New Research papers show how to best prevent Covid in the first place using diet

Read this research paper based on data from the CDC

Comparison Flu vs Covid-19

World famous doctors explain the effectiveness of masks with the actual scientific research vs hype:

Dr. Fauci on Masks Youtube video link

Dr. Fauci Do you need to vaccinate after catching it and recovering?

Dr. Michael Greger, MD Research on Masks (not effective)

Dr. Keith Moran, MD Bangladesh Study results 300K (not effective) N95 only for immuno compromised individuals

Dr. Vernon Coleman 2022 update on stupidity of masks for Covid--Maskitis

and his book on Masks for free download.

The following links take you to the specific topics to logically put the current situation in perspective as of 8/18/20. They are the best available scientific evidence. The total length of the videos is just over 2 hours--time well spent.

Experts (medical doctors) cannot prevent catching it with all their medical training and precautions

Virologist Dr. Joseph Fair tested negative 8 times yet believes it was Covid-19 (masks not effective example 1)

Dr. David Katz MD whole family sick--is it Covid-19 or the flu?? (masks not effective example 2)

US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy entire family Covid positive (masks nor vaccine prevent catching it)

New Statistics and New Hope

Dr. Doug Lisle psychologist Link starts video after a 2 minute introduction. Excellent to watch to reduce level of stress by applying the latest real numbers to the situation and explaining how and why the media pushes fear mongering.

The population was told to "lockdown" and stay home. Then people only had one thing to listen to--commercial TV which is extremely biased and repetitive. This is a perfect scenario to subject people to the psychological condition called "Cognitive Ease." Here is a good video that explains what happens: The Illusion of Truth by Veritasium People are easily lead to believe things that are not true.

Death rates by country and states by Robert Williams (oustanding charts on twitter). Notice the confluence around the death rate in Sweden and other countries coming together around 0.6 deaths per 1000 or 0.06%.

Dashboard of cases in US by state and county

We now have enough data to assess the various risk factors of dying from Covid-19. Here is a risk calculator to assess your own risk factors.


New Research shows how to best prevent Covid in the first place

Dr. Gil Carvalho MD (most viewed doctor on Internet) provides a balanced view of the issues and what the media won't tell you.

Dr. Mcdougall MD Self-Help approach to save yourself from COVID-19.

Dr. McDougall MD and his wife Mary (Nurse) explain how to minimize Covid-19 risk factors video here.

Sheltering in place does not prevent Covid-19 as shown from data from New York:

The bottom line: Optimize your immune system by eating a Plant-Based Diet with lots of fruit, vegitables and starches (potatoes)--i.e. no animal products (they tend to compromise one's immune system response and increase comorbidity risk factors).

Once you have it then what?

Dr. Robert Cathcart MD presentation on dealing with those with virus

Dr. Robert Cathcart MD correct dosage level of Vit C--known as the "Ascorbate Effect"

Dr. Roger Seheult MD Optimize Immune System (Vit D, NAC, Vit C...) One thing he misses is correct dosage of Vit C as mentioned in above videos by Dr. Cathcart.

2008 Pandemic Prediction by Dr. Michael Greger, MD

Here is his old video explaining the issues with predictions

Why do so few people experience Covid symptoms (less than 1%)? It appears most people might already have antibodies that ward off Covid-19. Here is a paper explaning this valuable research:

Pre-existing Anti-body paper (very technical paper from Canada)

For a risk stratefied approach to healthcare, you would only have to vaccinate or treat people that showed no Anti-bodies present via a simple blood test.

Papers on mask use:

Epidemiologic evidence (not double-blind)

Vaccination after Covid by Dr. Moran study data with confidence intervals VERY GOOD! but technical.

Link to original paper

Dr. Robert Malone (developer of MRNA vaccine) speaks about vaccine, plus integrity, dignity and community. He is backing the Canadian Convoy.