union bestående af demokratiske med-

lemsland i området. Formålet herved er at skabe stabilitet, som kan

komme de enkelte borgere, úanset herkomst, til gavn og glæde. Den Eu-

ropæiske Union arbejder med dette for øje, og længst fremme i denne

processe er De Forenede Stater i Amerika. Borgerne nyder her godt af

fællesskaber og kan rejse rundt i området uden restriktioner.

Imidlertid har det vist sig, at protektionisme fortsat kan trives i

et sådant miljø (i forhold til dets omgivelser), hvorfor der er behov

for et fælles-syntax: De Forenede Demokratiske Nationer.

Bilaget: US-letter, date January 21. 1997 uddyber dette, med henblik

på ... (You know) ...!

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.

PS! Med hensyn til TVANG (Sûra AL-BAQARAH 2,257) - please phone Mr.

ayatollah Jalal Ganje'i (se også bilag Dk-presse 2.4.1997).

-------- End of 1997-02-23.Turkey-Letter -----------------------------



Input 9:43

3^2 = 9


2 (years: 2.23.1997+2= 2.23.1999-SZ-16, day 16-Jonah - ?)

3 + 43 = 46

(King Hussein of Jordan rulet nearly as 47 years - ?)

DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 14:53:00 - "Login!"

9+43=52 (52=SZ - SZ-"virus", SZ=. [heard])

43-9=34 (34 years of Hassan as crown prince, 99-65)

Searchstring sign 5:

Found error:"medlemsland(e)", e=5 (code . - ???)

Key: Turkey ON

Syria OFF (dictatorship)

Irak OFF (dictatorship)

Iran OFF (dictatorship)

Input News (i.g.t. Iran, Danish TEXT-TV):


P 150 DR1 S150 Man 22 Feb (1999) 20:13:36

Iran: Moderate kandidater ude

Irans konservative valgkommission har udelukket flere førende moderate

kandidater, som støtter præsident Mohammad Khatami, fra at stille op

ved fredagens (own: kommune-)valg.

Beslutningen blev straks angrebet af indenrigsministeriet.

Blæandt de udelukkede er spidskandidaten Khatamis tidligere indenrigs-

minister, Abdullah Nouri, samt den indflydelsesrige studenterleder,

Ebrahim Asgharzadeh.

Valgkommissionen har udelukket kandidaterne pr. brev sendt til inden-


-------- END of News 22/2-1999 ---------------------------------------

Sir! We RECOMMEND a self-government for the Turkey's kurds.


Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.




CET 17:56 Found Jonah number 2:

3^2:43 - 43-3= 40, rest 2

DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 17:56 - "Login!"



FRom Mogens Kall Wednesday, 24. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 17:36

OUTPUT-ordre-time: CET 16:21

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+770, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

750, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

726, 29. Feb. 1997, Iran

655, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

347, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

320, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Sir! We got new OUTPUT:





22/2-1999, CET 17:28:xx - "Det skal du (copy 1.Pte to Iran)."

24/2-1999, CET 06:48:40 - "You can trust in that (tænkte på borg-

er nr. 16 [ild i skraldespand] - lå der

også noget symbolsk i hændelsen mht.

tallet 16 - New 16 fire?)."

24/2-1999, CET 12:36:xx - "Koncentrer dig om det egentlige (In-

tert: Du må være gået fra forstanden

[R..]; the man is a MURDER, a Killer-ma-

chine - målet helliger IKKE midlerne!)."

24/2-1999, CET 13:03:06 - "Login (sagde: Peace with God and peace

with one another, medens jeg grundede

[trying to find out, 1.Pet 1,11a] over

sign 6)."

24/2-1999, CET 13:16:20 - "Login ("hackede": Tape "Slow"-hand,

time 1:14:49, code 1054 a.c.)."

24/2-1999, CET 13:25 ca.- Coffee-ALARM gik i gang (tape 1:21:27,

code Hebr 13,2).

24/2-1999, CET 13:31:57 - "Det kan du [stole] på (tape 1:27:45)."

24/2-1999, CET 13:39:07 - "Præcist (tape 1:34:02-06)!"

24/2-1999, CET 13:44:53 - "Login (was listing to CD: Oslo Gospel

Choir 'Celebrate! number 9: Bridge Over

TRoubled Water')."

24/2-1999, CET 14:29:20 - "Det er sket (Internal: CHN, now DADDY

pays back, because of the evil crimes,

code: wild-cat)!"

24/2-1999, CET 16:02:xx - "Login (... classifyed for a time ...)!"

24/2-1999, CET 16:05:53 - "Login (Swane Lake + prodigal sons)."

24/2-1999, CET 16:07:15 - "Det vil Jeg (bad om frelse for de for-


24/2-1999, CET 16:16: 20 - "Det må du gerne (classifyed)."

24/2-1999, CET 16:21 ca - "Den SKAL afsted i dag (this letter)!"

But I'm not finish, my LOrd!

Okay! An ordre is an ordre!

24/2-1999, CET 17:40:38 - "Sådan skal den være (brev lige skrevet



Searchstrings of 'The First Letter from Peter'


1: "(the ¢nly God)", - Found

2: "Son (son) of God", - Found

3: "Father", - Found (1,2.3.17.

4: "Creator", - Found

5: "Jesus", - Found (1, . .13. ; 2,5. .

6: "Christ", - Found (1,; 2,5.21.

7: "(Salvation)", - Found (1,5.9.10; 2,2.

8: "Savior", - Found

9. "(Shirk)", - Found

9. "(Warning against shirk)", - Found ...

10. "(false letters)", - Found

11. "(reddem)", - Found (1,18

12. "(Eternal life)", - Found

13. "(the Living God)", - Found

14. "(2.coming of Jesus C.)", - Found ([1,7.13]

14. "(day God visits us)", - Found (2,12)

15. "Spirit (of God)", - Found (

16. "New life", - Found (

17. "destroyed death", - Found

18. "(raise from the death)", - Found (1,3.21.

19. "(born again)", - Found (1,3.23



The First Letter from Peter was addressed to Christians, here called

"God's chosen people," who were scattered throughout the northern part

of Asia Minor. The main purpose of the letter is to encourage the rea-

ders, who were facing persecution and suffering for their faith. The

writer does this by reminding his readers of the Good News about Jesus

Christ, whose death, resurrection, and promised coming gave them hope.

In the light of this they are to accept and endure their suffering,

confident that it is a test of the genuineness of their faith and that

they will be rewarded on "the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed."

Along with his encouragement in time of trouble, the writer also ur-

ges his readers to live as people who belong to Christ.

Outline of Contents

Introduction 1.1-2

Reminder of God's salvation 1.3-12

The Christian's responsibilities in time of suffering 2.11-4.19

Christian humility and service 5.1-11

Conclusion 5.12-14


Forfatter, datering og baggrund:

Brevet er skrevet af apostlen Peter ca. 63-64 e.Kr. - muligvis i

Rom, hvor Peter et par år senere led martyrdøden under kejser Nero.

Indhold og budskab:

Peter henvender sig til de forfulgte jøde-kristne, der var spredt ud

over Lilleasien, og opmuntrer dem til at holde fast ved troen på Jesus

Kristus, selv om de måske fristes til at vende tilbage til jødedommen

for at undgå forfølgelse. Med Jesus som eksempel påviser han, at prøv-

elser er en forudsætning for et frugtbart kristenliv, og at den krist-

ne menighed nu er Guds udvalgte folk og præsteskab, der i tro og ly-

dighed kan triumfere midt i lidelsen.


