Time Capsule for Haley

TIME CAPSULE for Haley Chamberlain! July 30, 2010

Haley, you are a delightful child, as is your big sister Katie.

You are approaching your Rainbow Room year at CCL. You say, “I’m super strong. I can run really fast. And I dive or swim underwater really fast to save people. If they are drowning, they move hands like this (cupping movement), I do this back and I grab their hand.” “I like to glide through the air.” At school, she enjoys her teachers because “I like talking with them and going on walks.” She adds, “I like to play, not nap. I like Mr. Ken’s day (Wednesdays) and Mario’s days.”

Katie says you are “tenacious” (code word). Katie says Haley is learning to say her ABCs and that she has taught her to read the letter D. Katie says Haley loves chasing her around the house for no particular reason. Katie will say, “I’m gonna get you!” Haley agrees, saying, “I like Katie chasing me around, or [then in reverse,] saying “Ahhh! Haley’s gonna get me,” Katie says that Haley likes it when I carry her to the car when she’s sleepy. Haley concurs. Katie knows that Haley loves her.

Mommy says: Haley enjoys reading Tacky the Penguin, The Magic Bone and Hansel and Gretel. Mommy says that this year, Haley is having a great time learning how to swim (Haley emphasizes underwater - and with her mask) and is looking forward to the next swim lesson. She says four days until the next swimming lesson is a long time to wait.

Daddy says you enjoy typing a variety of keys on the keyboard, spinning around in the kitchen with me, picking up Mallory and delivering her to me, sitting on my lap during or after dinner time. She likes to put on my huge size 12 sneakers and walk around the room, laughing and holding her hands out and saying, “I’m Daddy!” She likes Daddy because he’s “cozy.”

Haley has a great sense of humor. For example, she cracked up watching how Katie used a fresh strawberry for a red Rudolph nose, and giggled as she listened to her sing a variation of the song. Haley then sang the song with playful variations incorporating the strawberry. She said, “Wouldn’t it be fun if a raccoon could fly?!” and then ran around downstairs erupting with rooster noises, and flapping her arms. She does like watching “kid shows” on TV, too.

Haley, we love you very much and are so happy you are with us. We wanted you for a long time and you make our family complete.

-- Daddy, Mommy, and Katie