Futuristic Commentary

This is Katie's response to a writing assignment based on a science fiction story students read in Ms. Arena's class. The challenge was to come up with another example of how a person from the far future could look back on our lives now and describe an object that we hold dear, such as the TV, and offer a playful misinterpretation on its role or importance in our lives.


The specimen I have found is obviously from the uncivilized era of ancient history. Clearly a valuable object from the 21st century. With its marvelous stitching, embroidered beads (obviously rare in that time), it was very likely 2.2 million dollars!

Of course, now it would probably be about 10 dollars. Nonetheless in that time, the more you had, the richer you were. The "W" woven into the foot certainly stood for Western civilization because the uncivilized era was obviously very westernized in that period of ancient history. And on that note, I conclude my research. -- Katie C., 5th grade, age 10