The New International Version Interlinear Greek-English New Testament.

1. Peter

1. Chapter

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,

To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus,

Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2. who have been chosen accor-

ding to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work

of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his


Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

1.1 1.Pet 2,11. Jam 1,1. John 7,35. Ac 2,9.

1.2 Rom 8,29. 2.Thes 2,13. Ex 24,8. Hebr 10,22; 12,24. 2.Pet 1,2.

(A Living Hope)

3. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! I his

great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the

resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4. and into an inheritance

that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for you. 5.

Through faith you are shielded by God's power until the coming of the

salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6. In this

you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have suf-

fered grief in all kinds of trials. 7. These have come so that your

faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined

by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and

honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8. Though you have not seen him,

you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in

him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9. for you

are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

10. Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace

that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care,

11. trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit

of Christ inthem was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of

Christ and the glories that would follow. 12. It was revealed to them

that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the

things that have now been told you by those who have preached the go-

spel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to

look into these things.

1.3 2.Cor 1,3. Eph 1,3. 1.Pet 1,23. Tit 3,5. John 3,3.5.

1.4 1.Pet 5,4. Col 1,5.

1.5 Col 1,5. Own: Phil 1,6. salvation: 2.Pet 3,13.

1.6 1.Pet 4,12 f.; 5,10. Rom 8,18. 2.Cor 4,17.

1.7 Jam 1,3. Pro 17,3. Isa 48,10. Mal 3,3. 1.Pet 4,12. Own: Ex

16,4; 15,25. 1.Sam 1,15. 1.Chr 29,17. Psa 12,7. fire: Leiv

10,2. Num 11,1.

1.8 2.Cor 5,7 ...

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 16:46:15 - "Login!"

CET 16:48:00 - "Det skal du (citere 2.Cor 5,7)."

Yes, Sir!

We live by faith, not by sifgnt.

Good enourth, DADDY?

CET 16:49:54 - "Forventer du svar?"

My Lord!

1.8 2.Cor ...

The Jonas-sign in Luke 11,29-322?

CET 16:51:04 - "Lad den stå (322)!"

Yes, Sir!

1.8 2.Cor. 5,7. Hebr 1,1. John 20,29.

1.9 Own: Ex 30,15. Isa 45,22; 49,6. Psa 22,28; 56,14; [69,33].

Ac 3,23; 4,12.

1.10 Matt 13,17.

1.11 2.Pet 1,21. Luke 24,26 f. Isa 53,3 ff.

1.12 Dan 12,9. Hebr. 11,13.39. Eph 3,10.

(A Call to Holy Living)

13. Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be selfcontrolled; set

your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is re-

vealed. 14. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires

you had when you lived in ignorance. 15. But just as he who called you

is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16. for it is written: "Be holy,

because I am holy."

17. Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartial-

ly, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 18. For you

know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold

that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you

from your forefathers, 19. but with the precious blood of Christ, a

lamb without blemish or defect. 20. He was chosen before the creation

of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. 21.

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glo-

rified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

22. Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so

that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply,

with all your hearts.*s 23. For you have been born again, not of per-

ishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring

word of God. 24 For, "All men (own: and women) are like grass, and all

their glory is like the wild flower; the grass withers, and the flower

falls, 25. but the word of the Lord stands forever."

*s: Some early MSS read: from a pure heart.

1.13 Luke 12,35. Eph 6,14. 1.Pet 4,7; 5,8. 1.Thes 5,6.

1.14 Eph 2,2 f. Ac 17,30. Own: Deu 12,8.

1.15 Matt 5,48. 2.Tim 1,9.

1.16 Lev (3 Mos) 11,44 f.

1.17 Rom 2,6 ff. Phil 2,12. 2.Cor 5,6; 7,1. Own: 1.Pet 2,17. Hebr.


DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 17:03:51 - "Det skal du (citere Hebr 11,9-10)."

Yes, Sior!

9. By faith he [own: Abraham, v 8] made his home in the pro-

mised land like a stranger in a foreign country; hre lkived in

tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the

same promise. 10. For he was looking forward to the city with

foundations, whose architect and builder is God (own:NOT man).

GOSUB Hebr 12,22-24. Phil 3,20.

1.18 1.Cor 6,20; 7,23. Matt 20,28. Tit 2,14.

1.19 Ac 20,28. John 1,29. 1.Cor 5,7. Hebr 9,12 ff. Rev 5,9. Own:

Rev 7,14b; 12,11a.

1.20 Rom 16,25 f. Hebr 1,1.

1.22 Jam 4,8. Rom 12,10. Hebr 13,1. 1.Pet 4,8.

1.23 John 1,13. 1.John 3,9. Jam 1,18.

1.24 Isa 40,6-8. Psa 102,12 f.; 103,15 ff. Jam 1,10 f.

1.25 Matt 24,35. Rom 10,8.

2. Chapter

(The Living Stone and the Holy Nation)

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, je-

alousy, and slander of every kind. 2. Like newborn babies, crave pure

spiritual milk, so that by it yopu may grow up in yopur salvation, 3.

now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

4. As you come to him, the living Stone - rejected by men but chosen

by God and precious to him - 5. you also, like licving stones, are be-

ing built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering

spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6. For

the Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and pre-

cious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to

shame." 7. Now to ytou who believe, this stone is precious. But to

those who do not believe: "The stone the builders rejected has become

the capstone," 8. and, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock

that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message -

which is also what they were destined for.

9. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a

people beloning to God, that you may declare the praises [own: Greek:

703, praise, virtues] of him who called you out of darkness into his

wonderfull light.

10. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God;

once you had bnot received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

2.1 Jam 1,21. Eph 4,22. Col 3,8. Hebr 12,1.

2.2 1.Pet 1,23. Hebr 5,12-14.

2.3 Psa 34,9.

2.4 Isa 28,16. Psa 118,22.

2.5 Eph 2,20 ff. 1.Cor 3,16. Rom 12,1. Isa 61,6. Rev 1,6.

hebr 13,15 f.

2.6 Isa 28,16. Rom 9,33.

2.7 Isa 8,14. Psa 118,22. Matt 21,42. Ac 4,11.

2.8 Luke 2,34.

2.9 Ex 19,6. Deu 7,6. Isa 43,21. Rev 5,10; 20,6. Tit 2,14. Col

1,13. Ac 26,18. John 8,12; 12,46. Own: Power: Rom 1,16.

2.10 Hos 2,23. Rom 9,25.

(Slaves of God)

11. Dear friends [own: Greek: Beloved], I urge you, as foreigners

and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war

against your soul...

DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 20:05:46 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere tekst-


The words in verse 11 is the REAL Djihad!!!

... 12. Live such good lives among the pagans that,

though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds

and glorify God on the day he visits us.

13. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority insti-

tuted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14. or

to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to

commend those who do right. 15. For it is God's will that by doing

good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16. Live as

free men, but di not use your freedom as a coverup for evil; live as

servants of God. 17. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the bro-

therhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

2.11 1.Pet 1,1. Hebr 11,13. Gal 5,17.24. Jam 4,1. Own: "Jihad":

1.Cor 10,13. Matt 6,13; 4,1-11 m.fl.

