British Council: “Technology & Connected Learning” 2014

British Council: “Technology & Connected Learning” Conference

Event organiser, speaker and host

A delegation from the British Council visited Hammersmith Campus last week for a series of presentations about connected learning at the College.

Staff from various departments and colleges spoke about how digital technologies have transformed their classrooms, enabling interactive and dynamic learning experiences for students. The College also hosted a live video conference, broadcast on YouTube, featuring staff from colleges around the country to highlight the use of video links as a learning tool.


Feedback from the British Council

"Fantastic challenging presentation and so many people from the College and beyond got involved. I have had some very good feedback from our delegates. Many are very challenged by this which is ideal! I am so pleased we came to your College. You showed a number of examples of issues I had discussed with the group in the morning as well as some that I had not. What was so nice is how the Hangout presentation made the point that technology that works with learning as well as this can't be ignored. Genuine disruptive technology. I was persuaded by what I saw and am off to research connected thinking. Loved it." ~ Geoff Rebbeck

"I loved the visit to Hammersmith and the minibus was buzzing on the way back home. Now I know what google+ is and will start using it." Gail Campbell (British Council)