Literary Vocab

hyperbole exaggeration for an effect

indirect characterization subtle portrayal of personality by showing, not telling, i.e., through thoughts, words, and actions...

inference the act of finding meaning not stated

exposition the setting forth of a situation early in a text

rising action events that increase conflict, leading toward the climax

epiphany moment of insight or understanding, often occurring during the falling action

resolution the settling or unwinding of a conflict

predicament a quandary or situation - forcing choices or change

symbolism a device in literature where an object represents an idea or emotion

theme a message or meaning that builds in a story

static character a character who does not change or evolve

round character a character who is 3-D and complex (not about growth)

dynamic character a character who changes and evolves

stock character a character who represents a conventional attitude or stereotyped role

climax the moment of highest tension; things are afterward very different

crisis a moment of tension or flashpoint, but the conflict is unresolved

contrast differences that highlight, making something "pop" out

foreshadowing the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot

verbal irony the words literally state the opposite of the writer's true meaning; sarcasm

situational irony an outcome or events that turn out to be very different from what was expected

allusion a reference to another text, work of art or literature or object

epithet a colorful phrase that describes the attributes of a person or thing (contemptuous, praiseful or humorous)

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