2.12 1.Pet 3,16. Matt 5,16. Rom 12,17. Own: 'on the day': Hebr

13,2 - ?

2.13 Rom 13,1 ff. Tit 3,1. Own: Compare with Ac 4,19-20.

2.15 Tiot 2,8.

2.16 John 8,32. Rom 6,18. 1.Cor 7,22; 8,9. Gal 5,1.13.

2.17 Pro 24,21. Matt 22,21. Rom 12,10. Phil 2,3. Hebr 13,1. Own:

1.Pet 1,17. fear compare 1.John 4,18.

(The Example of Christ's Suffering)

18. Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not

only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are

harsh. 19. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of

unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. 20. But how is it to

your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it?

But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commend-

able before God.

DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 20:37:46 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere tekst-


Here we have the TRUE Djihad - the way of the LORD!

... 21. To this you were called, because Christ suffered

for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

22. "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." 23.

When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he

suffered, he made no threats...

DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 20:53:04 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere tekst-


He made NO threats! An example:

Luke 9,53-55

53. but the people there did not welcome him, ... 54. When the

disciples James and John saw this, they asked, "Lord, do you

want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them*x?"

*x: Some MSS add even as Elijah did.

Searchstring "Elijah" and "(fire down from heaven)". Found:

2. KIng 1,9-15 (written after 560 b.c. - before 538 b.c)

9. Then he sent an officer with fifty men to get Elijah. The

officer found him sitting on a hill and said to him, "Man of

God, the kings orders you to come down."

10. "If I am a man of God," Elijah answered, "may fire come

down from heaven and kill you and your men!" At once fire came

down and killed the officer and his men.

11. The king sent another officer with fifty men, who went

up and said to Elijah, "Man of God, the king orders you to

come down at once!"

12. "If I am a man of God," Elijah answered, "may fire come

down from heaven and kill you and your men!" At once the fire

of God came down and killed the officer and his men.

13. Once more the king sent an officer with fifty men. He

went up the hill, fell on his kness in front of Elijah, and

pleaded, "Man of God, be merciful to me and my men. Spare our

lives! 14, The two other officers and their men were killed by

fire from heaven; byt please be merciful to me!"

15. The angel of the LORD (JHVH) said to Elijah, "Go down

with him, and don't be afraid." So Elijah went with the offi-

cer to the king.

53. but the people there did not welcome him, ... 54. When the

disciples James and John saw this, they asked, "Lord, do you

want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them*x?" 55.

But Jesus turned and rebuked them,*y

*y: Some MSS add And he said, "You do not know what

kind of spirit you are of, for the son-of-man did

not did not come to destroy men's livces, but to

save them."

Compare Jesus with other "so-called" prophets (ildens straf;

en smertelig straf; pinefuld straf osv.)!

Sir! Do You think, Mr. President Khatami, we can escape from

the Jonah-syntax through this gate (coffee-Bell rang)?

... , he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who

judges justly. 24. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross


DADDY-break (23/2-1999):

CET 22:46:59 - "Det må du gerne (afbryde og kommentere tekst-


Thanks DADDY!


DADDY! Last "check-point" was GOOD FRIDAY!

Mr. President Khatami - We better take a "cold-boot" again:

As You remember, Adam and Eva did something wrong in the Gard-

en of Eden. The Qur'ân confirm this in Sûra 7,20-24 by the

words: "20. Og O Adam, bo du og din hustru i haven og spis af

det, I lyster, men nærm jer ikke dette træ, så I bliver uret-

færdige. 21. Men Satan hviskede til dem, for at åbenbare det,

der var skjult for dem af deres skam, og han sagde: Jeres Her-

re har kun forbudt jer dette træ, for at I ikke skal blive to

engle eller blive af dem, der lever evigt. 22. Og han tilsvor

dem, (idet han sagde): Jeg er jer en hengiven rådgiver. 23. Og

han VILDLEDTE dem ved BEDRAG. Og efter at de havde SMAGT-af-

TRÆET, blev deres skam åbenbar for dem, og de begyndte at

skjule sig med havens løv. Og deres Herre kaldte dem, (idet

Han sagde): Forbød Jeg jer ikke dette træ og sagde til jer:

satan er jer visselig en åbenbar fjende. 24. De sagde: Vor

Herre, vi har handlet URET mod os selv, og HVIS DU IKKE TIL-


BLANDT DE FORTABTE." - Adam og Eva har brug for TILGIVELSE!

Man can NOT live (forever) without God! - When Adam and Eva

commit the "little" crime in the Garden of Eden by eating the

fruit, they ALSO commit a BIG crime: They KILLED God's-spoken-

word in their minds - in their hearts!

Now! How can our Creator express and explain this murder of

His spoken word? -

When someone wants to show and teach young children something,

they oftenly use examples; picture-talk'ing, symbols and so

on. Maybe our Creator wants to show us something in the same

way by the cross:

It's written in the Bible, that Christ Jesus is the Word-of-

God (John 1,1+14. Rev 19,13 ...

DADDY-break (23/2-1999)

CET 23:44:34 - "Husk den (Hebr 1,3)."

Yes, my Lord!

The Qur'ân does NOT confirm, that Christ Jesus is the Word-of-

God (Jahve)!

Sûra 3,46 (45/40) use these words: "46. (Husk), da englene

sagde: O Maria, Allah giver dig visselig glædeligt budskab ved

et ord fra Ham: hans navn skal være Messias, Jesus, Marias

søn, æret i denne verden og den kommende, en af dem, der står

(Gud) nær*11.

*11: 'Et ord fra Ham' har fået visse kristne kritikere til at

mene, at Qur'ânen skulle give visse indrømmelser over for

logoteorien (se Johs. ev. 1). Men ligesom i v. 40 betyder

'ord' her åbenbaring, profeti. Jvf. også Bukhârî LX,

XLVII, forord: Ab 'Ubaid har sagt: Guds 'ord' er ordene:

'Bliv til, og han blev til'.

Sûra 4,172 (171/169) use these words: "...Messias, Jesus,

Marias søn, var kun Allahs sendebud og (opfyldelsen af) Hans

ord", som Han sendte til Maria, og en barmhjertighed fra Ham.


*37: Rûh, der sædvanligvis betyder: ånd - kan også oversættes

- barmhjertighed (se Lane). ...

Så fik vi dét sat på plads!

Now the question is: Why does the Bibel tells us, that Jesus

is teh-WORD-of-God?

Perhaps DADDY, our Creator, the LIVING God Jahve, wants to

show us something: Maybe He use Christ Jesus as an example; a

picture, a symbol!

You see, in the Garden og Eden, DADDY and His - may I call

them His children (Adam and Eva)? - They were GOOD FRIENDS!

They spend a lot of time TOGETHER. DADDY was realy like a

father - LOVING His children; just like You and I can love our

children. They walk together in the garden, and then DADDY

brought the animals and all the birds to Adam to see what he

would name them (Gen 2,19). Can You imagine (make a pictre to

Yourself), how much He loved them; His Own dear creations. And

whatsoever Adam callled every living creature, that was the

name thereof (Gen 2,19). Hesterne! - Yes! All parents knows

how nice it is, when a little child starting up learning to


Therefore! - It MUST have hurt Him a lot, when Adam quit the

"partnership" with Him. It MUST have nearly as broke His

heart. And maybe Adam and Eva also felt a pain.

