Sentence Complexity with Phrases

When students write sentences with more "moving parts," their writing achieves a greater level of complexity. Here are several phrase patterns that can elevate our writing in this way. Each of these links will bring you to a form which has a lot of information about the phrase or sentence pattern and some challenges to write some yourself. If you want to keep a copy of your sentences for yourself, copy them into a new Doc before you submit. I will share out as many as I can -- see the Discovery student examples.

Note to students: Sometimes your sentences can be creative writing (your choice of topic or theme).

Sometimes you will be expected to write about a text (poem, article, story, novel) that you have read recently.

Writing Varied Sentences and Avoiding Sentence Boundary Errors instruction and form.

Prepositional phrases instruction and form.

Questions Answered by Adverbs instruction and form.

Questions Answered by Adjectives (not yet set up)

Verb phrases (not yet set up)

Verbals: Infinitives, Participles, Gerunds and phrases starting with these different verbals:

-- Infinitive Phrases instruction and form.

-- Present participial phrases instruction and form. Discovery student examples.

-- Past participial phrases instruction and form. Discovery student examples.

-- Gerund phrases instruction and form. Discovery student examples.

"Zoom phrase" instruction and form. Discovery student examples.

Magic Three (3 verbs in a series) instruction and form. Discovery student examples.

Using Hyphenated Adjectives for clarity and conversational liveliness -- instruction and form.

Comma Rules and Usage -- instruction and form.

Adjective clauses (not yet set up)