Using Google Presentation for Poetry

Last spring our 8th grade had about three days of field tripping. Many went to Washington, D.C,

and others went to various places in the Boston area. When we returned I had student write poems.

Students were expected to find a visual of a place they enjoyed -- a memorial or museum, statue

or exhibit -- something that "spoke to them" or that they appreciated. I had them do this on a

Google Presentation and share it with me. We went through a revision process that involved

bringing out clarity, imagery, detail, and theme. I then made a "master presentation" of completed

poem slides and shared these with the team. To accommodate 80+ slides, I made two presentations


The first slideshow is linked here as "View Only" format. I've arranged the link so it opens into

a new window. You won't be able to change this version, but once a GoogleDoc is yours (file,

make a copy) then you can edit it, delete slides, etc.

Part II, Poems Inspired b...DC and Boston Field Trips