DADDY! Is it now?

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 01:14:xx - "Ja!"

Input commandment (from DADDY, 23/2-1999):

CET 10:45:xx - "Det skal du (input 23/2-99, CET 00:05:xx com-

mandment after The Garden-of-Eden)."

Input commandment (from DADDY, 23/2-1999):

CET 00:05:xx - "Den skal med (i brev til Iran [læste K.D.

Ordet, Monday 22/2-1999])

Hvor ?

CET 00:05:xx - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig (når tid er inde)."


Ordet, K.D. Monday 22/2-1999, side 2


I english, DADDY?

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 01:21:16 - "Yes, My child!"

As a deer longs for a stream of cool water, so I long for you,

O God. 2. I thirst for you, the living God. When can I go and

worship in your presence? 3. Day and night I cry, and tears

are my only food; all the time my enemies ask me, "Where is

your God?"

Psalms 42,1-3.

Sorg beror på afstand. ... Den bibelske salmedigter opblever

... afstand. Gud er kommet på afstand af ham.

Opblevelsen af afstand udtrykkes i et smukt og gribende bil-

lede. Hjorten skriger efter vand, men vandløbet er udtørret.

Lyden fra dyr, der skriger af tørst, er hjerteskærende.

Sådan skriger det menneske, der opblever, at meningen med

tilværelsen fortoner sig, at sammenhængen i livet er ved at gå

i opløsning. Glæden, frimodigheden, trygheden er forsvundet.

Det er en side af det enkelte menneskes livserfaring. Der er

en side af menneskehedens fælles erfaring.

Opblevelsen af afstand til glæden kan så søges overvundet

med alt muligt, der blot gør afstanden større: travlhed, over-

fladisk tidsfordriv, uforpligtende underholdning, ragen til

sig af unødvendige ting. Salmistens eneste håb er, at han dog

ved i hvilken retning, han skal spørge: efter den levende Gud.

Kaj Mogensen.

-------- END of Ordet, K.D. 22/2-99 --------------------------


We miss You! - We are NO LONGER in Your Garden!

Jesus! When I look at You, the-WORD-of-God, I must say: Yes,

my Lord - You are like a picture, a symbol, an example!

Thruogh You, Jesus, DADDY shows us how much Adam hurt Him,

when he quit the "partnership" with Him. It MUST nearly has

broke His heart. And maybe we ALSO hurt our Creators heart,

when we commit sins.

I think DADDY use you Jesus to tell us, what we exactly are

doing, when we commit sin. We are killing you (Hebr 6,6 key:

crucifying-again!), and not only you, because DADDY use you as

a pictre, an example, to show us, who we realy are killing:

the AGAPE-WORD-of-God, a part of You DADDY, our Creator, in

our hearts, just like Adam and Eva did in Garden of Eden. You

shows us, DADDY, by this example on the cross, how awful and

lost we are!

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 01:39:25 - "Husk det nu (Hebr 1,3)!"

Yes, my Lord! You are Jesus the express image of our Creators

Agape-love (Rûh - ?)

Then You, in your body on the cross, said: "...

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 02:16:35 - "Login (Luke 23.46)."

Jesus! Them You said on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for

they DO NOT KNOW what they are doing."

Then I can hear the AGAPE-Voice from the Garden-of-Eden! The

Love without any kind of conditions.

Oh! Now I understand You DADDY - Luke 23.46 (Your death Jesus

on the cross)! - Yes! Sir:

The Bible tells us, that Jesus died on the cross - Father, are

You sure this is the right time to talk about this? - I mean:

Did Peter actually wrote about this [that Jesus died on the

cross] in his first letter?

DADDY-break (24/2-1999):

CET 02:37:04 - "Prøv at kikke efter (i 1.Peters brev)!"

Okay, DADDY! - But You know:

Kilde (Islam - fællesskab og livsvej, af Edv. Wulff Pedersen):


side 37:

Profeten 'Isa ...

(Muslimst syn på Jesus)

JESUS regnes for en af profeterne - en meget æret profet, man-

ge muslimer hædrer ham ved altid at sige: fred være med ham!

når de har nævnt hans navn. Det er en hædersbevisning, som el-

lers kun bruges over for Muhammed. På denne måde kan muslimer

hævde, at de yder Jesus en ganske særlig respekt, endda større

end den de kristne giver ham, for de omtaler ham tit skødes-


På den anden side står muslimer med stærk og afgjort front

mod det syn på Jesus, som kirken repræsenterer. Af de retning-

er, som selv regner sig for at være kristne, anerkender islam

kun unitarerne.

Polemikken kommer især frem to steder i Koranen:

I skal sige: vi tror på Allah, og hvad der er åbenbaret os,

og hvad der åbenbaredes Abraham, Ishmael, Isak og Jakob og

Stammerne, og hvad der meddeltes Moses og Jesus og hvad der

meddeltes Profeterne af deres Herre; vi gør ikke forskel

mellem nogen af dem, og vi er gudhengivne.

(Sura 2,131.)

Sig: Vi tror på Gud, og hvad der er åbenbaret dig, og hvad

der var givet til Moses og Jesus og profeterne fra deres

herre - vi vil ikke gøre nogen forskel mellem nogen af dem -

og vi har underkastet os ham.

(Sura 3,78)

Flere steder hedder det: sig ikke tre! som protest mod tre-


At Jesus ikke blev korsfæstet og følgelig heller ikke opstod

Påskemorgen, synes at fremgå af sura 4,155-56:

og ved . . deres Ord: vi har dræbt Messias, Jesus, Marias

Søn, Allahs Sendebud - i Virkeligheden har de ikke dræbt el-

ler korsfæstet ham, men kun en, der syntes dem at være han

(her er det almindeligt at oversætte mere ubestemt: det så

kun sådan ud for dem) . . og de har i Virkeligheden ikke

dræbt ham, men Allah tog ham op til sig.

Stedet er meget vanskeligt at tolke. Det er sikkert, at det på

en eller anden måde er polemisk. Til gengæld er det også et af

de steder, hvor Jesus omtales som en helt særlig personlighed:

Gud tog ham til sig, tilsyneladende i levende live - spørgs-

målet er, om det på en måde er stort ringere end den kristne

lære om opstandelsen og himmelfarten, men handler dog om him-

melfart uden om død og opstandelse! Den klareste begrundelse

for et nej til korsfæstelsen, som forf. har hørt, blev givet

af en lærd i Rabat: Jesus kan ikke være død på korset, for Gud

bevarer sine profeter! Det drejer sig altså om spørgsmålet: er

Gud almægtig eller ej? og samtidig om retfærdighed: så galt

kan det ikke gå, at en profet bliver dræbt.

Vil man fra kristen side indvende: det er netop et vidnes-

byrd om Guds magt, at han kunne redde Jesus, selv om det var

gennem døden - afvises det uden begrundelse. Der er nok tale

om den muslimske tilbøjelighed for "middelvejen" uden de stær-

ke udsving, det der også viser sig i, at den mådeholdne livs-

stil berømmes.

