A Chartreuse Relationship

Look at me - look me in the eye

and tell me that you hate me

Let me hear that beautiful emotion in your honeydew voice

and see it in your red-rimmed orbs

Take off your chains of affection

and unlock your silk-lined handcuffs

oh, how safe it was!

locked up in your casket of love

but I don't want safety (not your safety)

So give me your anger and loathing

and I'll peel away your rubbery touches

(hopefully someday the welts they left will heal)

Listen to my heartbeat

it's not in rhythm with yours anymore, is it?

Don't worry, it was mine that changed, not yours

maybe when your feelings change (like mine did)

we'll be linked again

I need that bit of my soul you have

I must have it back before I can be real again

and release my bitten tongue

I think that poisoned syringe is full

but I can't inject you until you puncture me

Now hate me, dearest, so that I can be.