For øvrigt er det et anstød for muslimer, at der er mere end

ét forsøg på at forklare korsfæstelsen. Islams "rationalistis-

ke" side slår igennem: det er ikke tilfredsstillende, at det

egentlig er uforklarligt, så at man må nærme sig fra flere

synsvinkler med forklaringsforsøg, der må kunne gives ét klart


Muslimske lærde er meget uenige om enkelthederne i, hvordan

stedet skal opfattes. Nogle mener, en anden blev korsfæstet i

stedet for Jesus, andre at han nok blev anbragt på korset, men

at dette i sig selv ikke er dødeligt, og at han faktisk ikke

døde, men blev fjernet af disciplene og skjult. Nogle erkend-

er, at han nok døde legemligt, men at dette ifølge sura 2,149

ikke betyder, at de sande troende virkeligt er døde, men lev-

ende, og 3,163 siger noget lignende: levende hos deres herre.

Hvordan det skal forstås uden den kristne tanke om opstandel-

se, må stå hen!

-------- END of citat: E.W.Pedersen: Islam -------------------

Sûra 4,158

Og fordi de har sagt: Sandelig, vi har myrdet Messias, Jesus,

Marias søn, Guds sendebud! - De myrdede ham ikke, og de dræbte

ham ikke ved korsfæstelsen, men han forekom dem (død). Og de,

som var uenige derom, er visselig i tvivl derom. De har ingen

(sikker) viden, men følger (kun) en formodning, og de dræbte

ham visselig ikke *33.

*33: Jøderne mente at have modbevist Jesu guddommelige sendel-

se ved at dræbe ham på korset, for efter deres lov var

den, der blev dræbt på et kors, forbandet af Gud (se 5.

Moseb. 21:23). Ifølge de bedste arabiske autoriteter bety-

der: salaba ikke 'korsfæste', men derimod: 'dræbe ved

korsfæstelse'. 'salaba' betyder eg. "uddrage marven af" og

hentyder til den benbrydning, der hører til en reglemente-

ret korsfæstelse. Verset benægter altså ikke, at Jesus

blev hængt på korset, men at han blev dræbt på korset (se

Lane & Aqrab). Udtrykket: walakin sjubbiha lahum - betyd-

er: men han (nemlig Jesus) forkom dem (således). Den hi-

storie, som var gængs mellem visse kristne sekterere, og

som kom ind i Islam ved konvertitter, finder ingen begrun-

delse i nærværende sammenhæng. Subjektet i sætningen: wa-

lakin sjubbiha lahum - må være Jesus. Man kan ikke indføre

en person som subjekt, der overhovedet ikke er nævnt i

sammenhængen, ejheller i hele Qur'ânen. Den sidste del af

verset: 'de dræbte ham visse ikke' kan efter arabisk

sprogbrug også oversættes: 'de omsatte ikke denne (formod-

ning) til vished.' Når verset siger: de myrdede ham ikke

og de dræbte ham ikke ved korsfæstelsen - skyldes den

første benægtelse (de myrdede ham ikke), at visse jøder

hævdede, at Jesus var blevet dræbt (stenet), før han blev

korsfæstet. (Se hertil de jødiske kætterlove, som de er

samlet af Stauffer i hans bog: Jerusalem und Rom. At Jesus

kun blev korsfæstet, beviser at anklagen mod ham lød på,

at han var en falsk profet. Havde han hævdet at være gud-

dommelig eller at have bragt en ny lov, skulle han have

været stranguleret eller stenet før korsfæstelsen).

A.S. Madsen, 1967.

Men de romerske soldater ...

(Matt 27,27: landshøvdingens soldater,

Mark 15,16: Soldaterne,

John 19,23: soldaterne);

de dræbte ham ...

(Matt 27,50.

Mark 15,37.

John 19,30)

ved korsfæstelse

(Matt 27,35.

Mark 16,24.

John 19,23) -

(og han [Jesus] forekom dem [jøderne] (død) - ???

DADDY! The prophecy from Isaiah 53 [Isaiah lived 8th centuries

B.C, copy found at the Qumran at the Dead Sea, C-14 dating

circa 0 B.C.] says, that - not only he [the arm of the LORD,

JHVH] should bear the pain that we should have (Isa 53,4); but

- he should ALSO die (Isa 53,8.9.12)

Maybe the answer is - indirect - in Sûra 3,50 (49): "... og

jeg (Own: Jesus, v 46) vil gøre de døde levende ved Allahs

vilje ..." - If God through Jesus restores-people-to-life,

Mark 5,41-42 (littlr girl), Luke 7,14-15 (young man), John

11,43-44 (Lazarus) - Why should our Creator not be in able to

do it with Jesus himself? - and through other persons like

Peter, Ac 9,40 (woman), or Paul Ac 20,9-10.12 (a young man

named Eutychus)? - The Old Testament do SURELY also have re-

ports: Elijah in 1.King 17,17.20-23 (boy), and Elisha in 2.

King 4,32.35 (boy).

Yes, my Lord! I think, I will search (in 1.Peter), as You told

me to do:

... 24. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross,

so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds

yopu have been healed. 25. For you were like sheep going astray, but

now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

2.18 Eph 6,5 ff. Col 3,22 ff. 1.Tim 6,1. Tit 2,9 f.

2.19 Matt 5,10 f.

2.20 1.Pet 3,14.17; 4,14.

2.21 Matt 11,29. John 13,15. Phil 2,5. 1.John 2,6.

2.22 Isaa 53,9. John 8,46. 2.Cor 5,21. 1.John 3,5.

2.23 1.Pet 3,9. Own: Luke 9,53-55.

2.24 Isa 53,5.12, Rom 6,11.

2.25 Isa 53,6. Psa 119,176. Eze 34,5 f. Luke 15,4. Matt 9,36. John

10,11. Hebr. 13,20.

3. Chapter

(Wives and Husbands)

Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any

of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without talk by

the behavior of their wives, 2. ...

-------- END of 'The First Letter from Peter' Part I -----------------

Sir! We got OUTPUT-ordre (24/2-1999, CET 16:21)!

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Thursday, 25. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 10:33:49

OUTPUT-ordre-time: CET 10:35:39

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+771, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

751, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

727, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

656, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

348, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

321, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-22

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Day no 18.

Sir! We got new OUTPUT:





25/2-1999, CET

24/2-1999, CET 19:01:12 - "Login (Laviner - mon Herren taler gen-

nem disse naturfænomener?)."

24/2-1999, CET 19:16:46 - "Gør det (Afspil tape [name: classifyed]

time from 1:28:52 to 1:41:40 - havde

mistanke pm at det er dét, Herren vil

fortælle mht. 19:01:12)."

24/2-1999, CET 19:24:16 - "Login!" - ???

24/2-1999, CET 19:27 ca - Tape 1:28:52 ON.

24/2-1999, CET 19:30:21 - "Input mark (Tape: Isa 45,14-15, vistnok


24/2-1999, CET 19:31:59 - "Gør det." - ???

24/2-1999, CET 19:32:00 - "Skriv det ned." - time-responce, DADDA?

24/2-1999, CET 19:33:27 - "Login!"

Isa 60

24/2-1999, CET 19:34:56 - "Skriv det ned." - v 9-10.

Isa 59, Vesterland, Østerland

Herrens Dom



DADDY-break (25/2-1999):

CET 10:50:58 - "Login (spurgte Herren om jeg måtte gøre en

tilføjelse til Zion-befrieren)."

CET 10:51:57 - "Ja."


Zion-befrieren (Isa 63,1)

Isa 19 - (Jøderne tilbage i Israel)

v 17

... Gud griber ind.

Vende om til Herren

24/2-1999, CET 19:37:52 - "Det må du gerne (5 byer v. 18)

Herren læger Egypt

Jer 48,47


24/2-1999, CET 19:39:16 - "Login."

i de sidste dage

Jer 49,6 Amon

Jer 49,39 Eælam


DADDY-break (25/2-1999):

CET 10:55:38 - "Lad den være (fejl: 'æ' i Elam)."


men i de sidste dage, siger HERREN


DADDY-break (25/2-1999):

CET 10:56:48 - "Login!"


24/2-1999, CET 20:59:56 - "Husk det nu (Hebr 2,17)."

24/2-1999, CET 21:14:29 - "Login (bad Gud om at Ben Laden må blive

krævet til regnskab for hans forbrydel-


25/2-1999, CET 09:37:44 - "Login (læste Iran-letter 24/2-99 side 6

2.King 1,12)."

25/2-1999, CET 10:06:46 - "Husk det (...classifyed...)."

25/2-1999, CET 10:06:57 - "login (... 10:06:46 ...)."

25/2-1999, CET 10:20:38 - "Jeg BEORDRE dig (tænkte på Iran-letter

22/2-99 side 10 vedr. 18:19:32 STEP one


25/2-1999, CET 10:22:42 - We command you - in the name of the

Father (Jahve-er-frelse) - raise up from

the dead!

25/2-1999, CET 10:26:11 - "Login (funderede over 10:20:38 and


25/2-1999, CET 10:26:56 - "Password!"

25/2-1999, CET 10:27:12 - Jahve-er-frelse!

25/2-1999, CET 10:27:28 - "Koden er godkendt!"

25/2-1999, CET 10:28:00 - Thanks DADDY!

25/2-1999, CET 10:30:34 - "Login (hørte musik, ordene var: Jesus


25/2-1999, CET 10:34:48 - "Login (Indskrev nyt brev til Iran, date

25/2-99 og var kommet til OUTPUT-ordre-


25/2-1999, CET 10:35:39 - "Ja (spurgte Herren om dette betød, at

der var givet OUTPUT-ordre)."

25/2-1999, CET 11:13:35 - "Det må du gerne (tænkte på T-22 i rela-

tion til 25/2-1999, CET 10:20:38-

10:28:00 - SZ-"virus"-ON, skulle dette


25/2-1999, CET 11:16:04 - "Jeg vil lade Mig finde."

25/2-1999, CET 11:18:21 - Internal-INTERFACE: Code-Searchstring

"O ... underskrevet af 46 p... og p."

25/2-1999, CET 11:20:34 - "Den skal gentages (11:16:04 - Jeg vil

lade Mig finde)."

25/2-1999, CET 11:18:21 - Internal-INTERFACE: code ...

25/2-1999, CET 11:22:59 - "Det må du gerne (Internal break: John

4,48 - ???)."

25/2-1999, CET 11:23:50 - Internalæ INTERFACE: John 1,,

25/2-1999, CET 11:24:29 - "Lad den være (fejl i 11:23:50: 'æ')

25/2-1999, CET 11:25:18 - Internal-INTERFACE: code John 1,41 (So-

meone is "sitting" OUT-OFF-SPACE (on

"the other side" of the Univers), DADDY!

25/2-1999, CET 11:31:03 - "Login ()."

25/2-1999, CET 11:31:35b- Internal-INTERFACE: Sir! The TIME is

wrong! Found errors at position ...!

25/2-1999, CET 11:33:00 - INternal-INTERFACE: ...

25/2-1999, CET 11:33:26 - "Lad den være (fejl i 11:33:00: 'N')."

25/2-1999, CET 11:34:05 - Internal-INTERFACE: Searchstring: "TIME-

JUMP". Found Isa 42,9 and ...

25/2-1999, CET 11:46:00 - "Login (tænkte på: Internal-INTERFACE:

Password: 1.Cor 2,2 - Vi vil ikke vide

af noget andet, end Jesus Christ og det

som korsfæstet -> John 17,20-23.22)."

25/2-1999, CET 11:53:42 - "Jeg beordrer dig (tænkte på at skrive:

For at komme Gnosticisterne og andre i

samme vranglære i forkøbet, skal det

understreges, at Jesus var 100 % et men-


Hebr. 2,16-17

For surely it is not angels he (own: Je-

sus, v 9) helps, but Abraham's descen-

dants. 17. For this reason he had to be

made like his brothers IN EVERY WAY, in

order that he might become a merciful

and faithful high priest in service to

God, and that he might make atonement

for the sins of the people.

...GOSUB Old T.: Lev 4,3; 9,7; 16,6 +

6,17-23; 9, ....

25/2-1999, CET 12:09:40 - "Det skal du (Underret Khatami om fundet

i Lev 9)." - Yes, my Lord:

Sir! We found a "escape" from the fire

in Lev 9,24 - Compare with Lev 10,1.

25/2-1999, CET 12:15:22 - "Det skal du (citere Hebr 4,15-16)." -

Yes, my Lord:

Hebr 4,15-16

15. For we do not have a high priest who

is unable to sympathize with our weak-

nesses, but we have one who has been

tempted in every way, just as we are -

yet was without sin. 16. Let us then ap-

proach the throne of grace with confi-

dence, so that we may receive mercy and

find grace to help us in our time of


25/2-1999, CET 12:22:48 - Internal-INTERFACE: Searchstring: "TIME-

JUMP". Found Isa 42,9 and Hebr 13,8.

25/2-1999, CET 12:31:45 - "Det må du gerne (tænkte på at skrive

til Dem, Hr. Khatami vedr. Jihad)."

Yes, Sir! The truth is, that we have be-

en at holy-war since the beginning (Gen

3,15). 1.Pet 5,8:" The devil, your enemy

prowls around like a roaringh lion look-

ing for someone to devour."

But - THANKS GOD - he (the devil) have

¢ne problem: He is INDEED not God, Him-

self, and therefore he can't break the

time, because - as it is written (Isa

42,8-9): "I alobne am the LORD [JHVH]

your God. No other god [include the de-

vil] may share My glory; I will not let

idols share My praise. 9. The things I

predicted have now come true. Now I will

tell you of new things even BEFORE they

begin to happen."

Only DADDY can break the Time, Sir!

25/2-1999, CET 12:42:40 - "Det skal du (citere the Voice saying:

'Derpå kan du kende forskel [på sandt og


25/2-1999, CET 12:44:40 - Later, Mr. President Khatami, we can gi-

ve You informations about, how to pro-

tect yourself against the 'lion', or

JUMP 2.Cor 12,8-9 (Don't look at the

darknes, but instead talk with DADDY a-

bout the attack. He, the Master of the

Univers, can help us, Hebr 4,16 - use

the Weapons-of->God, Eph 6,12-18, inclu-

de the-WORD-of-God, the Sword-of-the-

[DADDY-Apage]-Spirit (v 17). An example:

Matt 4,4.7.10)

Code "Independence day, tape-time:

1:37:16-1:38:37": Rom 16,20. Links:

Isa 27,1 (Leviathan: Job 3,8; eng: (40,

15); eng 41,1). Job 26,13. Psa 74,14;

(L.: 104,26). Ez 29,3 [monster]; 32,2

[crocodile, REv 13,1]. Matt 10,7-8 [INT-

ON: 14:23:28, Matt 11,5. 2.King 5,16!].

Mark 16,18 [Ac 28,5.8]. Luke 10,18-20

(19: Psa 91,13 [Deu 8,15]). 1.John 3,8;

5,18 [2,13-14]. 1.Chr 29,11 - mission

RETURN (can't find the escape-code, Sir.

We don't know, how it came there in the

Link-program. Got right now INT-15:32:47

- DADDY, Please help! (CET 15:34:42).

Memory in Link-searching: [DADDY busi-

ness: Matt 6,13 [Luk 22,31-32.40. James

1,13] John 17,15. 1.Cor 10,13. 2.Thes

3m3. 2.Pet 2,9. Rev 3,10]. ERROR:1.Chr

29,11. - Link-rest: Rev 12,7-9. JUMP

Psa 103,19.

25/2-1999, CET 12:50:20 - "Det skal du (sende dette brev i dag)."

Yes, Sir!

25/2-1999, CET 13:11:30 - "Login (var ved at skrive Links til 12:

44:40 'Code: Rom ...' - The Voive came

at Gen 3,15 [DK-Links at Rom 16,20])."

25/2-1999, CET 13:22:40 - "Login (Hørte musik: "J.S. Bach: TOOCCA

AND FUGUE IN D MINOR" og læste samtidig:

"...(code: 46,16,16)...)."

25/2-1999, CET 13:27:35 - "Det må du gerne (key: Råb til din Gud,

lovsang '96)."

25/2-1999, CET 13:29:00 - "Det må du gerne (key: Bjergene RÅBER)."

25/2-1999, CET 13:29:31 - "Det skal streges under." - Yes, Sir:

Bjergene RÅBER


25/2-1999, CET 13:39:56 - "Login (Searchstring-program ON:

Indedendence day)."

25/2-1999, CET 13:42:08 - "Login (Reset internal counter)!"

25/2-1999, CET 13:45:54 - "Login ()."

25/2-1999, CET 14:00:54 - "Det må du gerne (internal break: Psa


25/2-1999, CET 14:02:21 - "..."

25/2-1999, CET 14:02:33 - "Login!"

25/2-1999, CET 14:23:28 - "I command you (Links: Matt 10,8:"...

raise the dead ..."

25/2-1999, CET 14:25:34 - "Login." - What's going on, DADDY ?

25/2-1999, CET 14:26:16 - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig."

25/2-1999, CET 14:55:26 - "Login (læste 2.Pet 2,9 og kom til at

tænke på Rev 3,10."

25/2-1999, CET 15:03:58 - "Skriv det ned (Links-searching INT:

Luke 19,10)." - Udskrift, DADDY ?

25/2-1999, CET 15:04:34 - "What's an ordre!" - Yes, Sir:

Luke 19,10

For the son-of-man [own: Jesus] came to

seek and to save what was lost.

25/2-1999, CET 15:07:xx - "Interrupt-program."

25/2-1999, CET 15:14:47 - "Input mark (links-searching INT: 2.Chr

29,10)." - Hvad skal der nu ske, DADDY ?

25/2-1999, CET 15:15:42 - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig."

25/2-1999, CET 15:16:13 - "Det må du gerne (fortsætte links-


25/2-1999, CET 15:20:20 - "Skriv det ned!"

Yes, my Lord:

25/2-1999, CET 15:19-20 - "Login (strejfede James 1,13)."

25/2-1999, CET 15:23:13 - "ALARM (ville spørge Herren om hvordan

2.Chr 29,10 kom ind i "maskinen" - kan

ikke finde dens LInk-RETURN-address)."

25/2-1999, CET 15:28:14 - "Login (was talking, include 'så skal du

have fat i en "computer"-expert')."

25/2-1999, CET 15:29:35 - "STOP her! (Fik mistanke om at Herren

har "anholdt" 2.Chr. 29,10)."

Yes, Sir!

25/2-1999, CET 15:32:47 - "CALL FIRE!"

25/2-1999, CET 15:34:xx - Called help [DADDY-Phone 112].

25/2-1999, CET 15:34:42 - "Mayday program ON."

25/2-1999, CET 15:36:12 - "Login."

25/2-1999, CET 15:36:12 - "(...use the Link-memory 'DADDY-busi-


25/2-1999, CET 15:40:00 - "Det må du gerne (Insert Link-rest [Rev

12,7-9. JUMP Psa 103,19] in the pro-


25/2-1999, CET 15:49:17 - "Det må du gerne (kommentere 15:36:12)."


25/2-1999, CET 15:54:35 - "You are in My [DK-word: by] (was talk-

ing with DADDY)." - Phil 3,20.

25/2-1999, CET 15:58:23 - "Du skal slutte her."

Yes, my Lord.

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.



From Mogens Kall Friday, 26. February 1999

UDN, Denmark CET 09:11:29

OUTPUT-ordre-time: CET 09:12:24

Daycode: DADDY LIVES T+772, 15. Jan. 1997, ?

752, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran

728, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran

657, 10. Mai 1997, Iran

349, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran

322, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY .

Expected "impact": T-21

To the government of Iran,

c/o Ambassador to DK.

Copy: The Muslim World, through the Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Mr. President Khatami,

Day no 19.

Sir! We got new OUTPUT:





26/2-1999, CET

25/2-1999, CET 16:13:15 - "Login (to breve 25/2-99-Iran-letter i

konvolutter, klar til afsendelse)."

25/2-1999, CET 16:19:12 - "Det er fuldbyrdet."

25/2-1999, CET 16:21:16 - "Hold dig parat (New letter)."

25/2-1999, CET 17:53:xx - "Login." - ??? - Time-responce ?

25/2-1999, CET 18:05:10 - "Login (chekede links til Jam 1,14)."

25/2-1999, CET 18:08:37 - "Login." - ??? - Time-responce ?


DADDY-break (26/2-1999):

CET 09:28:27 - "Den, man elsker, tugter man (was talking about

my friends [christian brothers and sisters in-

side Russia, and was thinking about their go-


Muligvis tænkte Herren på Hebr. 12,6.

CET 09:32:37 - "Login (Hebr. 12,6)."


25/2-1999, CET 18:08:37 - "Skriv det ned."

25/2-1999, CET 18:28:48 - "Login (læste DR1 Text-TV side 152 - Is-

rael i kamp med Hizbollah)."

25/2-1999, CET 18:32:39 - "Login." - ??? - Time-responce ?

25/2-1999, CET 18:47:27 - "Login (så flystyrt på nyhederne)."

25/2-1999, CET 19:34:30 - "Præcist (så Euro-News flystyrt. Kom i

tanke om [R..])."

25/2-1999, CET 19:54:15 - "Login (Norge 2 Text-TV, side 134 Is-


25/2-1999, CET 19:54:53 - "Klar til affyring (det har vakt Herrens


25/2-1999, CET 20:10:14 - "Det må du gerne (de gentagne angreb på

Israel har vakt Herrens vrede)."

25/2-1999, CET 10:11:16 - "Den SKAL afsted (besked vedr. 19:54:53-


Yes, Sir!

25/2-1999, CET 20:11:57 - "Login." - ?

25/2-1999, CET 20:12:00 - "Det skal Jeg fortælle dig."

25/2-1999, CET 20:12:xx - "...(classifyed)..."

25/2-1999, CET 20:14:34 - "Diktat fra Mig."

25/2-1999, CET 20:25:57 - "De SKAL ha' en advarsel (en fair chance

for at omvende sig, 19:54:53-20:10:14)."

25/2-1999, CET 22:34:32 - "Sådan skal du gøre det (Jonas-ALARM

dersom jordskælv indtræffer - brev til


25/2-1999, CET 22:35:34 - "Login."

25/2-1999, CET 22:35:34 - "You got OUTPUT-ordre!"

Yes, Sir! - an ordre is an ordre!

25/2-1999, CET 22:36:58 - "It's counting down."

26/2-1999, CET 08:33:11 - "Skriv det ned!"

Herren sagde: "Kommando-broen."


DADDY-break (26/2-1999):

CET 09:49:06 - "Login (Herren kommenterede 8:33:11)."


26/2-1999, CET 08:34:12 - "Login!"

26/2-1999, CET 08:40:12 ...


DADDY-break (26/2-1999):

CET 09:50:xx - "Break ..."

CET 09:51:02 - "Hold dig parat."

Yes, my Lord!

CET 09:53:00 - "Skriv det ned (sagde: Herren skal stride for

eder, men I skal tie [Ex 14,14] - havde lige

talt om Tape 'Sodoma')."

CET 09:56:50 - "Tror du, du kan slippe bort fra Mig?"

CET 09:57:36 - "Da tager du fejl!"

CET 09:58:53 - "Login." - ?

CET 10:01:28 - 'Der foregår et drabeligt slag i øjeblikket' -

det vides ikke med sikkerhed om det var DADDY,

der talte. Time 09:58:53-10:01:28 hørte en

røst sige 'de falder døde om' og 'som fluer'.

Forsøge at "hacke" mig ind, så Herrens ild

fortære (...). Blev afbrudt af 10:01:56.

CET 10:01:56 - "Login."

CET 10:04:34 - "This is a WARNING!"

CET 10:05:01 - "Det må du godt (forsætte indskrivningen)."


26/2-1999, CET ...


DADDY-break (26/2-1999):

CET 10:06:40 - "Det SKAL du!"

Yes, Sir!


26/2-1999, CET 08:40:12 - Kraftigt jordskælv rammer Sibir (Kilde:

Norge TV2 Text-TV side 125)."

26/2-1999, CET 08:42:02 ...


DADDY-break (26/2-1999):

CET 10:10:34 - Coffee-bell-rang!


26/2-1999, CET 08:42:02 - "Login (musik: Drusjki: Mother)!"

26/2-1999, CET 08:42:43 - "Mayday program ON."

26/2-1999, CET 08:44:05 - "Login (opdagede at jordskælvet skete i

går [T-22])."

26/2-1999, CET 08:44:36 - "login (fik mistanke om SZ-"virus"-akti-


26/2-1999, CET 08:48:24 - "Login (tænkte: Vi har fået bekræftet

Jonas-ALARN'en fra "úafhængig" kilde,


26/2-1999, CET 08:52:10 - "Det skal du (give Russia yderligere

ADVARSEL [igt. Johas-ALARN])."

26/2-1999, CET 08:55:12 - "Login (skrev addr. på konvolut til Rus-


26/2-1999, CET 09:08:26 - "Sådan skal den være (have lige skrevet

brevet færdig)."


26/2-1999, CET 09:11:29 - "Login (var ved at skrive brev til


26/2-1999, CET 09:12:24 - "Det må du gerne (OUTPUT-ordre time -


26/2-1999, CET 09:15:10 - "Input Fire-ALARM (I was talking about a

naughty child [Pro 23,13-14])."

26/2-1999, CET 10:23:10 - "Debn skal afsted i dag (dette brev)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:23:xx - "Lad den stå (fejl 'b' i 10:23:10)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:24:48 - "Skriv det ned (hørte musik 'Elisabeth

Ø: SOON (1988), no 7: You bring the sun

out' - (You make the darkness go away) -

Sagde (medens jeg kom til at tænke på

Dem, Hr. Khatami): "Der bliver jo ikke

mere lys af at se på mørket.")."

26/2-1999, CET 10:28:25 - "Det må du gerne (tænkte på at skrive:

musik Next: Follow Me)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:29:45 - Tape-counter-delay: 3« (-4).

26/2-1999, CET 10:35:13 - "BLÆS ALARM (musik: Tchaikovsky: Sympho-

ny no. 5 in E minor, opus 64, Satz: An-

dante - Allegro con anima)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:36:13 - "Login."

26/2-1999, CET 10:37:27 - "You got ordres! (hørte a voice said:


26/2-1999, CET 10:38:00 - "Open Gates."

26/2-1999, CET 10:38:13 - "Fire!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:39:09 - "Login (Called DADDY for help 'Mayday-


26/2-1999, CET 10:39:39 - "Airstreiks!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:41:04 - "OUTPUT Gate (tænkte på 'no 5')."

26/2-1999, CET 10:41:33 - "You better listen NOW!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:41:48 - "Jeg vil gøre det ...!"

Herre, se i nåde til Dine fortabte skab-


26/2-1999, CET 10:42:41 - "I COMMAND you (gå i forbøn ligesom

Abraham gjorde)."

Yes, my Lord!

26/2-1999, CET 0:44:04 - "Du er en salvet tjener (Internal kommu-

nikation, 1.Cor 12-13)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:44:39 - "Du har bemyndigelse (til forbøn)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:47:07 - "Det må du gerne (1.Cor 14,1-3)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:47:45 - "Der Sr sket et under!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:48:04 - "By His [DADDY's] command!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:48:56 - John 16,13

26/2-1999, CET 10:49:07 - "Det kan du være sikker på."

26/2-1999, CET 10:49:37 - "Den skal citeres (10:48:56)."

Yes, SAir!

26/2-1999, CET 10:50:10 - "Lad den stå (fejl 'A' i 10:49:37)."

26/2-1999, CET 0:51:28 - "Login."

26/2-1999, CET 10:51:40 - "Lad den stå (fejl i 10:51:28)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:52:12 - "Det må du gerne (John-citat)."

John (english - ?)

26/2-1999, CET 10:52:34 - "Yes, please!"

John ...

26/2-1999, CET 10:53:38 - "Affyrings-"missil"."

26/2-1999, CET 109:54:00 - "Program ON."

26/2-1999, CET 10:54:16 - "Fire!"

26/2-1999, CET 10:54:29 - "Lad den stå (fejl 10:54:00)."

26/2-1999, CET 10:54:54 - "Login."

26/2-1999, CET 10:55:41 - "Login."

26/2-1999, CET 10:56:08 - "Det skal du (citere John 16,13)."

John 16,13

When, whoever, the Spirit comes, who re-

veals the truth about God [own: JHVH],

he will lead you into all the truth. He

will not speak on his own authority, but

he will speak of what he hears and will

tell you of things to come.

26/2-1999, CET 10:58:40 - "Det er fuldbyrdet."

26/2-1999, CET 10:59:10 - "Login."

26/2-1999, CET 10:59:20 - "Blæs alarm."

26/2-1999, CET 10:59:41 - "Det skal du (blæse alarm ....Time 12


26/2-1999, CET 11:00:27 - "I'm coming."

26/2-1999, CET 11:02:52 - "Det skal du - NU (Afsende brevet)."

Yes, Sir!

END-of-DADDY-breaks 11:03:44.

Yours respectfully,

the servant of Michael.